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Regularization of almost complex structures and gluing holomorphic discs to tori


Academic year: 2022

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Regularization of almost complex structures and gluing holomorphic discs to tori


Abstract. We prove a result on removing singularities of almost complex struc- tures pulled back by a non-diffeomorphic map. As an application we prove the existence of globalJ-holomorphic discs with boundaries attached to real tori.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 32H02 (primary); 53C15 (sec- ondary).



In this paper we prove a general result (Theorem 3.1) on removing singularities of almost complex structures pulled back by a non-diffeomorphic map. In our joint paper with Bernard Coupet [3] we use special coordinates in an almost complex manifold(M,J)to reduce a boundary value problem forJ-holomorphic discs inM to that for quasi-linear PDE in the plane. In [3] we make a simplifying assumption that the coordinates are introduced by a locally diffeomorphic map, although it is not the case in general. The main result of the present work allows to extend the range of applications of the methods of [3] to the non-diffeomorphic case. We use Theorem 3.1 in order to obtain results on attaching pseudo-holomorphic discs to real tori. These results are new even in the complex Euclidean space


2. Thus the use of almost complex structures leads to new results in the classical complex analysis.

We now describe the main results and the organization of the paper. In Sec- tion 2 we recall the notion of an almost complex structure J, in particular, we include some details on representing J by a complex matrix function. In Section 3 we prove Theorem 3.1 mentioned above. It deals with a map from the standard bidisc with coordinates(z, w) to an almost complex manifold(M,J). The map takes the coordinate linesz=cto a given family ofJ-holomorphic discs. The map is not necessarily locally diffeomorphic. Nevertheless, we prove that under natural assumptions, the pullback of J exists and is sufficiently regular: H¨older in z and Lipschitz inw. The result is useful even for integrableJ; in this case it also holds Received September 8, 2009; accepted in revised form April 8, 2010.


in higher dimension. As a side production of the proof, we obtain results (Propo- sitions 3.8 and 3.14) on regularity of generalized analytic functions in the sense of Vekua [18] and a result (Theorem 3.12) on decomposition of the phase function of a complex polynomial. We hope that Theorem 3.1 will find further applications, in particular, in the theory of foliations.

Theorem 3.1 is relevant to blow-up situations. Theory of blow-ups for almost complex manifolds is not yet fully developed. We would like to mention a result by Duval [6] in complex dimension 2, in which after a blow-up the resulting structure is no longer smooth. We hope that our results will be useful in developing blow-up techniques in almost complex category.

In Section 4 we construct pseudo-holomorphic discs attached to the standard torus in


2 equipped with a certain almost complex structure. This improves the corresponding result of [3] by adding a continuous depending statement to it. In Section 5 we prove existence theorems for pseudo-holomorphic discs (Theorems 5.1 and 5.4) with given boundary conditions. Under various assumptions, we con- struct pseudo-holomorphic discs with boundary glued to real tori, which are not Lagrangian in general.

In his pioneering work, Gromov [10] proved the existence of pseudo-holomor- phic discs glued to smooth Lagrangian submanifolds. Ivashkovich and Shevchishin [12] extended the result to the case of immersed Lagrangian submanifolds.

Forstneriˇc [8] constructed discs attached to certain totally real 2-tori in the space


2 with the standard complex structure. Cerne [2] generalized the result of [8] to the case of bordered Riemann surfaces. On the other hand, Alexander [1] constructed a totally real 2-dimensional torus in


2which contains no boundary of a holomorphic disc. Moreover, Duval [7] gave an example of a torus with the same property and which in addition is contained in the unit sphere in


2. Thus some restrictions on the geometry of a torus are necessary for gluing holomorphic discs to it. We stress that no Lagrangian conditions are required in Theorem 5.1 so our approach pro- vides a new tool for constructing global pseudo-holomorphic discs with prescribed boundary conditions.

Abundance and flexibility of real changes of coordinates allowed in Theorem 3.1 represent a contrast with the rigidity of holomorphic maps. The flexibility comes at a price because the Cauchy–Riemann equations for pseudo-holomorphic discs are non-linear. However, this analytic difficulty can be handled by the general theory of elliptic PDE in the plane. We hope that our methods will find other applications.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank the referee for many useful remarks letting us improve the quality of the paper. In particular, the referee provided us with a simple proof of Theorem 3.1 for integrable structures, which we include in Appendix.

