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Stock assessment of Sprat Sprattus sprattius L. of Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, using Length Cohort Analysis Daskalov G., Prodanov K. Dynamique des populations marines Zaragoza : CIHEAM Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10 1995


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Stock assessment of Sprat Sprattus sprattius L. of Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, using Length Cohort Analysis Daskalov G., Prodanov K. Dynamique des populations marines Zaragoza : CIHEAM Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10 1995"


Texte intégral


Stock assessment of Sprat Sprattus sprattius L. of Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, using Length Cohort Analysis

Daskalov G., Prodanov K.

Dynamique des populations marines Zaragoza : CIHEAM

Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10 1995

pages 71-72

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=95605405

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- D askalov G., Prodanov K. Stock assessmen t of Sprat Sprattu s sprattiu s L. of B u lgarian B lack Sea Coast, u sin g Len gth Coh ort An alysis. Dynamique des populations marines . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 71-72 (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10)





Stock assessment of Sprat Sprattus sprattius off Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, Cohort Analysis



attempt is made, to evaluate the dynamics of abundance and of

stock by means of 1981).

Length composition data catches 3

the and the to be

steady state conditions.

was et

1990), an the analysis was employed.

was also possible to estimate the 1970-92,

statistics and

available. Sensitivity analysis was taken into account, the optimal choice of

was not. possible to the of

lack of data the studied. Even though, such estimates 1977-93 this vol.) we did not

by JONES( 1990) gives closest

studies 1993).

Table. A. used in anlysis

at length 7.0cm in 106

l3z o+-

mean biomass at leqgtli 7.0cm and in tons,



years 45-49 ,

B 7 m /H p+


48059.6 1.2


Lou=16cm( 1977-92) the k

k = 1 n ( ~ 0 0 - ~ ~ ) / ~ 0 0 - 1 2 ) ) was found:


CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


and 2 (TabZe,A).

length was chosen to be 12cm(750/aLoo).


0.95 1975-92 and 1.2 1945-74


the last one, the the

in that 1966, and

1985). to

(1993). catches(C) and fishing

to F+ values


200000 40000

20000 c

o O

mean in tons(co1umns) and catches(C: scalc) with line:

The evolution of the stock state could be devised into main the up to mid ~ O ' S , stock

an the

abundance 'is fion1 the combination of stable and at the end of 5O's.The second stage is

by a of stock biomass and mid 70's to

mid 80's. Such an "explosion" could be the extinction of top in late 60's and ?O's, and the of the sea level due to

of two explains the, in

the late 70's. the beginning, the high abundance ita of the base, but soon ,the outstanding

like hypoxia and of gelatinous

megaloplancton, which is feeding on fish eggs and and

fish on food. The is obviously the too .high at the

same time when the standing stock is 1945-92

et A, 1990. lOl(4): 124pp.

G. 1993 de

and 1985. 135pp.

JONES, 1981, 57pp.

JONES, 1990, 46: 130-139

STOYANOV, S.,1966, Varna, 6:21-48


l '

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


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