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Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral




Twenty-fourth Session H

V/ -


EB24/WP/1 Rev.l 2 June 1959






E B 2 4 A ^ A Rev.l page 2


工. Opening and Object of the Competition - Participants

Article I

The World Health Organization, herinafter referred to as W H O , in accordance with the decision of the World Health Assembly on 22 M a y 1959, hereby opens an architectural competition for the erection in Geneva (Switzerland) of a building to house the Secretariat services of Ш 0 and t o provide also conference rooms for

its Executive Board and for t h e various committees which meet at Ш 0 Headquarters.

Article 2

Architects or firms of architects selected by WHO on the advice of a group of architectural experts, appointed as specified in Article 3 hereunder for the purposes mentioned in that Article, shall be invited to take part in this


Article 3

The group of architectural experts, composed of five architects appointed b y wHO, shall propose t o Щ 0 the names of from twelve to fifteen architects or firms of architects reputed for their technical skill, proved experience and high


The architects or firms of architects thus proposai shall be invited, b y individual letters, to participate in the competition. T o enable them to reach a decision on this invitation, there shall be sent to them the list of the

competitors invited and also the Rules and Programme of the competition in English and in French. The replies from the architects or firms of architects approached must reach WHO within the tine limit of 21 days as from the date of the despatch of the invitation by registered letter. Replies arriving later w i l l be disregarded.

The invitation despatched shall be strictly personal tn character and shall relate only to the architect himself or to the already existing firms of architects it mentions, any group constituted ad hoc being excluded.


I L Basic Documents Article

Five days after the tîate fixed for the expiry of the time limit for the receipt of letters of acceptance^ as prescribed in Article 3, WHO shall despatch to competitors who have replied affirmatively the flocuments mentioned hereunfler:'

these Bules and the Programme (Appendix 1);

plan of the area arawn to the scale of 1 : 2500, in two copies;


a groiiná plan of the site aravn to the scale of 1 : 500, in two copies,

one on thick paper and one on tracing paper;

a grouna plan to the scale of 1 : 2500 showing the altitudes authorized in respect of the site proposed for the building;

a set of photographs of the site;

a note giving a description of W H O , its functions, the present organization of its Secretariat^ etc.;

a scale of fees for architectural work for the use of members of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects;

standards for the calculation of the cubic contents of buildings, аэ established by the Swiss Association of Engineers anñ /..rchitects (No. SIA 116 of 1952)•

Article 5

The date of the opening of the competition shall be the elate of the despatch of the dociments specified in Article h9 The ñate of the closing of the competition shall fall five months later as specified in Article 8.

Article 6

In the four weeks following the date of the opening of the competition

competitors may ask W H O , in writing, for supplementary information. The questions asked and the replies thereto shall be included in a circular which shall be

addressed to all competitors and of which the text shall be arawn up by the Jury constituted as specified in Article 17 hereunder.


Article 7

Competitors shall be required to respect the restrictions on the height of buildings imposea by international regulations relating to air traffic security as shown in the document referred to in Article h (a),

III. Submission of Designs Article 8

The competition shall close on • • • • • • • • • a t 6 p » m# } being the latest date and hour a t vhich designs may be deposited with the Director-General of W H O , Palais des Nations, Geneva^ or be actually despatched by post or any other means. Competitors who despatch their aocuments b y post or by any other means m u s t prove, by means of a receipt or other eviflence, that they have strictly observed the prescribed time-limit.

Article 9

The designs submitted by competitors shall comprise only the following documents; drawn up in accordance vith the Bules and the P r o g r a m m e

(a) one copy of the 1 : 2500 plan sent to participants, intîicating thereon the position of the building anâ the proposed means of access from the public roaas. The plan shall be so arawn as to allow the original outline of the document to remain visible;

(b) the 1 : 500 ground plan sent to participants (thick paper oopy) showing the position of the building^ new contour lines^ means of access, car parks^

external layout, etc,9 the design to be so drawn as to allov the original outline of the ñocoment to remain v i s i b l e

(c) plans, elevations and cross-sections necessary for the understanfllng of the design^ drawn to the scale 1 : 200# The architecture of the elevations is not to be hidden by trees. All plans must be dravn in black and apertures

1 On 15 December 1959, on the assumption that the documents mentioned in Article k- can be (îespatchecl on 15 July 1959*


EB24/WP/1 ú e v a page 5

must be iillefl in (poches) in grey. The cross-sections must shov the altitudes of the building ancl the natural profile of the grouncl;

⑷ two perspectives of the building^ one being a b i r ñ ^ - e y e viev;

(e) a reckoning of the cubic contents of the building in accordance with the standards of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (No. ll6 of 1952)j accompaniea by an easily-verifiable calculation;

(f) a short note flescribitig the features of the design.

The saifl ?Lesions; comprising the plans} cross-sectionsл drawings, descriptions etc.f shall be put together in a single package^ in the form of a roll^ bearing on the outsidle the indication "Architectural Competition1 1 and the address of the Director-General of WHO# The only indication of origin allowed shall be the name of a forwarrlins agent. The marks^ stamps, or seals of such agent shall be

affixecl to the package^ which must bear no other aistincuishins marks.

IV. General Provisions Article 10

These Rules and the Programme^ together with the questions by competitors and the answers thereto referred to in Article 6, shall constitute the basis of the legal relationships between WHO and the competitors. Competitors vho agree to participate in the competition shall therefore be subject unreservedly to these Bules and to the decisions of the jury»

Article 11

No competitor or group of competitors may submit more than one design. W H O will not take any account of documents or plans not aentionecl in the Programme.

Alternatives will not be permitted.

Article 12

Designs shall not be signea. Each of the rlocuments relating to a single design shall bear, in the top left-hand corner^ a number пшЛе up of six Arabic figures selected by the competitor as his iaentification symbol ancl written In a rectangular framework measuring 4 cm by 1 cm. No other r^paphic identification mark shall be allowed.


