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Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2050 | IAEA


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ISBN 978-92-0-119410-7

ISSN 1011-2642




Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates

for the Period

up to 2050



energy, electricity and nuclear power estimates

for the period up to 2050

2011 Edition




IAEA-RDS-1/31 ISBN 978–92–0–119410–7

ISSN 1011–2642

printed by the IAEA in Austria August 2011

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Introduction . . . 5 Grouping of countries and areas . . . 9 Table 1. Nuclear power reactors in the world

(end of 2010) . . . 12 Figure 1. Nuclear share of total electricity

generation in 2010 . . . 14 Table 2. Number of countries with nuclear

power reactors in operation or

under construction (end of 2010) . . . 15 Table 3. Estimates of total and nuclear

electrical generating capacity . . . 17 Figure 2. Total and nuclear electrical generating

capacity . . . 18 Table 4. Estimates of total electricity generation

and contribution by nuclear power . . . 21 Figure 3. percentage of electricity supplied

by nuclear power . . . 22 Table 5. Estimates of total energy requirement

(EJ), percentage used for electricity generation, and percentage supplied

by nuclear energy . . . 25 Figure 4. Estimates of total energy requirement . . . 26 Table 6. Total energy requirement (EJ) by type

of fuel in 2010 . . . 29 Figure 5. Total energy requirement by fuel type

in 2010 . . . 30 Figure 6. Breakdown of world total energy

requirement during the period

1970–2010 . . . 32 Table 7. Fuel shares (%) of total energy

requirement in 2010 . . . 35 Table 8. Fuel use (EJ) for electricity

generation by type of fuel in 2010 . . . 36 Table 9. percentage contribution of each

fuel type to electricity generation

in 2010 . . . 37 Table 10. Estimates of population growth by region . . 39 Figure 7. population estimates . . . 40 Table 11. Estimates of total energy and electricity

requirement per capita . . . 43


Figure 8. Total energy requirement per capita . . . 44 Figure 9. Total electricity requirement per capita . . . 46 Table 12. Average annual growth rates during the

period 2000–2010 (%) . . . 49 Figure 10. Average annual growth rates during the

period 2000–2010 . . . 50 Table 13. Estimates of average annual

growth rates during the period

2010–2030 (%) . . . 53

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Reference Data Series No. 1 (RDS-1) is an annual publication — currently in its thirty first edition — containing estimates of energy, electricity and nuclear power trends up to the year 2050.

RDS-1 starts with a summary of the situation of nuclear power in IAEA Member States as of the end of 2010. The data on nuclear power presented in Tables 1 and 2 are based on actual statistical data collected by the IAEA’s power Reactor Information System (pRIS). however, energy and electricity data for 2010 are estimated, as the latest information available from the united Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs is for 2008 only. population data originate from the world population prospects (2010 revision), published by the population Division of the united Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The 2010 values again are estimates.

As in previous editions, projections of future energy and electricity demand and the role of nuclear power are presented as low and high estimates encompassing the inherent uncertainties involved in projecting trends.

The RDS-1 estimates should be viewed as very general growth trends whose validity must be constantly subjected to critical review.

Beginning with the 30th edition of this publication, however, the end-point of the estimates was extended up to the year 2050 (instead of 2030). Looking beyond 2030 has been prompted by the interest expressed by numerous Member States currently without nuclear power in adding nuclear energy to their future national energy supply mixes. Given the extensive lead times in planning and implementing nuclear power programmes, a fair share of these are likely to result in actual plant commissioning and grid connection after 2030.

Many international, national and private organizations routinely engage in energy demand and supply projections, including nuclear power. These projections are based on a multitude of different assumptions and aggregating procedures, which make a straightforward comparison and synthesis very difficult. The basic differences refer to such fundamental input assumptions as:



• Economic growth;

• Correlation of economic growth and energy use;

• Technology performance and costs;

• Energy resource availability and future fuel prices;

• Energy policy and physical, environmental and economic constraints.

