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Bases de données bibliographiques


Academic year: 2021

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V M V E R S / T Z LyoN / 0 . £ . s . S . / N F O A / * / A r / O A / S P E C / A L / $ £ £ S A S £ S / ) £ DOA/A/££$ B / B L / G e & 4 P / / / Q C J £ S

Mern-Cite ftreszn.^e *>6 soufanu yAar <g£ST£A/ SerJcA,

/z dorecfacrt a/e M /)£W£Z£ A^e/re


1 / N / V f A S f T i $H.£NOBL£ // uNivefi.s/ri lyon


O. E . S . S. /NFOA. A1A r / O N SPEC/A l / S £ £ 8 4 S E S /)£ QONA/£ES B / B L / O & f i . 4 P H / Q C / E S

/^Xvi «i; / \a,_ v

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jtetr (Q£$T£flj SerJcA,

C* ?o Al </t<recfren, </e

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^rerxne<^& £? frfre cfcxr/tc/e y <^r re i/'c(e iC7« /r^ se /'* ocm i/~e /<=?^ erf<z±£e c/e ^6c< />-6t, c~<. /?c>h. z sios* />re c-/c> yr>*-<pei

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^ctjej o/on*-ce^S 6 c / f / o y o c+y£> ^ w e j So^/c*y6e-€e.'e S ct^sst ' * e ~^e r ° /£*•<*• •C J , txfci CC^S / r c* c f~/ <D fct o/p OJ c/a rin&es

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-j-*.SS* c/c?rxs /&i /c /te tcx/t^re. <z/e -/enr- c/o ^yO^r^ie y£en -<s/ci^t j$/<-<S(-e>-^rs Se n^ary\e.j -e/ -<?j t^^ossc J>^d? o/

e r c/c r e c /e / a a /e/ ^ fc-i^c^ /^io/^Sr^ c/e <Vc

^<-^ ^<-^ ^ M. 1 /grt / ^&et^i c/en-^f o^j Of &&S ^/5

- f r O o i o Z r C C K J C y a c / r c \ t / e > - t / u M. c&r/c<c\ ^ 5 r o i / e ^e , £ f e'/

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C^CC*^. f- IA '-v y£ f o/> ^ Ai ^ c^6< t -STxj / 7^ ct c /& ,

cf*J <o<6^ec//j/s tz/^ne c/e c/ori-^e^ /C'S/ ojrcxj^/^<.

Cre-e-e. ^c^r/ir &/^c?i fyje e/e co^/^^ ^ c/^j c/o c k/>i^^ -f

cj<^l/,-/ oc

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- esfe y£>er ft^-e t t~re e?/e 7 e /~ro nyer -^J <Vo £-« /s ^<-<-i ^l>o r/e*\S Soi y oir\, J~ e./<r c> rl <-1 e

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"-J^u.£t<prx' <*/<? /<-c ffe f7 ^ cr>-x<9c /y/tje*e$ , //zie zn e'^4 o^ye- re'ce^\/e ^ /k.

cp/c^^-S <-(prx- se -de c /? i/e <s/£ z-zwcx /7 <o >•>_ ^ c o^irclrfe =t -^=*.i~r e

y5<*vr uent /- ^>e'r< oofi j t.<-e r*\-e nt c*. -C £< Iscxfcnr c/ej -^cAej cr «-»<:,

/^-fcyt^es. ^Kt' C&rre^ot^c/erxf cp jor1 ce^/re /^/effY. CefTe <=vf

--*?-^/ y/"ti <o^y-e c/" ^t-c 1--1 ee-ij* e ^'/g cfe r^<o /-£ - c~fe>s <PN i/eic^yj /envs .' -/e y^> > »y*r-/* . (xf^x R>/E-^Y^JF\ST^ *r<-</-^>r o^~> f -^e>ot. r m '/- */ej $-e -^e (e<^ce 1 /c /> rc\y>^'1 <^tA es -e/ n<a*\ **/ef

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-/e^r. <f»u />-t o/s - c-fe j sc^-l/ c or\n.jfi&{ re5 ct yn^tt "~^^<-i.fe*\/ Jc-c r •^fesS c/escrtJ) //&*% j v/orsyc*. ' /P y <=c C oc rt ct tz/e^c?

cfo c-c-c wx <? <-x Zs" £o<ri/ s e "4/ec /e c nn*6.o/^ *eJ«<^<z'j -e/ VeJ re^Ve^ _

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/KCK&A.c/T~e Ce S€fix?ca ~^o Kc/fo n^e S<-<r C&- ^Se *-trie e<^.Zr JU.C £t es\rj.<t<«-f foAy/? /io/n ^re <f/<? 6e~<J<>S </>//>/<-o^y r<y&/\cyi.i<;± ot/l Cuc <r j -e/ <?/". nor^^re o/e /s - cCks Jn^y^re*-/ */*r kj

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-J>- t~)0 "t- «T^- /xx^^, fgj <-< /'-&J <=«, /e. iA. rS .

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cr/e e y^t co^sij. /e « &y//ccer /Z>

c/e nof^ceo dc J-Ci Oj-rcyt Ay^ej -c-^ Wt-< e <?/'<?*r/Vo,fVe /eu re'^'* c-x .

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/) &./>orc/ y V' a./? -f< j«=t /~€-u. r yt^-c «=i =\ re/s&t^ c/te <*• m. r <o <£ /e n^e yf r CO^^C<('ss O i f e *V£j e Vxy/o t r>r\ c^ //*a tn. $ p^t^c S-O Z cSt^yti o s~i L '/> ~/e4 •/<-< y.