The number mentioaed above shall appear also on a sealed envelope in v h i c h shall be enclosed a statement of the name or names, the nationality and the address of the competitor or competitors.

Article 13

The vritten indications on plansf drawings^ cross-sections, etc. and also the description of the design m u s t be in English or in French.

A l l units of measurement employed must be those of the metric system^

Article ЗЛ

A l l entries shall be opened a t the same time in the presence of two represent- atives of the Director-General vho shall be required to observe complete secrecy®

As the various packages are opened, these representatives shall place over the number appearing on each of the documents relating to a single design an obliter^

ation stamp to conceal the said number» This obliteration stamp shall bear as a distinctive symbol another number in respect of which the fact that it corresponde to any particular identity shall Ъе unknown to competitors, the Jury and any third party.

The envelope containing the name of the author of the design shall remain sealed until the jury has given its decision^ and only then shall it be opened in the presence of the jury.

Article 15

W H O w i l l bear the cost of insurance of competitors' designs against all rislcç óf deterioration, damage or loss while in the possession of W H O . The amount of such insurance vith respect to any design shall not be greater than the amount of the all-inclusive compensation specified in Article 26.

Article l6

A competitor who is not professionally established in the Canton of Geneva shall expressly undertake^ in the event of his being entrusted with the execution of the plan, to establish a temporary architect's office in G e n e v a , conducted and


directecl by himself or to associate himself v i t h an architect approved by WHO who is established in the Canton of Geneva, The associated architect shall act on behalf of the selected competitor as his duly appointed representative v i t h all the necessary powers to take decisions.

V . Jury- Article 17

F o r the purposes of assisting the Director-General in the choice of the designs^ a jury of seven members shall be constituted as follows:

1# (Architect) (Nationality)


. IV “


• • • “ (Secretary-General of the IUA) 5. • • « » • • (Chairman of WHO's Executive B o a r d ) 6, • • • (Conseiller d!E t a t in the Public

Works Department,Geneva ) 7 (Director-General of W H O )

In case of inability to attend^ a member of the jury mentioned under 、 б or 7 may be represented by an official designated by h i m , and the member mentioned

under 5 m a y b e replaced by another member of the WHO Executive Board designated b y its Chairman. In case of unavoidable absence, the members mentioned under 2 and 3 m a y be replaced respectively by the alternate member of the jury* as follows:

(Architect) (Nationality) 2» • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

•2 »t II

The Direc tor-General of WHO shall ex officio a c t as chairman of the Jury and shall also provide the jury vith a secretariat a n d , to this enfl; shall place a t its disposal officials of the Organization designated to assist it.


EB2^/WP/l Rev.l page 8

Article 18

Acceptance to serve on the Jury shall imply the unreserved acceptance of these Bules.

No member of the jury may take part directly or indirectly in the competition or be entrusted, either directly or indirectly^ vith any "work relating to the execution of the aesign adopted» Members of the jury shall refrain from giving any information of any kind whatsoever to competitors before the jury1s decision

is announced and shall formally undertake to maintain the secrecy of the aeliberations.

Article 19

Expenses incurred by members of the jury in carrying out their mandate shall be borne by W H O .

Article 20

The functions of the jury shall be:

(a) to apply the provisions of the Eules of the competition vithin the limits of the authority attributed to it under these Bules;

(b) to reply to the questions askea by competitors v i thin the time-limit prescribed in Article 6;

(c) to examine the designs and select those which best meet the requirements of the Programme and vhich may be considered as the most satisfactory from the artistic and. practical vievpoints;

(á) to decide upon the avard of the prizes аз provided in Article

(e) to reconunend the execution of the design vhich, in its opinion,best meets the requirements of the Programme;

(f) to гесоштепа the execution, of any other design should it not have been possible to proceed with the execution of the first design гесоштепаей.

Article 21

A t its first meeting, the jury, presided over by the Director-General of W H O , shall elect a rapporteur.


EB2^/WP/l R e v . page 9

Article 22

The jury's deliberations shall not be valid unless a t least five members (titular or alternates) including three architects are present.

The jury's decisions shall be taken by majority vote夕 each design to be votoa upon separately. The chairman shall have a casting vote. Decisions shall be recorded in a report vhich shall be drawn up by the- rapporteur and signed by the chairman and each member of the jury.

Article 23

All decisions of the Jury shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons and shall be made public. There shall be no appeal against such decisions.

Article 2b

The jury shall exclude from the competition:

(a) any design not deposited or not received within the time-limits prescribed in Article 8;

(b) any design vhich - itself or on the package or envelopes - bears a name or a n y other direct or indirect indication of its origin liable to reveal the identity of the competitor;

(c) any design not in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 9*

Furthermore^ no dravings^ photographs; or documents other than those specified in the Programme shall be taken into consideration a n d , if any such are included^

they shall be discarded by the jury before any examination of the design.

In addition, the jury shall disqualify:

(a) any design accompanied by a statement subsequently found to be inaccurate

(b) any design of an author who has in any way whatsoever revealed his identity or attempted directly or indirectly to influence the decisions of the jury.



After the decision has been таЛе, the jury1s report shall be despatched to all competitors. A l l clesigns entered for the competition together with aocompany-

ing documents and dravings^ and the report and decisions of the jury signed by the chairman and by each member of the jury shall be publicly exhibited by WHO for one month in Geneva (Switzerland).

V I . Avards Article 26

The jury shall select the designs for vhich awards are to be made and shall determine the order of merit. The awarcts to be made shall be as follows:

the first prize consisting of the granting^ in principle^ of the execution of the design;

a second prize of Sw.fr. 25 000 a thir^ prize of Sv^fr. 15 000.

The jury may grant two second prizes ex aequo. In that event, no third prize shall be awarded апй the two prize-winners ex aequo shall divide between them in equal shares a total sum of Svtfr» 000,

Tho jury shall, moreover^ be entitled to award no first prize, no seconfl prize and no thira prize.