A large part of the work was done when the first author was visiting the University of Illinois in the spring of 2008. He thanks this university for support and hospital- ity.



Almost complex manifolds

Let(M,J)be a smooth almost complex manifold. Denote by


the unit disc in


and by Jstthe standard complex structure of


n; the value ofnis usually clear from the context. Recall that a smooth map f :


M is called J -holomorphic ifd fJst = Jd f. We also call such a map f a J-holomorphicdisc, a J-disc, a pseudo-holomorphicdisc, or aholomorphicdisc ifJ is fixed.

An important result due to Nijenhuis and Woolf [16] states that for a given point pM and a tangent vector vTpM there exists a J-holomorphic disc f :


M such that f(0) = pandd f(0)(∂ξ ) = λv for someλ > 0. Here ξ+=ζ


. The disc f can be chosen smoothly depending on the initial data (p, v)and the structureJ.

In local coordinatesz


n, an almost complex structure J is represented by a


-linear operator J(z):






nsuch that J(z)2 = −I, I being the identity. Then the Cauchy-Riemann equations for a J-holomorphic discz :



nhave the form

zη = J(z)zξ, ζ =ξ+



Following Nijenhuis and Woolf [16], we represent J by a complexn×nmatrix function A= A(z)so that the Cauchy-Riemann equations have the form

zζ = A(z)zζ, ζ


. (2.1)

We first discuss the relation between J and Afor fixedz. Let J :




n be a


-linear map so that det(Jst+J)=0, hereJstv=iv. Put

Q =(Jst+ J)1(JstJ). (2.2) Lemma 2.1. J2 = −I if and only if Q Jst + JstQ = 0, that is, Q is complex anti-linear.

Proof. PutK = JstJ. Then (2.2) is equivalent to

Q =(IK)1(I +K). (2.3)

Note that(IK)1andI+K commute. ThenQ Jst+JstQ =0 is equivalent to (I +K)Jst(IK)+(IK)Jst(I +K)=0. Now usingJst2= −I andK = JstJ we obtain J2= −I. The lemma is proved.

We introduce


= {J :




n: J is


linear, J2= −I, det(Jst+J)=0}


= {A∈Mat(n,


):det(I A A)=0}.

Let J


. Then by Lemma 2.1, the mapQdefined by (2.2) is anti-linear, hence, there is a unique matrix A∈Mat(n,


)such that

Av= Qv, v


n. (2.4)

The following result essentially is contained in [16].


Proposition 2.2. The map JA is a birational homeomorphism



. Proof. We first note that if Q is anti-linear, then 1 is an eigenvalue of Q if and only if−1 is an eigenvalue of Q, which in turn holds if and only if 1 is an eigen- value of the complex linear map Q2. In fact, Q2 = A Abecause by (2.4) we have A Av= A Av= A Qv= Q2v. Hence Qhas eigenvalues±1 if and only if A Ahas eigenvalue 1.

Let J


. We show that A


. We again use K = JstJ. Note that det(Jst+ J) = 0 if an only if 1 is an eigenvalue of K. We claim that Q defined by (2.3) does not have eigenvalue −1. Indeed, Qv = −vimplies (I + K)v =

−(IK)vandv=0. Hence 1 is not an eigenvalue of A A, that is,A


. Conversely, given A


, we show that there exists a unique J


, such that JA. Define Q by (2.4). Then Q2 = A A does not have eigenvalue 1, henceQdoes not have eigenvalue−1. Then we can findK from (2.3) which yields K = −(I+Q)1(IQ). This implies that 1 is not an eigenvalue ofK in the same way that (2.3) implies −1 is not an eigenvalue of Q. Define J = −JstK. Then det(Jst+ J) =0. Since Qis anti-linear, then by Lemma 2.1, we have J2 = −I. Thus J


. The proposition is now proved.

The above proof yields a useful formula ofJ in terms ofAthat we include for future references. Since(I+Q)(IQ)= IQ2= IA A, then(I+Q)1= (IA A)1(IQ). Hence J = −JstK = Jst(IA A)1(IQ)2 = Jst(I

A A)1(I +A A−2Q). Finally,

Jv=i(IA A)1[(I +A A)v−2Av].

