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On the Behavior of Nitrogen Oxides in the Stratosphere


Academic year: 2021

Partager "On the Behavior of Nitrogen Oxides in the Stratosphere "


Texte intégral


Vol. 106-108 (1973/V-VII) BirkhS.user Verlag, Basel

On the Behavior of Nitrogen Oxides in the Stratosphere


Abstract - A summary is presented of the relative importance of the principal aeronomic processes determining the vertical distribution of NO-NOa in the stratosphere. Formation and destruction of nitric oxide are considered with transport processes for steady-state conditions. Estimates of the vertical distribution of NO~ are made for extreme conditions of the eddy diffusion coefficient. It is pointed out that NO is determined by the values which are adopted for its photodissociation coefficient which is related to the absorption of solar radiation in the Schumann-Runge bands of molecular oxygen.

Nitric oxide is f o r m e d in the lower t h e r m o s p h e r e as a result o f ionospheric reactions (NoRToN and BARTt~ [11 ], Srl~OBEL et al. [13], NICOLET [6]) and occurs in the stratosphere chiefly as a result o f a reaction o f the electronically excited oxygen a t o m O(1D) with nitrous oxide (NIcoLET [7], NICOLET and VER~ISON [10], NmOLET and PEETERMANS [9], MCELROY a n d MCCONNELL [5]). As far as the dissociation o f nitric oxide is concerned, it has been i n t r o d u c e d in a e r o n o m i c studies by BATES [1]. W i t h an assumed life-time o f the u p p e r states o f N O o f a b o u t 10 -6 sec, a p h o t o d i s s o c i a t i o n coefficient ,/No = 10 .7 sec -1 has been deduced at zero optical depth (BATES [2], NICOLET [8]) or with a transition probability o f a b o u t 2 x 107 sec -1, a coefficient JNo = 5 • 10 -6 sec -~ (NIcOLET [8]). A first investigation by STROBEL et al. [13] has led to JNO = 4 X 10 .6 sec -~ while a m o r e recent analysis by STROBEL [12] gives,/No > 10 -s sec -~.

Since the p h o t o d i s s o c i a t i o n o f nitric oxide depends on various predissociation processes occurring in the fl, 7, 6 and e-bands at )~ < 1908 ,A, we have used the results o f CIESLIK and NICOLET [4], which are based on the detailed analysis o f the a b s o r p t i o n depending on the structure o f the S c h u m a n n - R u n g e bands o f molecular oxygen.

A t t e n t i o n will be confined here to the" a e r o n o m i c conditions o f nitrogen oxides in the stratosphere since a general paper by BRASSEUR and NICOI, ET [3] covers the subject o f related chemical reactions with all references.

The one-dimensional continuity e q u a t i o n which is On(NO:,) Og'(NOx)

t- - - ~- L(NOx) = P(NOx) (1)

Ot Oz

1) Institut d'Adronomie Spatiale de Belgique, 3 Avenue Circulaire, B-1180-Brussels, Belgium.


1432 G. Brasseur and S. Cieslik (Pageoph, where (b is the vertical flux, L(NOx) and P (NO~) are respectively the loss and p r o d u c t i o n rates, can be written as follows

0n(NOx) 0~(NOx) 2JNo b6 nZ(NOx)

- - + - - + = 2bNo n(O 1 D)n(N2 O), (2)

Ot ~z R[b6n(NO~) + RbTn(02)]

where n(NOx) = n(NO) + n(NO2) + n(N) and R = n(NOx)/n(NO).

T w o reactions are particularly important. The reaction o f a t o m i c nitrogen and nitric oxide

N + N O - + N 2 + O (3a)

with a rate coefficient

b 6 = 2 • 10-12 T1/2cm3 sec -1 a n d the reaction o f a t o m i c nitrogen with molecular oxygen

N + O 2 - - ~ N O + O with a rate coefficient



a n d

b 4 =


• l O - 1 2 e - 1 2 5 ~ - 3

sec -1 is the rate coefficient o f reaction

N O -1- O 3 - - ~ N O 2 -r-

0 2

b 3 = 9 • 1 0 - 1 2 c m - 3 s e c -1 (7a)

is the rate coefficient o f reaction

O + NO2---~NO + O2. (7b)

The photodissociation rate o f N O 2 is

JNo2= 9.5 • 10-3sec -1 (8)

at zero optical depth.

The n(NO2)/n(NO) ratio is given in Fig. 1 for a solar zenith angle o f 60 ~ and for (6a)

(6b) where

b7 = 5 x 10 -13 T 1/2 e -35~176 cm 3 sec -1 (4b) are the a e r o n o m i c reactions to be considered in the chemosphere.

The ratio R = n(NOx)/n(NO) is practically equal to [ n ( N O 2 ) + n(NO)]/n(NO) in the stratosphere. It can be written

b4 n ( 0 3 )

R = 1 ~ (5)

JNO 2 + b 3 n(O)


Vol. 106-108, 1973/V-VII) The Behavior of Nitrogen Oxides in the Stratosphere 1433 photoequilibrium conditions since the lifetime of a nitrogen dioxide molecule is short in the solar radiation field.