A n y competitor^ whether a prize-vinner or not, who has^ within the prescribed time-limits^ deposited a complete design complying with the conditions of the

competition^ shall receive as all-inclusive compensation a total sum of Sv0f10 000•

Article 27

A l l designs submitted shall become the property of W H O . The authors of designs shall retain copyright in their w o r k#

In all я ^ ^ р the author of a design shall retain the right cS reproduetion In agreement vith W H O .


V I I . Execution of the Work Article 28

The author of the design to which the first prize is awarded shall, in principle, be entrusted with the execution of the design. The execution of the chosen design, or any modification of it, shall be governed by the terms of a contract to be established between W H O and the author.

If W H O should not proceed with the execution of the design awarded the first prize or i f , before the preparation of the work plans, W H O should consider it impossible to continue negotiations with the author of the said d e s i g n , the latter shall receive a total sura of Sw.fr. 75 000 as sole compensation and shall have no further recourse.

V I I I . Settlement of Disputes Article 29

Any disagreement or dispute relating to the interpretation or application of the present Rules which is not settled by agreement shall be referred to arbi- tration.

For this purpose, an arbitration board composed of three members shall, if necessary, be constituted. One of the members shall be appointed by WHO and one by any competitor concerned in a disagreement or a dispute with W H O , and the third shall be chosen in agreement by the other two arbitrators o r , in the event of a disagreement between the latter, shall be appointed by the President of the International Court of Justice.

The decisions of the arbitration board shall be final and binding.


EE24/WP/1 Rov.l page 12


1 . Brief description of the building

Although the building is intended to hou3e the offices and conference rooms in which the Organization's work will be conducted, it must have a certain

representative character in keeping with WHO,s standing as one of the large specialized agencies of the United N a t i o n s .

The building must be conceived so as to facilitate rational operation of the WHO organs to be housed within i t , while at the same time avoiding any costs which might be considered as excessive and out of proportion to the purposes for vdiich the building is intended. In the evaluation of the designs submitted, due con- sideration will be given to the estimated costs of execution.

The character of the building will be left to the choice of competitors but it must nevertheless harmonize with the site upon which it is to be erected.

Competitors are free in choosing a design to envisage any building materials, on condition that these are of good quality, durable and economic from the point of view of upkeep of the building.

The building must be conceived in such a way as to make possible its extension, as and when n e e d e d .

The following facilities roust be provided:



One Executive Board R o o m , with adjoining premises

and offices, the whole to cover a surface of about 910 Four other meeting rooms for committees, the whole to

cover a surface of about 56O Offices, study-rooms, waiting rooms, etc., to cover a

total surface of about . . 10 900

One library, with reading rooms, offices for the services, storeroom for books, e t c ” to cover a total surface of

about . 1 65O Accommodation for the general services, to сeveг a total

surface of about 2 875


Appendix m


Accommodation for the information service, to cover a total surface of about

Accommodation for various other services, to cover a total surface of about •

Storerooms of about

boiler room, etc. to cover a total surface

1 460

* *

2 0 465 m2

The details with respect to the facilities briefly mentioned above are given under point 5 hereunder.

Particular attention must be paid to the Executive Board Room, which will be the most representative room in the building. The other conference rooms and the offices for the use of the high executives must also be in keeping with their functions.

The proportions of the conference rooms must be related to their surface and to the purposes they are to serve. Competitors will be free to choose the location of the Executive Board R o o m , but it must be easily accessible from all parts of the building. The other four committee rooms should be located, in so far as possible, in the middle of the office block, each on a different floor.

The conference rooms and offices must be lit by natural daylight.

Projects may include two basements.

Access to the grounds for pedestrians and vehicles should be by • • .

-Шеге must be a single main entrance placed, in so far as possible, in the centre of the building.

•Ше entrance hall must be sufficiently wide to accommodate, on one side, the p o r t e r、 office (conciergerie), a waiting room and a cloakroom for visitors, and, on the other side, the necessary installations for the sale of WHO publications, news- papers, cigarettes, photographs, etc.


Appendix 1

Secondary entrances must be provided, one with means of access for heavy vehicles in order to facilitate the loading and unloading of mail and goods, and, according to the length of the building, one or two for use as emergency exits•

The building is to be provided with all the facilities necessary to its use as the Headquarters of an international organization, facilities such as heating

installations (hot water or warm air); air conditioning at least in the Board Room and in the four committee rooms; electric light and power, including auxiliary-

generator j telephone system; hot and cold water system; sanitary installations and waste-water evacuation system; a sufficient number and capacity of staircases, lifts and goods-lifts to ensure a rapid communication between all 'services.

2 . Site

/Description to be drafted when a decision has been made with regard to the site/

Position of the building

This must take into consideration the lie of the land and, at the same time, respect as far as possible existing trees and plants.

The orientation of the building will, of course, fee governed the land on which it is to be erected, but the cold winds which blow from the north-east must be taken into account.

4 . Garages and car and bicycle parks The following must be provided:

One closed garage for six service vehicles, with washing and greasing installations

One car park, part of which may be underground, for al?out 600 cars One bicycle park (open, but with a roof) for about 150 bicycles.

All the above must be situated close to the entrance to the grounds.


Appendix 1

List of meeting, rooms• offices and other accommodation to be provided in the building

Executive Board Boom block

The chamber itself about 3 0 0 m2

Lobby “ 8 0 m2

Lounge " 8 0 m2

Cloakrooms “ 5 0 m2

2 offices of about ^ O m2 ” 8 0 m2

6 offices of about 5 0 m2 " 1 8 0 m 2

12 offices of about 2 0 m2 " 2 4 0 m 2

5 1 0 m2

0 0 m2 about 910m'


In the Executive Board B o o m itself there m u s t be:

55 places a t the central table 36 places at the side tables

75 places for representatives of international organizations^

members of the Secretariat^ etc.

65 places for the press

100 places for the public

9 cabins for simultaneous interpretation, registration of speeches, TV and film photographers^ etc.