Let J be an almost complex structure in a domain


n. Suppose J(z)


, z. Then by Proposition 2.2,J defines a unique complex matrix function Ain such that A(z)


,z . We call Athecomplex matrixof J. The matrix A has the same regularity properties asJ.


Removing singularities of almost complex structures

Our construction of discs with prescribed boundary conditions is based on a suitable choice of coordinate systems. As we will see later, it is useful for applications to allow changes of coordinates which are not necessarily locally diffeomorphic. This presumably leads to singularities of almost complex structures obtained by non- diffeomorphic changes of coordinates. Under some mild assumptions, we prove that such singularities are removable.

As usual, we denote by Ck(k ≥ 0, 0 < α ≤ 1) the class of functions whose derivatives to orderk satisfy a H¨older (Lipschitz) condition with exponent α. In particular,C0,1 denotes the class of functions satisfying the usual Lipschitz condition.


Theorem 3.1. Let H :


2 (M,J )be a Csmooth map from the bidisc with coordinates(z, w)to a smooth almost complex manifold M of complex dimension 2. Letbe the set of all critical points of H . Let J = HJ be the pull-back of J on


2\. Suppose

(i) for every z


, the map


w H(z, w) M is a(Jst,J )-holomorphic immersion;

(ii) for every z


, the set{z} ×


is not contained in;

(iii) the map H|D2\preserves the canonical orientations defined by Jstand J on


2and M respectively.

Then for every z


, the set({z} ×


)is discrete, and the almost complex structure J defined on


2\ extends to be continuous on the whole bidisc


2. Moreover, on every compact K


2, for some0 < α < 1, the extension of J is Cα in z uniformply inwand C0,1(Lipschitz)inwuniformly in z. If the structure

J is integrable, then the extension of J is Csmooth on


2. Remarks 3.2.

1. For simplicity we assume that all objects in the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1 are smooth of classC, however, the proof goes through for finite smoothness. We leave the details to the reader. The theorem is used in applications for constructing pseudo-holomorphic discs in convenient coordinates. After returning to the origi- nal manifold, the resulting discs will be automatically smooth of classC due to ellipticity.

2. In some applications we use a version of Theorem 3.1 in which the mapH is smooth on




and the conclusion is that J extends to all of




with the stated regularity. That version formally does not follow from Theorem 3.1, but the proof goes through.

3. The condition (iii) can be replaced by (iii): the set


2\ is connected.

Indeed, if (iii) holds but (iii) does not, then it means thatHchanges the orientation to the opposite. Letσ(z, w)=(z, w). ThenHσ satisfies (i–iii), and the conclu- sion of Theorem 3.1 holds for Hσ, whence forH. The conditions (ii) and (iii) can be replaced without much loss by a single condition (ii):for every z


, the set({z} ×


)is discrete. On the other hand, without (iii), Theorem 3.1 fails.

We give an example to that effect in Section 3.2.

4. The resulting structure J in Theorem 3.1 does not have to be smooth in w. We include an example to this effect in Section 3.2. However, we do not know whether the smoothness inzcan drop belowC0,1. We admit that our proof of reg- ularity of J inzmight not fully use all the hypotheses of the theorem. Fortunately, the H¨older continuity of J inzsuffices for our applications.

5. Finally, if J is integrable, then a version of Theorem 3.1 holds in higher dimension. In that version, if dimCM = n ≥ 2, thenz




n1. We leave the details to the reader.


3.1. Reduction to PDE

The condition (ii) in Theorem 3.1 has global character. Nevertheless, we observe that it suffices to prove Theorem 3.1 locally. More precisely, forz



z= {w∈


:(z, w)} Kz=





According to this definition, if wKz, then (ii) holds in every neighborhood of (z, w).

Lemma 3.3. Suppose the conclusions of Theorem3.1hold in a neighborhood of every point(z, w)


2such thatwKz. Then they hold in all of



Proof. Fixz


. By definition Kz is closed in


. But it is also open because Theorem 3.1 concludes thatzis discrete. HenceKz=


. Sincez


is arbitrary, then Theorem 3.1 holds in all of



In the following proposition for simplicity we add more assumptions to Theo- rem 3.1. In the proof of Theorem 3.1 we will use this result locally.