S<y&/ , /: *i S c /c / / -^G r ^ C< ej Z?'<9«-v ^ c,-«n-c/ d'^ </>«-v r<

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&/&<. /)fi 6 c/ej f e/C./? <s 1^1 s S^ n. /^^cy <^e j jy& -e <• ^ c T\e

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~^*-<-/ "f c.f~>'€iS ccfe m »-• ^wr <s^Cc< *-n e Vxe ^fes /

~e f( ^--l,- av ce^x >1 <? j-z.<».f yOc< j e r ft<^€><* /es

-2. /fri c^/ySe &/e co *-X >-1 6^.

£>/ z<=t 'dj^cfc <V<-t con i4"«ut -A/Z mi •e.r\K/e<^/>/e c/ cyd*?<r<^/~?<o^s y^^ r /cs -^<-\ ef/ej i£> ir\. ^'c r< / ce e/oi^./ / tc\ c /e <?#T,



^>rao/c*i/s re£c</ c/e Ce> j y/e'rc</it oj*. j .• s'*\ o/e jfc* /? k>«-v e/

re'si-<>^<S. //n y5e^Z y^/re -^'cx/ye/ Ve

XeJ ^ c/(yj/Vre^/x ; x*/£

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reS^e ^e^ej <re^/*./~es c/% /^/z^ ^

J<f <Sr/i^e fcn /S, /r ^Z, ySr <~^^c

-r e / J^w / w2 c/ <z*<^/e^r )^ <s>ca 'pivcti/ Ve S/oc4l<je <?/?e •€ r ^^/7^

&L*. */ r s c/e /c\ re.c Aerc /& <r-/e -/? c>n -^o r-<^\<=t f~? <o ^/ c/& /?'e^ya/i, c/*\

-c/ej r ^ MJ f i, /w oAyec fafs ^e V

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<£>Jieter erfes r^(d^ /W/j <p<-t caxryj^ r u-e r <-<• w ^/o

Ircx^je r zw^/d/r/-e//fl avxp^/ /ej <=>/<a c ot. r<^ ^/s _e/ /eu ^^ocier ^c(r

J-e^tWfr /l^/-ro<p/\LuYe /e -^tc/Lerj. Sej r e-^/er ^/^j ^ _

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e/e cfasier ^ej S cy &•/s, y c/e ^fes •<£-</>' r/n-x.e>- /^rr^ej y>fe/c,j it/



/rc^c/i^t re Ce-J /ez j ^<-i /*-<£>/j -/e>u //6'f^ ^roy)/.e5 ^/L<

^c-u^e^7<^(>e . </. /n~^'/'yjc ^,ce ^,v

cfocA^r*?^/^ or.jintK^jc Jo*f tr-c/^r^i^ec^c^/ / «a/ e t . ^ */'-€*/,. -^tj<Fc /e.c\,r n f e^jS /o/ pt^. f f<=</ Se /w tf £ i/occiin c re //i-KS-ct *.,./_

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/ t & x -e/ /c^. reseu /**- /e'*> <-t. i^«ifc< , e/ej c/* ~j/^-efrpi,^/i

/jses cfi-c c^^/e^tA. Se^./ 6c<jees -e>~ j&^c/to^ cfe c<?j ^hc fe^r4:

n o'^J>r e <5^ ~/e rr^es ^ tz>r^e\n.{'sGK/f£>t^ c/e cej /err^es p^fre e<-<.^ ^yD s/oi. cPu. j^-ecf y> /e c/e ~/et r^-e s ^/ nor^Sre c/S ^/o c-d-«_ >-i^x <? ^/

r*<at rej. o/ej ^ r o**/^ t /s jb/^s -j/r e'*> u< e r^^erxf ufiCjes S<s>^/ :

SSc~f* //n<e/c Ce y^n 1/c^i/ trsrnpj/js^^e ^ ^ ^ *>/ejcr yA/e^ ^ c'n~

&/e*ci/-><0<n. /l*« ^Z+j/e^YS <r/ejcr,^/e^rs #( Vs <z?«-( ^l^--l ti-v/ zvt<syeH. wej -C i <ry"-i Q, _

< r V.'

r€> W-sj f < —


G t/* A i e fc\y€ J j yeScisx*^ e Cc<ct^ <Vt-< h <^Z=? ^y

tC <^ </t^c f~/<s>r\ cfe ej /"'^. /i^ ^,-t /d xi^/vy

-ye es <=fi Vec fe ^VV ^ #--v

m >t ^j- e «p/l-v. c/^if- ^ r eserxfe r ^ e ej i^/ej ^>*c<

_r<W *sT5e>~he//<?i . ^f/z^ c/^i f -f/re ^>«cf?*ie^te y <r.-^_c/ yejreje^/*r

<^Z° &r<^KjSi £te*n. ^ j-^ c <d/<e ^ey/>^ J"j>^/e ,

&/<* t / ^ /~tT ot la *f & t r&c (Lf<? ^ %*k £St ^ £?{*•+** <? g *& £( $ /£" Sc^/isyCKc<re. st Viv Jaenry-t V> e re^ y tC fe) f? i e c e . <?/a<

