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Growth of hake in the Balearic sea: A proposal of a new growth model with higher growth rates Alemany F., Oliver P. Dynamique des populations marines Zaragoza : CIHEAM Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10 1995


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Partager "Growth of hake in the Balearic sea: A proposal of a new growth model with higher growth rates Alemany F., Oliver P. Dynamique des populations marines Zaragoza : CIHEAM Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10 1995"


Texte intégral


Growth of hake in the Balearic sea: A proposal of a new growth model with higher growth rates

Alemany F., Oliver P.

Dynamique des populations marines Zaragoza : CIHEAM

Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10 1995

pages 51-52

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=95605402

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Alemany F., Oliver P. Growth of h ake in th e B alearic sea: A proposal of a n ew growth model with h igh er growth rates. Dynamique des populations marines . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 51-52 (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 10)







With in the sea it is essential to know

in allows one to

of the exploited stocks. So, of

canied out for

to some an

or scales (1 ) and it's difficult to length fiequency samples. The

of a (2)

of in of

methodology for estimating Von Bertal- growth parmeters

Some the results refwing to the growth of hake in the Baleark The base data for cmying

in 1990 and 1991,

is and smoothed by using a running 3 data.

n o d components by using

For to five

normal was not studied with method because only two

length distriburion and m d d be distinguished.The obtained modal distri'lwtions are in 1. must

with the exception of the first of sigdicantly

On the hand the mean value of the n o d

component was 2.88, with a standard deviation O.M.

main conchmions can be seems to be an

modal lengths between two is not one

year, but only about six months.

to obtain the Von growth was given to the first

detected modal taking it a

a g e s . This the axis of the lines that

fit the developement of modal sizes

the spawning deteet4 mea. From, these "lenght at age" with exception of two with an

age 0.75 yeiars, biased due to s w e n s 18 cm

bccawk rhc minimum legal size, growth using the


stock 2.

This growth based

agree the 1993 meeting


CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


( 3 ) and with the only datum which we know fiom (4), a had cm in 8.5 months.

autumm spawned and been mentioned by

in this ($6).

to it does not

take into account the of the population in to the total length, make clear the necessity of in to solve this question, because if this

dinamics of hake in .





r N C r l V V ) C D h " ) ;





4.089 0.146



0.514 0.184


45.70 126.9


Alvarez and 1990. les pêches,

2-Fmgi0, al., Gomission of EEC. Contract Final February

3-pindr0, and J.A Pc&o, 1993. 1993/G

4Bell0c, G., T ~ v . P b h a Nantes,

J-BNno, J. al., P.V.



CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


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