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Characterizing the Enterprise of Military Systems Acquisition


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Characterizing the Enterprise of Military Systems Acquisition"


Texte intégral


Ph.D. Program


Poster Session


Characterizing the Enterprise of



Military Systems Acquisition

Robb Wirthlin, Ph.D. Candidate

Thesis advisor: W. Seering, Professor

Committee: W. Seering, Professor; S. Widnall, Professor;

D. Lessard, Professor

Start date: September 2005

Research Group: Lean Product Development, Lean

Advancement Initiative

Chronic execution problems for large, complex, systems


Department of Defense Acquisition

A systemic issue: 30% -

40% cost and schedule overrun on

average (Source: Summary Selected Acquisition Reports,

last 30 years; Biery, Miller & Lessard, others)

Literature suggests Risk is part of the problem

Risk is underappreciated in large, complex projects (see

Megaprojects and Risk by Flyvbjerg)

The GAO, RAND, IDA and other groups have recently told DoD

this too.


For some, it means “almost anything that can go wrong”

Others see opportunities in Risk

Still others specify it further: political risk, technical risk,

organizational risk, technology risk, etc.

Is Risk at the Heart of Acquisition Problems?


Is risk really the problem? If so, we should manage risk

better, right?


And how do we manage risk better? What is the answer?


Would using portfolio theory help manage Enterprise risk?

A Representation of the Enterprise of “Cradle to


Acquisition in the US Air Force

Conducting grounded research using Social Science Research methods to

characterize the AF Acquisition system. Over 50 interviews of key players

within system talking about risk and portfolios of systems


Borrowed ideas and concepts from Value Stream mapping


Using commonly accepted understandings of risk; probabilities and



Represented activity in frame of reference understandable to target

audience: military and civil servants in AF

Main unit of measurement is a “program”

Restricted to ACAT I, II, and III programs; Limited to Milestone

C and

earlier in Acquisition phase parlance

Motivation / Problem

The Research


Key Question(s)

Model tacitly accounts for portfolio “interdependencies”


problem identified in all interviews but deemed impossible to


Model reflects “things as they really are”, not theory

Model can be programmed and will lend itself to simulation

exercises and sensitivity analyses

Work represents first Enterprise Systems Analysis for Military

Systems Acquisition using this methodology

Preliminary Results

Remaining Research

Wrap Up

Robb Wirthlin

Finish the model Verification and Validation, program the model;

run and debug

Examine 2 or 3 key questions using the model with priority given

to questions dealing with portfolios and risk

For example: What is the overall process yield? What fraction

of time spent is value-added? What is the cost of waiting?

What interventions require the least disturbance to the

existing system?

Interview analyses suggests many root causes of Acquisition

anomalous behaviors originate outside of the formal Acquisition


Concept of managing through portfolios is immature and

portfolio risk understanding is primitive outside Acquisition as


Ev ent Hap pen sSc ope G rowth/T ech nic al Pro ble ms?YES T o "Prep are Cou rses of Actio n" i n Acq uis iti on Swim lan e Yes of NO Ta skCo mpl ete?


Yes T o Prototy pe Eng in eeri ng Mo de lsF ol low pa th at ap prop ria te stag e Con tra ct Start-up Perform work

Deve lo pme ntal testi ng (Sys tem), Li ve F i re T est, Op erati ona l Ass ess men t Inte grate d tes ting F ab rica tionAsse mbl y Comb ine d T es ting (DT &E, OT &E, LF T &E) Ch ang e Con tra ct/Resc ope e ffo rt (c ost/s che dul e i mpac t) Differen t Di strib utio n pro file and len gth d epe ndi ng u po n path ta ken Adj ust Prog ram an d Con tra ct (co st/sc hed ule esti mate s rev ise d)... Scop e an d Award Sys tem Dev elo pme nt an d Demo nstra tion con tra cts (o r Ao A)

Contrac t Man age men t Are Ob s &Exp OK?F u ndsRedi recte d Pre pare Co urse s of Actio n Pe rio dic Re vi ews

Intern all y or e xterna ll y ge nera ted mul tip le ti mes p er ye ar YesNo

Ye s

Se ek fun ds ? sc op e growth o r tec hni ca l pro ble ms

No Co ntract Cha ng e Re qui red? F u ndi ngSh ortfall PEM /o ther s ta ff fi nd m one ys Ye s

NoYes Obtai nF un ds?(tim ely )NoYes End l oo p Repe at "n" ye ars

Syste ms Eng ine eri ng Syste m Performa nceSpec ific ati on

Pro totyp es/Eng in eeri ngMo del s T o Req uire men ts

Acq ui siti on Pl ann ing Activ itie s Sou rce Sel ecti on Pl ans

Draft RF P Pre para tion RFP c oord ina tion proc ess Pre para tion for Acqu isi tio n Pane lsAc qui si tion Pa nel s MDA Ap prov al?