•^«r Z « i e -&t f e . ~ / r e & / r ^ - ^ c > r f c ^ ^ / e ^ £ * < r <a>-c < r e - f r & t - y ^ s e c / e ^ c , / - e i e jfi/<^-rcx f!/fc <ef ^cic*. /d<-\ rs e f 0/ 'c< fi *Ci J^c/et+rs y -£ f /ej *r ^o^-fyje^

-£<a~x/-y e c< •£-( S e ' - e j ^ a . r <~< n e ^ ) f < - < r 0 1 / i t C c f e j y d €> r J -ori r \ e s - e / ^ c ^ r c r e y - t €• / r j tr\-^s>r r^c,f('or\s cfo/^^f e fre t* fr&i '<>€?€* ~*<-<ss/ f<n /er>yt>s yL<? y>u

-Ssl/)/*. . /ji/y-Jc y -/«?j o/ej c r Ljfi // c"« j e/oc\re*\f -e*/re j/c^f)/ej e.f _

Zej n o f e &i^j flS-H. s o / e ^ / o

-y)r/zwe j cft /c^ zv>/ z^e -Co *i. ZA«? a^fre ^*t€ife' -#s/ /e

" ^ ci^c-fyje efo/f e/re &/>yecf-t\re. c<-t /*<?«Zve ^ <Cn r\a cf<oC f y)<=xj /^/ro

-c/tAOse cf<n ,-v.<f -Vci cs/e jc r yd ft & t*. &/ej -4? -f^ e fs yt,t.c /ie ~^ty<-< r e*-\ f

fi j Ve c/a c-t.c r^. e n f , 2. * *f * fC 'C Vt cfe JCc\ fl <D r\

o/ /'r^cfej^^ fI^^ -e»v/ /"oyerc+fi&t;. jrc+i c&^s/jfe <r» cf<e£er**«•/* er

•/•err*\*j fej ^/^i n^ro/)//f j ^><!>t-\r reyreje^fer /e c<o«.fe*\t.t */<* c/a -£<-<'** e »-i / . fe<-<.X - sortf €-</) » //v\ e«i/er -/e i/^> c.c*. 6^ /c+e/e of-*. f^ -~ijj _

°/0 c<^-*^-&<r\'f-c^i,re f ^ - px\ f/eScH l\ rt-t. sJ -e f u?i -f^j' ^fi /f lie <o<-> y- .

s/rt-Cc re /fj ~^<-cf\(-er$ ^uiC S^rue-f <=< fc*. rec^ercAe . C -ejf ^^e <y>e'~ Y *-*-/6<P 'ri ce<*'f*or& J)&i-\x -fe \f/<sc£<r^t* ^t/ /ck rec^erc^s ^f^i cnyQ>r —

riry^/i <c<r\ i . o/ej y*-K es f> <0 >v j c/<di v-e#t/ -e /^e "*/fcrcfe&. cfct—ij fej

/^r/^ej ^ne "^J c-x*. ,*\e^fz^ cc*t tf «-v/ cor^^^xrer f% ccot-i fe*-ic{


-^fex. t~( <y<-< . e/ej j£> r oc/i* Lfs cfe -f^c^c/ejcoLf/o^ Jorxf °/^s ('«-it fs

-/ej ^ ferr^es S t j n t-fiCc. f/j/s y -e/c. l*fs <r^#V e->er^re^e's */*t^s -fe c/c~

c<»-*v^.e t^-f y6ri rv\Ci(r e cs>« -=y^v Ye>j ^>c< <6 ft cx.fi 'c>*\s Jecc> *i ^fcxe Vej -&/ &C.U-. z Sl t y\ co ro re s cfce^j -/es ~^> eft e rs y ytA ( « ?7~e<?/?• j ef /ec

-ft e r -&J < ^ = c u ^ e ^ / j -^-l - ^ a ^ c / < * / e j f c y e / * X e

/'('mcfejfet /? «£><, <rfe'y> «r/c>J 6f?JOt Vx J- -t?/ «y^-j y6&JS( />t '/ Ye's ^/L,

z""t e ^/ ^ ^ ^erierct.f ^>0 c/e. j ^-t r -Yej fiye/j. yr<>^\ c tydcx c\jc~. ZVjft?

ye" ^ - f / r e u r x e ( « f j \ s > ^ J t / r \ e " r t ^ c ^ e - e / y e ^ f t c /e^ f y y ^ e r f f u

-Sfe<-\ rs -fcytf/i, <?/e y^re^uf^Aiifn/ •4>/?fe y>orfe j~t< r Tfz<fi-(J <»«»-, _

^/eJ Scy&fs /rc\i fes c/x^j *fe o/oct^r\^.e<^/^ ( c-feci -ft-j/res Jt>crr c/es

/e*-r»^es Jfe *^.&rc*. <si. se ( /<n. 'r/e<^f ften *v\&y&n r\e yi\ t Cipt^yfor/e «v*, <? «n^

-6t*i( s\e e?/e tr/ejcr^ feo. rj Jy w<. t's rt^SSt' x^r /oc.i.j ^fej j-y/c/s

^c*/^'-Crffs cxSSej; -^-f\e e f (^/<-\s c/fi-in.e cft£cLi'<r\e cfe c/ej c rty6/e o<. r S J t

-e-sf c-irte t vi "*feJCe*.-f>'a> e^x. y) r<^>~/o«-t «^/e<,<

cy4- /"e'*\o/eJcc*_/?c?n. SCct U?>^-/ -/e osfe^fe cfe -tf^y\C,fyje. o/< c<C^T-<4° "*<-< - yfr/u.s /ry6&rfa *-/es s^>^/: £*• /) r t Se c/e c&t*ic< ( s jc* *^c c/a c <0*1. /e t< <=/0 C-t-t-ri^. e!*.?• CJ u-LC es /

T ec^-£i s e-e r ctf1« /ecf-t-\re rcx^/ofe <=/-« rezj^ zi-, e c/^<-l fe^ r <r/e

-^'Krtfr<?Vwcfion^ er/eA Ca>^c/c<s^t'c> n j ^ c/ej f?/reJ -ef c/e y£><=\r^yt<^y ^ej

c f & ( j c o f e - j c o n c t y d f s #-ey)^e>e*T./c^y ^o^c/e's S^r /<=>., vej/vj.'

