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Surface deflection in Rayleigh-Benard convection


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HAL Id: jpa-00210934


Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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Surface deflection in Rayleigh-Benard convection

Javier Jiménez-Fernandez, Javier Garcia-Sanz

To cite this version:

Javier Jiménez-Fernandez, Javier Garcia-Sanz. Surface deflection in Rayleigh-Benard convection.

Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (5), pp.521-527. �10.1051/jphys:01989005005052100�. �jpa-00210934�


Short Communication

Surface deflection in Rayleigh-Benard convection

Javier Jiménez-Fernandez(1) and Javier Garcia-Sanz(2)

(1)Dpto. de Física E.T.S. Arquitectura Av. Juan de Herrera s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain

(2)Dpto. de Física Fundamental, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Apdo.

60141, 28080 Madrid, Spain

(Reçu le 19 juillet 1988, révisé le 22 décembre 1988, accepté le 4 janvier 1989)

Résumé.2014 Nous avons analysé la déformation d’une surface supérieure libre dans une

couche fluide chauffée uniformément par dessous. Nous avons obtenu une expression ana- lytique pour l’amplitude de la déformation en fonction des paramètres caractéristiques

du fluide et de l’épaisseur de la couche, lorsque le mouvement convectif est provoqué

par la force d’Archimède, c’est-à-dire, dans le cas des couches profondes.

Abstract.2014 The problem of the deformation of a free upper surface in a convective layer subjected to an adverse temperature gradient is analyzed. An analytical expression for

the amplitude of the surface deflection in terms of the fluid layer parameters has been obtained when buoyancy force is the responsible mechanism for instability (thick layers).


Physics Abstracts 47-25Q

1. Introduction.

Convective motions in a fluid layer open to the atmosphere produce a deforma-

tion of the upper free surface. In the past interest has been focused in the study of

the influence of surface deformation on the critical conditions of instability in both : buoyancy and thermocapillary convection [1-4]. More recently, some experimental re-

sults on the pattern selection for different geometries and the stability of rolls versus hexagons have been published [5-7]. In addition to stability considerations an impor-

tant question arises in convective surface problems : the shape and the amplitude

of the surface deflection. In fact, the shape of the deformed surface provides an ob-

servational criterion to indentify the physical mechanism responsible for convective motion : density or surface tension gradients. Experimental results [8] confirm this fact and provide also the dependence of the surface profile on the layer depth and the

distance to the convective threshold for thin layers. Some numerical results have been

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01989005005052100



obtained [9] from a linear analysis in order to find the regions where the relief is con- cave or convex and the influence of the fluid parameters on the deflection. However,

the results are only qualitative because the amplitude can not be determined from a

linear analysis.

In this note, the problem is revisited following closely the method developed by Joseph [10] for this and other free surface problems [11-12]. An analytical expression

for the amplitude of the surface deflection in terms of the fluid layer parameters has been obtained. We consider the convective motion in a cell bounded by symmetry surfaces and boundary conditions which leads to simple boundary-value problems.

More complex boundary conditions including the dependence of surface tension on the temperature (thermocapillary convection) will be consider in a forthcoming paper.

2. Analysis and results.

Consider an infinite horizontal layer heated from below and a cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z) with its z-axis pointing upwards. The upper free surface is defined by

a function : z = h(x, y ; ,) where e is a perturbation parameter : the Nusselt number

discrepancy : e2= Nu - 1. The bottom surface at z = 0 is horizontal and is held at a

fixed temperature To + AT. We assume that the horizontal boundaries are surfaces of symmetry between adjacent convective cells (rolls or hexagons) insulating for heat and

mass transfer. Thus, the fluid layer is confined in domains of horizontal cross-section E so that the mean height of a cell is given by :

In the rest state E = 0, h = h ; and the solution of the Boussinesq equations for the temperature is :

where To is the temperature at z = h. Following reference [12] we shall as-

sume that this condition for the temperature holds at any point of the de- formed surface and introduce the invertible mapping between the perturbed do- mains Ve; = ((x, y, z) , (x, y) E E, 0 z h) and the domain of the rest state :

which is analytic in the parameter E and maps boundary points in boundary points.

We introduce the functions :


where 8(x, y,z ; e), H(x, y,z ; -) and b(x, y ; e) are the perturbations from the rest state

solution of the temperature, pressure and deflection respectively, p is the reference

density, aT the volumetric expansion coefficients the conductivity, and g the ac-

celeration due to gravity, and take as normalizing condition the value of the Nusselt

number at z = 0 :



where the overbar denote horinzontal averaging. Then, if the perturbation quantities 0,H, 6, the velocity u and the function A are expanded as power series in the small parameter E the mapping (3) leads at successive orders to boundary value problems

for the partial derivatives of the perturbations with respect to e in the undeformed domain Vo. Then, the solution into V£ may be obtained by inversion of the mapping.

(For detailes, see Ref. [12]).

