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世 界 衛 生 大 會 决 議 R E S O L U T I O N О F T H E W O R L D H E A L T H A S S E M B L Y R É S O L U T I O N DE L ' A S S E M B L É E M O N D I A L E D E L A S A N T É Р Е З О Л Ю Ц И Я В С Е М И Р Н О Й А С С А М Б Л Е И З Д Р А В О О Х Р А Н Е Н И Я R E S O


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


世 界 衛 生 大 會 决 議

R E S O L U T I O N О F T H E W O R L D H E A L T H A S S E M B L Y R É S O L U T I O N DE L ' A S S E M B L É E M O N D I A L E D E L A S A N T É Р Е З О Л Ю Ц И Я В С Е М И Р Н О Й А С С А М Б Л Е И З Д Р А В О О Х Р А Н Е Н И Я R E S O L U C I O N D E L A A S A M B L E A M U N D I A L D E L A S A L U D


25 May 1979


The Thirty-second World Health Assembly, Recalling resolutions WHA31.32 and EB63.R20;

Convinced that an adequate supply of essential drugs is indispensable for attaining

’health for all by the year 2000";


. 2 .

ENDORSES resolution EB63.R20;

REITERATES the validity of the guiding principles embodied in resolution WHA31.32 ; THANKS the Director-General for his report ;1

4. URGES Member States to take action in accordance with resolution WHA31.32 and to participate in the Action Programme on Essential Drugs, concentrating on ways and means of rational procurement ; on more suitable training ; and on fuller and more objective

information of all health workers involved in the utilization of drugs ;

5. REQUESTS the Director-General to establish a special programme on essential drugs,

including its administrative s t r u c t u r e a n d to make provision for the initial financing from the Director-General's and/or Regional Directors' Development Programmes, if necessary.

Fourteenth plenary meeting, 25 May 1979 A32/vR/l4

1 Document A32/lO.

2 Resolution EB63.R20, para. 3.


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