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Draft rules of procedure of the Committees of the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Draft rules of procedure of the Committees of the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States"


Texte intégral






20 August 1982.

Original: ENGLISH


Interim Secretariat of the Preferential

Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa (PTA) Inaugural Meetings of the PTA Technical Committees

Lusaka, Zambia

25 October - 5 November 1982





Rule 2. In these Bule^'the expression:


a KeKber state of

as the



Page 2 . ...T

r «.. .. n* ,nv nenber of a Committee as Chairman is due Rule 7. If the temofoffice:ofa^*er^ beirva,held, • thatv —,

to expire at any, *

ire at y,

.whena »e£ng

^ £ ^.

shall. coptinue xn. offxce unt^ ., .lR>r the- >

' concluded when.it . .

Rule a. ^e Chairnan shall open the ninutes of -etingsfor

ana close fe »eetin,s of , present

^ discussion

on cations of procedure „ accordance. with-; the.se Rules ,-■

Place and time of meetings


of Rule 11 of these Rules.

^e u. Where at the reo^of a

hold a meting in a place^: »*« tten Area

the tree ting'been held'at its headquarters. ., ....■..:■■

Rule 12. A Co^ttee »y. at.a feting decide the date of its next meting

or such period as a O>«ttee my aetermne.

Voting and' quorum , / f , -j!r. ^-:-.- . :-i-. ■■•■■■

Rule 14. Every .e^er of'a Ccnittee shall have only one vote.



Rule,16,. The quorum for a meeting of a Committee shall

members of a Committee.

f the



; Page 3

ie Secretary-General shall, in consultation with .therChairmari '6f-

anrt «h-n ' PreP?r•the pro*±9"iorial a?enda o*-'*he meetings of a :Coimittee

States at IpLTV ^Ce^ ^ the TCnfoerS °f -Cb™ittee and the Member

States at least two months before the meetings to which they relate. ' ' . ■ Rule 19 The Secretary-General or his representative shall participa'te" in"''" "

the meetinos. of, a .Committee but withdraw-the right to vote...--. ■:

Disptach of business at meetings, of a Committee ' ' '' '".'•' '' Rule 1Q.:. Proposals or draft resolutions for.sconsideration afa meeting of •>'■''''-

in ad^ffcfSl?-^^1^"9 ^ Gircui^^V ^e Secretary,General a.Syance.pf the, meeting to the ,members,of-af .Committee ^ridr.to" the Member. States:

.-l :.;■. Provided,- however, that' a^;Committee may/ \ ■; '*'""■'-., ■'■".'' ..i'\

if it deems it expedient or desirable,

consider at a meeting a proposal or draft *-;■ ..:. ' :/ - .

'■ ■■■:•. -> :■-^■■-.i-r.-;j -. r?s°lu*i™.-i$:rfrs'Pect ?? V^ich no text has,- 7. ■ "'' '."':

■ ■'■■*,:.."'-•■"■«.■.*■:•■!■ "/.-■' b^n 5ir^,uMt:.?d^li": adyarice 6f .a meeting.''/'.*.. '■ ■ \fj-':"'^"-

or draft resolution may be withdrawn by- the person by wfiomJ

■the consideration of any matter at a meeting of;aCommi|^;J

his ruling immediately upon the point of overpraised.6 ^a^al^m

the rulxng of the Chairman shall be decided by the feting of a CoSdtteeT " :

^eechain^rin9 thedCOnsideration of ^ ^tter at. a meeting of a Committee,


matter has been adequately considered, any member of a Committee


of a Committee,





ECA/MULPOC/Lusaka/PTA/TC/I/l ; ....

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(. ...

(a), to. suspend the meeting, ...,...-■ ^./

(b).'.£6 adjourn the meeting, ;;- ■ .,; X'

\cj '•■ to, postpone1 consideration of ...a1 ■'master, arid

(dY. to end the consideration of ]aJ'rriatiier. ' ■ . ,..>Vv.. .. . . .. ... -■■:.

Dispatch of business at times when a Committee is not meeting ;, '.

Rule '28,' -A Committee may' make provisions fbr^the"disp^ch of business ;at times

vfrien it is not meeting. ".'■*"'... .,. s, ■■.'::!'' ■

Rule 29. Ihe provisions that a Committee, nay .make under Rule 28 of these ..,

p^es -tl±> the dispatch of business at time's when tf. Co^ttee ;is" not,^eUng ^ :

&i:'& it so determined include arrangements."^^,.^i^3^^^?f i-"- -

any function ofaCbmmittee' under the Treaty which ■'may be prbperly ^legated, is delegated, subject to such conditions.as a Committee.may specify, to the Chairman or a member of a Committee j.pr to the Secretary-General.

Miscellaneous , ^ ' . . .. .... ■ l-.:; ,

^ie 30 if there is-'any-doubf as ^to'the procedure to,** followed in any

particular case, or if no procedure is prescribed by, or under the Treaty

these Rules, the procedure-to ibe" followed may be determined by^the/Council, .,.

Rule 31. These Rules.may be amended at a meeting of. a Committee and such

amendment shall apply ■on>y to-.the particular Committee at whose meeting the. ^

amendment is made. , '-!-' ■t..v ' ' ■' ' ., , .

■A \ ' ■

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■>«-V's': -■-..■ ■$':.


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&#34;Preferentia' Trade Area&#34; means the Preferentia ~ Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States~.. the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern anc Southern African

States, and notify them of the dates of deposit of instruments of ratification and accession and shall register this protocol with the Organisation of African Unity, United

The IIl!'!mber ,States undertake ~adually to Finalize a to standardization, quality control and, quality Labe Ls , engage in standardization activities aimed at promoting Trade

Southern African States on the rules of origin for products to be traded between the Member States of the Preferential Trade Area;.. AGREE

cover not only the goods enumerated in the carnet, but also all goods which, though not enumerated therein, may be containedin the sealed section or sections of the means of

International Monetary Fund, provided that for a national currency of a Meinber State which is not a member of the International Monetary Fund'the exchange rate shall be calculated

The secretariat, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Steering Committee, will draw up the provisional agenda prior to each session of the Commission of African Registrars

During the consideration of any matter at a meeting of the Authority, a^y member of tte Authority may raise a point of order and the Chairman shall make his ruling immediately upon