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On the realization of Riemannian symmetric spaces in Lie groups II


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On the realization of Riemannian symmetric spaces in Lie groups II

Jinpeng An

, Zhengdong Wang

School of Mathematical Science, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, PR China Received 14 April 2005; received in revised form 11 January 2006; accepted 11 January 2006


In this paper we generalize a result in [J. An, Z. Wang, On the realization of Riemannian symmetric spaces in Lie groups, Topology Appl. 153 (7) (2005) 1008–1015, showing that an arbitrary Riemannian symmetric space can be realized as a closed submanifold of a covering group of the Lie group defining the symmetric space. Some properties of the subgroups of fixed points of involutions are also proved.

©2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

MSC:primary 22E15; secondary 57R40, 53C35

Keywords:Symmetric space; Involution; Embedded submanifold

1. Introduction

Suppose G is a connected Lie group with an involution σ. Then the Lie algebra g of G has a canonical de- compositiong=k⊕p, wherekandpare the eigenspaces of ingwith eigenvalues 1 and−1, respectively. Let Gσ = {gG|σ (g)=g}, and supposeKis an open subgroup ofGσ. Suppose moreover that AdG(K)|pis compact, that is,G/Khas a structure of Riemannian symmetric space. In the particular case thatK=Gσ, it was proved in [1]

thatP =exp(p)is a closed submanifold ofG, and there is a natural isomorphismG/Gσ∼=P. This gave a realization of the symmetric spaceG/Gσ inG. In this paper we generalize this result to the case of arbitrary symmetric space G/K, that is, the case thatKis an arbitrary open subgroup ofGσ such that AdG(K)|pis compact.

In Section 2 we will make some preparation for this generalized realization. Some properties of the subgroupGσ will be examined. We will prove the following results.

• There exists a covering groupGofGwith covering homomorphismπsuch that there is an involutionσonG withπσ=σπ, and such thatπ1(K)=(G)σ.

This work is supported by the 973 Project Foundation of China (#TG1999075102).

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:anjinpeng@gmail.com (J. An), zdwang@pku.edu.cn (Z. Wang).

0166-8641/$ – see front matter ©2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



• The quotient group Gσ/Gσ0 is isomorphic to(Z2)r for some non-negative integerr, where Gσ0 is the identity component ofGσ.

Gσ is connected ifπ1(G)is finite with odd order.

In Section 3 we will give the precise statement of the realization of arbitrary symmetric spaces in Lie groups. Briefly speaking, a symmetric spaceG/Kis diffeomorphic to a closed submanifoldPof a covering groupGofG, whereG is chosen such thatπ1(K)=(G)σ. The idea of the proof is thatG/K∼=G1(K)=G/(G)σ∼=expG(p)=P. 2. The subgroups of fixed points of involutions

For a Lie groupH with an automorphismθ, we always denoteHθ= {hH|θ (h)=h}, and denote the identity component ofHθ byH0θ. In this section we prove the following two theorems. The realization of arbitrary symmetric spaces in Lie groups will be based on Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 2.1.LetGbe a connected Lie group with an involutionσ, K an open subgroup ofGσ. Then there exists a covering groupGofGwith covering homomorphismπsuch that there is an involutionσonGwithπσ=σπ, and such thatπ1(K)=(G)σ.

Theorem 2.2.LetGbe a connected Lie group with an involutionσ. Then the quotient groupGσ/Gσ0 is isomorphic to(Z2)r for some non-negative integerr, andr=0ifπ1(G)is finite with odd order.

First we introduce some notations. LetGbe a connected Lie group with an involutionσ. Forg, hG, denote the set of all continuous pathsγ:[0,1] →Gwithγ (0)=gandγ (1)=hbyΩ(G, g, h), and denoteπ1(G, g, h)= {[γ] | γΩ(G, g, h)}, where[γ]is the homotopy class relative to endpoints determined byγ. Note thatπ1(G, g, g)is the fundamental groupπ1(G, g)ofGwith basepointg. ForgGσ andγgΩ(G, e, g), letγgσΩ(G, e, e)be defined as

γgσ(t )=

γg(2t ), t∈ [0,12];

σ (γg(2−2t )), t∈ [12,1].