The glass-fronted cabins m u s t be raised a t least 50 cm from the floor of the chamber. Access to each cabin (measuring about 2 x 2 m ) m u s t be from a separate corridor outside the chamber.

Facilities for slides and cinema projections.

The centre of the chamber will be occupied b y the central table v h i c h will be surrounded by siüe tables and seats for representatives of international organiza^

-ticéis, secretariat? etc. The press and public may be accommodated in other places behind these, or in a gallery.


Appendix^ 1

(b) Committee rooms


(1) One room of about l40m containing: 40 places at the central table

80 other places

7 cabins for simultaneous

interpretation, etc. (as under (a) above)

Facilities for slides and cinema projections

2 2

(2) Three rooms of about 100m • • 300m each containing: 3 0 places at the central table

60 other places

7 cabins for simultaneous interpretation (as under (a) above)

Facilities for slides and cinema projections

The four committee rooms will 2

each have an adjacent office

measuring about and a small cloakroom measuring about 10m 一 2 (c) Offices

1 2 0 m2

The total surface for offices, excluding those mentioned under (d) to (g) below, is to be about


10 900ш'


This area is to include about 220m

for the suites of the Director-General and the Deputy Director-General (each suite comprising one large office, two standard

offices, and one waiting room), and about . . 320m



for the suites of the four Assistant


Appendix 1

Directors-General (each suite comprising one large office, one standard office, and

one waiting room) 互 making a total of about 5^0m

which leaves about ЗбОт for the offices of other officials.

The number of these offices and their size will be determined when the final plans are prepared; movable partitions are to be provided to the maximum possible extent so that the distribution of the offices can be changed at any time. The area of 10 3 6 0 m2 is to be distributed over the various floors.

In the preparation of their projects, competitors should consider a standard office as being one covering an area of about l 8 m2, sufficiently wide to permit two officials to sit face to face near the window, their respective desks being 85 cm deep. Competitors should propose a module which will make it possible to establish

offices with surfaces equivalent to multiples of that module, bearing in mind that the surfaces required will start from a minimum unit of 10-12m and may extend to units of l8-20m , etc.


Each office must be provided with one or several fitted cupboards.

(d) Library

(1) Three reading rooms of about 2 7 5 m2, бОп2 and 2

6 0 m2 respectively a b o u t

(2) Offices for the library services “


’ i 2

(3) Museum room �0"1

(4) Storeroom for books “ 6 1 650m

2 2


Appendix 1


(e) General Services

(1) Stenographic services 600m' (2) Documents service:

(i) reproduction about 3 7 0 m2

(ii) maintenance and

distribution " 1б5ш 5 3 5 m2

O ) Services for the registration and dispatch

of mail and internal distribution 440m (4) Archives service:

о (i) current archives • • • • about 75m

(ii) reserves ” 1 2 5 m2 200m

(5) Storeroom for documents 1 1 0 0 m2

(f) Information Service

(1) Press-room and accommodation for telephone

boxes n o m

(2) Radio and TV studio • • • • 6 0 m2

⑶ Documents room • • 60m^

(g) Other services and premises

⑴ Bank 4 0 m2

(2) Post Office 8 0 m2

⑶ Telephone exchange (including accumulators).. 100m

(4) Travel agency 6 0 m2

(5) Medical service 8〇m

(6) Two rest rooms for Secretariat personnel • • 120m p о (7) Rooms for Staff Committee activities . . . . 80m


8 7 5 m2

2 5 0 m2


Appendix 1

(8) Cafe teri a-re s taurant, reception hall, ^

offices, kitchens, etc �5 0 m

(9) Workshops 2 3 0 m2

(10) Premises for photograph, photocopy services, 2

etc 220m (11) Three special fire-proof rooms about 60m ,


4 0 m2 and 2 0 m2 respectively, for the storing 2

of films, valuable documents, etc 120m (12) Quarters for the cleaning services (one per ^

floor) measuring about lQm^ • 100m (13) Dressing rooms and shower-baths for

messengers, technical personnel, cleaners, etc

(h) Storage, etc.

Various (for office material, furniture, etc.) •



. 1 100m


1 880m'


Premises for heating, ventilating and electrical ^ 2 installations, etc. •• . ^бОтп 1 460m

Distribution of offices and other accommodation throughout the building

(a) Offices

The suites of the Dire с tor-General and the Deputy Direсtor-General should be side by side.

The suites of the Assistant Directors-General should be distributed over various floors. For the other offices, see point 5 (c)•

(b) Library

The reading rooms and offices should be preferably on the ground floor, and the book reserves above or below them, the two sectors being linked by a small staircase and a small book-lift.


Appendix 1

(c) General Services

The distribution should be as follows:

(1) Stenographic services: on one of the floors.

(2) Documents service: ground floor or basement.

(3) Service for the registration and dispatch of mail, and internal distribution: ground floor, next to Post Office,

(4) Archives services

current archives: ground or some other f l o o rreserves: basement.

(5) Storeroom for documents: basement, if possible underneath the documents service and communicating with it by a small staircase and small goods-lift.

(d) Information Service

(1) Press room and telephone boxes: ground floor.

(2) Radio and T V studio: ground floor or a higher floor.

(3) Documentation room: ground floor next to Press room.

(e) Other services and accommodation

(1) Bank ) (2) Post Office )

) g r o u n d floor

O ) Telephone exchange ) (4) Travel agency ) (5) Medical service ) (6) Rest rooms ) on one of ttie

) other floors (7) Rooms for Staff Committee activities )


ЕВ24Л/РД U e v . page 2 1

Appendix 1

(8) Cafeteria-restaurant^ etc.: top floor or terrace.

(9) Workshops : basement or ground floor•

(10) Photographic services, etc.: basement or ground floor, near library and documents service.

(11) Special fire-proof rooms s basement.

(12) Service rooms for cleaners: one per floor.

(15) Dressing rooms and shower-bathsî basement.

Storage: basement

Heating and air conditioning installations, etc.: basement.





