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A unique data analysis framework and open source benchmark data set for the analysis of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography software.


Academic year: 2021

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Lena M.











































a University of Liège, MolSys - Organic and Biological Analytical Chemistry Group, Quartier Agora, Place du Six Août 11, 40 0 0 Liège, Belgium b Joint Mass Spectrometry Centre, Helmholtz Zentrum München and the University of Rostock, Ingolstädter Landstr. 1, Neuherberg, 85764, Germany c SpectralWorks Limited, The Heath Business and Technical Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4QX, United Kingdom

d University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA

e Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali, University of Messina, Polo Annunziata, 98168 Messina, Italy f J&X Technologies, Shanghai, China

g Department of Mathematical and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Messina, Italy












Article history: Received 26 April 2020 Revised 5 November 2020 Accepted 9 November 2020 Available online 14 November 2020 Keywords:

Data Processing Open Source Data

Chocolate, Fragrances and Allergens









Comprehensivetwo-dimensionalgaschromatography(GC× GC)isamongstthemostpowerful separa-tiontechnologiescurrentlyexisting.Sinceitsadventinearly1990,ithasbecomeanestablishedmethod whichisreadilyavailable.However,oneofitsmostchallengingaspects,especiallyinhyphenationwith massspectrometryisthehighamountofchemical informationitprovidesforeachmeasurement.The GC× GCcommunityagreesthatthere,thehighestdemandforactionisfound.Inresponse,thenumber ofsoftwarepackagesallowingforin-depthdataprocessingofGC× GCdatahasrisenoverthelastcouple ofyears.Thesepackagesprovidesophisticatedtoolsandalgorithmsallowingformorestreamlineddata evaluation.However,thesetools/algorithmsandtheirrespectivespecificfunctionalitiesdifferdrastically withintheavailablesoftwarepackagesandmightresultinvariouslevelsoffindingsifnotappropriately implementedbytheendusers.

Thisstudyfocusesontwomainobjectives.First,toproposeadataanalysisframeworkandsecondto pro-poseanopen-sourcedatasetforbenchmarkingsoftwareoptionsandtheirspecificities.Thus,allowingfor anunanimousandcomprehensiveevaluationofGC× GCsoftware.Thereby,thebenchmarkdataincludes asetofstandard compoundmeasurements and aset ofchocolatearoma profiles.Onthisfoundation, eightreadilyavailableGC× GCsoftwarepackageswereanonymouslyinvestigatedforfundamentaland advancedfunctionalitiessuchasretentionanddetectiondevicederivedparameters,revealingdifferences inthedeterminationofe.g.retentiontimesandmassspectra.

© 2020ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved.

1. Introduction

Therearevariousfactorstoconsiderwhendeterminingthebest solution for analytical challenges. Besides the fundamental ques-tion (targeted oruntargetedanalysis) thecomplexityofthe sam-ple matrix holds a significant influence in determining the suit-able analytical technique [1,2]. In brief, high sample complexity

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: benedikt.weggler@googlemail.com (B.A. Weggler). 1 shared first authorship

requires highspecificity andsensitivityof the utilizedtechnique. Therefore,separationtechniqueswithhighchromaptographic res-olution have become increasingly popular over the last decade. Thesetechniquesallowforenhanced separationandthereforefor theevaluationofthetotalburdenof(specific/target)analytesina singlechromatographicanalysis,aswellastheidentificationof un-expectedandunknowncompoundsespeciallywhenhyphenatedto massspectrometry(MS).

In particular, comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatog-raphy (GC × GC) has become popular in the field of separa-tionscience. Dueto itsversatility, itincludes applicationsrelated toforensic, life-/medical,environmentaland/or petro-sciences[3–

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461721 0021-9673/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


11].Consequently,thenumberofreportsandapplicationsutilizing GC× GChasincreasedasillustratedinFigureS1inthesupporting information(SI).Increasedseparationcapability,however,doesnot necessarilysolvethegeneralchallengeinchromatography,namely coelution,orfacilitatetheextractionofmeaningfulchemical infor-mation.Infact,itdemandsfastdetectoracquisitiontechniques re-sultingininformationrichdatasetswithhigherordercomplexity andfile size [12]especiallywhen coupledtosophisticated detec-tiontechniques.Evaluationofthesedatasetsisconsideredamajor challenge inGC× GCandthecommunityagreesthatgrowth, de-velopment andacertain degreeofautomationis needed[4,6,13– 17] inthis particular area. It is thereby little surprising that the variety andavailability of dedicated GC× GC software packages (SPs)rosewithinthelastyears.

Duringtheanalyticalworkflow,thegeneralquestions(targeted, untargeted, quantitative or qualitative analysis) dictate the pa-rameters to be extracted from such datasets and the demands of functionality of the applied SP. Particular consideration is therebyplacedonretentionand/ordetection-devicederivedvalues (e.g.retentiontime/s,concentrationvalues,calibrationcorrelations, matching factors etc.), whichin caseofGC × GCundergo statis-ticalpre-treatmentandchemometricalanalysis.Additionally,each research teamhasitsindividual dataanalysisworkflowaddingto thecomplexityoftheoverallevaluationprocedure.