The setπg= {[γgσ] |γgΩ(G, e, g)}is a subset ofπ1(G, e). Forg1, g2Gσ, if they belong to the same coset space ofGσ0, it is obvious thatπg1=πg2. So we can defineπ[g]=πgforgGσ, where[g]denotes the coset spacegGσ0. We denote the identity element ofπ1(G, e)bye.

Lemma 2.3.ForgGσ[g1]=π[g], that is,xπ[g]⇐⇒x1π[g].

Proof. It is obvious from the equation[γgσ]1= [γg)σ]. 2 Lemma 2.4.ForgGσ[g]=π[g−1].

Proof. For[γgσ] ∈π[g],[g1)σ] ∈π[g1], whereγg1(t )=γg(t )1. But by Lemma 16.7 in [4],[γgσ] · [g1)σ] = [γgσ]·[gσ)1] = [γgσgσ)1] =e, wheregσgσ)1)(t )=γgσ(t )(γgσ)1(t ). So by Lemma 2.3,[γgσ] = [g1)σ]1π[1

g1]=π[g−1]. This provesπ[g]π[g−1]. By symmetry, we have the equality. 2 Lemma 2.5.Forg1, g2Gσ,[γgσ

1] ·π[g2]=π[g1g2]for each[γgσ

1] ∈π[g1]. Henceπ[g1]·π[g2]=π[g1g2]. Proof. Let[γgσ

2] ∈π[g2]. By Lemma 16.7 in [4],[γgσ

1] · [γgσ

2] = [γgσ


2] = [g1γg2)σ] ∈π[g1g2]. So we have[γgσ

1] · π[g2]π[g1g2]. To prove the equality, denotex= [γgσ

1], and consider the maplx:π[g2]π[g1g2]defined bylx(y)= xy. Sincex1π[g1


1 ],x1·π[g1g2]π[g2]. So we can also define the maplx1:π[g1g2]π[g2]by lx1(y)=x1y. Sincelxlx1 =id,lxis surjective. This meansx·π[g2]=π[g1g2], henceπ[g1]·π[g2]=π[g1g2]. 2 Lemma 2.6.LetKbe an open subgroup ofGσ. ThenπK:=

kKπ[k]is a subgroup ofπ1(G, e).


Proof. By Lemma 2.3, eachπ[k]is closed under the inverse operation, hence so isπK. By Lemma 2.5,πK is also closed under multiplication. 2

By Lemma 2.6, π[e]=π(Gσ

0) andπ(Gσ) are subgroups ofπ1(G, e). By Lemma 2.5, for each gGσ and each xπ[g],π[g]=x·π[e]. Soπ[g] is a coset space of π[e] inπ(Gσ), that is, an element in the quotient groupΠσ = π(Gσ)[e](note that the fundamental group of a Lie group is always Abelian). Define the mapf:Gσ/Gσ0Πσ by f ([g])=π[g]. By Lemma 2.5,f is a homomorphism.

Lemma 2.7.LetGbe a connected Lie group with an involutionσ. ThenGσ has finite many connected components.

If moreoverGis simply connected, thenGσ is connected.

Proof. The subgroupΣ= {id, σ}of the automorphism group Aut(G)ofGhas a natural action onG, which we also denote byσ. We form the semidirect productG=G×σ Σ. Denotex=(e, σ )G. Since the identity component G0ofGis naturally isomorphic toGbyi:(g,id)→g, andσ (i(y))=i(xyx1),yG0, to prove the lemma, it is sufficient to show thatGx0= {yG0|xyx1=y}has finite many connected components, and is connected whenG0

is simply connected.