Proposition 3.4. In addition to the hypotheses of Theorem3.1we assume that H is smooth on


2and for every z


, the mapw H(z, w)is an embedding on


. Then the complex matrix A of J on


2\has the form

A= a 0

b 0

, (3.1)

where a = g/f , b = ah1 +h2 for some f,g,h1,h2C(


2)satisfying the inequality|f| ≥ |g|. The singular set has the form = {|f| = |g|}, and for someµC(


2), the following system holds:

fw=µg, gw=µf. (3.2)

Proof. The statement involveszas a parameter. We first prove it for fixedz; then it will be clear that the construction depends smoothly on the parameterz(see remark after the proof).

For simplicity putz = 0. We introduce local coordinates(z, w)in a neigh- borhood of the J -complex curve H({0} ×


)and use(z(z, w), w(z, w))for the coordinate representation of H. We choose the coordinates(z, w)so that

z(0, w)=0, w(0, w)=w, (3.3) and for everyw


, the mapz (z, w)is(Jst,J)-holomorphic. Then the co- ordinate system(z, w)preserves the orientation ofMdefined byJ. Furthermore,

J (0, w)= Jst, and the complex matrixA of J satisfies

A(0, w)=0. (3.4)


Using [17] (Lemma 2.4), we modify the coordinates(z, w)so that in addition to (3.3) and (3.4) we have

Az(0, w)=0. (3.5)

Put Z = (z, w), Z =(z, w). Then the complex matrix Aof the pull-back struc- ture J is obtained by the following transformation rule ( [17], Lemma 2.3):


Z) (3.6)

whenever this formula makes sense. We want to describe A(0, w). By (3.3), (3.4) and (3.6),A(0, w)has the formA= −(ZZ)1Z

Z. By (3.3) we have ZZ =

zz 0 wz 1

ZZ = zz 0

wz 0


We denote (for fixedz =0)

f =zz, g= −zz, h1= −wz, h2= −wz. (3.7) The real Jacobian of the map ZZ has the form|f|2− |g|2, hence by (iii) we have|f| ≥ |g|and = {|f| = |g|}. Then f =0 on


2\, and we immediately obtain the form (3.1) of the matrix Awith expressions foraandb.

We now derive the differential equations (3.2) for f andg. The condition (i) of Theorem 3.1 in our coordinates takes the form

z w

w= A(z, w) z



Differentiating this equation with respect toz, since A(0, w)= 0, we obtain for z=0

z w


= Az 0



We have Az = Azzz+ Azzz+ Awwz+ Awwz = Azzzbecause Az(0, w)= 0 by (3.5), and Aw(0, w)= Aw(0, w)=0 by (3.4). Hence

z w


= Az 0



Letµdenote the(1,2)entry of the matrix−Az(0,w). Thenzzw(0,w)=−µzz(0,w). Using the notation (3.7), we immediately obtain the first equation in (3.2). The second equation in (3.2) is derived similarly. It remains to add that our construction including the choice of the coordinates Z depends smoothly on the parameter z.

Proposition 3.4 is proved.


Remarks 3.5.

1. In the above proof, we use a version of Lemma 2.4 from [17] with smooth dependence on parameters. A careful examination of the proof in [17] shows that the desired version holds. In particular, we recall that the only analytic tool used in the proof is solving the equationuw = p(w)u+q(w). This is similar to solving an ordinary differential equationd y/d x = p(x)y+q(x). In the procedure of solving this equation, one replaces integration with respect toxby the Cauchy-Green inte- gral (3.10). The latter is known to depend smoothly on parameters. Hence if the coefficients pandqsmoothly depend on additional parameters, then there exists a solutionuthat smoothly depends on the parameters.

2. We can now conclude the proof of Theorem 3.1 in the important special case, in which the structure J is integrable. By Lemma 3.3 it suffices to prove the result locally. Then we can use Proposition 3.4. In its proof we have A = 0, henceµ=0, and the functions f,gare holomorphic inw. Then, by the maximum principle, one can see that = {f = 0}, and ({z} ×


) is discrete. By the removable singularity theorem, the ratioa = g/f is holomorphic inwon the whole bidisc. Then in factaisCsmooth in bothzandwby the Cauchy integral formula in w. By the maximum principle, |a| < 1 holds for the extension. By Proposition 2.2, the matrix (3.1) defines an almost complex structure if and only if|a| = 1. Hence the extension of J is well defined andC, which concludes the proof. In Appendix we include a proof for integrable structures independent of Proposition 3.4.

