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Draft protocol on co-ordination of agricultural policies in the preferential trade area for the Eastern and Southern African state


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Draft protocol on co-ordination of agricultural policies in the preferential trade area for the Eastern and Southern African state"


Texte intégral




ECA/MULPOC/Lusaka/PTA/1f/3 Au"ust 1979

Original: ENGLISH


Fifth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Team on the Treatv for the Establishment of a Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-19 October 1979






RECALLING the provisi0ns of par~aph ••• of Article ••• of the Treaty

:..," ... ,

for the Bstablishment of'the Preferential Trade Area for Sastern and Southern~. . .~;-' . , ' . Afri,ca which stipulates ,that the co~ordinationof' a.,gricultural policies a.mon"

- ! .-.';'-::~ "" " .,' ' .

the parties to the Treaty shall be set out in a-Protocol to be annexed to the said Treaty;

MINDFUL of the need to co-ordinate agricultural pnlieio~ of member States especially in those sectors relating to food ~roduction, export cro~

production, agora-industries, research \Uld trainingl,

CPllVINCED'that"co-.ordinatibn of agriCultur~ rolieie~ ,~~ ,i\"portaJ:~i"

the pr0!l1otionofctnterlStatii trade and gene~al indulltrial development;

HSREBY AGREE as follows:


-' " -."'-" ARTICLE 1

• ,,Interpretation

of the ""#eai'y." ,

',: -crf/this' protocol,

"Council" means the Council of Ministers established by Artiele' •••••. .,.,

"Intergovernmental institutions" means existing or planned institution"

serving hro or more countries in the Preferential Trade Area to wholly or partially engage in the development of'agriculture ,and faster co-operation in specialised agriculturalflelds.

''''~ember State" means a State member of the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern ~nd Southern Africa.'

"Preferential Trade Area" means the Preferential Trade, Area for Eastern and Southern Afrioan States.

"PTA" means Preferential Trade Area.


ECAlror;pOC!'..,lJ.saka/PTA/V/3 Page 2

"Teohnioal Committee" means the Technioa.l CommittEle.made up of expertsr ' .. - , to be established'under Artiole·;: •• of this Protocol, to undertakespeoific studies related t·~·the oo-ordination of agricult.ural polioies of the Prefuren-

tial~Trade·Areamember states.

·"Treaty" means the 'rreaty establishing the Preferential Trade Area: tilr·

the Sastern and Southern African States•

._" "',r


,;.. :

" :~". ;.

Co-ordiQatio£.of ARFioultnral Policies

The member States ~ndertake to gradually adopt a oommon approaoh to.

agricultura.l deve],op",erit.aii'! t6'co":bfdln£t~th~irpol ioies a.coordingly.

' I <

AF1rrcfJE 3

Co-operation in the Field of the SuPply of· Staple F",.,d Stuffs within the Preferential Trade Area The member Sta·tes shall:

(~) Undertake to ensure adequate f~od seourity in the area by enhAncing food produotio,", to generate


in grains and create adequate storage faoilities within the Preferential Trade Area.

(:2) '.lndertake .to Pr0!1lota tl1eco....,orclinated p'roduction of pr<"ltein :deh"','

-'; .,:

food stu'ff~ suoh as meat, fish, and dairy produots.

'ARTICh~ 4

Co-opera:tidnili·the·Field of ARrjcultura1_Sxport cCommodities The membbr states:

(!;) Shall agree .to oo-ordinate their policies towards export orops.

(~) Shall negotiate collectively international commodity agreement~.f<"lr agricultural export crops,


Shall undertake t,., seek ways of solving specifio orop export problems, suoh as, the exploration of ~orticultural produots in relation to the availability of air freiGht capacity.


;;;CA/:mT"poc/~usak.a!PTA/V/3 Page 3

Co-operation 'in ·theF',91d 'Of AgTo-indus~. ~ies


; " . ' ..,.,

, 'dember states shall:


(~) Co-ordinate their strategies in regard to the promotion of agro- industries bearing in mind the complementarity and interdependence between agricultural and industrial development,


Consult one another concerning t.he establishment of agro-industries

SO as tQ avo;i.d.1.1Jl!)ece<ls<lXY duplicat ion and underut ilisat icn of exist ing and planned capacities.