The projections presented in this publication are based on a compromise between:

• National projections supplied by each country for a recent OECD/NEA study;

• Indicators of development published by the world Bank in its world Development Indicators;

• Global and regional energy, electricity and nuclear power projections made by other international organizations.

More specifically, the estimates of future nuclear generating capacity presented in Table 3 are derived from a country by country ‘bottom up’ approach. They are established by a group of experts participating each year in the IAEA’s consultancy on Nuclear Capacity projections and based upon a review of nuclear power projects and programmes in Member States. The experts consider all the operating reactors, possible license renewals, planned shutdowns and plausible construction projects foreseen for the next several decades. They build the projections project by project by assessing the plausibility of each in light of, first, the low projection’s assumptions and, second, the high projection’s assumptions.

The low and high estimates reflect contrasting, but not extreme, underlying assumptions on the different driving factors that have an impact on nuclear power deployment.

These factors, and the ways they might evolve, vary from country to country. The estimates presented provide a plausible range of nuclear capacity growth by region and worldwide. They are not intended to be predictive nor to reflect the whole range of possible futures from the lowest to the highest feasible.

The low case represents expectations about the future if current trends continued and there were few changes in policies affecting nuclear power other than those already in the pipeline. This case was explicitly designed to produce a

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‘conservative but plausible’ set of projections. Additionally, the low case did not automatically assume that targets for nuclear power growth in a particular country would necessarily be achieved. These assumptions are relaxed in the high case.

The high case projections are much more optimistic, but still plausible and technically feasible. The high case assumes that the current financial and economic crises will be overcome in the not so distant future and past rates of economic growth and electricity demand, especially in the Far East, would essentially resume. In addition, the high case assumes the implementation of stringent policies globally targeted at mitigating climate change.

Developing the 2011 nuclear power projections posed a considerable challenge. First the financial and economic crises that started in 2008 have not been overcome in many regions. Second, the Fukushima-Daiichi accident and its likely impact on future nuclear power development is difficult to foresee. The accident was a tragedy for the people affected and seriously undermined public confidence in the safety of nuclear power. A number of countries announced reviews of their programmes, some took steps toward phasing out nuclear power entirely, and others re-emphasized their expansion plans. Third, a new international environmental agreement on the regulation of greenhouse gases replacing the Kyoto protocol that would make the climate benefits of nuclear energy financially visible to investors is still being negotiated.

Regardless of these uncertainties, the continued growth in both the 2011 low and high projections suggests that the reasons for increased interest in nuclear power before the accident have not changed by the accident:

(a) energy and electricity demand growth continue to be driven by population growth and economic development;

(b) concerns continue to persist about security of energy supply and high and volatile fossil fuel prices; and (c) the quest for stable electricity generating costs is still a major incentive for public and private sector interest in nuclear power. Moreover, the overall performance and safety of nuclear power plants continue to be good. All this points to continued strong growth of nuclear power in the longer term.



energy units

1 Mw(e) = 106 watts (electrical)

1 Gw(e) = 1000 Mw(e) = 109 watts (electrical) 1 GJ = 1 gigajoule = 109 joules

1 EJ = 1 exajoule = 1018 joules

1 EJ = 23.9 megatonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) 1 Tw·h = 1 terawatt-hour = 109 kw·h = 3.6 × 10–3 EJ The 2011 projections faced the complex need to balance the factors that have traditionally driven, and continue to drive, the future demand for nuclear power with the factors that potentially could adversely affect nuclear power expansion. The result of this balancing act shows the world’s installed nuclear power capacity expanding from 375 gigawatts (Gw(e)) today to 501 Gw(e) in 2030, i.e. a decrease of 8% compared with last years's projection. In the updated high projection, it grows to 746 Gw(e) in 2030, down by 7% from last year.