Twenty-fourth Session


EB24AíP/l ‘ 29 May 1 9 5






I. Opening and Object of the Competition - Participants Article 1

The World Health. Organization, hereinafter referred to as W H O , in ассогйапсе w i t h the decision of the "World Health Assembly on 22 May 1959, hereby opens an architectural competition for the erection in Geneva (Switzerland) of a building

to house the Secretariat services of W H O and to proviüe also conference rooms for its Executive Board and for the various committees which m e e t a t W H O Headquarters.

Article 2

Architects or firms of architects selected by WHO on the advice of a group of architectural experts, appointed as specified in Article 5 hereunder for the

purposes mentioned in that A r t i c l e , shall be invited to take part in this competition.

Article 3

The group of architectural experts, composed of five architects appointed by W H O , shall propose to W H O the names of from twelve to fifteen architects or firms

of architects acquainted w i t h the building conditions existing at the place where the proposed building is to be erected апй reputeñ for their technical skill;

proved experience and high standing.

The architects or firms of architects thus proposed shall be invited, by individual letters^ to participate in the competition. To enable them to reach a decision on this invitation^ there shall be sent to them the list of the

competitors invited and also the Rules anfl Programme of the competition in English and in French. The replies from the architects or firms of architects approached m u s t reach W H O within the time limit of 21 days as from the date of the despatch of the invitation by registered letter. Eeplies arriving later w i l l be âisregarâea,

The invitation despatched shall be strictly personal in character and shall relate only to the architect himself or to the already existing firms of architects it mentionsл any group constituted аД hoc being excluded.


II. Basic Documents Article k

Five days after the date fixed for the expiry of the time limit for the receipt of letters of acceptance^ as prescribed in Article 3 , WHO shall despatch to competitors who have replied affirmatively the documents mentioned hereunfler:

(a) these Bules an3 the Programme (Appendix 1);

(b) a plan of the area drawn to the scale of 1 : 2500, in two copies;

(c) a ground plan of the site drawn to the scale of 1 : 500, in two copies, one on thiols; paper and one on tracing paper

⑷ a grouna plan to the scale of 1 : 2500 showing the altitudes authorized in respect of the site proposed for the building

(e) a set of photographs of the site;

(f) a note giving a description of W H O , its functions, the present organization of its Secretariat^ etc.;

(g) a scale of fees for architectural work for the use of members of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects;

(h) stanflarfls for the calculation of the cubic contents of buildings, as established by the Svjiss Association of Engineers and Architects (No. SIA 116 of 1952).

Article ^

The date of the opening of the competition shall be the date of the despatch of the documents specified in Article The ñate of the closing of the competític shall fall five months later as specified in Article 8.

Article 6

In the four weeks following the aate of the opening of the competition,

competitors may ask W H O , in writing, for supplementary information. The questions asked and the replies thereto shall be included in a circular which shall be

addressed to all competitors and of which the text shall be drawn up by the Jury constituted as specified in Article 17 hereunder.


Article 7

Competitors shall be required to respect the restrictions on the height of buildings imposed by international regulations relating to air traffic security as shown in the document referred to in Article 4 (fl),

III. Submission of Designs Article 8

The competition shall close on a t 6 p.m., being the latest date and hour at which designs may be deposited vith the Director-General of W H O , Palais des Nations; Geneva, or be actually despatched by post or any other means. Competitors who despatch, their documents by post or by any other means m u s t prove^ by means of a receipt or other evidence, that they have strictly observed the prescribed time-limit.

Article 9

The designs eubmitted by competitors shall comprise only the following documents, drawn up in accordance vith the Bules and the Programme:

(a) one copy of the 1 : 2500 plan sent to participants, indicating tbereon the position of the building and the proposed means of access from the public roads. The plan shall be so drawn as to allow the original outline of the document to remain v i s i b l e

(b) the 1 : 500 ground plan sent to participants (thick paper oopy) showing the position of the building, new contour lines, means of access, car parks, external layout, etc,f the design to be so dravn as to allow the original outline of the document to remain visible

(c) plans, elevations and cross-sections the design, drawn to the scale 1 : 200, is not to be hidden by trees. A l l plans

necessary for the understanding of The architecture of the elevations must Ъе drawn in black and apertures

1 -n 15 December 1959, Article 4 can be despatched

on the assumption that the documents mentioned in on 15 July 1959.


must be filled in (pochés) in grey. The cross-sections must show the altitudes of the building and the natural profile of the ground;

(d) two perspectives of the building, one being a bird's-eye v i e w(e) a reckoning of the cubic contents of the building in accordance with the standards of the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (No. Il6 of 1952 ), accompanied, by an easily-verifiable calculation

(f) a short note describing the features of the design.

The said designs, comprising the plans, cross-sections, drawings, descriptions etc. j shall be put together in a single p a c k a g e i n the form of a roll, bearing on the outside the indication "Architectural Competition" and the address of the Director-General of W H O . The only indication of origin allowed shall be the name of a forwarding agent. The marks, stamps, or seals of such agent shall be

affixed to the package, which must bear no other distinguishing marks.

IV» General Provisions Article 10

These Eules and the Programme^ together with the questions by competitors and the answers thereto referred to in Article 6 , shall constitute the basis of the legal relationships between WHO and the competitors. Competitors who agree to participate in the competition shall therefore be subject unreserveaiy to these Bules ana to the decisions of the jury.

Article 11

No competitor or group of competitors may submit more than one design. WHO will not take any account of documents or plans not mentioned in the Programme.

Alternatives will not be permitted.

Article 12

Designs shall not be signed. Each of the documents relating to a single design shall bear, in the top left-hand corner, a number made up of six Arabic figures selected by the competitor as M s identification symbol and written in a rectangular framework measuring ^ cm by 1 cm, No other graphic identification mark shall be allowed.


