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Hospitalss : a selected list of books and reports received by the Building Research Library: the Building Research Branch of the National Research Council Library January 1960 - May 1962


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Bibliography (National Research Council of Canada. Division Of Building

Research); no. BIBL-21, 1962-10-01



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Hospitalss : a selected list of books and reports received by the

Building Research Library: the Building Research Branch of the

National Research Council Library January 1960 - May 1962


abutment alcove alignment apartment arch




ashlar attic batten. bay bearing bevel board bond brace

ave efflorescence

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p a .




The Building R e s e a r c h Branch of the


National R e s e a r c h Council Library,



January 1960


May 1962


compiled b y






~ ~ 6 7 6 3 Arc& tectural record (Periodi cal) A67

Xospitals, c l i n i c s , and health centers. CNew Yorkl


Dodge Corporation c19601

264p. i l l u s . , plans.

m a *


w 6 5 Cmnkgham, Robert Maris, 1909- C97

Rusgitals, doctors, and dollars; reports and opinion5 on our Good Samaritan@, whg are havfng 5ame bad tines. N.Y.,


Ma'p DgdgeCorp. C196P,


A. b. 2753. 20a,

NA6763 IBornette, W i L l i a m H.



Hospital plarnniug f o r the anestheaiologirt. Springfield, Ill., Th-s c1958,

P19p. i l l u s .


2%ciao (American lecture

Main seriba no.335. h e r i w i n lectures i n Aem arreethesiology)

A. C.

W 8 8 Forsyth, Qordon B27

F73 The demand f o r medical A r e ; a study of t h e aase-load i n t h e Barrow and Furness group of hospitals [by, Gordon Forsfih [andJ Robert F.L. Logan. London, published f o r t h e Nuffield Provincia3, Hospitals Trust by t h e Oxford Univ. Press, 196Q.

153p. i l l u s . map, 22cm.



Britain. Hfnietry of Bealth. 078

Eoepital building note.. London, HOP& S.O.

3 0 O K S



RASR International Hospital. Congress. l l t h , I 6 1 Edinburgh, Jttne 1-6, 1959.

Efficiency methods i n t h e hospital;

praceedlngs of t h e 11th International Hospital Congress. London, International Hospital F e d e r a t i ~ n 11969~

207p. 25em.

U986 6,uf f i e i ~ Brwincllal ~ o s ~ i t a l e Tnnst



m s u a l t y services md t h e i r setting; a st@y

i n

merffcal care. !.ondais tbtford Vnbveroity Press, 19613. M h x 13!3p, illuss. 2 2 a . Aem A.C. a 6 7 6 3 Q98 Main .Aero A C. M 7 @ 3 888

Oxford $eg%msl.Hospital Board.

C d a s L a g i n g a new hospital, an interim report by JeA. Wdie. Oxford Regional Hospital B a r d a d the §windon and D i s t r i c t Hospital Mesagwlent Camittee. Oxford, The Eoard c19612

2 6 1 ~ -


plans. 28crn-

Royal I n s t i t u t e of B r i t i s h Architects.

Library .I&: 810.1, 1961- '


RA967 Haun, Paul H37

RIB4 ho?pitals couree handbook: papers given a t t h e Royal Xnetitute oi! B r i t i s h Archftects, July 1960, tLondon, RIB4

aaain Technical Ingonuation Service, 1960,


A. C. POOP. illucs. 30cm.

A. P.

Bldg Bibliography s p


I-sychiatric sections i n general hospitals. [N.Y. J F.W. Dodge corporation [c1960J

80p. i l l u s . 26cm. (Architectural record book.

Hoapitak infection; cause6 and prevention

[by, B.E.O. W i l l i a w [ a d othersJ londun,

Lloyd-I&. 1960.




NA6763 Hospital abstracts. Great Britain.

Hi32 Ministry of Health. London.

Library has: v.1, 1961-

Hos i t a l planning a b s t r a c t service.

k e r i c a n Hospital Association. Chicago. Library has: v.1, 1960-


725 61

Cement and concrete association. Library b i b l i o g r a p b ch.38.

Hospitals. Pd



London, 1960. 34p.


R o y a l i n s t i t u t e of B r i t i s h architects. Library. Hospitals, 1944-1960. London, December 19, 1960. SP.

725.51~ 016.