At first order the boundary value problem is :

in Vo, with the boundary conditions :

where nr is the outward normal to the side boundary E, V2=ex :x ax + ey â y ay is the

porjected gradient is the viscosity, a the surface tension coefficient and li§1 the

stress tensor components. At the bottom surface at z = 0 : w(l) = 4>(1) = 0. In

addition we have for a rigid surface : u = v = 0 and for a free surface : S(1) = g (1) = 0.

Except for the normal stress condition (8b), the above boundary value problem

is the standard Rayleigh-Benard problem [13]. Note that the condition assumed for the temperature at the free surface provides a considerable simplification. In virtue of




condition (9) a solution may be obtained on the basis of a separation of the variables.

Therefore we write :

where f(X, Y) is a "plan form" defined as a solution of :

and a is a real number. System (5-7) with (8a) and one of the two possible boundary

conditions at Z = 0 lead to the well known Rayleigh-Benard problem for W(Z). The eigenfunction fV(Z) belongs to a given eigenvalue is determined to whithin a constant

A, the amplitude of the z-component of the velocity. Then, the normal stress condition

(8b) gives the following expression for b(l) (X, Y)

where D = d/dz and Wo is the eigenfunction for A = 1. The amplitude A is obtained

from the normalizing condition (4) which at lower order is :

the horinzontal averaging of the heat equation at second order gives :

(note that w(l) = 0 Vl) and after some calculations the above expression may be reduced to :

-- -


and by integration of (14) it arises

where (.) denote the vertical mean value. On the other hand, the second-order deriva- tive 0(2) (h) may be related to first order quantities from the boundary condition : 0

= 0 at Z = h :

Finally, inserting (11), (16) into (15) :


where 03A60 may be determined from (7) in terms of Wo

J2 depends on the cell geometry ; we have obtained the value 0.5 for rolls and

5 1- 3~3) for hexagons using the Christopherson’s solution [13].

18- ( 8-r )

The simplest case corresponds to a free surface at Z = 0 and a two dimensional motion for which : W (1) = A sin xi Z cos aX, f3 = h and

is the characteristic equation. Insertion of this solution for W 1> in (11) and (17) leads

to the following expressions for the deflection and velocity amplitudes

The minimum critical value of A 0>2-4 (the Rayleigh number) is obtained when

ah= 03C0 and then :

From (22) the following upper bound for the amplitude A is obtained :

which may be used as an approximative value of A. In fact, this expresion show simply that the amplitude of the velocity is proportional to : h where T = h2 is the


characteristic time of heat diffusion.



On the other hand, we note that A decreases as 1/h and therefore K decreases as

1/h2. Figure 1 illustrate this variation of the amplitude K versus h, for a silicone oil : p = 0.968, v =n= 1.00, K = 0.001095, u = 11.36 in C.G.S. units). In a previous work

[9] the qualitative behavior of K with the depth h has been analyzed. It was shown

that K increases with h for thin layers, reaches a maximum and then decreases. A dual behavior which may be explained from a physical point of view by the competition

between surface tension and buoyancy forces. In our analysis we have assumed that convection is driven only by buoyancy forces which is the dominant mechanism in thick layers, and we obtain in accord with [9] that the deflection must be a decreasing

function of the depth h.

Fig. 1.- The amplitudes of the deflection h’ and the z-component of the velocity A as functions

of the mean layer depth h, for a silicone oil.

Expression (22) and (23) provide the quantitative dependence of surface deflection

on h and the fluid parameters : ~, P, 03C3, K. A result which may be tested by straighfor-

ward experimental work. The analysis given here will be enlarged in order to include thermocapillary convection in a forthcoming paper.


J. Jiménez-Fernandez wishes to acknowledge the support of the "Direcci6n Gen-

eral de Investigaciôn Cientifica y Técnica (DGICYT)" of the Spanish Government.



[1] IZAKSON V.Kh., YUDOVICH V.I., Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR Mekh. Zhid. Gazov 4

(1968) 23 (See GERSHUNI G.Z. and ZHUKOVITSKII E.M., Convective Stability of Incompressible Fluids. Keter, Jerusalem (1976) chap. II pp.46-51).

[2] SCRIVEN L.E, STERLING C.V., J. Fluid. Mech. 19 (1964) 321.

[3] DAVIS S.H., SEGEL L.A., Phys. Fluids. 11 (1968) 470.

[4] DAVIS S.H., HOMSY G.M., J. Fluid. Mech. 98 (1980) 527.


30 (1987) 954.


35 (1987) 1949.

[7] BENSIMON D., Phys. Rev. A 37 (1988) 200.


45 (1984) 405.


France 46 (1985) 2047.

[10] JOSEPH D.D., Stability of Fluid Motions Vol. II, Springer Tacts in Natural Philisophy Vol. 28 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg) 1976, chap. XIII, pp.


[11] BEAVERS G.S., JOSEPH D.D., J. Fluid. Mech. 69 (1975) 475.

[12] JOSEPH D.D., BEAVERS G.S., Rheol. Acta 16 (1977) 69.

[13] CHANDRASEKHAR S., Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability (Oxford

University Press) 1961.


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