The high chromatographicresolution andthe advances in de-tection technology make GC × GC well suited for highly pow-ereddata-drivenevaluationproceduresenablinge.g.signal decon-volutionandpicture/peaklistbasedchemometricalanalysis. Note-worthy is thereby the potential of GC × GC data allowing dif-ferentiation betweenchemical sampletypes orclasses forwhich prior alignment procedures is necessary. Accordingly, the deter-mination ofstandardparametersderived fromtheseparation (re-tention timesandretentionindices) orfromthedetectiondevice (mass spectra or quantitative information), need to be as accu-rate and reliable as possible [18]. Such demands, the increased complexity and amount of data do not only requirereliable ex-traction and interpretation of chemical variation [18], they also lead to increased dependenceof analytical chemists on software tools such as peak alignment features based on retention or (if available) mass spectral parameters, compensating for retention time variation, e.g. due to injection over a long period of time [19–21]

Thus, systematicassessment of these SPs is required as illus-trated byKoh etal.[22]andNiuetal.[23]. Inthesestudies, spe-cific datasets were created for performance assessment of one-dimensional(1D)GCalignmenttools.Althoughthesestudieslimit themselvesto 1D-GCalignment,they illustratetheimportanceon areliabledataanalysisframeworkandbenchmarkdatafor system-aticevaluationofdifferentsoftwarepackagesusingareliable ana-lyticaldataworkflow.

In thisstudy,the authorsintroducea dataanalysisframework to address a characterized and readily available multi-purpose open-source data set (benchmarkdata) allowing foran objective performance assessmentof eight readily available software pack-agesabletohandleGC× GCdata.Thestandardizedevaluationand comparative analysis of fundamental and advanced functionality demonstratetransparent,systematicandstandardized benchmark-ing practicesthatcanbeeasily adaptedtoindividualdemands.In addition, the well-defined and characterized benchmark datasets could prove highlyvaluablefordidacticpurposes such ase.g. in-troducing novices togeneral dataprocessingstrategiesfor higher dimensionaldata.

Insummary,thepresentstudyfocusesontwomainobjectives: atfirst,theintroductionofasystematicdataanalysisframework and, at second the establishment of an open-source dataset for benchmarkingpurposesofGC× GCsoftware.

2. Materialandmethods

The presented benchmarking dataset comprises two parts: firstly, a set of standard compounds (fragrances and allergens) measuredatdifferentconcentrationlevels(standardset);secondly, a set of nine different chocolate aroma profiles (chocolate set). Thereby,the datasetcontainsenough features to be relevantand representative whilst the complexity is low enough allowing for reusability and reproducibility. The datasets are readily available andcan bedownloaded andreferencedatthe Harvard Dataverse repository (accessible using the DOIs listed in reference [24,25]). Thedataisavailableasanalyticaldatainterchangeformatin com-pliancewiththeASTME1947standard(netCDF)[26].Additionally, informationsuchascomposition ofthe chocolatesis documented andavailable as well. Fig.1 showsGC × GCmeasurements con-tainedinthestandardandchocolatedatasetwhereasFigureS2in the supporting informationshowsa more detailedbreakdown of thedatasetsstructure.

2.1. Standarddataset

Fragrance and Allergen Standard (Restek, Bellfonte, USA) was preparedand diluted usingmethyl tert-butyl ether to concentra-tion levels of 2, 1, 0.4 and 0.2 ppb in 20mL Headspace vials. Subsequently followed by the addition of 1


L (20 μg/mL) 1-fluoronaphtalene(Restek,Bellefonte,USA)and0.3




g/mL) ofretentionstandardmixture(Restek,Bellfonte,USA).Intotal,the mixcontained36fragranceandallergencompounds.Refertotable TS1inthesupportinginformationformoredetails.Eachlevelwas measuredintriplicateandinblockrandomizedfashion.

2.2. Chocolatedataset

Samplepreparationofthechocolatesamplesisdescribed else-where[27].Inbrief,darkchocolatebars withninedifferenttypes offlavorwerepurchasedatalocalchocolatefactory.37.5gofeach fillingtypewascryogenicallyhomogenizedfollowedbysubsequent division into5g aliquots. Accordingly,thesealiquotswere placed in15mLFalcontubesandmixedwithatotalof5mLmilliQwater and2.5 mL HCl(2M). After vigorously mixing(2 min), the sam-plealiquotswereallowedtositinan80°Cwaterbathfor15 min-utes.Onceagain,thesamplesweremixed(2min)followedby cen-trifugation(5 min/3000rpm), which leadstoa separation into4 distinctphases(solid,aqueous,solidifiedfatandoil).3mLofthe aqueousand200


loftherespectiveoilyphasewereplacedupon 2.9gofsodiumbicarbonateand1.2mLofNaOH(2M)ina20mL headspacevialsubsequentlyfollowedbythe additionof1


l(20 μg/mL)1-fluoronaphtalene(Restek,Bellefonte,USA)and0.3




g/mL)ofretentionstandard(Restek,Bellfonte,USA).Each choco-latetypewasmeasuredinquadruplicateinblockrandomized fash-ion.

2.3. Spme-GC× GC-ToF/MSanalysis

A commercially available 10 mm polydimethylsilox-ane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) (SUPELCO, Darmstadt, Germany) fiber wasconditioned prior to the analysis at 250°C for 15 min. Samples and standards were submitted to 5 min incubation followedbya40minextractionprocedureat60°Csample temper-atureand250rpmagitationspeed.Desorptionwasperformedfor 2mininsplitlessmodeatadesorption temperaturesetto250°C which corresponds to a 5°C lower set point than the maximum recommended coating temperature. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) wasautomated using an HTA autosampler (HTA, Brescia, Italy).


Fig. 1. GC × GC Chromatogram for A) the standard Dataset (1ppb) and B) a representative chocolate measurement (mint and lime flavor). For the standard dataset more than the 36 standard compounds and the added alkane standard can be observed as result of manufacturer sided impurities and injection artefacts.

