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Cyclic geometrical quantum phases : group theory derivation and manifestations in atomic physics


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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Cyclic geometrical quantum phases : group theory derivation and manifestations in atomic physics

C. Bouchiat

To cite this version:

C. Bouchiat. Cyclic geometrical quantum phases : group theory derivation and man- ifestations in atomic physics. Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (9), pp.1401-1406.

�10.1051/jphys:019870048090140100�. �jpa-00210568�


Cyclic geometrical quantum phases : group theory derivation and manifestations in atomic


C. Bouchiat

Laboratoire de Physique Théorique E.N.S. Paris*, 24, rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05,


(Reçu le 5 juirc 1987, i accepti le ler juildet 1987)

Résumé.-Nous présentons une démonstration de la phase quantique adiabatique de Berry basée sur la théorie des groupes. Notre formalisme est ensuite utilisé pour analyser des manifestations possibles en Physique Atomique et

pour étudier la nouvelle phase quantique cyclique introduite récemment by Aharonov and Anandan.

Abstract.-We present a derivation of the Berry quantum adiabatic phase using group theory. Our formalism is used to discuss possible manifestations in Atomic Physics and to investigate the new cyclic quantum phase recently introduced by Aliaronov and Anandan.


Physics Abstract

03.65 - 42.50

In this note we shall first derive the adiabatic quantum phase discovered by Berry [1,2] by a group

theoretical method. Our derivation applies to Hamil-

tonians having covariance properties with respect to

group transformations acting upon the external pa- rameters space. Our method which allows a system- atic evaluation of the non adiabatic corrections will be used to discuss a possible way to measure the Berry phase in optical pumping experiments. Finally we in- vestigate within our formalism the new cyclic quan- tum phase introduced by Aharonov and Anandan [9].

Let us consider a class of Hamiltonians H(B)

which describe quantum systems interacting with an

external uniform magnetic field B. The Hamiltonian

H(B) is assumed to be invariant upon a simultaneous rotation of the quantum system and the external field B. More precisely let R(n, a) be a rotation of axis n

and angle a and J the total angular momentum of the system, the following operator identity is assumed to hold :


A time dependent Hamiltonian H(t) is generated by applying to a given initial field configuration Bo, a

time dependent rotation R(t) = R(n(t), c,(t)) :

Using (1) we can rewrite H(t) as :

In order to solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation :

it is convenient to introduce the rotated frame state

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019870048090140100



With the help of (4) one finds that )I(t)) obeys

the following Schr6dinger equation :


The unitarity relation U(R)l = U(R)-l implies

that fI,(t) is indeed a Hermitian operator. In order

to evaluate explicitly #i (t) we introduce a system of spherical coordinates to describe the motion of B(t)

as given in figure 1 (X, y, z are unit vectors along the

x, y, z axis respectively). It is convenient to take Bo

in the z x plane :

Fig.l.-Spherical coordinates for the closed curve (C) drawn by B(t) during the adiabatic cycle.

We write the field B(t) corresponding to a given position on the closed curve (C) as :

For t = t B (t) is assumed to coincide again with Bo ; it implies 0 (T) = 8o and p(T) = 27r.

We are now in position to compute ill (t) in term

of the angular momentum operator J of the system :

Using (10) and simple properties of the rotation group

one gets :

By making a first order expansion of the unitary operator associated with the above product of rota-

tions one gets the following expression for f¡ 1 (t) :

It is convenient to introduce the projections of

the angular momentum Ju, Jv, Jw upon the orthonor- mal set of unit vectors (u, v, w) associated with Bo :

u = Bo IB, w = y, v = way. In particular we have :

One readily obtains the following final expression

for f¡ 1 ( t) :

We shall assume now that H(Bo) is the Hamil- tonian of a complex atom interacting with Bo, writ-

ten in the gauge Ao = 1/2r A Bo. The eigen states

of H(Bo) la m) are, in general, non degenerate and eigenstates of J.Bo = JuB :

Let us take as initial state an eigenstate of H(Bo) :

Following the usual adiabatic approximation, we shall

first keep only the diagonal part of ill (t) :

Using (7), (13) and (6) we obtain the state vector

at time t = T :



