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View of Volume 21, Number 3: Front Cover, Editorial Staff


Academic year: 2021

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Texte intégral


Prison Education

Réal G. Boulianne

Claire Meunier


espeare Untexted

John Willinsky


es and Issues in the

History of Childhooil

Michael R. Welton


Editor William M. Talley

Managing Editor Greg Reid

Review Editor Andrew Hum

Member Member

Y.Gregory Kelebay (Chairman) Mark W. AulIs

Member George L. Geis

Member Theodore J. Maroun

Member Clifford J. Papke

Member Lila Wolfe

Member (ex-officio) David C. SllÙth

Editorial Assistant Ann Keenan

The McGi11

Journal of


The McGill Journal of Education is published three times a year, in Winter,

Spring, and FaU.

Subscription rates, post paid: 1 year - $18.00. Single copies - $6.50.

Subscriptions payable to the McGill Journal of Education, should be sent to

3700 McTavish Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A lY2. Phone: (514) 392-8843.

The MJE is indexed by the Canadian Education Index and Educational

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AIl rights rescrved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher and from the individu al authors.


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