For thisstudy, a JEOL AccuToF GC+ mass spectrometer (JEOL, Brussels, Belgium)coupled to an Agilent7890GC (Agilent,Santa Clara,USA)wasused.TheGC× GCanalysiswascarriedoutusinga 30mRxi5-ms(0.25mm/0.25μm)capillarycolumn(Restek, Belle-fonte, PA, USA) asfirst dimension anda 2 m Rxi17 (0.1 mm/0.1 μm) capillarycolumn(Restek, Bellefonte, PA, USA)in the second dimension. Helium wasused ascarrier gas witha constant flow rate of1ml/min.Modulation of thefirst dimensionseffluent was obtainedusingasolid-statemodulator(SSM1800– J&X Technolo-gies,Shanghai,China)equippedwitha1.05mGsBP-1(0.25mm/0.1 μm)trappingcolumn(GS-Tek,Newark,US).

After 2minattheoven’sstartingtemperature(70°C)theoven wasrampedat10°C/mintoitsfinaltemperature(310°C)andheld for10min.The modulator’stemperaturesettingsfollowedtheGC oven withthe appropriate modifications according to the manu-facturer’sinstructionsforoptimalperformance(temperatureoffset forentryandexitzonesaswellastrapsettings).Inparticular,the exit temperaturehas beenincreased preventingthe formation of coldspots.Refertothesupportinginformation(FigureS3-4) fora detailedgraphicalrepresentationofovenandmodulator tempera-turesettings.Themodulationtimewassetto4s.

Transferlineandsourcetemperatureweresetto250°C. Ioniza-tion wascarriedoutin electronionization modeat70eVwitha detectoracquisitionfrequencyof50Hz(maximalachievable acqui-sitionfrequency)overthemassrangem/z:35-500amU.

2.4. Pre-processinganddataanalysisframework

The centroiddata wasconvertedintothe netANDI MS(∗.cdf) data file format. In ∗.cdf files, time and mass/charge information are linearly stored. For the 2D information to be accessible, the linearinformationhastoundergotransformation.Forthispurpose, theacquisitionfrequencyoftheinstrumentismultipliedwiththe targetedseconddimensiontime,allowingtorecombinethe appro-priatenumberofspectraasseconddimensionrecording.Basedon the number of spectra andthe pre-set modulation time, the 2t

r iscalculated(referFigureS7-S8foradditionalinformationondata reconstructionandpeakplacement).

In Fig. 2 the conceptual and general data analysis frame-work used in this study is shown, illustrating the differentdata treatment steps, necessary actions and the parameters extracted for comparison purposes. The internal pre-treatment actions are thereby carried out within each SP and if possible, kept to the

equivalentsettingstoensurecomparabilityoftheobtaineddata.In detail,thesignal-to-noisethreshold(orequivalentparameter)was settoS/N:30withbaselinecorrectionshortlyabovethecalculated noise. After removing of peaks resultingfrom column bleed, the resulted methods yielded 75-120 peaks for the standard dataset (dependingontheconcentration level)and150-300peaksforthe chocolatesamples.Theadditionalunintentionalpeaksinthe stan-dardmeasurementresultfrommanufacturersideimpuritiesinthe substancesandinjectionartifacts.Toensure comparabilitywithin the obtained results, the pre-processing methods were adjusted, under the guidance of expert users and software developers, to yieldapproximatelythe samenumberofcompoundsper analysis andmaximumqualityfortheobserveddetectorresponse.

The authors consider parameters such as first dimension re-tention time (1t

r), second dimension retention time (2tr), reten-tionindex(RI), correlationcoefficient (R2) ofobtainedcalibration curvesandmassspectral qualityofcrucialimportanceand there-fore mandatory for evaluation by dedicated GC × GC software (standardparameters).Theseparameters were obtainedforthe 1 ppb level of the standard measurement andaveraged across the acquired triplicates. Additionally, the deconvoluted mass spectra were exportedandaveraged forcomparison(refersection2.6for details).

Based on these standard parameters eight different software packages(SPs)werecloselyexamined:AnalyzerProXDv.1.8 (Spec-tral Works Ltd, UK), Canvas v.1.6 (J&X- Technologies, China), ChromaTof v.4.72 (LECO St. Joseph, USA), ChromSpace v. 1.5.1 (SepSolv, UK), ChromSquare v.2.3. (Shimadzu, Japan), GCImage v. 2.5 HR (GCImage LLC, USA), GasPedal (Decodon, Germany) and OpenChrom(Lablicate,Germany).Thepurposeofthisarticleisto highlightthenecessityandvalueofadataanalysisframeworkand a readilyavailable benchmark dataset,not to promotethe useof a specific SP, therefore the results for the SPs are anonymized. Table1displaysthestandardduty capabilitiesoftheinvestigated SPs. Comparing the above-mentioned metrics points out differ-enceswithintheapplied SPs.Thusallowing improvementsorthe adaptionofspecificbestpracticesintermsofdataprocessing, gen-erallyaimingto increasecomparability across differentplatforms. Forbenchmark purposes it is therefore crucialthat expertusers, ofthe testedSPs, carry out theprocessing orgive advice forthe settingsoftheinvestigatedalgorithms[28,29].

Theauthorsare awarethat theyare notnecessarilyexpertsin theoperationofalltheinvestigatedSPs,whichiswhy,duringthis


Fig. 2. Conceptual and general data analysis framework used in this study separated whether the necessary steps and actions were performed within the used GC × GC software packages or in external software. In the bottom row the extracted chemical information is listed that was used to derive measures for comparative purposes.

Table 1

Standard duty capabilities of the individual SPs. Checkmark represent that the feature is implemented in the software whilst the cross indicates the feature is not yet implemented. # Software requires pre-processed peak lists and spectra, which is contains an already performed library search for each compound. ∗Software does not allow alignment; however, pre-determined and locally restricted regions can be compared in a batch-wise manner.

study, they kept contact withdevelopers andexperts for the re-spectiveSPstoensurethebestperformanceofeachSP.