The data on electricity produced by nuclear power plants is converted to joules based on the average efficiency of a nuclear power plant, i.e. 33%; data on electricity generated by geothermal heat are converted to joules based on the average efficiency of a geothermal power plant, i.e. 10%.

The conversion to joules of electricity generated by hydropower or by other non-thermal sources such as wind, tide and solar is based on the energy content of the electricity generated (the equivalent of assuming 100%


The total energy requirement has been calculated by summing the primary energy production, the net energy trade minus changes in international bunkers and domestic stocks.

The values shown in Table 9 refer to primary energy used for the generation of electricity. Owing to differences in conversion efficiencies, the percentage values are different from the shares of electricity generation presented in Tables 1 and 5.

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N o r t h A m e r i c a

C a n a d a * U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a *

L a t i n A m e r i c a

A n g u i l l a H a i t i *

A n t i g u a a n d B a r b u d a H o n d u r a s *

A r g e n t i n a * J a m a i c a *

A r u b a M a r t i n i q u e

B a h a m a s M e x i c o *

B a r b a d o s M o n t s e r r a t

B e l i z e N e t h e r l a n d s A n t i l l e s

B e r m u d a N i c a r a g u a *

B o l i v i a * P a n a m a *

B r a z i l * P a r a g u a y *

C a y m a n I s l a n d s P e r u *

C h i l e * P u e r t o R i c o

C o l o m b i a * S . G e o r g i a & S . S a n d w i c h I s l a n d s

C o s t a R i c a * S a i n t K i t t s a n d N e v i s

C u b a * S a i n t L u c i a

D o m i n i c a S a i n t P i e r r e a n d M i q u e l o n

D o m i n i c a n R e p u b l i c * S a i n t V i n c e n t & t h e G r e n a d i n e s

E c u a d o r * S u r i n a m e

E l S a l v a d o r * T r i n i d a d a n d T o b a g o

G r e n a d a T u r k s a n d C a i c o s I s l a n d s

G u a d e l o u p e U r u g u a y *

G u a t e m a l a * V e n e z u e l a *

G u y a n a

W e s t e r n E u r o p e

A n d o r r a L i e c h t e n s t e i n *

A u s t r i a * L u x e m b o u r g *

B e l g i u m * M a l t a *

C y p r u s * M o n a c o *

D e n m a r k * N e t h e r l a n d s *

F i n l a n d * N o r w a y *

F r a n c e * P o r t u g a l *

G e r m a n y * S a n M a r i n o

G i b r a l t a r S p a i n *

G r e e c e * S v a l b a r d a n d J a n M a y e n I s l a n d s

G r e e n l a n d S w e d e n *

H o l y S e e * S w i t z e r l a n d *

I c e l a n d * T u r k e y *

I r e l a n d * U n i t e d K i n g d o m *

I t a l y *

G R O U P I N G O F C O U N T R I E S A N D A R E A S T h e c o u n t r i e s a n d g e o g r a p h i c a l a r e a s i n c l u d e d i n e a c h g r o u p i n g a r e l i s t e d b e l o w ( I A E A M e m b e r S t a t e s a r e d e n o t e d b y a n a s t e r i s k )



10 Africa

Algeria* Malawi*

Angola* Mali*

Benin* Mauritania*

Botswana* Mauritius*

Burkina Faso* Mayotte

Burundii* Morocco*

Cameroo o n * Mozambique*

Cape Verdee* Namibia*

Central Africaa n Republic* Niger*

Chad Nigeria*

Comoros Reunion

Congoo* Rwanda*

Côte d'II voire* Saint Helena

Democratic Rep. of the Congo* Sao Tome and Principe

Djibouti Senegal*

Egypt* Seychelles*

Equatorial Guinea Sierra Leone*

Eritrea* Somalia

Ethiopia* South Africa*

Gabon* Sudan*

Gambia Swaziland

Ghana* Togo

Guinea Tunisia*

Guinea-Bissau Uganda*

Kenya* United Republic of Tanzania*

Lesotho* Western Sahara

Liberia* Zambia*

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya* Zimbabwe*


Eastern Europe

Albania* Lithuania*

Armenia* Montenegro*



Republic of Moldova*



Bosnia and Herzegovina*

Russian Federation*





Czech Republic*





The Frmr.Yug.Rep. of Macedonia*


Turkmenistan Kazakhstan*







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M i d d l e E a s t a n d S o u t h A s i a