M il eston e C


RFP rel ea se a nd Sou rce Sel ec tion T o MAJ CO M PEM

Bu dg et in put To Budg et in puts

KPPs fro m Requ ire men ts Protes t?No

Del ay


Uphe ld?NoYes

Eng in eeri ngRe vi ews?Ye s

Rework a nd De lay


Ac qui siti on Pro gram Ba sel ine Afford abi li ty Asse ssm ent F ul l F und in g in FYDP

Acq uis iti on Pan el s Desi gn Re din essRe vi ew?/MDAAppro val F rom Req ui re men ts F rom Pl ann in g & Bu dge ting


Sys tems En gi nee ring Prototy pes /Eng ine erin gMod el s

T o Req ui re men ts Sys temVeri fica tionRevi ew?


Re wo rk an d Del ay



In iti al Rate prod ucti onBase li ne Progra m Offic e Cost Esti mate Co ntrac to r Co st Esti mate Inde pen den t Co st Estim ate

T o Eve nt Happ ens step T o Sys te ms En gin eeri ng s tep

T o Eve nt Happ ens T o Sys tems En gin eeri ng Prep arati on for Acq ui siti on Pa nel s

T est Rea dei ne ss Re vie w Re wo rk an d Del ay

Ma ke T rad es? Re work a nd Del ay T o Req ui re men ts T o Requ ire ments





T o Eve nt Happ ens T o Sys tems En gin ee ring T o Ev ent Hap pen s T o Sy stem s Engi ne erin g T o Even t Ha ppe ns s tep

T o Syste ms Eng in eeri ng Step Adv an ced Co nce pts Bud ge t Req ue stMAJCO M PEMDec is ion to pu rsue

Retry? Arc hiv e

M AJCOM Pan elNex t s tep?MAJCO M Grou pNext Step ?M AJ COM Cou nci lNe xt Step?AF l ev el p roce ssNe xt Step?O SD Proc ess Rele ase mon eys to Acqu isi tio n Re pea t n+ 2 tim es

T o Ac qui si tionF a llo ut of Bud get Proc ess i mpa cti ng p lan ni ng

DoD POM?OMB BESCo ngre ssl aw PDM?PBD Y or N Y Go to "Prep are Cours es of Acti on " (Ac qu isi tion Ste p) Y or N



Yes - in forma tion onl yYes cha nge s toBES? Y or N


CCD Cap abi li ty Road map "wish lis t" fo r bud get su bmi ss ionPre pa re Conc ept o f O pera tionT hres hol d Ob jec tiv e T ra de offs Deci si on to p ursu e req ui re men ts (i ndi vi dua l org ) Arc hi ve


Dra ft Bri efin g an d ma te ria ls (in di vid ual orga ni zati ons ) "Coo rd " and "Co ncu r" MAJCOM "A" Lette rs Deci de to purs ue Ind ivi du al o rg


Up date brie f and materi al s (In div id ual org)Y


Up da te and sch edu le cal end ar(i ndi vid ua l org ) Y Pre-RSRMAJCOM A8


F in al ize RSR & Cale nda r item s (Ind iv idu al o rg)Mr. Harry Dis browRSR





Hi gh Perfo rman ce T ea m (MPT ) wo rk HQ USAF A8 o rg Draft Do cu ment ( CDD) Fo rm High Pe rforma nce T e am (HPT ) HQ USAF A8 org

Inform atio n to Acq uis iti on Sys tem for pre pato ry wo rk

Air Sta ff Pro ces sHQ AF A5RDCriti ca l Comm ents ? HQ AF A5 RD Comme nt Res olu tion MAJCOM org MAJCOM a ppro val ?




