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Appendix 3.


Academic year: 2022

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Appendix 3. Detection probabilities for species (Fig. A3.1) and foraging stratum guilds (Fig.

A3.2) estimated using data that includes species heard calling from outside the 2-ha sampling area during 20-min standardized searches.

Fig. A3.1. The probability of detection of bird species for the acoustic survey protocol (blue) and standardized searches (gold). Bars represent the interquartile range and central 90% of posterior distributions. Species common and scientific names are provided against species codes in Table 1.


Fig. A3.2. The probability of detection of species members of foraging stratum guilds for the acoustic survey protocol (blue) and standardized searches (gold). The median value is shown as a circle in the bars, which represent the interquartile range and central 90% of posterior distributions. Guild category abbreviations are: All (all strata), G/U (ground/understorey), C/S (canopy/subcanopy), A/G (aerial/ground). The number of species belonging to each guild category are shown in brackets. Species membership of foraging stratum guilds are provided in Table 1.


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