-/<=< Se/ec ~f> cr-t fe! (c £ T4 "-/ r eftZncr ~fe0 c<D-ic:y>f^ yS«*<-</ /e>jy<-n?fs /?

cf O C-C< g j-x / a.^^>or fe c/ <~>e 11 r r^c\fio^l. Sc<sc^6 f? &/^t -1 re*iser

-/ey i <a/ea rx / e/ ^ ® J(sfxc\.cts f? ""< /ej c& "> /jr t< /? -^Lf

^tyje^xf &fre re /dts\i^.s J

frcic/cA.cf( «C/-L e/<?J t<t>*\cey>fs c / o / s t j c/^sc t tykfe <-<rs <=/<-< f^e/

-Soie-i r>-^s J tpu* C=y6yfr f(yc+e -fci. Yeyfk <*/& -fe*. S^e^cc^fe.' ya.e'y6 €> fc< f -e*fre sfe rf? e:c\ -&. -ef A & re'jx>+\ /<*< fk


-f C yi &/<?JCc^. ~f~t dP *i_ (0 tsi Ctfc ff s € ^ & *1 y&faefex.£ ^ efQ 5 e^. _^<3 °/ej _

CC^/^iArl / t*r\-e r^&J € "l "T-€ <5* ) ef €-//e ~.-*/e 5>~ <4 -/fT

/vt1 t-c >4 c/<. fYc*. v^ePt/ / J~e' *T_ ~~/c< /?o>*iy <-< £•-<_?• cffe^C/c vf^t < L ' J^ / ^ /e

•JJ "/c*. ^>r&-^Oi-\<rfe<r>.r er/<rYe> _*-<?<. ffon &f -fa. «4

(< <ncfejC£c<r avZ-C f&t s^-ck /c e re •e/ <=t urSc •^e 7^\.e/s<K<-i. rwj, o/ 'eJc^ext+j £x Vc /c. -ejf C<o t*&/<- £cH>n n.^€ J>c*r "t^"1- r < c /ns srse c/<u. Tf/LeSa. c* rn § ^^f^r fe

/^*- cf^c ^ip/eJecx. f> (P "u <?/" y^><^ /• Ve C O'Oy) Oy ^4? zvx <f <'•• / c/c> C *2. -/. /. _/^t. ipf&Jctz*. f~t ct^- f&n-jcye tnc\-/t-+. r-e f

*/es fr-r^ycye j ncx/cy r£-(?s (J*\r -/?e's) vx./ o/e>j c^ r**a fe n sf/^^ e j ^-<v -?e ^erry\ettc«<t ^ c</tt<jer fe/s ^<~e fc ^/<0^ fe frct/fe^e^f .

j/tPr/K^/O),. . /VjT X^K-L/ c**>/cy6fe's e? <P/S-J zw <=/' ccii^^^^rct/vo^ c/c<^\s fesy^e-fr •/<* y^t< Z <-< n c/^ f(ylie c* a^n e/ fe f<?*<ybs, ?/ f'es

-J>c*-Ce j6 'rC*l / ^ y^* r/ /<^Jotfx ^fe. , </c\ rec/e ro c/c\^r c.< ~^~L c ^-{ t'r <£><-i_ '/&>. l ~^f\ S < C) t^. c/cS t •*. ~j/&r'^c*. fi'& n r c/et t-t <-v_ ^ r'e>c/<-*.tf

re So^/ c/e>j /^oefes *fe c<o c' c*</?\o ^ cfj^re^.

-jftfj . fou\ r J)OC\ VOl i * / r e re/ r <s> t-i. iye-es rc\^('c/e>?ux. / ef

i^i-^orr^ct_Ho>r^s efo/ve^/ J*/re -e-t/f/V^v-. <£*W cfct^s ^>-f^s /5«A/ es^ca ^sst^-fn e/ cvi yC /n»^. ct<-^.f><'j^t £. y/^ f^x^y^yes c/oc^+r^e ^f^-Lres y&>*-£ u*ie C& ^cfeut Sctf <?/ J c ^ f t yf r<rt/>^.

c/<-<- (c\/\^cx,jG sic\ /c.\ re f / fct rycxye <-<0 <n /ro fe ') e "? z e /e "i cf ^v/ • 14 *i e ^/ ^ -~/l/e y>cir/-?e c~/e>j /v-v<ofs ^sf ^hpj y<or^e.T/ ,•^ zcfc>(\,-e*«./yQre