AF RO C p repa ratio nsMAJCOM o rg AFROC de ci sio n?AF ROCNJo in t inte re st?O SDN

Jo int Proc essJ8

Criti cal Comm ents?J8Y

J ROC Pre para tion s MAJCOM o rg N J ROC d ec isi on ?JROCYN

CPD?Ye s Wa it fortec hn ica l res ul ts

NoPre pare fo r Mil es to ne Re vie w In terac tion with Acq uis iti on

M ore Deta il ed res ul ts fro m Pro totyp es/Eng in eeri ng M ode ls Ac qui si tion Re sul ts Info to Ac qui si tion abo ut CONOPScap ab ili ty "wis h li sts"

Co ntract Start-up Perfo rm wo rk Ev ent Hap pe nsT ech ni cal Pro bl ems ?YESSc ope Growth/

T o "Pre pare Co urse s of Acti on" i n Acq ui siti on Swim lan e


T as kCo mpl ete?



T o SRR Cha ng e Contrac t/Re sc ope e ffort (cos t/s ch edu le i mpa ct) Di ffe rent Dis tribu tion profi le a nd l eng th de pen di ng u pon p ath tak en Adj us t Pro gram a nd Con tract (c ost/sc he dul e es tima tes rev is ed)... Sco pe a nd Award T e chn olo gy De vel opm ent c ontrac ts

Co ntrac t M ana ge ment Are O bs &Ex p OK?Fu nd sRe di re cted Prep are Cou rses o f Ac tion Perio di c Revi ews

In terna ll y or ex terna ll y gen erate d mul tipl e tim es p er ye ar Ye sNo Ye s See k fun ds? s cop e gro wth or te chn ica l p ro bl ems No Contrac t Ch ang e Req ui red? Fu ndi ngSh ortfal l PEM/othe r s tafffind mon eys


NoYe s Obta inF u nds ?(ti mel y)NoYes End loo p Rep eat "n" y ears

Sys tems En gin ee ring Prefe rre dSys temConc ept

Sys tem Perfo rm anc eSpe cifi ca tionT o Req ui re men ts Acqu is itio n Pla nni ng Ac tivi ties

So urce Se le ctio n Pla ns Draft RF P Prep arati onRF P co ordi nati on p roce ss Prep arati on fo r Ac qui si tion Pa ne ls Acqu is itio n Pane ls

MDA Appro val ?


Mil esto ne B


RF P re lea se a nd So urce Se lec tion T o M AJ COM PEM

Budg et in put T o Bu dge t inp uts KPPs from Req uire men ts Pro test?No De lay Yes Up hel d?No Yes SRR? Yes Rework a nd Del ay No

Acqu is itio n Progra m Base li ne Afforda bil ity As ses sme nt F u ll F u ndi ng i n F YDP

T o Eve nt Ha pp ens T o Ev ent Hap pen s ste p Ad van ced Co nc epts Bu dge t Re que stMAJ CO M PEMDe cis io n to p ursue

Retry? Arc hiv e

MAJCOM Pan elNex t step ?MAJ CO M Grou pNex t Ste p?MAJCOM Cou nci lNext Step ?AF le ve l proc es sNex t Ste p?O SD Proc ess Rele as e mon eys to Acq ui siti on Re pea t n+ 2 tim es

To Ac qui si tionFa ll out of Bud ge t Proc ess imp acti ng p lan ni ng

Do D PO M?OM B BESCong ressl aw PDM?PBD Y or N Y Go to "Prep are Co urse s of Acti on" (Ac qui si tion Ste p) Y o r N



Yes - i nforma tio n on ly Yescha ng es toBES?

Y o r N

Ye s

DraftCCD KPP Dev elo pme nt De ci sio n to p ursu e requ ire men ts (in di vid ua l org) Arch iv e


Draft Brie fing and mate rial s (ind iv idu al orga niz atio ns) "Coord " a nd "Con cur" MAJCOM "A" Le tters De ci de to p ursu eIndi vi dua l org


Up date b rie f a nd m ateri als (Ind ivi du al o rg)Y


Up date a nd s ch edu le c ale nd ar(in div id ual org) Y Pre-RSRM AJ COM A8


F in ali ze RSR & Ca le nda r i tems(Indi vi dua l o rg )RSRMr. Ha rry Disb row HQ USAF A8




Hig h Perform anc e T eam (MPT) work HQ USAF A8 o rg Draft Docu men t (CDD) F o rm High Pe rfo rman ce T ea m (HPT) HQ USAF A8 o rg

Info rmati on to Ac qui si tion Sy stem for p re pa to ry work Air Sta ff Pro ces s HQ AF A5RD Criti cal Comme nts?HQ AF A5RD

Co mme nt Reso lu tion MAJCOM o rg MAJCOM a ppro val ?