A f g h a n i s t a n * K u w a i t *

B a h r a i n* L e b a n o n *

B a n g l a d e s h * N e p a l*

B h u t a n O m a n*

B r i t i s h I n d i a n O c e a n T e r r i t o r y P a k i s t a n * C o c o s ( K e e l i n g ) I s l a n d s Q a t a r * F r e n c h S o u t h e r n T e r r i t o r i e s S a u d i A r a b i a * H e a r d I s l a n d & M c D o n a l d I s l a n d s S r i L a n k a *

I n d i a * S y r i a n A r a b R e p u b l i c *

I r a n , I s l a m i c R e p u b l i c o f * T . T . U . T . J o f T . P a l e s t i n i a n A .

I r a q * U n i t e d A r a b E m i r a t e s *

I s r a e l * Y e m e n *

J o r d a n *

S o u t h E a s t A s i a a n d t h e P a c i f i c

A u s t r a l i a * N o r t h e r n M a r i a n a I s l a n d s

B r u n e i D a r u s s a l a m P a l a u*

C o o k I s l a n d s P a p u a N e w G u i n e a*

F i j i P i t c a i r n I s l a n d s

I n d o n e s i a * S a m o a

K i r i b a t i S i n g a p o r e *

M a l a y s i a * S o l o m o n I s l a n d s

M a l d i v e s T h a i l a n d *

M a r s h a l l I s l a n d s * T i m o r L e s t e

M i c r o n e s i a ( F e d . S t a t e s o f ) T o k e l a u

M y a n m a r * T u v a l u

N e w Z e a l a n d * U S M i n o r O u t l y i n g I s l a n d s

N i u e V a n u a t u

N o r f o l k I s l a n d s W a l l i s a n d F u t u n a I s l a n d s F a r E a s t

C a m b o d i a* M a c a u , C h i n a

C h i n a * M o n g o l i a *

D e m . P . R . o f K o r e a P h i l i p p i n e s *

J a p a n * T a i w a n , C h i n a

K o r e a , R e p u b l i c o f * V i e t n a m * L a o P . D . R .



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TABLE 2. NUMBER OF COUNTRIES WITH NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS IN OPERATION OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION (end of 2010) Country GroupNumber of Countries in GroupCountries with Nuclear Power Reactors In OperationLong-term Shut DownUnder Construction (1)Total (2) North America2 2 1 1 2 Latin America453 2 3 Western Europe299 2 9 Eastern Europe279 4 9 Africa571 1 Middle East and South Asia252 3 3 South East Asia and the Pacific27 Far East113 1 3 3 World Total223 292 1530 Notes: (1) May include countries having reactors already in operation. (2) Total number of countries in each group that have nuclear power reactors in operation, or under construction.


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20102020 %%%%



Percentage (%)

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Percentage (%)


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TABLE 8. FUEL USE (EJ) FOR ELECTRICITY GENERATION BY TYPE OF FUEL IN 2010 Country GroupThermal (a)HydroNuclearRenewables (b)Total North America30.53 2.369.740.9143.55 Latin America5.572.600.290.398.85 Western Europe15.57 2.088.850.9927.49 Eastern Europe19.16 1.113.610.0323.91 Africa5.990.370.140.056.55 Middle East and South Asia21.48 0.610.25> 0.0122.34 South East Asia and the Pacific6.960.260.497.70 Far East47.67 3.175.810.5757.22 World Total152.93 12.56 28.69 3.43197.61 Notes: (a) The column headed 'Thermal' is the total for solids, liquids, gases, biomass and waste. (b) The column headed 'Renewables' includes geothermal, wind, solar and tide energy.