Alignmentofthechromatographicdatainthechocolatesetwas carried out in the using software packages with this functional-itybuilt in.Aligned peaklists were exported,sorted andcleaned (data wrangling). Thearea valueswere standardized tothe inter-nalstandard(1-flouronaphthalene),meancenteredandnormalized

usingz-scorenormalizationforeachcompound(variable)followed by a global square rootdata transformation. Analysis ofvariance (ANOVA),withasignificancevalueof


=0.05,wascarriedoutto filterforonlysignificantcompounds.Thesecompoundswere then usedinaprincipalcomponentanalysis(PCA)tovisualizetheeffect in discriminatingthe individual samples and potential asmarker substances.In-builtstatistics thatlead toPCA wereperformedas


allowed bytheindividualSPs.ThesePCAswerethencomparedto theresultsobtainedwiththeroutinedescribedabove.

2.5. Calibrationcurveandleaveoneoutexperiment

Based onthedifferentconcentrationlevels, acalibrationcurve and the corresponding correlation coefficient between the re-sponse values andconcentrations were calculated foreach com-pound within each SP capable of doing so. Additionally, calibra-tioncurvesomittingthe0.4ppblevelwereproducedsubsequently followedby thedeterminationofthe0.4ppblevelsconcentration (leave one out experiment). Thesere-predictions were then used asmeasureforin-softwarecoherence.

2.6. Massspectralcomparison

Mass spectral information was extracted and exported from eachofthe36standardcompoundsintriplicate.Duetothe differ-ences inlibrarymatchingalgorithms,comparability oftheresults needed to be ensured. Therefore, the deconvolutedmass spectra wereexported,averagedacrossthetriplicatesandmatchedagainst the NIST library(v2.2, 2014)using the NIST matchingalgorithm. Thisstepwasperformedexternallytoensurefaircomparability of the matching factors. Additionally,unprocessed rawspectra were extracted fromthe original data file with an in-housedeveloped tool (referfigureS15 inthesupporting informationforadditional details). The software processed spectra were then compared to therawspectrahighlightingtheeffectsofbaseprocessingactions onmassspectra.

2.7. Chemometricdataanalysis

Thechocolate datasetwasusedtoinvestigatetheperformance of features that solelyrelate to GC× GC datasuch asalignment andin-built statistics. Aligned peaktables,containingnormalized area information, were exported for each capable SP and wran-gled in the shape outlined in Figure S9 in the supporting infor-mation. Values for peaks not present in certain chocolate types were setto readnot-any-number (NaN).The areavaluesforeach analyte and measurement were standardized to min-max values and their residuals investigatedfor normaldistribution usingthe Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test. Since all obtained lists show positive skewnessandpositiveexcessinkurtosis,thedatawastransformed withasquare roottransformation,resultinginnormaldistributed datafittedforfurtheranalysis.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied for data reduction purposes filter for analytes with a significance value of


0.05. Thisreduceddatasetthenunderwentprincipalcomponentanalysis inMATLAB allowingforcluster-andresidualanalysishighlighting differences in the chemical composition of the individual choco-latesflavorprofiles.

3. Resultsanddiscussion

Todemonstratetheaddedvalueoftheintroduceddataanalysis framework and benchmark dataset,the performance ofthe eight differentsoftwarepackagesiscomparedbelow.Asmentioned be-fore,the authorsconsidertime anddetection-dependent parame-tersasstandardrequirementsforGC× GCsoftwareandfocuson theminclosedetail,highlightingtheimpactoftheindividualSPs ontheresultsandthedata.

3.1. First-andseconddimensionretentiontimes

Ideally,theretentioninformationforeachcompoundwouldbe identical andindependentfromthe used SP.However, a compar-ison of the processed 1t

r information revealed deviations among

the individual SPs. Thesevariationsare illustrated as distribution ford-limonene,linalool, lilialandbenzylcinnamate (Substances # 1,5,24and36)inFig.3A.Thesecompoundswerechosento repre-sentthedatasetsincetheycoverawidespanofchromatographic space andrepresent a large variety of chemical compounds. The distribution of all compounds is listed in the supporting infor-mation(Table TS2andFiguresS10-12).Consideringdifferentdata transformation,peakdetectionandplacementalgorithms(referto Figure S8, supporting information) asreason for such variations, software-dependent tendencies are expected. To investigate for such tendencies, the obtainedvalues foreach compound (specif-icallymeanvaluesacrossthereplicates)weresortedinascending order,allowingtoranktheSPsaccordingtotheiryieldedvalue(SP yieldingthehighestvalueisranked8theSPwiththelowestvalue is ranked 1). Plotting this rankwith a color codefor each SP in orderofcompoundelutionallowstodeterminewhetheracertain SP is prone to yield eitherhigher or lower values (illustrated in Fig.3B).ItisevidentthatSPsCandDmainlyprovidetheextreme valueswithinthe1t


In terms of comparability, a change in software from the SP yielding the highest to the SP yielding the lowest value wouldthereby representthe “worst-case” with a maximal differ-ence.Plottingthisdifferenceagainstthecompoundselutionorder (Fig. 3C)allowsto readfortrends basedon (inthiscase) volatil-ity.Lowervolatilecompounds appeartobemoreproneforlarger maximumdifferences.Thereby,themeanvaluecalculatedfromthe differenceswouldbetheworst-caseexpectancyvalueforachange insoftware.FortheappliedeightSPsthisexpectancyvalue calcu-latesto4.2s(fig.3C),whichroughly correspondsto theapplied modulationtimeof4s.