The equation giving the time evolution of gets an extra term involving

To lowest order in (jli (t)) we can neglect the

time variation of (Iu) . The correcting term A (I:f: (T))

to formula (17) is then obtained by a simple quadra-

tiire :


To formulate the adiabatic approximation we

write 0(t) = Oof (tlT) and V(t) = 21r g(tlt) with f (0) = 1, g(0) = 0 and f (1) = g(1) = 1. We as-

sume that the first and second order derivatives of the functions f (s) and g(s) are finite in the closed interval 0 s 1. The adiabatic approximation cor- responds to the limit IWNTI -+ 00. Using an integra-

tion by part one proves that the absolute value of the correcting term given by (20) behaves like 1 /WNT

when IWNTI , oo. If the system is prepared in such a

way that (1,, (0)) = 0, it can be shown then that the

correcting term is of the order of (WN T) 2

In the above considerations we have ignored the

relaxation processes during the time interval T. They

do not really constitute a problem since, for instance in the case of 3He, the relaxation time T2 which de-

scribes the decay of the transverse polarization can

be as long as several hours. The Larmor precession

of 3He nuclear polarization has bPen observed by C.

Cohen-Tannoudji et al. [5] using an optically pumped 87 Rb cell as magnetometer. This very sensitive tech-

nique, which has been used recently to search for a

permanent electric dipole of 129Xe [6], seems to be

well adapted to a measurement of the Berry phase in quantum spin systems.

To measure the phase shift in formula (18) one

has to know accurately the dynamical phase wNT.

We have assumed that in the cyclic evolution of the

magnetic field its modulus remains constant. In prac- tice such a condition may be rather difficult to sast-

isfy. To account for possible deviations one writes :

B(t) = A(t)U(R(t))Bo where A() is a slowly vary- ing positive scale factor with A(0) = A (T). The Berry

phase remains unchanged but the dynamical phase

is replaced by WN fo A(t)dt. There is, in principle a

way to cancel out the dynamical phase and, at the

same time, to double the Berry phase. At t = T

one performs a rapid reversal of the magnetic field : B (T + 8t) = -B(T) = -Bo, where 8t > 0 is such that 6twN 1, in order to insure the validity of the

sudden approximation. Then a new adiabatic cycle is

started for T t 2T with a magnetic field B(t) = -B(t - T) = A(t - T) R(t - T) (-Bo). The Berry phase depends upon B(t) only through the rotation

R(t) = R(t - T) which is identical to R (t) up to a

time translation. It follows then that :

On the contrary the dynamical phase mWN :T Ã(t-

T)dt changes its sign. The average value of I+ is then given at time t = 2T by :

In practice, the validity of the above result de-

pends upon the accuracy with which the magnetic

field can be monitored during the time intervals 0 t T, T t 2T, and reversed at time t = T + 0.

After the writing of a preliminary version of this note we become aware of a preprint of D. Suter et al.

[7] where the Berry phase for a quantum spin system is measured by a high field nuclear magnetic reson-

nance method following a suggestion of F. Moody et

al. [8]. Although the N.M.R. experiment gives a clear

evidence for the Berry phase associated with simple

conical circuits, it does not provide an experimental proof of the topological invariance properties of the Berry phase : ïm (C) is invariant upon the set of con-

tinuous deformations of the circuit (C) which preserve the solid angle inclosed by (C). The optical pumping

method which involves low magnetic fields could be a

suitable way to test this fundamental property of the Berry phase for quantum spin systems.

Another application of the formalism developed

in this note concerns the cyclic geometrical phase in-

troduced recently by Aharonov and Anandan called thereafter the A.A. phase [9]. A quantum physi-

cal system described by a Hilbert space state vec-

tor I1/; (t)) performs a cyclic evolution generated by a

Hamiltonian H(t) during the time interval 0 t T i.e. 11/;(T)) coincides with ltfi(O)) up to a phase fac-

tor : 11/;(T)) = exp(i4» 10(0)). (The states 10(t)) are

assumed to be of unit norm). Let us consider the set of vectors obtained from ]1b (t)) by multiplication by

an arbitrary time dependent phase factor :


phase is defined in such a way as to stay invariant under the above Abelian gauge transformation :

The density matrix p(t) = 10(t)) (1/J(t) I gives a

gauge invariant description of the system at time t.