>S(? r l/<? >—'t c /. Q SS C z t-x.^/^ ^ ^ <0 #-l <D y^y ^ e<

Ce^e^cfci.^./^ -fe frcxi /e'^e^-f cfe <-?y^rr^cx.f/ofc\~ye<ye

>i<=r--^-s/ ^ oss t f> fe yrc^ce ct -f^t^/i f( j /s <0 h. f *e <s\ -^<2) r s*\c\f'^<-te

^tc' jr e'e/<-*.i(~ Se /e^jbx r/e r<?c/. ee. , Syj f<SLs^ej Se co^ife^-/ t ^ co^ife^-/ cfej cco^ife^-/<?jc r <y> co^ife^-/co^ife^-/<sico^ife^-/ -f&t-xr * t-<'#s j£>*\r co^ife^-/ej <s»<t -r*J(sfree$ j?f ^«c\s co<*yic< rees c<uec /ej ^<+ejf/o~is, <xfe Jcy *



"I c

&r-n -"'•V zc/erxh^y^*. ~et /ec^i^ie^ /^ioc^X jb®>+r fej scfe-xcej cf&fes* t/e-u z^/i^j <^j /vxv fs ^tA t' C oJer\ f Oi.)si /r<t a? exf-U. r&€ n jb^d /v\<f*V»-^^ (, ci"^ar i VT.-^o r r>^CK {~l ^ (<f €-</ *=y£v ./(.<. ^ -J-fr* Ax /ife j ea-djec f? ^ y •=r^'J' i,-er^J^ <^»J" <*<?/o-er S ^ e/ej c&-iy\o^c? f &

j>ut j)fCctAC<r<-f sfej s t-i />j/c{ <-r f~tjfs &<-t /ej n*.e f~£e<-if -4?<-t y&/c* fidx^. j <=> /"n? €<*-JC. o/ej Z^/iej <ry^>j- sv-\&fs e'(^0 -f<-(-e^f <*/*? ~/cx. not->~ ^6<r&y£>re y

7^< ( <i J S&\sif~ ~6res ~fre^t-a> i^.f ± 4/ 1 'on /y^«=ij ^ra*c/e i/<=t /ec\ r t'n -^Or ry^-fa ur e y rf/ciuK.fre j j£>*\-f <&fej c<v^cy}/s c<?-<. frc* dr<4j

-r^cti r\e -e/ ^et-i \re^/ s'<ybjO/c^>*-e r <=* foc^/e t'<^jfbrr^<>if>'<o)i , Jrer* ~

/vi/n<puye c<ss~oc/'e ^fes zk o/Ci Sefo^ cr/eJ re^€e.j jbu><*r ^JT^O *~t n*\#r /<i

l\zfe'-ei -e/ eV/e -te ~/roc/UL / j)e\ r wne ~/r «\ f~^Gr n^\c^ ~j/i'o <-i_

tv\o/s .' £ o\-fj/e Xei "/s1 /<-*• r t &f -/&<• fsoti Hf v <c /v\ ccfe cf&j

irer&ej^ -<?/r . -*-Xi'j/e c/ej r e/c< f~> <D i-v.5 -^«-1 Z>T? /<?</ ti> ^ry /-v-t <e>i /-V i >i-y5 ^

cc/ef^e-^./ -zf 6? -a- -fc\if c/ej e-^-f&r/s c/e Vej > e ^c/re e-<^> f?i c^ fcs, £ cfir//irijl.\e cer/p-tCt^s >-«= /»c /7 (J)M J(

J e j Ac e rc\ rC^ <p-y e 0* .' •^rr-^e cf*'d(^r\£ c< M ep t>-t t,-v

j>h< « l o ^ v f / i e j)exr f/cc^ ft <z r ^<-i/ e*<x /-*-* -e^-e<-i<S e-"<-6/e •ef ce/ & /e •eS / c/e'J c'y n. e JJcl r t/«. fern-\& cft -jf-j/cf r e^-f~ /e f •&/

>cej-/e c>cej-/es. ve/c*. /c'o<n.S je's\e'r f^u e / Jj^><z'c t -ftyi*e •ef /&<->-//rf~eerjx

c/q ^>o/y Ace rc^rc^te : cf C^tj/e c/?j r^o/s <^t->i t' cyf^x*. r ffenrxe <^f <=* y$€<-\ S(etr\rs -e^Se<^-S/ej ^ e/ cerfcxt^s r*\o/s Jo<^/ c/e rc Vcj <^X-< *^o(

Ou. ro-c>/( cctf -ef &r\/ ci^e te/ct,/ictx /fe r<z.r c <k c*4> uw j-t v< t=

^ ' i / s c/&£t^r\ e»-<./ c/ej c&^xceydfs yo\f <qy^4'«r\ r ffe*i *\ e «-V^ c? j<>^<-yc>?i c/ y~/e're*-h ,

o/c< jy r\ c. r^te .' zt-n cr>/_l O 0(r\e y<a fc^ fle> *v cf 'e^yt*. (\sC\~£e ~^c e fy>. <£x., U fi /e rr\r\e ev^-C/Vi-v -e/ >->. /e r rvy-e /1 t)ti |/"^etM, v £-( "-l /e r^r^. 6 tr-<-< -fyc^ t 'r< £ f

ot <-1 /-crr>s\Q <£ c 1 er\-fTj/tCp u\e ^ ^fc. j /e rry-^ e. ^c-tt tP"<-/ rc\flj c< & s*-\ ef~ Jc^r^ ( -^-i Cc^/~('d> <--1. J .