Sincex=(e, σ )is an element of order two inG, it lies in some maximal compact subgroupLofG. By Theorem 3.1 of Chapter XV in [3], there exist some linear subspacesm1, . . . ,mkof the Lie algebragofG(which is isomorphic to the Lie algebra ofG) such that

(1) g=l⊕m1⊕ · · · ⊕mk, wherelis the Lie algebra ofL;

(2) Ad(l)(mi)=mi,lL, i∈ {1, . . . , k}(in particular, Ad(x)(mi)=mi);

(3) the mapψ:L0×m1× · · · ×mkG0defined byψ (l, X1, . . . , Xk)=leX1· · ·eXk is a diffeomorphism, where L0is the identity component ofL.

Denote Lx0 = {lL0 | xlx1 =l}, mxi = {X ∈ mi | Ad(x)(X) =X}, i = 1, . . . , k. We claim that Gx0 = ψ (Lx0×mx1× · · · ×mxk). In fact, for yGx0, writey =leX1· · ·eXk, where lL0, Xi ∈mi. Then y=xyx1= (xlx1)eAd(x)(X1)· · ·eAd(x)(Xk). By (3), we havexlx1=l, Ad(x)(Xi)=Xi, i=1, . . . , k. That is,lLx0,Xi ∈mxi. Hence we haveGx0ψ (Lx0×mx1× · · · ×mxk). The other inclusion is obvious.

Since L0is a connected compact Lie group,Lx0 has finitely many connected components, hence so doesGx0= ψ (Lx0×mx1×· · ·×mxk). IfG0is simply connected, by (3),L0is also simply connected. By Theorem 8.2 of Chapter VII in [2],Lx0is connected, hence so isGx0. This proves the lemma. 2

Lemma 2.8.ForgGσ, ifeπ[g], then[g] =Gσ0. Proof. We endow G=

gGπ1(G, e, g) with the canonical smooth manifold structure and the canonical group structure such thatGis the universal covering group ofGwith covering homomorphismπ([γ])=γ (1). The induced involution ofσ onGisσ (˜ [γ])= [σγ]. Let gGσ. Ifeπ[g], by definition ofπ[g], there is aγgΩ(G, e, g) such that[γg] = [σγg]inπ1(G, e, g). That is,[γg] ∈(G)σ˜. By Lemma 2.7,(G)σ˜ is connected. Sog=π([γg])π((G)σ˜)=Gσ0, that is,[g] =Gσ0. 2

Proposition 2.9.Each non-trivial element ofΠσ has order2, and the homomorphismf:Gσ/Gσ0Πσ is an iso- morphism.

Proof. The first assertion follows from Lemma 2.3, the surjectivity off follows from the definition ofΠσ, and the injectivity off follows from Lemma 2.8. 2

In particular, we have

Lemma 2.10.Forg1, g2Gσ, if[g1] = [g2], thenπ[g1]π[g2]= ∅.


Now we are prepared to prove Theorems 2.1 and 2.2.

Proof of Theorem 2.2. By Lemma 2.7,Gσ/Gσ0 is a finite group. By Proposition 2.9,Gσ/Gσ0 is Abelian, and each non-trivial element ofGσ/Gσ0 has order 2. By the structure theorem of finitely generated Abelian groups,Gσ/Gσ0 is isomorphic to(Z2)rfor some non-negative integerr. Ifπ1(G)is finite with odd order, so areπ(Gσ),Πσ, andGσ/Gσ0. This forcesr=0. 2

Proof of Theorem 2.1. We define an equivalence relation on the set

gGΩ(G, e, g) as follows. For γ1, γ2

gGΩ(G, e, g),γ1γ2if and only ifγ1(1)=γ2(1)and[γ12] ∈πK, whereγ12Ω(G, e, e)is defined by γ12(t )=

γ1(2t ), t∈ [0,12];

γ2(2−2t ), t∈ [12,1]. Denote G=(

gGΩ(G, e, g))/∼, and denote the equivalence class of aγ

gGΩ(G, e, g)by γ. Endow G with a smooth manifold structure in the canonical way, and define the group operation on G as follows. For γ12G, letα(t )=γ1(t )γ2(t )andβ(t )=γ1(t )1, and defineγ1γ2 = α,γ11= β. It is easy to check that these are well defined, makingGa Lie group. Letπ:GGbe the mapπ(γ)=γ (1), thenπ is a covering homomorphism. SinceσK)=πK, the mapσ:GG, σ(γ)= σγis a well defined involution ofG. It is obvious thatπσ=σπ, that is,σis just the induced involution ofσ onG. Now we have

γ(G)σ⇐⇒ σγ = γ


⇐⇒γ (1)Gσ,[γγ (1)σ ] ∈πK

⇐⇒γ (1)K (by Lemma 2.10)

⇐⇒ γπ1(K).

