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Recherches géoarchéaologiques en Mer Noire et en Mer d’Azov


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral



The application of the beneath instructions is not optional. The text proposals that do not respect the composition rules will be returned for correction.


The Méditerranée review only publishes original articles. �y sub�itting their �anuscripts�� the authors attest�y sub�itting their �anuscripts�� the authors attest ipso facto that :

- their te�ts have not been publishe�� be�ore��their te�ts have not been publishe�� be�ore��

- they are not sub�itte�� at the sa�e ti�e to another e��itor��they are not sub�itte�� at the sa�e ti�e to another e��itor��

- they are �ully authorise�� to sub�it the �aterial �or publication��they are �ully authorise�� to sub�it the �aterial �or publication��

- i� accepte���� the paper will not be republishe�� without the consent o� the publishers��i� accepte���� the paper will not be republishe�� without the consent o� the publishers��

- their wor�s are �ree �ro� any plagiaris�.their wor�s are �ree �ro� any plagiaris�.


For any sub�ission the authors have to sen�� the nu�eric version an�� three paper prints o� their articles to the correspon��ing Méditerranée secretary :

Physical Geography Christophe MORHANGE


Europôle Mé��iterranéen ��e l’Arbois

�P 80

13545 Ai�-en-Provence ce��e� 04


Hu�an Geography Régis DARQUES UMR TELEMME-MMSH 5�� rue ��u Château ��e l’Horloge

�P 647

13094 Ai�-en-Provence ce��e� 02


The sub�itte�� articles are anony�ously trans�itte�� to two well-�nown the�atically an�� geographically e�perience�� reviewers. They procee�� to a ��eep e�a� o� the te�t an�� report their ratings an�� annotations to the review �anagers. This report is then anony�ously returne�� to the author �or correction. The correcte��

te�t is sub�itte�� �or the secon�� ti�e to the reviewers. The author is eventually invite�� to procee�� to the last corrections.

The re��action co��ittee �eeps the right at any ti�e to re�use the publication o� the article : - i� the scienti�ic level o� the te�t is consi��ere�� ina��equate��

- i� the corrections are not applie����

- i� the presentation stan��ar��s are not respecte��.

Every rejection will be justi�ie��.

For every publishe�� article�� the author will get a copy o� the correspon��ing Méditerranée volu�e an�� several o��prints.



-Ma�i�u� length :

▪ Article = 6/8 printed pages including figures and tables –namely 25 000 to 38 000 characters maximum  (�ro� which you with��raw �ig. an�� tab.).

▪ Note and chronicle = 4 printed pages –namely 18 000 characters maximum (from which you withdraw fig. 

an�� tab.).

▪ Book review = 1 page –namely 4 to 5 000 characters maximum.

-Prepare a clear te�t�� si�ple�� easy to rea�� (correct punctuation use�� paragraph constructions without e�cessive in��entations). Structure the te�t into sections with e�plicit titles an�� sub-titles.

-Ta�e care to sen�� a te�t �ree �ro� spelling �ista�es. Accor��ing to the gra��atical rules�� pay attention to the correct use o� :

▪ capital letters : we often put too many of them and not in the right place,

▪ hyphens,

▪ commas and semi-colons,

▪ italics (for non English words),

▪ foreign place names : in the original language, except when a well-known anglicized equivalent exist.

▪ limit the use of numerals in the text and avoid the statistics paraphrase (round out the values as far as  possible to integers or to one ��igit ��eci�al nu�bers).

-The te�ts will be supplie�� in Word .doc format

-The Times New Roman font use –in its Unicode version- is mandatory. If you resort to any other alphabet than  stan��ar�� Latin�� use the Arial Unicode MS. Those �onts are supplie�� within Word (Mac and PC) by Microsoft. If  your co�puter syste� ��oes not support Unico��e�� please contact us.

-Every article �ust be provi��e�� with a 1 000 characters �a�i�u� abstract.

-Please begin your writings with the attache�� Model.doc �ile.


Within the text, give your preference to the bibliographic references rather than to text notes.

-�ibliographic re�erences :

…(Nicod�� 1983)�� (Nicod an�� Vaudour�� 1989)…

If a reference to the author is made in the text without parenthesis, then also include the initial of the first  na�e :

…as stu��ie�� by P.-Y. Pechoux (1992)…

-En�� article’s bibliography :

The author’s na�e is written in s�all capitals�� the year is place�� between parenthesis�� the title in italics�� the publisher in stan��ar�� type�� ��on’t �orget the nu�ber o� pages. Original language an�� alphabet�� no translation.

▪ For a book : author�� (��ate)�� Title�� Publisher�� Place�� p.

Walker D.S.�� (1960)�� The Mediterranean lands, Wiley, New-York, 524 p.

The author �ay be a public institution.

▪ For an article : author�� (��ate)�� Title�� Journal�� vol. n°�� p.

kiNG R.�� (2004)�� Albania : interrelationships between population�� poverty�� ��evelop�ent�� internal an��

international �igration�� Méditerranée�� vol. 103�� n°3-4�� p.37-47.

▪ For a symposium or a collective volume : author�� (��ate)�� Title�� Symposium�� Publisher�� Place�� paging in the volu�e.

-Footnotes are e�clu��e��. The e�ceptional te�t notes will be nu�bere�� �ro� 1 to n an�� place�� at the en�� o� the te�t (i� bibliographic re�erences are to be use�� in te�t notes�� they �ust �ollow the above �entione�� bibliographic rules).


revue semestrielle - n° 108 - 2007

Revue semestrielle - n° 108 - 2007 - Publiée avec le concours de l’Université de Provence et de l’UMR TELEMME, CNRS


Register your illustrations independently from the text and provide them apart. Point out in the margin the insertion’s place.

-Grey levels or blac� & white are �an��atory. Colour illustrations shoul�� re�ain e�ceptional.

-Don’t forget to mention the source(s) –author’s name and date for photos.

-The use�ul page �or�at is

6.3” � 9.4”

��ivi��e�� into two


 text columns. Every illustration –both  patterns and writings– may support a maximum half reduction of its size. Simple legends or numbered signals 

�or the captions co�pose�� beneath the �ig. title.

-Type the �igures’ titles�� legen��s an�� sources apart (��o not �orget the��� �ainly �or graphs or �aps).

-The �ig. �ust be nu�bere�� �ro� 1 to n. Sa�e approach �or the tab. (there�ore 2 nu�bering lists).

► Tables :

▪ Simple but complete titles. Show the units.

▪ Provide us Excel .xls format �iles.

► Figures (�aps�� graphs�� ��rawings an�� photographs) :

If you don’t use any computer, directly draw with indian ink on tracing paper or white hard paper. Otherwise :

▪ Your figures should be prepared on a drawing software (Freehand or Illustrator) an�� ��elivere�� as vectorial eps format

▪ Maps : do not forget the essential graphic scale (not alphanu�eric) an�� orientation.

▪ For software incompatibilities, avoid frames on maps. Use grey levels as a substitute. If you still need 

�ra�es�� we’ll restore the� ourselves.

▪ Minimum resolution for photos 300 dpi, save�� as raster tif or jpeg.

▪ Be careful to place names –as for the text.

▪ Do not insert your figures, photos or graphs inside Word. They coul�� ris� ��a�ages.


The authors are �in��ly requeste�� to sen�� their ��e�initive te�ts on nu�eric support. The �ile trans�er shoul�� be

�a��e by CD or e�ail.

The ��e�initive co�position o� the whole issue is achieve�� on PC through the InDesign so�tware.

Than� you �or ta�ing into account all these re�ar�s.

The e��itorial boar�� o� Méditerranée



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