VC> eC ; */ej ***fs ^i(ejcfr^e^f <=fej co^cejtfs <s>£y'efs

c.Orx frc*. t rej .

f o f y s / ^ / e • *fej yS< /hZ7^ for^ ^( C^.

l/rf~/ *Aj re'c<€,{c's ^ Z / ^ V ^ Z -j ^ ,*„<? w/, Cj-L-h'*^

vt.-^ ej VtYfe'reUs ~x s/ec S(cy< c^ fro ^ j>c< r/? . cc Z, <?><* (

/le {<*-£(*>c/e csirxtnye ; c/ej /^Z, Je d &/e-j v^/eh,

^ ^ ^ft/wz-e/ 4 f '^XKsa^/tjre c/V^

Y)-^ X/^y>Z- Z^Zr /uct/tv^ '^j/or^^frfuej^^sj Z<f

^r^se^--fe *?ej cnco* ue/ce^fs, />•**. ^fe ^o^Sre ^/'eH/re^s es/ fre\ jr^

t/e ^ t c e j^f> ( / ^Xtsfc ~/ej -forr^es ^0m ^ ^ /e j / q - ^ t c / ^ ^ / e ^

\rer6~.€ej ^fc . y^C se refe^^f ^ ^&"^e ~ ofro^ ^ &r^^

c*^^6>e'£(<pc«> c/rj /w^Zr ey)r,^ ,io_

/^Axjy e c f L f t ^ e ^ / c/e ~t*/r c~~,/6°jcs y O ^ s & Sj/jiresSt*^. V ll

^ c/£j ~€f/-?<'~i(«c*f7'e^ ~fcj

ZV-xS /x iz< Vf-r z e/c ,

- * / ' «*-// c/ic /(op\ ^Mfl/ce

o / U ^ f i ^ c f r o n ov~(r* «•/ e^se^A-C* */ej - ^ Z r ^ J O ^ y ^ j S^Jn<fc<^f~>fs;C^ofs V( cfej JJ>&^Y <?jfj/ec fner -?£< re?r <<• r-oZ^ re'ftc y,ec

•n^e. //s Axe fjnre^t f<*j Jt,-( c/e cU^j fe fe*<Jc,e c/ej c/es

-/ Se r ue^f -ess e >-^ H e-/-/e r>^e «~-Z f°rs o/e /c< cre/ct./?*oin c$> j- _

chtftri (niserjej f<*r f re^i fe r^e-^f cf1< fo-x fe f/c /e e/ cesa^e' ) e~i ^ - ^ r e f . . / U ^ / ^ / t c / t o ^ C r e * s / c o ^ j /(M&' £ J>^rfir

cfej <T^/e?jD^>j ^-4ry'rci(^j <&/er «~c>ie>J d?<< «=?4 fe>/- /^^ s e' /e'^e<^fs f ~ ' ^ f / ^ t f e ^ ^ ^ . f * ~ff<*^/rej c c f e j ^ r j -/<?*('c^/ej y s / e j « * ~

-/ejor.et /e>^c(~<rc*fes <=/*-'/? r^<'^ e/j S^^.t ; at f>'c fej^Jro ^yo^_s ± .

S< f,#^ f y Co-Jo^c/, 'o ^ j y /?y£ ZA- cfe^nis^ */e's^ e> ^s/r^ f?f* yJ>*sse


e*i-ftery.f <?*x c*»<sc. cfe>j -forr^es *fe Mo/i S('j '\('fi'cc<.ft f^S• C/<^f rej <r«a r/ej ^fexc Cc<~teS c&r re J & t^c/et^f <=t /i <-vj tn.tr.

~f~t C&. fl \SeS J)»i.\r fc<. -re c-A-e r r(?'froJJ>ecfl*Lre , f> • -e'<' cfks J~< f>

--f/U t . fi^s t V€r b-es y ae/jec-fifs & fc<f?j's ^c+c r/r^e^if e*fe>j cji

-eft'fio*^h <&j>e'r o.-fz>c're J . ~^C>£^ trft^f f 'fr & ef<^c-fi '& t^. c/e ~f& & /no/r <V2-f>

V c / ? ' o / i r ^ x c j r e - e v / i < n , o J ) J ~ r f < ^ . i ^ e ; u < ^ J < - < 6 < f ^ f t ^ < / > < - < f j ^ f r e c&tri s (&/e're c <? n^.of \s/ c/e &f<*.*->.£ c,(>n.e *\<£.*.x $f

<y Clfft **e <zf Cor*\r*^e nof? O »-i_ S fy ry_("flCe\f> <*rC- o&i <W*1-e CCOy^fre , 2< /. £ _ / £*fe JC^f/ <s> a-l -t? --i /<f( cfac-^.it.^\ e ^fc\ c'r g

^>-1 fe\<^yz\jt? &/<ocL4,rl^e <~fc^c'y<2. €<tf C&Kjfcfi^e' cf? fCfnej e'fe**-<. e-i fr,'

~ ^eS r^ofs y<s\ t S& * \se "^-f <=< c/ec-r c re ~$ef ("i ~^>rt^\ osf? 'o +T. s ,' -^J" c/e -sc ryt ~ft^ r-t ^<-ct S o<^f fires ""/L ^ <^yc,y& *>-ic<-ftA. r e f ef~ r^cfUffs «4

r /vvp y rc*. /^.ct-fi C&.-& <a *ri / y "*• e gf < *>i L-^ict rt^<- & Cxc*. £>jf<tt —v f~*f <? -^<x. ii e r J. Ifs r\/ S t /tT J (P t< C£>zv^/5 <& J ^