That is,(G)σ=π1(K). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. 2

Remark 2.1.The covering groupG ofGsatisfying the conclusion of Theorem 2.1 is not necessarily unique. For example, letG be a semisimple Lie group with trivial center, and letσ be a global Cartan involution ofG. Then K=Gσ is a maximal compact subgroup ofG. Let G be any finite cover ofG with an involution σ such that πσ=σπ, then(G)σ is a maximal compact subgroup of G. Since π1(Gσ)is a compact subgroup ofG containing(G)σ, it must equal(G)σ. In fact, using the same method as in the proof of Theorem 2.1, it is easy to see that a covering groupG ofG with covering homomorphismπ satisfying π1(K)=(G)σ if and only if π1(G, e))π(Gσ)=πK, and the groupGthat we constructed in the proof of Theorem 2.1 is just the one satisfying π1(G, e))=πK.

Remark 2.2.Professor Jiu-Kang Yu pointed out to the first author proofs of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 using nonabelian cohomology after he read the first draft of the paper.

3. Covering groups and the realization of symmetric spaces

LetGbe a connected Lie group with an involutionσ, and letK be an open subgroup ofGσ. Letg=k⊕pbe the canonical decomposition of the Lie algebragofGwith respect to the differential of the involutionσ. Suppose AdG(K)|pis compact, that is,G/Khas a structure of Riemannian symmetric space. Supposeπ:GGis a covering homomorphism of Lie groups. Then the twisted conjugate actionτofGonG, which is defined byτg(h)=ghσ (g)1, can be lifted to a well defined actionτofGonG, that is,τg(h)=ghσ(g)1, gG, hG, wheregπ1(g), σis the induced involution ofσ onG.

Theorem 3.1.Under the above assumptions, there is a covering groupGofGwith covering homomorphismπsuch thatP=expG(p)is a closed submanifold ofG, and such that the mapϕ:G/KPdefined byϕ(gK)=gσ(g)1 is a diffeomorphism, wheregπ1(g),σis the induced involution ofσ onG. With respect to the actions ofGby left multiplication onG/Kand by the actionτonP,ϕis equivariant.


Proof. By Theorem 2.1, there is a covering groupG of Gwith covering homomorphism π such thatπ1(K)= (G)σ. Soπinduces aG-equivariant diffeomorphismπ¯:G/(G)σG/Kwith respect to left multiplications (note that the left multiplication of GonG/(G)σ is well defined). Since AdG((G)σ)|p=AdG(K)|p is compact, by Corollary 2.6 in [1],P=expG(p)is a closed submanifold ofG, and the mapϕ:G/(G)σP, ϕ(g(G)σ)= gσ(g)1is aG-equivariant diffeomorphism with respect to left multiplication and twisted conjugate action ofG. Letϕ=ϕ(π )¯ 1. Thenϕ(gK)=ϕ(g(G)σ)=gσ(g)1. It is obviously aG-equivariant diffeomorphism with respect to left multiplication onG/Kand the actionτonP. 2


The authors would like to thank the referee for some suggestion on improving the English usage of the paper.

They also thank the referee of [1], whose suggestion of revision motivated the authors considering the problems of the paper. The first author thank Professor Jiu-Kang Yu for valuable conversation.


[1] J. An, Z. Wang, On the realization of Riemannian symmetric spaces in Lie groups, Topology Appl. 153 (7) (2005) 1008–1015.

[2] S. Helgason, Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces, Academic Press, New York, 1978.

[3] G. Hochschild, The Structure of Lie Groups, Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1965.

[4] N. Steenrod, The Topology of Fibre Bundles, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1951.


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