Thisdiscrepancyindicategeneraldifferencesinrawdata trans-formationandpeakplacementbetweensoftwareCandD.Thefact that softwareCpurely processesbased on1D rawdataand soft-wareDrelies exclusivelyon a2D transformed rawdataset, sup-portsthisconclusion.Itshouldalsobevalidincaseofgeneral dif-ferenceswithinthedatatransformationalgorithms,whichis inves-tigatedbythecreationoftwo“next-to-worse” scenariosbyleaving out eithertheSPprone toyield thehighestorlowest values (ei-therSPCorSPD)forthecalculationoftheexpectancyvalue.This resulted in a change ofthe expectancy value to 3.7/3.8 s, which againresemblestheappliedmodulationperiodof4sandthus in-dicatingdifferencesinthedatatransformationalgorithms.


rinformation.Evaluationfor ten-dencies were performed asdescribed above. Again, software de-pendent tendencies are observed with SP C yielding the highest valueof2t

rwhilstsoftwareEyieldedthelowestvalue.The worst-caseexpectancy(Fig. 4C)evaluatesasdeviationof0.15s andthe “next-to-worse” case scenarioevaluates to0.1 s deviation. In the GC × GC community 2nd dimension peak widths are generally considered as a criterion for the quality of the 2nd dimension’s separation.Forcryogenicmodulationgoodpeakwidthsare gener-allyconsideredbetween0.1and0.2s.Consideringthisidealpeak widthsandtheaveragedifferencesin2t

rof0.15allowsforthe con-clusionofdeviationsofupto1-2peakwidthsasresultofasimple changeofsoftware.Underlyingmissingvaluesforthecompounds (#18, 19,20,21 and22)is thephenomenon ofwrap-around. De-pendingontheSP,thesecompounds’2t

rsarereportedclosetothe modulationtime,e.g.3.992s,orwrappede.g.0.015sandtherefore resultofcourseintremendousdifferences.


rinformationdemonstratesthatthechoice of softwareaffects the 1t

r results dueto differences inraw data transformationandpeak detectionalgorithms. Therebythe maxi-maldifferencesestimatetobeclosetotheappliedmodulation pe-riod. However, within one SP the 1t

r determination is consistent regardingeachcompound.Theanalysisof2t

rrevealeddifferences amongthe individual SPs withmaximal deviations up to 2 peak


# Compound Ra n k # Compound




M a xi m a l D e vi a ti o n [s ] Fig. 3. A) distribution of 1 t

r for d-limonene, linalool, lilial and benzylcinnamate (Substances # 1, 5, 24, 36). these substances represent the spectrum of standard compounds and encompass the entire 2D separation space. B) Software dependent ranking of the 1 t

r values for each compound (highest to lowest value). Thereby, 8 represents the highest value, 1 the lowest. Different colours represent individual software packages. For example, for compound 36 software C yields the highest and D the lowest value. C) Worst-case scenario for changing the software. The mean value, represented by the dashed line, thereby resembles the applied modulation time.

# Compound Ra n k # Compound




M a xi m a l D e vi a ti o n [s ] Fig. 4. A) distribution of 2 t

r for d-limonene, linalool, lilial and benzylcinnamate (Substances #1, 5, 24 and 36). B) Software dependent ranking of the 2 t r values for each compound (highest to lowest value). Thereby, 8 represents the highest value, 1 the lowest. Different colours represent individual software packages. C) Worst-case scenario for changing the software. Mean value represented by the dashed line. Gap in-between as result from compounds on the verge of wrapping. Several SPs report these compounds as unwrapped whilst the other report them as wrapped.

widths,therebysupporting theconclusiondrawnfromtheresults for1t


3.2. Retentionindices

Allowing for instrument independent normalization, the ap-plication of linear temperature-programmed retention indices is widely acceptedinGClaboratories.Despiteseveralattempts[30– 32] introducing a similar concept for the second dimension in comprehensiveGC, an applicableandrobustsystemhasnotbeen establishedwithinthecommunityyet.Forthisreason,thedataset permitsonly “VandenDool” indices tobe calculated.Theoverall robustnessoftheRIwithin eachsoftwarepackage wascalculated asthestandarddeviationofthecalculatedRIwithin thereplicate injections.Therebythismeasure,withfewexceptions,ranked be-low 1retentionindexunit (RIU)indicating thatcoherence within eachindividualsoftwarepackageisgranted.

Fig.5illustratesdistribution,rankingandworst-casescenarioof theRIs.SoftwareDshowstendenciestoyieldthelowestRIvalues, whereas nosoftwareseemstoyieldexclusivelythehighestvalue. Thereby,worst-casescenariocalculatestoadifferenceof4RIU. Ad-ditionally,anincreasing tendencyofthemaximaldeviationofthe RIcanbeobservedwithincreasingretentiontimeasillustratedby Figure5C.Thegaptherebyiscausedbythesecondisomeroflyral forwhichthemajorityoftheSPscould notdetermineaplausible RI. Thereasonforthis isunknown tothe authorscalculatingthe

RImanuallyyieldsplausibleresultshowever,fiveoutofsixSPs ca-pabletocalculateRIs,calculateaRIforthisparticulatecompound withnumbersintherangeof1e6.

The variations most likely originate from the aforementioned differencesin peak placementor the inbuilt RI calculation itself, sincethetotalchromatographicruntimeisexplicitlystoredinthe ANDIMS(∗.cdf)file-format.

As a derived value, RIs allow for intersystem comparability. However, calculation algorithms of the SPs yield resultswith av-eraged5RIUdifferenceswithincreasingtendenciestowardhigher boilingsubstances.Nevertheless,thecalculationwithineachSP ap-peared coherentwith deviations of≤ 1 RIU. Comparability must be ensured, especially when RIs are used to identify unknowns. As demonstrated by using the benchmark data set, the individ-ual SPs have a significant influence on the RI’s investigations ei-ther through peak placement or calculation. Thereby the bench-markdatasetposesausefulpossibilityforidentifyingand harmo-nizingthealgorithmsacrossdifferentSPsreducinginter-laboratory variability.