3.2. Two examples

The following simple example shows that the condition (iii) in Theorem 3.1 cannot be omitted.

Example 3.6. LetM =C2, J = Jst. DefineH :


2M by z =z−2zw, w =w.

Then f =zz=1,g= −zz=2w,a=g/f =2w. The real Jacobian ofH has the form|f|2−|g|2=1−4|w|2. It vanishes on the real hypersurface= {|w| =1/2}. Then HJ can not be extended tobecause|a| =1 on. The conditions (iii) and (iii) are not fulfilled.

The following example shows that the drop of smoothness with respect towin Theorem 3.1 can occur.

Example 3.7. Let M = C2 with coordinates (z, w). Let the almost complex structure J have the complex matrix

A =


0 0



Consider a blow-up map Z = (z, w)Z = H(z, w) = (zw, w). We find the complex matrix Aof the pull-backJ = HJ by (3.6). SinceH is holomorphic in the usual sense, we have A=(ZZ)1AZZ, which yields


w1w2 0

0 0


The map H satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1. In particular, for fixed zthe mapwH(z, w)isJ -holomorphic because the matrixAhas zeros in the second column. The singular setis the linew=0. We realize that A, whence J is not smooth but merely Lipschitz inwin accordance with Theorem 3.1.

3.3. H¨older continuity of the logarithmic difference We consider the equation

hw=µh (3.8)

in a bounded domainG


. Although in our applicationsµwill be smooth, one can assume thatµis merely bounded andhw in (3.8) is a Sobolev derivative. The equation is relevant because both f +gand fgfor f andgin (3.2) satisfy an equation of the form (3.8), which we will use later. Solutions of (3.8) are called generalized analytic functionsin [18]. They have the following representation

h=φeT u, u=µh/h. (3.9)

HereT =TGdenotes the Cauchy–Green integral T u(w)= 1

2πi D


τw . (3.10)

The functionφis holomorphic inG. Indeed, since∂wT u=u, then

wφ=w(heT u)=µheT u+heT u(−u)=0.

In particular, the zero set ofhis discrete unlessh ≡ 0. The functionT uis called thelogarithmic differenceofh because it measures the distance fromh to a holo- morphic functionφin the logarithmic scale.

Since µ is bounded, then the logarithmic difference of h and h itself are bounded in the H¨older norm inw. We now obtain the following result about H¨older continuity of the logarithmic difference on a parameter.

Proposition 3.8. In the closed bidisc


2with coordinates(z,w), let h,µC(


2) satisfy(3.8). Suppose h=0on{(z, w): |w| =1}. Then h has the representation (3.9), in whichφC(


2)and holomorphic inw. Furthermore, T uCα(


2) for some0< α <1.(The operator T =TDis applied with respect tow.)


Remark 3.9. In the proof we will obtain an estimate α = 1/(n+1), where n locally is the maximum number of zeros ofh inw. We do not know whether this estimate is sharp.

We need two lemmas in the proof. We use the notationd2w= 2idwdwfor the area element. We denote by m(E)the area ofE



Lemma 3.10. For every measurable set E


, we have



Proof. We have I = E|w|1d2w|w|<r|w|1d2w, where m(E) = πr2. Then by evaluating the last integral explicitly and expressingr in terms of m(E), we get I ≤2πr =2m(E))1/2as desired.

Lemma 3.11. Let p(w)=(ww1) . . . (wwn), and let A(δ)=m{w: |p(w)|<

δ}. Then A(δ)πnδ2/n.

Proof. Let|p(w)| < δ. Then|w−wj| < δ1/n for some j. Then w ∈ ∪k{w :

|w−wk|< δ1/n}, and the lemma follows.

Proof of Proposition3.8. We use the notationC1,C2, . . . for constants. We have u =µh/h =v/h, wherev= µh. Then|u| ≤C1 = ||µ||. Sinceuis bounded, then obviouslyT u(z,•)∈Cαfor every 0< α <1 uniformly inz.