The A.A. phase can be then associated with a closed

curve in the space E(p) of the pure state density ma-

trices i.e. such that p2 = p. In the case of a spin 1/2

system the general form of p is :

where p(t) = (6(t)) is a unit vector. The quantum

cycle is associated with a closed curve drawn on the unit sphere S. It is easily seen that different Hamil- tonians could lead to the same curve (C). One takes advantage of this freedom to search for a Hamiltonian

Hl(t) = n/2u.b(t) such that the dynamical phase van-

ishes identically :

One verifies easily that b(t) = p(t) A d/dt p(t) is

the correct choice by showing that p(t) obeys the

evolution equation for (Ô’{t)). In order to solve the

Schr6dinger equation for H(t) one writes p(t) = R(t)

xu. As before one introduces the rotated state l"b(t))

= U-l(R(t)) 11jJ(t)) ; its evolution is governed by the

Hamiltonian H(t) = Ho (t)+ Hl (t) where jli(t) is

given by equation (11) and Ho(t) by :

Writing the action of the infinitesimal rotation

R-l(t) d R(t) on any vector x as w(t)dt 1B x, the

Hamiltonians No (t) and ill (t) read as follows :

The total Hamiltonian to :

We recognize the operator called previously (H1 (t))d. For t = 0 we have p(t) = u so that 11/J(0)) in

an eigenstate of s.u with eigenvalue h/2. For now on,

the calculation is identical to that of the Berry phase

for m = 1/2 so that the A.A. phase reads :

Unlike the case of the Berry phase where one had

to rely upon the adiabatic approximation (neglect of

the (H1 (t))n,d,), the result given in equation (26) is

exact. It has to be noted it can also be obtained within the adiabatic approximation by taking, this time, as Hamiltonian : H(t) = w,,s.p(t).

For spin higher than 1/2 the Berry and A.A. phases,

except for those quantum cyclic evolutions which can

be generated by Hamiltonians linear in the angular

momentum, are expected to be different, the reason being that the manifold associated with the pure state

density matrices is no longer the sphere S2 but instead the complex projective space Pn (C) with n = 2S.

Ground state atomic hydrogen could be a good testing ground for the A.A. phase. Let [F, M) with

F = 1, 0 stand for the hydrogen hyperfine states. Let

us assume that the system is prepared in a coherent superposition of 10, 0) and 1,1) states by a 21 cm ra- diofrequency pulse. (One can keep track of the (0,01 I

p 11, 1) coherence by measuring its beat with a refer-

ence hydrogen maser). Then one applies a variable magnetic field B (t) with an intensity low enough so

that its action upon the state 10, 0) can be neglected.

The field is monitored in such a way that the state

[1,1) undergoes a cyclic evolution. The A.A. phase

in then detected by its effects upon the phase of the (0, 0 1 p 11, 1) coherence.

A discussion of the Berry phase involving group

theory considerations has appeared in print recently

[10]. The point of view of the authors is rather differ- ent from the one adopted here : they stay within the adiabatic approximation while the method developed

here allows, in principle, a systematic evaluation of the non adiabatic corrections.

We would to acknowledge very stimulating dis-

cussions with Prof. M. Berry and Prof. Alexander


After completion of this work appeared a paper which reports on the observation of the Berry phase involving a sample rotation in nuclear quadrupole res-

onance [11]. However, to the best of our knowkedge,

an experimental investigation of the topological in-

variance properties of the Berry phase is still lacking.




[1] BERRY, M.V., Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser

A392 (1984) 45.

[2] SIMON, B., Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983) 2176.

[3] COLEMAN, S., Les Houches 1981 Session 37 Gauge Theories in H.E. Physics, GAILLARD,

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[4] CHIAO, R.Y. and WU, Y.S., Phys. Rev. Lett.

57, (1986) 933 ;

TOMITA, A. and CHIAO, R.Y., Phys. Rev. Lett.

57, (1986) 937.

[5] COHEN-TANNOUDJI, C. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.

22 (1969) 758.

[6] VOLD, T.G. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984)


[7] SUTER, D. et al., University of California pre-

print, Berkeley 1987.

[8] MOODY, J. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986)


[9] AHARONOV, Y. and ANANDAN, J., Phys. Rev.

Lett. 58 (1987) 1593.

[10] ANANDAN, J. and STODOLSKY, L., Phys. Rev.

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