3.3. Massspectralcomparison

Table2liststhelibrarymatchingfactors(MF) achievedby the individualSPs ford-limonene,linalool,lilial,benzylcinnamateand safrole.Additionally,themaximaldifferenceacrosstheSPsforeach compound is listed. Overall, the values of the MFsare close


to-Table 2

Matching factors for d-limonene, linalool, lilial, safrole and benzylcinnamate achieved by comparing the extracted mass spectra to the NIST (v.2.2, 2014) library. The maximal difference shows the differ- ence in matching factor for the worst-case scenario (e.g. d-limonene changing from D to F).

A B C D E F G H max diff. [%] d-limonene 905 907 899 895 905 911 903 903 0.6 linalool 947 902 937 862 947 902 912 817 13.6 safrole 950 974 969 940 950 971 976 976 3.6 lilial 946 955 940 891 945 953 954 955 5.6 benzyl cinnamate 967 974 968 944 966 977 977 977 3.3 # Compound Ra n k # Compound




M a xi m a l D e vi a ti o n [R IU ]

Fig. 5. A) distribution of RI for d-limonene, linalool, lilial and benzylcinnamate. B) Software dependent ranking of the RI values for each compound (highest to lowest value). Thereby, 6 represents the highest value, 1 the lowest. Different colours represent individual software packages. C) Worst-case scenario for changing the software. Mean value represented by the dashed line. The gap in the line represents the second isomer of lyral for which the majority of the software packages could not determine a plausible retention index.


O O C H2 m/z: 131 - CH3O O O C H2 - C2H3 m/z: 135





Soware A RAW Soware D Soware A RAW Soware D

Fig. 6. A) Comparison of the m/z area 160-165 in the spectrum of safrole. Grey shaded spectrum (middle) is extracted from the raw data. B) Formation of m/z 131 and 135 fragments of safrole due to CH 3 O and C 2 H 3 separation. C) Comparison of the m/z area 130-135. Differences between software A and D visible.

gether andyieldacceptableresultsdespiteslightdeviations. How-ever, these differencessuggest that MS spectra deviate fromone softwaretoanother,indicatingalterationinducedbyeachSP.Fig.6 clearlyillustratesthisbehaviorbythecomparisonofspectral sec-tions of safrole, extracted from SPs A, D and the raw data. In Fig. 6A them/z range 160-165is compared. Thisarea represents the regionencompassingthe molecularionatm/z: 162.Software A andD produce similar results although the raw data yields a higherrelativeintensityofthenon-basepeakions.Consideringthe fragmentation ofsafrole, theabstractionof CH3Oand C2H3 yield prominentm/z131and135signals(Fig.6B).Fig.6Celaboratesthis regionmoreclosely.Again,slightdifferenceswithintheion inten-sities are observable. However, the ion ratios within the individ-ual spectrachanges.Forexample,the ratiobetweenm/z131 and 135appearsto increaseby4% insoftwareD. Insteadofionratios sometimesthepuredifferencebetweentheioninquestionis

con-sidered(intensity(131)-intensity(135)).Forthisparticularexample theabsolutevalue of thedifference increasesby 28% insoftware D.

Throughouttheentirespectrumthedifferencesbetween signif-icant andrelevant ionclusters (50-54,76-80, 101-105) calculates between 4 and 6%. The added value of the benchmark data set presentedisparticularlyevident withregardto themassspectra. In GC × GC-MS, the mass spectra are the basis for quantitative, qualitativeandexploratoryanalysis.

3.4. Calibrationcurvesand“leaveoneout”

Theabove stateddifferencesbetweenthe spectramightcause differences for quantitative analysis between the software pack-ages reflected in calibration curves. Table 3 lists the correlation coefficients (R2) for calibration curves generated from manually


Table 3

R 2 values calculated for (manually extracted values) | (each software’s algorithm) . Thereby the peak areas were selected “as-is” without manual reintegration. Concentration levels 0.2-2 ppb for d-limonene and linalool and 0.2-1 ppb for lilial and benzylcinnamte. Software marked with ∗does not provide an in-build feature for calibration curves.

A B C ∗ D E F G H d-limonene 0.95 | 0.95 0.97 | 0.90 0.95 0.89 | 0.64 0.95 0.96 0.93 | 0.86 0.90 | 0.99 linalool 0.96 | 0.96 0.98 | 0.61 0.94 0.80 | 0.62 0.96 0.93 0.93 | 0.86 0.98 | 0.89 lilial 0.86 | 0.96 0.79 | 0.99 0.88 0.80 | 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.86 | 0.85 0.83 | 0.92 benzyl-cinnamate 0.55 | 0.91 0.47 | 0.94 0.99 0.61 | 0.76 0.55 0.52 0.59 | 0.95 0.67 | 0.98 Table 4

Predictive values for the 0.4 ppb level based on the leave one out experiments.


d-limonene 0.43 0.35 0.43 0.55 0.43 0.43 0.42 0.50

linalool 0.43 0.33 0.47 0.40 0.43 0.35 0.44 0.30

lilial 0.42 0.38 0.55 0.52 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.36

benzylcinnamate 0.42 0.39 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.43 0.29 0.36

extracted values and automatically generated calibration curves (bold). In general, both approachesyield similar resultswith ex-ception for benzylcinnamate. This particular compound is picked asmultiplepeaksandthereforetheoverall peakareaissplit into several parts.However, witha R2 value of greater than0.95, the majorityofthecurvesyieldacceptableresultsforquantitation pur-poses. Table 4 contains R2 and predictive values ford-limonene, linalool,lilialandbenzylcinnamate.

Forsome ofthecompounds the2-ppbpointis thedetectoris saturated (e.g. lilial and benzylcinnamate),this allows to investi-gate theSPs capabilityto handlesuchoccurrences.Whereasonly softwareGoffers tocarryoutalinearity check,noneoftheother SPsallowforcompensationorwarningmechanisms.