The number mentioned above shall appear also on a sealed envelope in which sliall be enclosed a statement of the name or names^ the nationality and the address of the competitor or competitors^

Article 13

The vritten indications on plans} drayings^ cross-sections^ etc, and also the description of the design m u s t be in English or in French.

A l l units of measurement employed must be those of the metric system,

A l l entries shall be opsned a t tho same time in the presence of two represent atives of the Director-General vho shall be required to observe complete secrecy.

As the various packages are cloned^ these representatives shall place over the mimber appearing on each of the documents relating to a single design an obliter- ation stamp to conceal the said nmiber. This obliteration stamp shall bear as a distinctive symbol another пгпЪег in respect of vhich the fact that it corresponds to

any par "ti culo г idcn'bity shall oe unknown to ccmpetitors, "the Jury and any third partjr.

The envelope containing tb.e name of the author of the design shall remain sealed until the jury has given its decision^ and only then shall it b© openeâ in the prèsonce of the Jury-

ш е и :

WHO "Will bear the cost of insurance of competitors1 designs against all т±зЩ of doterioration^ damage or loss while in the possession of W H O . The amount of such insurance vith. re^poct to any design shall not be greater than the amount of tho all-inclusive compensation specified in Article 26.

A competitor who is not professionally established in the Canton of Geneva sliall expressly undertake^ in the event of his being entrusted with the execution of the p i a n; to establish a temporary architect's office in Geneva, conducted and directed by himself or by an architect of his choice, approved by WHO and duly


authorized; or to associate himself with an architect approved by WHO vho is established in tiie Canton of Geneva. The associated architect shall a c t on behalf of the selected competitor as M s duly appointed representative with all the necessary powers to take decisions.

V . Jury Article 17

For the purposes of assisting the Director-General in the choice of the designs; a jury of seven members shall be constituted as follows:

(Architect) (Nationality) it »

» »

扛 » (Secretary-General of the IUA)

^ , , • (Member of WHO'S Executive B o a r d )

б (Conseiller d'Etat in the Public Works

. " ' c ° ' DGpartment; Geneva) 了 , ,. (Director-General of W H O )

In case of inability to attend, a member of the jury mentioned unâer b , 5 , 6 or 7 may be replaced by any person nominated by that member. In case of unavoidable absence, the members mentioned under 1, 2 and 3 m a y be replaced respectively by the alternate member of the jury as follovs:

1。 (Architect) (Nationality) о ” 2 . . .

tt “ 3

The Director-General of WHO shall ex officio act as chairman of the jury and s h a n also provide the jury with a secretariat a n d , to this end, shall place a t its disposal officials of the Organization designated to assist it.


Article 18

Acceptance to serve on the jury shall imply the unreserved acceptance of these Bules,

No member of the jury m a y take p a r t directly or indirectly in the competition or be entrusted, either directly or indirectly^ vith any vork relating to the execution of the design adopted. Members of the jury shall refrain from giving any information of any kind whatsoever to competitors before the jury1s decision is announced and shall formally undertake to maintain the secrecy of the


Article 19

Expenses incurred by members of the jury in carrying out their mandate shall be borne by W H O .

Article 20

The functions of the jury shall be:

(a) to apply the provisions of the Bules of the competition within the limits of the authority attributed to it under these Eules;

(b) to reply to the questions asked by competitors within the time-limit prescribed in Article 6

(c) to examine the designs and select those which best meet the requirements of the Programme and which m a y be considered as the m o s t satisfactory from the artistic and practical v i e w p o i n t s

(â) to decide upon the award of the prizes

(e) to recommend the execution of the design vhich, in its opinion, b e s t meets the requirements of the Programme;

(f) to recommend the execution of any other design should it not have been possible to proceed vith the execution of the first design recommenclea»

Article 2 1

A t its first meeting, the Jury, presided over by the Director-General of W H O , shall elect a rapporteur.


Article 22

The Jury's deliberations shall not be valid unless a t least five members (titular or alternates) including three architects are present.

The jury's decisions shall be taken by majority v o t e , each design to be voted upon separately. The chairman shall have a casting vote. Decisions shall be recorded in a report vhich shall be drawn u p by the rapporteur and signed by the chairman and each member of the jury.

Article 23

A l l decisions of the jury shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons and shall be mafle public. There shall be no appeal against such decisions.

Article 2b

The jury shall exclude from the competition:

(a) any design not deposited or not received vithin the time-limits prescribed in Article 8;

(b) any design vhich • itself or on the package or envelopes - bears a name or any other direct or indirect indication of its origin liable to reveal the identity of the competitor;

(c) any design not in accordance with, the conditions laid down in Article 9 . Furthermore, no dravings, photographs, or documents other than those specified

i n the Programme shall Ъе taken into consideration and, if any. such are included, they shall be discarded by the jury before any examination of the design.

In addition, the jury shall disqualify:

(a) any design accompanied by a statement subsequently found to be inaccurate;

(b) any design of an author vho has in any way whatsoever revealed his identity or attempted directly or indirectly to influence the decisions of the jury.


E B 2 V W P / 1 page 10

Article 25

A f t e r the decision has been made^ the juryes report shall be despatchefl to all competitors. A l l designs entered for the competition together vith accompany- ing documents and drawings, and the report and decisions of the jury signed Ъу the chairman and by each member of the jury shall be publicly exhibited by WHO for one month In Geneva (Switzerland).

VI. Avaras

Article 26

The jury shall select the designs for which avarcls are to determine the order of merit. The avards to be maâe shall be the first prize consisting of the granting^ in principle,

of the design;

a second prize of Sw.fr. 25 000 a third prize of Sv. fr. 15

The jury may grant two second prizes ex aequo. In that event, no third prize shall be avarcled and the two prize-vinners ex aequo shall divide between them in equal shares a total sum of Sv# f r .0 000•

The Jury shall, moreover^ be entitled to award no first prize, no seconfl prize and no third prize.