We need to prove thatT uisCαinzfor some 0< α <1 uniformly inw. Set z=zz . Omittingwfor simplicity, we have

|u(z)u(z )| = |(v/h)(z)(v/h)(z )|


v(z)v(z )

h(z)v(z )

h(z )· h(z)h(z ) h(z)


|h(z)| +C1C2|z|

|h(z)| =C3 |z|


SetT = |T u(z, w0)T u(z , w0)|. Using Lemma 3.10 for the second integral below,




|w−w0| +2C1





|z|δ1+m{w: |h(z, w)|< δ,|w|<1}1/2 .

Defineφ = heT u. Thenφ is holomorphic inw. Note thatT u is Cin (z, w) outside the zero set ofh, in particular, for|w| =1. By the Cauchy integral formula, φC(




Sinceuis bounded, we put|T u| ≤C5. Then

|h|eC5≤ |φ| ≤ |h|eC5.

Let w1, . . . , wn be the zeros of h(z, w) in


for fixed z, and let p(w) = (w w1) . . . (wwn). By the argument principle forφ, the numberndoes not depend onz. For|w| = 1 we have|h| ≥ C6 > 0, and|p| ≤ 2n. Then by the minimum principle

p1| ≥C6eC52n=C7>0.

The condition |h| ≤ δ implies|p| ≤ |φ|/C7C8|h| ≤ C8δ. By Lemma 3.11 we have the estimate m{|h| ≤ δ} ≤ C92/n andTC10

|z|δ1+δ1/n . Putδ= |z|1−α. ThenTC11

|z|α+ |z|(1−α)/n . Take nowα =1/(n+ 1). ThenTC12|z|α. Thus T uCα(


2), which concludes the proof of Proposition 3.8.

3.4. Decomposition of the phase of a complex polynomial

The results of Sections 3.4–3.5 are needed only for the proof that A, hence J, is Lipschitz inw. This is used in the proofs of the results of Section 5 about gluing discs to real tori, which are not immersed in general.

We callw :=w/wthephase functionofw


. Let n =

t =(t1, ...,tn):tj ≥0, tj =1

be the standard(n−1)simplex.

Theorem 3.12. For every integer n ≥ 1there exists a constant Cn >0and mea- suresµnk,1 ≤kn, onn depending on parametersw1, ..., wn


such that

tn|nk| ≤Cnand the following identity holds:

(w−w1) . . . (wwn)=n



w−t1w1− · · · −tnwnknk(w1, . . . , wn,t)

The above formula can be made much more precise. The singular measuresµnk

reduce to integration over some subsimplexes ofnwith bounded densities. Theo- rem 3.12 means that the phase function of a polynomial can be decomposed into a

“sum” of the phase functions of binomials. It is somewhat similar to decomposition of rational functions into partial fractions, but the sum in fact turns into an integral.

We first prove the result in a special case, in which the polynomial is a product of just two binomials. Then the general case will follow by induction.


Lemma 3.13. For every integer n ≥ 1, 1 ≤ kn, 1 ≤ jn+1, there are constants ck j


, such that for everyw, w0


, the following identity holds

wn(ww0) = w0wn + w0n(ww0) +n

k=1 n+1


ck jw0n+1j 1



Proof. Put= wn(ww0). We will use the partial fraction decomposition 1

wn(ww0) = 1

w0n(ww0)− 1

w0nw− · · · − 1 w0wn. Then

= wn(ww0) wn0(ww0)




w0nk+1wk = (w0+(ww0))n(ww0) w0n(ww0)n


wn(ww0) w0nk+1wk

= n k=0

n k

wn0k(ww0)k+1 w0n(ww0)

n k=1

wn(ww0) w0nk+1wk . Put

Akl(w)= wn0k+1wk wn0l+1wl . Then

= A11(ww0)+Ann(w)+ n k=1

n k


n k=1





The terms A11(ww0)and Ann(w)are listed separately because they are the only bounded terms in the above formula. All other terms have the formAqpwithp>q so they are unbounded asw0→0. Put

f(t)= Ak1+1(wtw0).