~f)e j z-l-lcP fs. &f< fa. ^ycrrytp r\a.fc\ref Jc-tf CP ^t-f cf&S > e fd. -f>°<3 u-1 J" <=< iz<?C -f?J dejcr i'jfe.L.< r s -&f Jc-i-l So^f / <ff>ey forfe ^ <sr i/ec ^"7 >-<*«-? i/<j> t •«?£-<

^Vev-c o v r e Jj b ^Vev-c > ry.e^'tn.<^f~ , X - f s S c ^ i f C n j ^ x f r o f eJ y)<s=tr ^ -f&ir^^^je tr-fa-Cvt.r*e<r\ftz\c xe -ef t^e s<£)i»-f~ J>c\j t*~f{ £.(j-ds Jtsx^r "-fecriYe -Ve/ /V7^e>r ^ka f?'<s<-\S

~ f)ej re fe\ f-i£> h J -einfre f?J cfesc riJ-fei+rj — y e fctf>"<P~T.j fe 'rc\rc f.c'c,i.\ ej f

esf^ecyo^c ra fc <^ce <P<* Ki-'f j"< >-v^ cyac. e r r^ f f~-e t^f c/o r<?jp r<Dc-+J> e y

yfeJ r^-ofio n.j" JiPmj <-t n. /er^€ y of ^e r~<y i r fn *~ec(jer c(it e rec^xer cf-e. * of<pj refc^hot^s So*->-f SfJ y\^fe'e s Jc*.r f?J coc/ej ,• 7"^ Cfer^e

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s/ejr^e <? uiisi cf~ &.*n.jc*cfJe cfot/ e /r&

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-dej *e~€e.^e^h cfe Jjr^f^Jce^/jtxr -<f 'o r^fre efe

<p/ejcrcyp£e^rr J fx^r 'f'c4.fi </<so<_fi c>^ ^fe *^£>fs £>^ J(_y~ej

y<-<<'/er^e-tte^t o/e Vej 41+JC,/*,

Z, Z>T.( 7V<? .

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y r^oye^s ^ryfoj^s &f ^ ^ cf^ft ^tJer

-Ve Vcv

—//r\e ->/<j/e tf&j ^/e-JCr/jfe^rs.' l<~I€ '/(jfe e* ff) Ack />e'f? c.^ e c^e

Syjfe^c<f/yu\e , £ffej f»*f cyy^r^rfrt y «p^ no^ ^/^ f^s ^ _

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^jfe <*f/A^U/7jc+e uertyle J?rex,sfe^ce

ofejcr^-•fet\r} /&. £ijfe Jyjfe'^c<f>'<^c^t Js>>n- Je^r <£><-< V<x ire>-fe4^r J%<ryC/70^

e>/e -& Cdfey^r/e « </^^ef& /{ cx/y^rf/e^t,

/)?J> reJ<re'je t^.f<^f7*£>^j yr^/A/y^^j, ,r^o^frec^f yefexh

^fme fej -fer~.es Jca.r /c £^je c/e & 4v/e =^f e. Zcv

ferceffio^ </<+ /c^ye ^f /-&/>£


& <-c <r/>t

o<o-/1/lc-V A <?*«•<&/ j£JeJ ^r M j ^r r 4 ?' ^ef r

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~n/(cr »-*.), */*, ^/s ^W/>/,5 ./ rc^yce-s <//^

<?/es r^(s cor~j)ose^ <f'&1r<fri! «ytt /4^^^ -7^/H^/ ^ J>*»refre /riu€rje< V^^J. ^J- -^.j/4j- ^ re-SeTfe, - ^ Z z V ^ , . Z V


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^ u-o/i^e ^</ ^4 wxfor^r <,

•€ ' u (/ f t j c*. f e t ^ K Z , v / / a ^ £ f K j _ ,

^ J C O w r^ c , f r o / y ^ e r t / ^ cJotu^e^f ^



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f£*jlmri /yj<j ^ ^,, ^ yk, /w /„„

j«t».*, /e *///*<, e frt^s „„ V«-z /e^ef ^s( Jre.

•f-e^ie -/<• ro«i4„„ /«, /rei^re ^

y'^^ec^/,0^ *„ «4 cr<f^ueye jCt,Y ^,e /, -/«^^^

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- / ' « ^ A t k , - » « « ^ Z r e y W . r o , , , , , , y /a^ y ^ je a V & U ( / . , x .

^ hfio, J. -4, ^

<?/"- *S C*4 V g. c/"tP *T- /


/>&R fe. •&<^ISEW/)'fe E/EJ /A-ES*\EJ ^W( £><•>/ S&R <J~ ( csf I*^C/(>SC<LR /? ^ cti

/VO ^ /" c9 Aio/i /

r e J j t j r ^ c - f e / t ^ c * e e s { t < c c ^rf - e f t > i « ? V r e / * ^ i c f e .