A n y competí tor ^ whether a prize-winner or not, who has^ within the prescribed, time-limits^ deposited a complete design complying vith the conditions of the

competition, shall receive as all-inclusive compensation a total sum of S v#f r . 10 000 Article 27

A l l designs submitted shall become the property of W H O .

Nevertheless^ the authors of designs shall retain copyright in their vork and their consent m u s t be obtained for any alterations or modifications vhich WHO may vish to introduce into them.

In all cases, the author of a design shall retain the right of reproduction in agreement vith W H O .

be made and shall as follovs;

of the execution


V I I . Execution of the W o r k Article 28

The author of the design to which the first prize is avardecl shall, in principle, be entrusted, v i t h the execution of the design.

If W H O should be unable to proceed vith the execution of the design awardea the first prize or if, before the preparation of the vork plans, W H O shoult!

consider it impossible to continue negotiations with the author of the said

aesign, the latter shall receive a total sum of Sw.fr. 75 000 as sole compensation апД shall bave no further recourse.

V I I I . Settlement of Disputes Article 29

A n y disagreement or dispute relating to the iaterpretation or application of the present Eules vhich is not settled b y agreement shall be referred to arbitration.

F o r this purpose, an arbitration board composeá of three members shall, if necessary, be constituted. One of the members shall be appointed by W H O ana one by any competitor concerned in a aisagreement or a dispute with W H O , and the third

shall be chosen in agreement by the other two arbitrators o r , in the event of a disagreement between the latter, shall be appointed by the President of the International Court of Justice.

The decisions of the arbitration, board shall be final апД binding.




1 . Brief description of the building

Although the building is intended to house which the Organizationfs work will be conducted character in keeping with W H O1s standing as one the United Nations.

The building must be conceived so as to facilitate rational operation of the WHO organs to be housed within it, while at the same time avoiding any costs which might be considered as excessive and out of proportion to the purposes for which the building is intended. Moreover, it must be conceived in such a way as to make possible its extension, as and when needed.

The character of the building will be left to the choice of competitors but it

must nevertheless harmonize with the site upon which it is to be erected» Competitors are free in choosing a design to envisage any building materials, on condition that

these are of good quality, durable and economic from the point of view of upkeep of the building.

The following facilities must be provided:



One Executive Board Room, with adjoining premises

and offices, the whole to cover a surface of about . • • • 9 Ю Four other meeting rooms for committees, the v^iole

to cover a surface of about 560 Offices, study-rooms, waiting rooms, etc. to cover

a total surface of about • 10 900 One library, with reading rooms, offices for the

services, storeroom for books, etc. to cover a

total surface of about 1 65O Accommodation for the general services, to cover a

total surface of about . • • • 2 875 the offices and oonferenoe rooms in , i t must have a certain representative

of the large specialized agencies of


Appendix 1

Accommodation for the information service, to cover a total surface of about

Accommodation for various other services, to cover a total surface of about • • • • Storerooms, boiler room, etc. to cover a total surface

of about




1 460 20 465 m'


The details with respect to the facilities briefly mentioned above are given under point 5 hereunder.

Particular attention must be paid to the Executive Board Room, which will be the most representative room in the building. The other conference rooms and the offices for the use of the high executives must also be in keeping with their functions.

The proportions of the conference rooms must be related to their surface and to the purposes they are to serve. Competitors will be free to choose the location of the Executive Board R o o m , but it must be easily accessible from all parts of the building. The other four committee rooms should be located, in so far as possible, in the middle of tne office block, each on a different floor,

The conference rooms and offices must be lit ty natural daylight.

Projects may include two basements.

Access to the grounds for pedestrians and vehicles should be by • • •

There must be a single main entrance placed, in so far as possible, in the centre of the building.

The entrance hail must Le sufficiently wide to accommodate, on one side, the Dorter1 s office (conciergerie), a waiting room and a cloakroom for visitors, and, on the other side, the necessary installations for the sale of WHO publications, news- papers, cigarettesj photographs, etc.


Appendix 1

Secondary entrances must be provided, one with means of access for heavy vehicles in order to facilitate the loading and unloading of mail and goods, and, according to the length of the building, one or two for use as emergency exits.

The building is to be provided with all the facilities necessary to its use as the Headquarters of an International organization, facilities such as heating

installations (hot water or warm air); air conditioning at least in. the Board Room and in the four committee rooms; electric light and power, including auxiliary

generator; telephone system; hot and. cold water system; sanitary installations and waste-water evacuation system; a sufficient number and capacity of staircases, lifts and goods-lifts to ensure a rapid communication between all 'services.

2 . Site

^Description to be drafted when a decision has been made with regard to the site/

,• Position of the building

This must take into consideration the lie of the land and, at the same time, respect as far as possible existing trees and plants.

The orientation of the building w i l l , of 位ourse, be governed the land on which it is to be erected, but the cold winds which blow from the north-east must e taken into account.

Garages and car and bicycle paries The following m u s t be provided:

One closed garage for six service Vehicles, with washing and greasing installations

One car p a r k , part of which may be underground, for a^out 6 0 0 cars One bicycle park (open, but with a roof) for about 150 bicycles.

All the above m u s t be situated close to the entrance to the grounds.


Appendix 1

5 . List of meeting rooms,.offices and other accommodation to be provided in the building

(a) Executive B o a r d Room block Ihe chamber itself

Lobby- Lounge Cloakrooms

2 offices of about 4。m


6 offices of about 30m


12 offices of about 20m'

In the Executive Board Room itself there must be:

places at the central table 5 6 places a t the side tables

7 5 places for representatives of governments and international organizations, members of the Secretariat, e t c .

65 places for the press 100 places for the public

9 cabins for simultaneous interpretation, registration of speeches, T V photographers, etc.

Facilities for slides and cinema projections

The glass-fronted cabins roust be raised at least 50 cm from the floor of the chamber. Access to each cabin (measuring about 2 x 2 m ) , m u s t be from a separate corridor outside the chamber.