AFRO C p repa ra tio nsM AJ COM orgAF ROC de ci sio n?AF ROC


Jo int i ntere st?O SDN Joi nt Proc essJ8

Criti cal Comme nts?J 8Y

J RO C Pre parati on s M AJCOM org N J RO C d eci si on?J RO CYN

CDD?Ye s Wa it fortec hni ca l res ults


Pre pare fo r M il esto ne Rev ie w Prel imi nary Re sul ts from Ac qui si tionMo re Acq uis iti on Res ults

Pe rson ne l from Acq ui siti on o ffice wo rki ng o n this parti cul ar ac tiv ity

Co ntrac t Sta rt-u p Perform work Eve nt Happ ens

Sc ope Growth/ T e chn ica l Prob lem s?YES T o "Pre pare Co urse s of Acti on" i n Acq ui siti on Swim lan e YES an d NO

T askCom ple te?



To Pre ferred Sy stem Con ce pt Chan ge Co ntract/Res cop e effort (co st/sc hed ul e im pac t) Differe nt Distri buti on p rofil e an d le ngth dep end ing upo n pa th take n Adju st Progra m an d Contrac t (cos t/sch edu le e sti mates revi sed )... Pre pare for Ac qu isi tio n Pane ls

Ac qui si tion Pa ne l (DAB, MDA, ADM , e tc) Scop e an d Award Study con tracts (o r Ao A)

Con tra ct Ma nag eme nt Are Ob s &Exp O K?Red irec tedF un ds Prepa re Cours esof Acti on

Pe riod ic Re vie ws Inte rnal ly o r exte rn al ly g ene rated mu lti ple time s pe r y ear YesNo


Seek fu nds ? sc ope growth or tech ni cal prob lem s


Contrac t Ch an geRequ ired ? F un din gSho rtfa ll PEM/othe r staff fi nd mo ne ys

Ye s


O btai nF und s?(time ly )NoYes End l oop Re pea t "n" yea rs

Sy stem s Engi ne erin g Be st Ma te ria lAp proa che s Data fromUser Stud ies Pre li min aryIn tegra tedArch etic ture

Preferre dSy stem Co nce pt T o Req ui re men ts

Ac qui si tion Plan nin g Activ iti es Sou rc e Sel ecti on Pl ans

Draft RF P Prep arati on RF P c oo rd in atio n pro ces s Prepa ratio n for Acq uis iti on Pan els Ac qui si tion Pa nel s

M DA App rova l?


Mil es tone A

Ye s

RF P re lea se a nd Sou rce Sel ec tion T o MAJCOM PEMBu dge t inp ut

T o Bud get i npu ts

T o Ev ent Hap pen s ste p Ap prov al?



Pre pare Pro gram b udg et de cis io n (PBD) F rom Re qui reme nts s ystem : Dra ft d ocu men t fo r bas is o f wo rk

Adv anc ed Co nce pts Bud get Req ues tMAJCOM PEMDeci si on to pu rsue Re try ? Archi ve

M AJ COM Pan elNe xt step ?M AJCOM Gro upNext Step ?MAJCOM Co unc ilNe xt Step? AF le vel proc essNe xt Ste p?Pro gram min g Iss ues &

Bu dge ting He ari ngs DoD PO M?OSD

BESO MB & Con gres sla w

Re lea se m one ysto Ac qui si tion Re pea t n + 2 time s

T o Acqu is itio nF all ou t o f Bu dge t Pro ces s im pac ting pla nni ng



Go to "Prep are Co urse s of Acti on" (Ac qui si tion Ste p) Y o r N



Yes - info rmatio n on ly Yesc han ge s toBES?