Table4liststhepredictivevaluesforthe0.4ppbpointforthe “leaveoneout” experiments.Althoughthepredictionappearsvery close,softwareBunderestimatestheconcentrationwhilstsoftware Doverestimatestheconcentrationslightly.

Thecomparisonofmassspectralinformationdemonstratedthe alterations induced by each SP e.g. the intensities of prominent ionsandionratiosdifferedupto6%.Thesedeviationsthenresult indifferentmatchingfactorswhenperforminglibrarycomparison. Differences in algorithms such as deconvolution andbackground subtraction arethe mostlikelyexplanation ofthe observedmass spectraldifferences.

The investigation of the quantitative analysis indicate consis-tency within the SPs. However, comparison of the re-prediction amongtheSPsrevealdeviationsrelatedtothecalculatedresponse e.g. software D yields higher ion intensities than software A for d-limonene andalso overestimatesinthe re-predictionofthe0.4 ppblevel.Regardlessofthat,thepresentedbenchmarkdataset en-suresthattheunderlyingdataisidentical.

3.5. Alignment

SoftwarePackagesA,C,D,E,FandHarecapableof chromato-graphic alignment usingeitherpeak list orpixelbased.Although theunderlyingdataisthesame,thenumberofpeaks/compounds producedbytheSPsafteralignmentdifferasindicatedbyTable5. To ensure only significant substances are considered in further chemometrical analysis, normal distribution of the data was en-suredasillustratedinFig.S13inthesupportinginformation.

Table5listtheskewness oftheresidualdistribution priorand post thestandardization andtransformation procedures as inves-tigative and decision criterion for data transformation processes. Thereby,therawdistributionsdeviatetovariousdegreesfromthe normaldistribution(e.g.thedataobtainedfromSPCismore nor-mallydistributedthanthedataobtainedbySPF)andwould there-fore demandfordifferentdatatransformations. However, tokeep

Table 5

Number of peaks/compounds after the alignment and after the ANOVA ac- tions. Pre- and post-skewness show the effect of the standardization and normalization procedure. A C D E F H post Alignment 613 1318 133 5327 286 1100 pre skewness 1.2 0.56 1.02 1.03 2.16 2.08 post-skewness 0.07 0.38 -0.01 -0.01 -0.63 -0.6 post-ANOVA 420 264 55 606 137 221

thetreatment the sameforeach SPthe obtainedpeak lists were all logarithmictransformed resultingina goodcompromise solu-tion(-1<skewness<1).



=0.05)allows toreducethealigned compoundliststosubstancesresponsibleforthedifferenceswithin theindividualchocolatetypes.Thisrepresentsadrasticdata reduc-tion (Table 5,post-ANOVA column).In Fig.7 thePCAs fortheses prefilteredcompoundsetsaredisplayed.Basedonthehypothesis, similarflavouredchocolateswillclusterclosely,thesoftware pack-agesA,C,DandHprovidecomparableresultswithcloseclusters accordingtochocolatetypeand/orfilling.

Regardingthe explainedvariance, each analysisperforms sim-ilarly, ranging between 53 and 72%. Thereby, the density of the clustersvarieswithintheindividualSPs.However,thegeneral ten-dencies shown by each analysis are similar, clear separation of chocolateswithorange andmint flavour fromthebulk based on principalcomponent1(PC1).Accordingtotheingredientslistthe mintflavouredchocolatecontains80%cocoawhilsttherestofthe chocolatesrangebetween40and60%. Theorangechocolate cov-eringthelower endofthisrange.Thissuggeststhat theprinciple component2(PC2)separatesthechocolatesaccordingtotheir co-coacontent.Thereby,thestronglycorrelatedfeatures(grey)arethe samecompoundswithineachanalysiswhentheyaredetected.

Eventhoughapproachesfordataalignment varied,the visual-izationoftheresultsviaPCArevealedconsistenttrendsamongall SPs.Althoughtheunderlyingdataisthesame,thedifferent align-mentproceduresyieldeddifferentamountsoffeaturesasinputfor thePCAs,resultingindifferencesinclusterdensityorcluster sep-aration.Basedonsuchpre-filterandvisualizationtechniques, con-clusions for marker substances are typically drawn. Thereby, the utilized statisticaltechniqueposes great influence onsuch selec-tion processes.Therefore,it isimportant thatthe compounds re-sponsible for the formation of the cluster are still present after alignment.Consideringthedegreeofoverlapbetweenthealigned lists wouldallow theinvestigation ofthismeasure. However, the datasetis not set-up to investigatesuch a measure in detailand mightbe extended inthe nearfeature (e.g.artificialcreated

















Fig. 7. PCAs after ANOVA with α= 0.05 for the SPs allowing for overall alignment (software A, C, D, E, F, H). Grey Stars represent the matched features used as input for the different chocolate types

trix on-purpose differences). Regardless of the utilized approach foralignment,thealignedfeaturesshouldbeconsistentespecially considering the further use of statistical techniques such as e.g. markeridentification.

3.6. “In-built” statistics

Fig. S14 (supporting information) illustrates the resultof “in-built” of the SP allowing for PCA. Comparingthese plots to the above reported results reveal similar trends. However, the cus-tomizabilityof theseplotsvarieswithin each SPs andsometimes necessitates the export of the data to third-party programs. For example,theSPDallowsnocustomizationresultinginPCAcharts thatarehardtoreadduetosmallfontandmarkersizesorcolours. Forcomparisonpurposes,theEigenvalueswereextractedand plot-tedexternallyinMatlabR2018a.

Other featuressuch aspre-filterofthematchedpeak lists, us-ing e.g.FisherRatios,t-test, Vulcanochartsetc.havenotbeen ex-ploited sinceeach SP followsdifferentcalculation guidelines ren-dering these features incomparable. It also became evident that noneoftheinvestigatedSPsallowfornormaldistribution investi-gations,whichisabasicassumptionformostofthechemometric analyses.

