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Show that X/Ais also a CW complex


Academic year: 2022

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Master 2: Homotopy Theories 2021-2022

Worksheet 3


Exercise 1(Examples of CW complex).

(1) Forn∈N, isRna CW complex? It is a finite CW complex?

(2) Show that the product X×Y of two finite CW complexes is again a CW complex.

(3) Let(X,A)be a relative CW complex. Show that X/Ais also a CW complex.

(4) Show that then-times iterated (unpointed) suspensionΣnXof a CW complex is again a CW complex, where

ΣX B X×I X×∂I .

(5) Let f :X →Y be a cellular map between CW complexes. Show that the factorisation of f X // // Cyl(f) // Y

is the composite of two cellular maps.

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Exercise 2(C in CW complex).

(1) Show that every CW complexX is in set-theoretical bijection with X




whereD˚n=Dn\∂Dn is the interior ofDn, withD˚0=D0={∗}by convention.

(2) Show that any compact subspace of a CW complex intersects only a finite number of cells.

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Exercise 3(Infinite CW complexes).

(1) Show that the n-dimension sphereSn, for anyn ∈ N, admits a CW complex structure with twok-dimensional cells for any06k6n.

By passing to the colimit

S0⊂S1⊂S2⊂ · · · ⊂S =[



this defines a new CW complex called theinfinite dimensional sphereand denoted byS. (2) Let X be a CW complex which is the union (colimit) of an increasing sequence of CW


X1 ⊂X2⊂X3⊂ · · · ⊂ X =[



such that each inclusion Xn Xn+1is nullhomotopic. Show thatX is contractible.

(3) Show thatS is contractible.

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Exercise 4(Extension Lemma).



(1) Let(X,A)be a relative CW complex and a map f : A→Y withY path connected. Show that f extends to a mapF:X →Y

A f //






ifπn−1(Y)=0for anynsuch thatX\Ahas cells of dimensionn.

(2) Let(X,A)be a CW pair such that Ais contractible. Show thatX retracts to A.

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Exercise 5(Cellular approximation).

(1) Show that every map f :X →Y between CW complexes is homotopic to a cellular map.

Hint: We will assume the following result, see [Hatcher, Lemma 4.10]. Letf :(X,A)→(Z,Y) be a map of CW-complexes such that the dimension of Ais less thann, X\Ais made up of only onen-dimensional cell, the dimension ofY is less than m,Z\Y is made up of only one cell of dimensionN >m. The map f is homotopic relative to Ato a mapg:(X,A)→(Z,Y) such thatg(X\A)misses a point ofZ\Y.

(2) Prove thatπk(Sn)=0fork<n.

(3) Show that every map f :(X,A)→(Y,B)between CW pairs is homotopic to a cellular map.

(4) Let(X,A)be a CW pair such thatX\Ahas only cells in dimension greater thann. Show that (X,A)isn-connected, that isπk(X,A)=0, fork6n.

(5) Let X be a CW complex. Show that the CW pair X,X(n−1)

is n-connected and that the inclusionX(n−1) X induces isomorphisms

πk X(n−1)

−→πk(X), fork<n, and a surjectionπn X(n−1)


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Exercise 6(Postnikov tower).

(1) Let X be a CW complex. Forn > 1, show that there exists a CW complex Xn for which X ⊂Xn is a CW subcomplex and which satisfies

( πk(Xnk(X), fork 6n, πk(Xn)0, fork >n.

(2) Show that there exists mapsXn+1→ Xn which make the following diagram commutative ...



X //88AA X1

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Bruno Vallette:vallette@math.univ-paris13.fr. Web page: www.math.univ-paris13.fr/∼vallette/.



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