AnTICL:8 6

Co-operation and Co-ordination of Agricultural-Institutional Policies The 'member 'States shall;

(~) Agree to establish subregional intergovernmental organisations which will be responsible for the co-ordination of existing national insti- tutions and the development of specific agricultural development activities such ,as: the development of land ann water resources, the sharing of

services and technology, marketing and price stabilisation, and research

and, ,t,r,ai,ning. ' ' , , ,

(~) Co-ordinate their views with regard to the establishment of ,

specialized technical committees on agricultural production and trade to

facilitate, ~ alia, the continuous monitoring and regular consultation in those matters that affect various aspects of agricultural production and trade such as crop and livestock 'information, price support policies and market ,intell igence, informatiori~


Seek to establish an export research centre for the Preferential

Trade Area to undertake the development of existing markets and the explora- tion of new markets,

(£) Establish inter-governmental organisations to be formed within the Preferential Trade Area to ensure secure markets and stable prices of speciffc agricultural commodities.


ECA/MULPOC/tuaaka/PTA/3 Page 4,


Settlement of Disp~tes

Any disputes arising out of the interpretation or aprlication.of thi.

protoool shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of Article ••••

of 'Ohe Treaty.

ARTICLE i3 Regulations

The Council' may make regulations for the better carrying out of the

provisions of this protoool.

ARTICLE 9 . . Ariiengmeirt,j' .

This protocol may be amended frcm time to time in accordance with Article •••• of the Treaty•

.l·~ , • .



The protocol shall be open for signature' ,by all member States until

... .. •••••• 1980 at .""Of;' C"fl. and1 subsequently, until· ••-•••••

1980 at the headquarters of the United }Tations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

ARTICLE 11 Ratification

This protocol shall be subject to ratific~tion. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Executive Secretary of the. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

ARTICLS 12 Accession

This protocol shall remain open for accession by all member. States. ,.The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.


ECA/MULPOC/Lusaka/PTA/V/3 Page 5


}llnctions of the Depository

The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa ~hall transmit certified true copies of this ;rotocol to all member

States, and notify them of the dates of deposit of instruments of ratification and accession and shall register this protocol with the Organisation of African Unity, United Nations Organisations and such other organisations as the Council

shall determine.

ARTICLE 14 Entry into Force


This protoool shall enter into foroe on the thirtieth day following the date of de!~sit of the seventh instrument of ratification or accession.

(£) F~r each state ratifying or acceding to this protocol after the deposit of the seventh instrument of ratification or accession, this protocol

shall enter into force on the thirtiet~ day after deposit of such state of its instrument of ratification or accession.

IN WIT1~SS WHE~SOF the follOWing Plenipotentiaries from Eastern and Southern Africa have signed this ~rotocol:

Do~m at ••••••••••••••••••••••• this •••••••••0 • • day of •••0 • • • • • • • •

1980 in the English and Frenoh lan~a.ges, both texts being equally authentic.

Angola Kenya l~ozarnbique Tanzania

Botswana Lesotho Seychelles (United Republic)

Comoros Madagascar Somalia Uganda

Djibouti Malal,i S>raziland Zambia Ethiopia Mauritius


Documents relatifs

Southern African States on the rules of origin for products to be traded between the Member States of the Preferential Trade Area;.. AGREE

cover not only the goods enumerated in the carnet, but also all goods which, though not enumerated therein, may be containedin the sealed section or sections of the means of

Ca llo on t he Afrio a.n sathori tie&#34; rellpooeibl e for the economio

International Monetary Fund, provided that for a national currency of a Meinber State which is not a member of the International Monetary Fund'the exchange rate shall be calculated

During the consideration of any matter at a meeting of the Authority, a^y member of tte Authority may raise a point of order and the Chairman shall make his ruling immediately upon

Meeting of Clearing and Payments Committee of the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States.. 1-5 November 1982

Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa (PTA) Inaugural Meetings of the PTA Technical Committees..

State as.-the Chairman, shall preside at the neeting and in-the absence of such other ne,her of the Council, there shall preside at that noting such ^rtoer of the Council as