The principal source of odd nitrogen in the stratosphere is the reaction of the electronically excited oxygen atom O(1D) with nitrous oxide

N 2 0 + OOD)-->2NO (9a)

with a rate coefficient

bNo -- 10 -l~ s ec-1. (9b)

50 ~ S T R A T O S P H E R E



1 0 I I I L ~ l l l l l I I i l l

IO 2 101

n(NO 2) I n(NO) RAIiO I

~d Figure 1

Ratio of the NO2 and NO concentration in the stratosphere calculated for a solar zenith angle of 60 ~

Additional effects such as the production of nitrogen atoms by the cosmic ray ionization (NmOLET and PEETERMANS [9], WARNECK [14]) or by a predissociation effect on N2 have not been considered here. Finally, the vertical flux of NOx is given by

= p z a-7 (10)

where K is the eddy diffusion coefficient. Two analytical profiles called Kma x and Kmin (Fig. 2) are adopted here as extreme values (see NmOLET and VE~GISON [10])

The predissociation which occurs in the c~ bands is the most important process of dissociation of NO in the mesosphere and stratosphere (STROBEL [12], CIESLIK and NICOLET [4]). Considering that the solar radiation temperature is 4800 -4- 50~ in the spectral region 21850-1900 A, the photodissociation coefficients due to the absorption in the 6(0-0) and cS(1 0) bands are

JNo[6(0 - 0)] = (8.2:: 1) • 10-6sec -1 ( l l a ) and

JNO[6(1 -- 0)] = (4.5 • 1) • 10-6see -1, (1 lb)


1434 G. Brasseur and S. Cieslik (Pageoph,

I__ I r I I I I H I I i ~ r ~ I ~ I i l l l l l I t I + l l l l l



6 0 - -




2 0 - -

0 I I I

ID 2 10 3 10 r i0 s 10 6

E D D Y D I F F U S I O N C O E F F I C I E N T (crn 2 s e c -I )

Figure 2

Adopted profiles of the eddy diffusion coefficient in the homosphere, Km,~ and Km~, respectively (CIEsLIK and N[COLEa" [4]). An application has been made to the mesosphere and stratosphere with the detailed rotational structure of N O and O2 and also with the ozone absorption in the stratosphere. The total photodissociation coefficient of N O resulting from this computation is given in Fig. 3.


; ~ I

i i , ' ' ~ " 1 i , , i i , , , I , , i i l l l J l i f / , , i



sec X = 2 I

10 -9 10 -8 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5

P H O T O D I S S O C I A T i O N C O E F F I C l E N T ( s e c -1)

Figure 3

Photodissociation rate of NO versus altitude computed for an overhead sun and for a 60 ~ zenith angle The nitrogen oxide distributions have been calculated in the 15-100 km range with- out considering all possible aeronomic processes but adopting special conditions which are crucially important for the present problem. A nitric oxide concentration of 108 cm -3 has been taken as an upper boundary condition at 100 k m with no N O production in the lower thermosphere. On the other hand, three lower boundary values have been adopted at tropopause level (.15 km), e.g. 10 -9, 3 • 10 -9 and 10 -8 as mixing ratio values for N O x i n order to explore the effect of varying conditions at,the tropopause.

When no production process is considered in the lower thermosphere and meso-

sphere, it is easy to see how important the photodissociation process is. The result is


Vol. 106-108, 1973/V~VII) The Behavior of Nitrogen Oxides in the Stratosphere 1435 shown in Fig. 4 where a difference of a factor of not less than 10 000 is reached for the nitric oxide concentration at 60 km even with the high eddy diffusion coefficient


i i F i b t l t I i ~ i i ~ l t ~ E i i i i r , i I i i i i i i i


] N 0 X = 60o

y / N o \ \



. r

7 O


i i i tillll I I I Illill I I I i~llll ] Ii i i ill

'~o~ ,0' # ,? ,olO

NO C O N C E N T R A T i O N ( c m -3)

Figure 4

Effect of the photodissociation process on the NO distribution in the 60-100 km altitude range computed for two different eddy diffusion coefficients, Km.~ and Kmin

i , , t , , , l [ i i , , , I I E I , , t , I ' t ' T T

S T R A T O S P H E R E N O x

- X = 6 0 ~





< 3 C

I I I I L I h l i i i i i i i

i0 -I0 i0 -g i0 -B i0 -7

F R A C 1 I O N N A L V O L U M E C O N C E N T R A T I O N

Figure 5

Fractional volume concentration of NO~ in the stratosphere for two different eddy diffusion coefficients, Kmax and Kmln and for three lower boundary conditions, 10 -9, 3 x 10 .9 and 10 -~. The zenith angle is 60 ~