R o y a l i n s t i t u t e of B r i t i s h a r c h i t e c t s . Library. Hospitals 1956-1960. London, Auhust 16, 1960. 24p.



London (county) Council. h b l i c health department. S c i e n t i f i c branch.

Annual report of t h e s c i e n t i f i c advise; f o r t h e year 1967. London, 195R.



King Edward* s hospital fund f o r London.

Noise control i n hospitals, report of a follow-up enquiry. London, December 1960.

a P

F i r e 61.4.842.63

Ontario. F i r e mzrshal.

Hospital f i r e s a f e t y design standard. Toronto, April 28, 1961.

16p. 696.9 Musgrove, J.

Hospital l i g h t i n g , by J. Musgrove and


J. Wellwood. 7p. (Xnternational commission on illumination. 14th congress, Brussels, June 15-24, 1959. Preprint n.P.69.W)


Federal housing administration.

Minimum property standards f o r nursing homes. th%shin&on, 1960,



American hospital as-oci a t 3 on.

Manual of hospltal planning procedures. Chicago '1959,

78'. ' 725.51

'merican stqndarrls as-ociatl on. 265.4-1 959.

4nlerican standard mr?t,hods o f determining areas i n h o s p i t d s and related f a c i l i t i e s . Net$ ~lork; 1959.

3P 725.51 Baker, A.

Psychiatric services and a r c h i b c t u r e , by A . Baker and others. Ceneva, 1959.

59p. (World health organization. Public health papers n.1)


Ed3 nburph. Architectural. exhibition on haspf t a l ward design,-1959.

Hospital ward d e s i ~ n . Planninp for t h e p a t i e n t ; t h e E r j t i s h contribution t o ward design.


725 .EL

Guild of public pharmacists.

Hospital pharmacy planning; a guide f o r hospital pharmacists, a r c h i t e c t s and hospital administrators.

2d ed. [Harrow, Middlesex, ~ 1 9 6 1 ~ 40p-







775.51 725.51

Iowa. kpnrtment of h e l l t h . Division of hosnjtal services. Eutlers J'

C o n s t r u c t i ~ n cost of h o s p i t s l s and related h ~ . r l th W r : terbniques f o r hospital design, by


J. Cutler

facil i ties:. an analysis of Towa Hill-Eurton firojects, and J. F. Eden (From Heating and v e n t j l a t i n g enqineer,

P S of 1 Movember, 1959. ~n.p., n.d.


August 1961)

1Zp. 6P

726 -51

Nodern hospital, v.92, n.3, March 1959, p.75-99. Progressive c a r e g e t s i n t o plan.



U.S. Public health service. Division of hospital and medical f a c i l i t i e s .

Principles,for planning t h e f u t u r e h o s p i t a l system; a report on proceedings of four regional conferences. =Washington, 1959.

22%. (U.S. Public health se-ce. Publicaticn n.721)


Davies, J. 0. F.

Hospital planning in r e l a t i o n t o present trends in

medicine (From Royal s o c i e t y of health. Journal, v.70, n. 5, September-October 1959, p. 548-654)

7 ~ .

725.51 Jennings, A.

Hospital and ward design with p a r t i c u l a r reference t o o b s t e t r i c a l wards (From South African medical journal,

v.83, n.19, I'lay 1869, p.397-599) 3 ~ .

Cokl e r



725.51 Nodern h o q i ~ construction Trends, n.1'3

U.S. Public health service. Publication n.791. 1959, p.769-783)

P m t o t ~ p e hospital: f a l l o u t protected. tVashington, 15p. August 1960.




~ n o i , b n a l d L.

Bethesdal s new c l i n i c a l center, by Donald I,. Snow and others (From Construction, Fay 1953, p.34-37)

69.025 : 537 Boone, Thomas H.

Conductive flooring f o r hos ital 'operating rooms, by Thorns


Boone and others ?From Journal of research of t h e National bureau of standards, v.63C, n. 2, ~ctober/~ecember 1959). Washington, March 21, 1960.

1Gp. ( U. S. National bureau of standards. Mono-

graph n.ll)


Leslie, J.



Hospital e l e c t r i c a l i n s t a l l a t i o n s and apparatus

(From r n e c t r i c a l supervisor, March 1959, p.63-68)

6P 725 -51 Block, Louis

Prototype study: 100 bed h o s p i t a l (From Modern hrm@a hospital, v.92, n.3, March 1959, p.106-116)


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