We use Taylor’s expansion f(1)=




n!f(n)(0)+ 1 (k−1)!





to express Ak1+1(ww0)in terms ofAqp(w). Note that d

dtAqp(wtw0)=q Aqp+1(wtw0)p Aqp1(wtw0), d



Aqp(wtw0)=q Aqp+1(w)p Aqp1(w).

By Taylor’s formula, not keeping track of the exact values of the coefficients, we have



αkqp Aqp(w)+







whereαkqp andβkp are universal constants. Then = A11(ww0)+Ann(w)+



+ n k=1



ckp 1



whereaqpandckpare universal constants.

Since|App| =1 and|| =1, the sum

1q<pn+1aqpAqp(w)is bounded. But the terms Aqp(w)withq < pare all unbounded and have different asymptotics as w0→0. Henceaqp =0, and Lemma 3.13 follows.

3.5. Lipschitz continuity of the logarithmic difference

Proposition 3.14. For every µC1(


), ε > 0, M > 0 and integer n ≥ 0 there exists a constant C > 0such that every function hC1(


)satisfying the conditions

(i) hw=µh

(ii) |h(w)|> εfor|w|>1/2 (iii) h has n zeros in


(iv) ||h||C1(D)M

admits the representation h=φ0peT u, where u=µh/h, p is a monic polynomial of degree n, and we have the estimates||φ0||C1(D)C,0|≥1/C,||T u||C0,1(D)C.

The goal of Proposition 3.14 is that the estimates onφ0andT udepend only on the number of zeros ofh, not their location.


Lemma 3.15. LetλCα(


)for some0< α <1andλ(0)= 0. Then for every positive integer n we have


where C >0is an absolute constant.

Lemma 3.15 follows from a more general result [17, Lemma 5.4], which in place ofwnhas a function whose derivatives have the estimateO(|w|1). Lemma 3.16. For every positive integer n andw, w0


we have

Tw−w0n= 1 n+1


(ww0)n . (3.11)

Proof. Let f(w)= w−w0n, and letg(w)be the right-hand part of (3.11). Then gw= f. By the Cauchy-Green formula,g(w)= K g(w)+T f(w),w


. Here

K g(w)= 1 2πi


g(ζ )dζ ζw

is the Cauchy type integral over the unit circle. But for|w| =1 we have g(w)= 1





w kn


Thus the Laurent series ofgon the unit circle contains only negative powers ofw. HenceK g ≡0, and the lemma follows.

Lemma 3.17. Let u = λp, where p(w) = (ww1)...(wwn),λCα(


). Then

||T u||C0,1(D)C||λ||Cα(D), where C depends on n andαonly.

Proof. We representpby Theorem 3.12. (This is the only instance when Theorem 3.12 is used.) Since the integrals

|nk| are uniformly bounded, it suffices to prove the result separately for each term in Theorem 3.12. Hence it suffices to consider the case where

p(w)=(ww0)k, |w0|<1, 1≤kn. Thenu(w)=(λ(w)λ(w0))ww0k+λ(w0)ww0k, hence

T u(w)=T[(λ(w)−λ(w0))ww0k] +λ(w0) k+1

(ww0)k+1 (ww0)k .

The first term is uniformly bounded inC1(


), because(λ(w)λ(w0))ww0k is uniformly bounded inCα(


)by Lemma 3.15. The second term is obtained by Lemma 3.16; clearly, it is inC0,1(


). This proves the lemma.


Proof of Proposition3.14. Without loss of generality ||µ||C1(D)M. We use C1,C2, . . . for constants depending on ε, M andn only. In this proof, the term

“uniformly bounded” means bounded by a constant depending onε,M andnonly.

Sincehsatisfies the equation (i), then it admits the representationh =φeT u, u = µh/h with holomorphic φ. Set φ0 = φ/p = heT u/p, where p(w) = (ww1) . . . (wwn),wj are the zeros ofh,|wj|<1/2. Thenu=λp, where λ = (µφ00)eT uT u. We will see thatλis uniformly bounded in Cα(


), and Proposition 3.14 will follow by Lemma 3.17.