T h e centre of the chamber will be occupied by the central table which will be surrounded by side tables and tiers of seats for government representatives. The press and public may be accommodated in other tiers behind those for the government representatives, or in a g a l l e r y .

about 3 0 0 m2

80m' 80tn:

2 2





" 1 8 Ы






4 0 0 m2 about 91(>n'



A p p e n d i x 1

(Ъ) Committee rooms

(1) One room of about l 4 0 m2

containing j 4 0 places at the central table 80 other places

7 cabins for simultaneouB

interpretation, e t c . (as xrnder (a) above)

Facilities for slides and cinema projections

2 2

(2) Three rooms of about 100ш 300m

each containing: 3 0 places at the central table 60 other places

7 cabins for simultaneous interpretation (as u n d e r (a) above)

Facilities for slides and cinema projections

T h e f o u r committee rooms will


each have an adjacent office m e a s u r i n g about 20m and a small cloakroom measuring about 10m


(c) Offices

1 2 0 m2 5 6 0 m2

•^^^•шттттт Ш _ • MI •

The total surface for offices, excluding those mentioned

u n d e r (d) to (g) below, is to be about 1 0 900m4


T h i s area is to include about 220m for the suites of the Dire с tor-General and

the Deputy Director-General (each suite comprising one large office, two standard

offices, and one waiting r o o m ) , and about . . 320m' 2


for the suites of the four Assistant


Appendix 1

я am I * I _ . I _ I I _ ЛЬ--»

Directors-General (each suite comprising one large office, one standard office, and

one waiting room) — ^

making a total of about 5^0 m

wj?.ich leaves about 1 0 ^6 0 t D for the offices of other officials.

T he number of these offices and their size will be determined when the final plans are prepared; movable partitions are to be provided to the maximum possible extent so that the distribution of the offices can be changed at any time. The area

0f 10 3 6 0 m2 is to be distributed over the various floors.

In the preparation of their projects, competitors should consider a standard office as being one covering an area of about l8ra2, sufficiently wide to permit two officials to sit face to face near the window, their respective desks being 85 cm

d e e p. Competitors should propose a module which will make it possible to establish offices with surfaces equivalent, to .multiples of that module, bearing in mind that the surfaces required will start from a minimum unit of 10-12m and may extend to units of l8-20m , etc.


Each office must be provided with one or several fitted cupboards.

(d) Library

一 2 2

il) Three reading rooms of about 275m , 60m and 2

60m2 respectively... about 395ш t! iiftOm


(2) Offices for the library services ч о и ш

tt -j AOm


(3) Museum room )

(4) Storeroom for “ 1 6 5°m


E B 2 V W P / 1 page 18 Appendix 1

(e) General Services

(1) Stenographic services • • бООш‘ (2) Documents service:

2 (i) reproduction about 370^

(ii) maintenance and 2 distribution " Хб5ш



(3) Services for the registration and dispatch of mail and internal distribution

(4) Archives service:

(i) current archives . . . • about 75m


(ii) reserves “ 125m2

(5) Storeroom for documents


100m2 2 875m2

(f) Information Service

(1) Press-room and accommodation for telephone ^

boxes 110m (2) Radio and TV studio • • • бОш


⑶ Documents room 60m 230m

2 2

(g) Other services and premises

(1) Bank 40m


(2) Post Office 80m 2

⑶ Telephone exchange (including acoumulators).. lOOn


(4) Travel agency • • • . • • • бОп 2

(5) Medical service 80m


(6) Two rest rooms for Secretariat personnel • • 120m


(7) Rooms for Staff Committee activities • • • • 8Cto 2


A p p e n d i x 1

(8) Cafeteria-restaurant, reception h a l l , 2

offices, k i t c h e n s , e t c , . . „ ‘ ^50m (9) Workshops . . . . 2? 0 m

(10) Premises for photograph, photocopy services, 2

etc 2 2 0 m



(11) Tiiree special fire-proof rooms about 60m ^

、 4 0 m2 and 2 0 m2 respectively, for the storing 2

of films, valuable documents, etca 120m.

(12) Quarters for the cleaning services (one per 2

floor) measuring about 1 0 m2 100m

(15) Dressing rooms and showèr-baths for

messengers, technical personnel, cleaners, 2 … 2

… 200m 1 880m (h) Storage, e t c .

Various (for office m a t e r i a l , furniture, etc.) . . 1 100m


Premises for h e a t i n g , ventilating and electrical 2 2 installations, e t c . . . ^6 0 m 1 4 6°m

Distribution of offices and other accommodation throughout the building

(a) Offices

The suites of the Director-General and the Deputy Director-General should be side by side.

The suites of the Assistant Directors-General should be distributed over various floors. F o r the other offices, see point 5 (c).

(b) Library

The reading rooms and offices should be preferably on the ground floor and the book reserves above or below them, the two s e c t o r b e i n g linked by a small staircase and a small book-lift.


Documents relatifs

De conformidad con la resolución de la 13 Asamblea Mundial de la Salud y de las recomendaciones formuladas por el Comité de Expertos en Paludismo en su octavo informe, se envió

The Committee expressed gratification at the promptness with which the Regional Office had provided assistance to governments in the implementation of resolution W H A 1 8. 3 6

$4 ООО 000 en 1963 au compte spécial pour 1'eradication du paludisme. Ces montants ne sont classés dans aucun chapitre du code des dépenses. Ces prévisions couvrent les

It so happens that a pharmaceutical speciality of an exporting country may include only drugs which have actually been produced in a number of other countries, which may exercise

Certains pays tiennent des statistiques relatives aux travaux du personnel de ser- vice (par exemple, le nombre de repas servis) afin de suivre le volume des activités non médicales

E l Dr VANNUGLI, suplente del Profesor Canaperia, se muestra satisfecho de que el Consejo Ejecutivo, después de haber examinado con cierta rapidez los infor- mes de otros comités


E l Anexo IV contiene un resumen de las deliberaciones sobre el proyecto de programa y de presupuesto de 1964 para la Región y sobre cuestiones técnicas. Ambos subcomités