Y o r N


Ye s


Dec is ion to pu rs ue re qui reme nts(ind iv idu al o rg) Archi ve


Dra ft Brie fing and mate rial s (ind iv idu al orga niz atio ns) "Coo rd " and "Co ncu r"MAJCOM "A" Le tte rs

De cid e to pu rsue In di vid ua l org


Up date b rief a nd m ateri als (Ind ivi du al o rg)Y


Up date and sch edu le c al end ar (in di vid ual org) Y Pre -RSRMAJCOM A8


F in ali ze RSR & Ca le nda r items (In di vid ual org) RSR Mr. Harry Di sbro wHQ USAF A8



con du ct Ao A?(i ndi vi dua l org )


No, bec au se o f wo rk alre ady don e Hig h Performa nce T eam (M PT ) workHQ USAF A8 orgDra ft Do cum ent (ICD o r draft CDD) F orm Hig h Performa nce T eam (HPT )HQ USAF A8 org De tail s of Prefe rre d Sys tem Con cep t (Pre lim ina ry) Air Staff Proce ss

HQ AF A5 RD Criti cal Comm ents?HQ AF A5 RD Comme nt Reso lu tionMAJ CO M org MAJ CO M app rova l?




AF ROC prep arati onsMAJCOM o rgAF RO C d eci si on?AFROC


Joi nt in teres t?OSDN J oin t Pro ces sJ8 Criti cal Comm ents? J 8Y

J ROC Pre para tion s MAJ CO M org N JROC dec is ion ?J ROCY



Ye s


F und ing ava il abl e? (i ndi vi dua l o rg )Y Cond uct Stud y or Ana lys is(ind ivi du al o rg)


High Performa nce Te am (MPT ) workHQ USAF A8 orgDraft Doc ume nt (ICD) F orm Hig h Performa nce Te am (HPT )HQ USAF A8 org Ob tain fund ing from Ad va nce d Conc epts Bra nch

In forma tion to Ac qu isi tio n Syste mfor pre pato ry work De cis io n to pu rsue re qu irem ents

(i ndi vi dua l org ) Arch ive


Dra ft Bri efin g an d mate rial s (in div id ual orga niz ati ons ) "Coo rd" an d "Co nc ur" MAJCOM "A" Le tters De cid e to p ursu e Indi vi dua l org


Upda te bri ef an d mate rial s(Indi vi dua l org )Y


Up da te and sch edu le cal end ar (i ndi vid ua l org )




F in al ize RSR & Cale nda r item s(In di vid ua l org) RSRMr. Harry Dis brow HQ USAF A8



Re qui reme nts Proc ess Inp uts from vari ous sou rces F or e xis tin g prog ram? (Req uire men ts Poli cy sho p)


Extern al i npu t Ro ute to p rope r orga niz atio n(Requ ire men ts Po li cy Sh op) Ro ute to Adv anc ed c on cep ts (Re qu irem ents Po li cy Sho p) O ther in pu ts Pro ce ss Start

In sc ope of exi sti ng d ocu men ts? (in di vid ua l org)


Put in to mod erni za tion pla nni ng and sen d to Acq ui siti on(ind iv idu al org)


Requirements Swimlane

Budgeting and Programming Swimlane



to Acq ui siti on M ode rniz ati on/Sus tain men t Ac tivi tyTh resh ol d cros sed ?M DAP Co nti nue



Budgeting and Programming Swimlane



Budgeting and Programming Swimlane


Contractors Requirements Swimlane Requirements Swimlane Funding available?

(individual org)

Conduct Study or Analysis (individual org) Y N RSR Mr. Harry Disbrow HQ USAF A8 N





Sources: Official

Docs, Interviews


Probability: 98%

Funding Available?

Decision point





Probability: 80%

Conduct study or analysis –



Sources: Official docs, Interviews



Time Distribution: 45 to 180 days;

binomial, p=0.40

Model Design: Every decision point, every process task, where

possible, is thoroughly documented and sourced

Characterizing the Enterprise of Acquisition: A Model for Analysis

Swim Lanes are used to show key processes. A “rectangle”

is a task with a time distribution associated with it (represented by a binomial distribution and a designated p-value)

A “diamond”

is a decision point with a branching probability to “yes”

or “no”. A “oval”

is information and serves to connect processes between swim lanes. A “parallelogram”

shows the product of a process

"The views expressed on this poster are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. "

“This ain’t


science. It’s much,

much harder than that.”


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