The vertical distribution of NOx, which is given in Fig. 5 by its volume fractional

concentration, is related to the vertical production of nitric oxide (see Fig. 6) which

depends on the values of the eddy diffusion coefficient. The concentration peak is

controlled by the production peak of nitric oxide and is not subjec t to significant

influence by the lower boundary conditions. Nevertheless, the absolute values of the

nitrogen oxide concentrations in the lower stratosphere are sensitive to the values which

are adopted at the tropopause as lower boundary conditions. The two extreme values of

the eddy diffusion coefficient, Kmin and Kma~, lead to volume fractional concentrations


1436 G. Brasseur and S. Cieslik (Pageoph,

5 0 , , , , , , ' r i , i i , , , , I F ,



K M i N


20 P(NOx) = 2xlO-10n(O1D)nIN20) ~ " ~ /

10 } I I I I I I I I I ] I t I I I I l l I I


ld 5~d

PRODUCT ION,[c m~3 sec -1 )

Figure 6

Example of nitrogen oxide production in the stratosphere for two different profiles of the eddy diffusion coefficient, K,,~ and Km~. and for a sun 30 ~ above the horizon

o f 2 x 10 -8 and l0 -8 below and above 35 km, respectively, when the lower boundary condition is taken as ~<3 • 10 -9. In addition the NO~ distribution near the stratopause is very sensitive to the value o f the eddy diffusion coefficient as illustrated in Fig. 5.

On the basis o f our study it is possible to illustrate the behavior o f the nitrogen oxide distribution by the various stratospheric fluxes o f NOx (see Fig. 7). At the mesopause


. K M I N

NOx X = 60"

T {~ ( N O ) - - " -

. . . .

2o -

i 1 I i i i I I I I i I i i i~I l i l l

106 10 ? 108

FLUX (cm-2sec -I )

Figure 7

I i i i ii

NOx flux in the stratosphere and mesosphere calculated for two eddy diffusion coefficients, K .... and Km~.. The NOx mixing ratio was chosen to be 3 x 10 -9 at 15 km and the zenith angle is 60 ~ The flux

is upward in the upper stratosphere and downward elsewhere

level, there is a large downward flux o f N O molecules, which are destroyed in the meso-

sphere; the stratopause is thus much more sheltered from a downward transport o f

N O molecules than it was generally assumed before. The calculation shows that there is

an upward transport in the upper stratosphere. Since no chemical destruction process


has been i n t r o d u c e d in the lower stratosphere, such as a possible effect of HNO3, for example, a d o w n w a r d flux of the order of l0 s cm -2 sec -1 takes place at the tropopause.

A m o r e detailed analysis is required in order to d e t e r m i n e the final sinks of nitric oxide.

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t

The a u t h o r s w o u l d like to express their gratitude to Prof. NICOLET for helpful discussions d u r i n g the p r e p a r a t i o n of this work. T h e y wish to t h a n k Dr: KOCKARTS for his u n p u b l i s h e d tables of the 0 2 a b s o r p t i o n cross-sections in the S c h u m a n n - R u n g e bands.


[1 ] D. R. BATES, Some reactions occurring in the Earth's upper atmosphere, Annales de G6ophysique 8 (1952), 194-20l.

[2] D. R. BATES, The physics o f the upper atmosphere, in The Earth as a Planet, edited by G. KUIPER, Chapter 12 (The Univ. of Chicago Press 1954), pp. 576-643.

[3] G. BRASSEUR and M. NICOLET, to be published (1972).

[4] S. CIESL1K and M. NICOLET, to be published (1972).

[5] M. B. MCELROY and J. C. MCCONNEL, Nitrous oxide: A natural source o f stratospheric NO, J. Atm. Sci. 28 (1971), 1095-1098.

[6] M. N~COLET, Nitrogen oxides in the chemosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 70 (1965), 679-689.

[7] M. N~COLET, Aeronomic reactions o[hydrogen and ozone, Aeronomica Acta A-79 (1970).

[8] M. NICOLET, The origin o f Nitric oxide in the terrestrial atmosphere, Planet. Space Sci. 18 (1970), 1111-1118.

[9] M. NICOLET and W. PEETERMANS, The production o f nitric oxide in the stratosphere by oxidations o f nitrous oxide, Annales de G~ophysique (1972), to be published.

[10] M. N~COLET et E. VERGISON, L'Oxyde azoteux dans la stratosphOre, Aeronomica Acta A-90 (1971).

[11 ] R. B. NORTON and C. A. BARTH, Theory o f nitric oxide in the Earth's atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res.

75 (1970), 3903-3909.

[12] D. F. S~rROBEL, Odd nitrogen in the mesosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 76 (1971), 8384-8393.

[13] D. F. STROBEL, D. M. HUNTEN and M. B. McELRoY, Production and Diffusion o f Nitric Oxide, J. Geophys. Res. 75 (1970), 4307-4321.

[14] P. WARNECK, Cosmic radiation as a source o f odd nitrogen in the stratosphere (1972), to be punished.


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