Fix any 0 < α < 1, say, α = 1/2. Since|µ| ≤ M, then|u| ≤ M. Since the operator T : L(


) Cα(


) is bounded, we have||T u||Cα(D)C1 and

||eT u||Cα(D)C2. The condition ε ≤ |h(w)| ≤ M for wb


implies the inequality 1/C3 ≤ |φ(w)| ≤ C3 for wb


. Since|wj| < 1/2, then 2n

|p(w)| ≤2nforwb


. Therefore forφ0=φ/pwe obtain 1/C4≤ |φ0(w)| ≤C4 forwb


, hence for allw


becauseφ0is holomorphic and has no zeros. We now show thatφ0C1(D)is uniformly bounded. Since

(p1) = −p1 n



then||p1||C1(bD)C5. By splitting D = (1/2)D+ D\(1/2)D we obtain

||T u||C1(bD)C6(||u||L((1/2)D)+ ||u||C1(D\(1/2)D).

The last term has the estimate


Therefore||T u||C1(bD)C9and||eT u||C1(bD)C10. Then forφ0 = eT uh/p we obtain ||φ0||C1(D)C11. Since|φ0| > 1/C4we have||φ00||C1(D)C12. Now forλ=(µφ00)eT uT u, we have||λ||Cα(D)C13, as desired. Proposition 3.14 is proved.

3.6. Proof of Theorem 3.1

We resume the proof of Theorem 3.1 and return to the notation of Section 3.1. by Lemma 3.3 it suffices to prove Theorem 3.1 locally. Hence it suffices to prove it in the settings of Proposition 3.4. Recall that= {|f| = |g|}, where f andgsatisfy the equations (3.2) and the inequality|f| ≥ |g|. Put = {f =0}. Then. Lemma 3.18. For every z


, the set ({z} ×


)is discrete.

Proof. We prove the lemma for fixedz and treat as a subset of


. LetG :=


\. Putu =µg/f inG. Then fw = u f inG. Without loss of generality (by


the hypotheses of Proposition 3.4) we assume thatµis bounded. Since|f| ≥ |g|, then u is bounded inG. Putφ = f eT u, whereT = TG is the Cauchy-Green integral (3.10). Thenφis continuous in


and holomorphic inG. By the definition ofφ, we have = {φ=0}. By Rado’s theorem,φis holomorphic on all of


. By (ii) of Theorem 3.1, =


. Hence is discrete. The lemma is proved.

Lemma 3.19. =.

Proof. We again treatas a subset of


. Arguing by contradiction, letw0\. Then |f(w0)| = |g(w0)| = 0. By multiplying f by an appropriate constant of modulus 1, we can assume f(w0)=g(w0). Puth=1− gf. Then Reh≥0. Using (3.2) we obtain thathin


\ satisfies the following equation:

hw = g fwf gw

f2 =λh, λ= −µ|f| f

1+ |g|


|f| − |g| fg .

Note thatλis bounded. Thenh = φeTλ, where φis holomorphic in


\ and φ(0) = 0. In fact φ is holomorphic in all of


because it is bounded and has isolated singularities. We claim that h ≡ 0. Otherwise, since is continuous, thenh =φeTλmaps a neighborhood ofw0onto a neighborhood of 0, which is not possible because Reh ≥ 0. Nowh ≡ 0, that is, fgcontradicts =


. The lemma is proved.

To complete the proof of Theorem 3.1 we need to show that the functiona = g/f extends to all of


2with the stated regularity properties, and that the extension satisfies|a| <1. Then by Proposition 2.2, the complex matrix Aof the form (3.1) will define the desired extension of J = HJ .

We first note that ifaextends continuously to, then|a| <1 follows imme- diately by applying toh=1−athe argument from the proof of Lemma 3.19.

We make the substitution

f˜= f +g, g˜ = fg, a˜ = ˜g/f˜= 1−a

1+a (3.12)

and drop the tildes. The new f,gandaare defined on


2\and satisfy instead of (3.2) the following equations

fw =µf, gw = −µg. (3.13)

We need to show thata extends to all of


2 with the stated regularity. It suffices to prove the theorem locally. Thus without loss of generality we assume that there existn,ε, andMsuch that both f andgsatisfy the hypotheses of Proposition 3.14.

Since f andghave the same zero set, then they have the representations f =φ0peT u, u=µf/f,

g=ψ0peTv, v= −µg/g.


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