SPs that allow for in-built statistics and post-data treatment are ofparticularappealespeciallywhen consideringGC× GC for “out-of-academia” applications.Althoughthegeneraltrendsappear similartothemanuallyobtainedresults,thelimited customizabil-ityandthelackoftransparenceoftheappliedtechniquesstill re-quiretheuseofthird-partysoftwareforadequatedisplayormore detailedandaccurate analysis.The individualSPs differwidely in the extentoftheiradditionalin-buildstatistics andthus allowing onlyapartialevaluationofthecompletechemometriccapabilities.

4. Conclusion

A fixed data analysisframework andbenchmark data enables the objectivecomparison ofdifferent dataprocessing options. As demonstratedabove, differencesandtendencieswithin individual softwarepackages can be identifiedand addressed. Thereby,it is of utmost importance that the underlying data is the same and ofhighquality.Additionally,theauthorsacknowledgethat,despite guidancefromprogramauthorsregardingprogramparametersfor optimalperformanceweresought andgiven,optimalperformance foreach SP mightnot havebeen achieved. However, within this study,itbecameevident,thatdifferentSPsshowdifferencesin1t

r, 2t

r andRIresults,indicatingdifferencesinthepeakplacementor reconstructionalgorithms.Thisfactshouldnotbeoverlooked, par-ticularly if theseparameters are used foridentification purposes. The presented dataset might help developers to overcome these differences,ensuringinter-laboratoryandinter-experimental com-parability.

Generally,thedetectorresponserepresentstheparameterthat is used for further chemical analysis such as quantitative, qual-itative or even chemometric analyses. Therefore, the response is required to be stable andcomparable. As demonstrated, the SPs influence the quality of the mass spectra by alteration of the massspectraviadeconvolutionorbackgroundsubtractingmethod. These methods often differ from manufacturer to manufacturer andareoftenproprietary.Toensureacertaindegreeof harmoniza-tionandstandardization,agloballyrecognizedbenchmarkdataset isneeded.

With the increase in GC × GC’s popularity, the demand for sophisticated post-data treatment increased as well. Currently such analyses are time consumingandneed to be performed by trainedexperts. Therefore,“all-in-one” solutions are highly desir-able,which demands that theusercan be aware ofthe


underly-ingalgorithmsthatareusedespeciallywhenin-builtstatistictools are included.However, onlyfewoftheavailable SPsofferthis ca-pability. Consideringroutineordesignedapplicationswithseveral replicates,alignmentproceduresareessential.However,as demon-strated by this dataset the different strategies lead to different alignment results and, although general tendencies appear to be consistent,differentnumberofcompoundsarealignedandusedas input forpost-analysis.Itisevident thatforthecorestrengths of GC× GC,suchasidentificationofmarkersubstances,theoutcome of thealignment procedures needs to be coherentindependently oftheappliedalgorithms.

Certainly,thepresenteddataanalysisframeworkanddatasets donotshowthecomplexityandscopereachedbyotherGC× GC studies,butallowforperformanceassessmentofdifferent process-ing toolsaswell asa didacticentrance in evaluationof multidi-mensionaldata.Moreover,noteachandeveryspecialcaseinterms of processing is represented by the dataset, on the contrarythe datasetneedstobeevolved,adaptedandmadeavailableforfuture elevationinthefieldofGC× GCdataanalysis.

More information of this data can be found in the sup-porting information and on the homepage of the obiachem group (https://www.obiachem.uliege.be/cms/c_5882500/en/data-visualization-projects). In conclusion, the presented data frame-workandbenchmarkdatarepresentavaluableopportunitytotest, harmonize and improveexisting and futurefeatures inGC × GC SPs.


ThisresearchwassupportedbytheFondsdelaRecherche Sci-entifique - FNRS and the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek -Vlaanderen(FWO)underEOSProjectn°30897864


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


BenediktA. Weggler: Conceptualization, Methodology, Soft-ware, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Visualiza-tion, Supervision, Project administration. LenaM. Dubois: Con-ceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analy-sis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing,Visualization. NadineGawlitta:Software, For-mal analysis, Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Thomas Gröger:Software,Formalanalysis,Investigation,Writing-review& editing,Supervision.JohnMoncur:Software,Formal analysis, Re-sources,Investigation,Writing-review&editing.LuigiMondello: Resources, Supervision,Fundingacquisition. Steven Reichenbach: Software, Formal analysis, Resources, Investigation, Writing - re-view & editing.Peter Tranchida: Resources,Supervision, Writing - review & editing, Funding acquisition. Zhijun Zhao: Software, Formal analysis, Resources,Investigation,Writing -review& edit-ing. Ralf Zimmermann: Resources,Supervision, Funding acquisi-tion. Mariosimone Zoccali: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writ-ing - review & editing. Jean-François Focant: Resources, Super-vision, Fundingacquisition, Conceptualization, Methodology, Soft-ware, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing - originaldraft, Writing -review & editing,Visualization, Projectadministration.


Authors are grateful towards JEOL Benelux for providing the massspectrometeremployedinthisstudy.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,atdoi:10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461721. References

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Fig. 1. GC × GC Chromatogram for A) the standard Dataset (1ppb) and B) a representative chocolate measurement (mint and lime flavor)
Fig. 2. Conceptual and general data analysis framework used in this study separated whether the necessary steps and actions were performed within the used GC × GC  software  packages or in external software
Fig.  3. A)  distribution  of  1 t  r for  d-limonene,  linalool,  lilial and benzylcinnamate (Substances # 1,  5,  24,  36)
Fig.  5. A)  distribution of RI  for d-limonene, linalool,  lilial  and benzylcinnamate


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