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TABLE 9. PERCENTAGE CONTRIBUTION OF EACH FUEL TYPE TO ELECTRICITY GENERATION IN 2010 Country GroupThermal (a)HydroNuclearRenewables (b)Total North America65.01 14.00 19.04 1.95100.00 Latin America36.90 59.96 2.170.97100.00 Western Europe49.01 18.90 26.61 5.48100.00 Eastern Europe64.79 16.89 18.16 0.15100.00 Africa81.42 16.16 2.010.42100.00 Middle East and South Asia88.33 10.26 1.390.02100.00 South East Asia and the Pacific87.89 9.522.59100.00 Far East74.67 15.35 9.300.67100.00 World Total66.98 17.85 13.46 1.71100.00 Notes: (a) The column headed 'Thermal' is the total for solids, liquids, gases, biomass and waste. (b) The column headed 'Renewables' includes geothermal, wind, solar and tide energy.


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Millions of Inhabitants

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Millions of Inhabitants


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5 5


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5 5




5 5

4 6 8

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5 5 4

6 8


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TABLE 12. AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH RATES DURING THE PERIOD 2000—2010 (%) Country GroupPopulationTotal EnergyTotal ElectricityNuclear EnergyNuclear Capacity North America1.0 0.0 0.6 0.8 0.6 Latin America1.3 2.7 2.1 2.9 -0.1 Western Europe0.6 0.2 0.8 -0.4-0.3 Eastern Europe-0.41.0 1.3 1.9 0.4 Africa2.7 2.7 4.5 -0.10.0 Middle East and South Asia2.0 5.6 4.6 4.2 4.7 South East Asia and the Pacific1.5 4.0 3.3 Far East0.7 5.3 7.2 1.5 2.4 World Average1.3 2.4 2.9 0.7 0.7



3 4 5 6 7 8

Annual Growth Rate (%)

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3 4 5 6 7 8

Annual Growth Rate (%)


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TABLE 13. ESTIMATES OF AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH RATES DURING THE PERIOD 2010—2030 (%) Country GroupPopulationTotal EnergyTotal ElectricityNuclear EnergyNuclear Capacity North America0.8 0.0 1.8 0.6 0.7 -0.11.4-0.11.3 Latin America0.9 3.2 5.0 5.0 7.2 5.0 8.9 3.9 7.7 Western Europe0.3 1.1 1.6 1.4 2.3 -1.01.6-1.90.7 Eastern Europe-0.10.7 1.7 1.9 2.9 3.4 4.9 2.8 4.2 Africa2.1 3.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 5.7 12.15.2 11.5 Middle East and South Asia1.2 4.1 5.0 5.6 6.8 12.415.69.9 13.0 South East Asia and the Pacific0.9 2.3 2.6 4.0 4.7 Far East0.3 2.4 3.7 2.4 3.9 5.0 6.9 4.1 5.9 World Average0.9 2.0 3.3 2.7 3.9 2.0 4.1 1.5 3.5



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ISBN 978-92-0-119410-7

ISSN 1011-2642




Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates

for the Period up to 2050

11-30511 RDS_1-30 cover.indd 1 2011-09-02 11:41:07


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● In the high case, it is assumed that several of the nuclear power reactors scheduled for retirement will be given a life extension, so that only 55 GW(e) of nuclear electrical

● In the high case, it is assumed that several of the nuclear power reactors scheduled for retirement will be given a life extension, so that only 44 GW(e) of nuclear

(a) Projection figures for total energy requirement and percentage used for electricity generation are the arithmetic average between low and high estimates. Total

The 2009 projections are based on the rationale that the long lead times associated with the implementation of nuclear power plants may tem- porarily delay some projects but

The objectives for the topics of technology development and the design and construction of nuclear power plants are drawn from collaborative evaluations [2] by experts 1 who

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