•'/ti c/d c <-^ r<^ £ t^-f / 5" & <t -£ OO t^<-o fsJ,

~~ °/e rt jco-t-^e <pt<^<3v (y tfe o-n. f/^-c fo^j ^f- (•'*<• c*/^t^z nc+^ {•ect Le r^e t f t/e ~frc\t/<> •/<? cfoc <-< f ^ ructf s ej-e <-\./e <=*<^<S3< ^J ^0 r i *-i C<./><£*. /z s cc ^ c /<^ _r < ' o >x_f * ? / * / e j r r r>^c\. / ? o r \ $ 7^e C e = tfl

irej / s f o o c< 5~&Q r ^ o / s / ,

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•Z-X/roLL V e? cVe ^ //.icKjes cjC< fej<^fe. ck re'j<-* e R,

— \/occ<.f>c<fotCre CO n f/3 /e' -c / Sy^.fe^J>ce /?rQ . /«5tM J ce C«=tj &<-i c/otf--e.JCj[)Ye r*\&r /<pj C<P Ce//s -e ss e*\// <2 /s &i C< r*\o^e<--i */e e>/?sc *•/>/•< <.\ rs c/u. /heJc*.u rc<j -ef /ej ^/fe r c^/e-s r*\of~s \r( *=/es} <o*\ cjf f<_

/>r(-<*/e c hoi Jc r rfc\. s/rtAc ~f<-\ re cZ-e />/rc*.s<2S

~~~ l &CaJ)c{ fta. t Te •€~f Jy >^_ fc^. Jce c. iS>>^.f r <S/e'$ .' fej rn.e>fs cc /t ~£( 'jefs ^ >*-t & t^-\

e-/ej c*- r /( C fe£ •*? f~ yZ> # eJ^cS/ /( <p y>ro \/t -e *i *1 e *-if c/la f^ie. 'sc* <--x r <->. S rfe

c/eS-c r i / / - £ i ^ * S Jif tz/ fc< I^ f < tc/c- / c '<0 *i n a t ~r e J j /eJ r<^±ei s & - i / <r c ^


•{A&c/e jbefKct e/e fcer cfe^Cr^/e^r S c/e ^ifon J(^t'y/(Ccxfi~a-e ef-#/e f>TTOCec/er or u*e /r^c/Lc //b<-v ct^/on^cK/i '^ cte c/u re^^/,

^ c * « / e * 7 . c s > ss* +tf y ' < / ^ r e J c ^ e ' ^ / c o w j / c / ^ t

j y ^ z ^ £ j e «=V^< «?/<£3<re t^/ -«?/ £'Z yme/s £&>*./ ^ e <r<-y/e/

CPC, /es Jy-e/x •frc\L/e's jScc ^f^re */« c/cc^^/^ _/m

/^< </^/-<f ^ -/es e// o^/es J>-/oye's r/ej r</j^//^fc <o/>/e+t c(*s^ Sej

Conc/^sio^s r / ' * d / t ci r ; S e - 4 ^ , V ^ ^</e> V ^ Q,C O n^i n W

^ t "<*"*«'? •*£ «ne cyj/>re'c<^fi<0^ ~f> <f^yw/^oe <?/<-( o/oc utzvtf 1 fecf<~<-re »/< /X-Lr^ ^5' jberr^^/ 4 € 'k/t/<li

--fcur c/e consic* t-f-re. C*v*c j6re'ciJto^ Ve c/~c ^ /

cfeAr--&'i€ fuc -e*/ i / c e ss^cre ~/e J<? -r<?yd<erfcr <*H c f o c ^ ^ ^ /

eer<JLr\^f. Socc^e^/ -fe rej^^ Je^f ~rv~y>/c<ce r Ye <*A^^e~xf

/, y t A r 0&fe*ic'r c/ej c \ -jf&r^c /,'o^s ^ f c ^ e ^ / c c cVe J -e*. J^r

cfoc<-< r^e^f pr&cfc<tf crfrt^j c< n e /c< efrc< e r e ,

TeJur^e cfoi f y/rese "i/c r <yc-<. e £ • < e"j ^'«-i cj f { / z s ;

of^- Ccr> ~ ccji&n^ , i,e/e^f»i<5/f«i^« /-»/ <Ve' /c< '/<0 t^e u r- c=/l<. relJc^ y^' /Pry je Wt fe ^/ej <zxfire SJ i <P*-x f ~ef -^ej j> e riJ> f r*\je x re •v^/ 6/e>_/ ^/"^ r

cfes r^o/s} *^c*eJ y>^j oc^-c cfefe^s cf*> </L frec, Crv* n . ^ e'<sc/c

oc^s&t Vf \fCc-fer -A cy4/c zy>/7 ^ </^<5x7^^,? <p*? e~yj/ey~ eirc/ ^kr V »A/ A*-, «re/ /res e'r <* y »,.< , t<P ., -/^.

jv~/ ^ fcjc/e, r^ctcs f e u v e ^ t 4 A

ui-fc-ft^er cfej ex^re sr/io^s <e«*.c/er -e/ yfer<y4^^e/

rerstxr**' cfot/ Se ^ f^i-^x-e^e .'V^

*- fre ccot^y^^fe. fe. e"f Ct>\/e //(£>~/e S<*t*tj &t\rOcV 6ejst'*\

•i € fl~C? ' '6" r1 ct ir i>-v <4 /re C-L-t *"-i.^> i-v /-^

~~ *f 6/<?C // Vi /e' ,' /-f7 z?e 7<w y>Aj ctec<Zjp£e r i rybr^/c^/c <s >^J

tffcA. ^/e#vro^ic/^x ^4 -^^T^r, <Ze v^c?1




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externe épineuse bec Article terminal velu à très velu; bec de glume moyen à long, légèrement coudé à demi-coudé, carène légèrement rugueuse de glume. à