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A conceptual model of the flame stabilization mechanisms for a lifted Diesel-type flame based on direct numerical simulation and experiments


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Tagliante, Fabien and Poinsot, Thierry and Pickett, Lyle M.

and Pepiot, Perrine and Malbec, Louis-Marie and Bruneaux,

Gilles and Angelberger, Christian A conceptual model of the

flame stabilization mechanisms for a lifted Diesel-type flame

based on direct numerical simulation and experiments

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A conceptual model of the flame stabilization mechanisms for a lifted

Diesel-type flame based on direct numerical simulation and


Fabien Tagliancea, ... Thierry Poinsotb, Lyle M. PickettC, Perrine Pepiotd,e, Louis-Marie Malbeca, Gilles Bruneaux a, Christian Angelbergera

•JFP Energies Nouvelles, 1 er 4 avenue de Bois-Préau /nsrirur Camor IFPEN Transporrs Energies, Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, 92852, France

b /MFT (lnsrirur de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse), 2 Allée Camille Soula, Toulouse 31400, France

c Combusrion Research Facilîry, San dia National Laborarories, P.O. Box 969, MS 9053, Uvermore, CA 94551, USA dŒRfACS,42 Avenue G.Coriolis,Toulouse Cedex, France

Sibley Sdlool of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Come// Universiry, NY 14853, USA

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: ONS Lifr-off length Flame stabilization Auto-ignition Triple flame Diesel combustion

This work presents an analysis of the stabilization of diffusion flames created by the injection of fuel

into hot air, as found in Diesel engines. lt is based on experimental observations and uses a dedicated

Direct Numerical Simulation ( ONS) approach to construct a numerical setup, which reproduces the igni­

tion features obtained experimentally. The resulting ONS data are then used to classify and analyze the events that allow the flame to stabilize at a certain Lift-Off Length (LOL) from the fuel injector. Both

ONS and experiments reveal that this stabilization is intermittent: flame elements first auto-ignite before

being convected downstream until another sudden auto-ignition event occurs closer to the fuel injec­

tor. The flame topologies associated to such events are discussed in detail using the ONS results, and a

conceptual mode( summarizing the observation made is proposed. Results show that the main flame sta­

bilization mechanism is auto-ignition. However, multiple reaction zone topologies, such as triple flames,

are also observed at the periphery of the fuel jet helping the flame to stabilize by filling high-temperature

burnt gases reservoirs localized at the periphery, which trigger auto-ignitions.

1. Introduction

The stabilization of diffusion flames remains one of the main

challenges of combustion science

[ 1 ]

. Triple flames have been iden­

tified as a main phenomenon contributing to the stabilization of

lifted diffusion flames created between two cold streams of fuel

and oxidizer


. However, when one of the two streams is hot,

as in Diesel fuel sprays, auto-ignition events do certainly also play

an important role


and interact with triple flames


. ln

such configurations (referred to as Autoignitive Conditions Diffu­

sion Flames, or ACDF), a fuel jet is injected into hot air. The dis­

tance at which the flame stabilizes from the fuel injector nozzle,

called LOL for Lift-Off Length, has been shown to play a major role

in the soot formation processes


, and its precise predic­

tion would require a detailed understanding of al( the interacting

mechanisms controlling it. Considering the difficulty to distinguish

• Corresponding author.

E-mail address: fabien.cagliance@ecp.fr (F. Tagliante ).

the flame stabilization mechanisms experimentally


, ONS (Di­

rect Numerical Simulation) has been used to address this question.

Krisman et al.


have been the first to identify triple flames in­

teracting with low-temperature chemistry upstream of them based

on a laminar, two-dimensional, stabilized DME flame studied by

ONS. This same methodology has been used by Dalakoti et al.


and Deng et al.


, who confirmed the importance of

triple flames under Diesel conditions by studying the impact of in­

let temperature


and velocity


. These studies were followed

by a 30 ONS of a turbulent lifted DME slot gaseous jet flame per­

formed by Minamoto and Chen


, which confirmed the presence

of triple flames under Diesel conditions. They characterized the lo­

cal reaction zone structure at the lift-off as predominantly being

a deflagration rather than resulting from auto-ignition. These ob­

servations have been confirmed by Shin et al.


through post­

processing of their ONS based on fluid age analysis.

The objective of the present work was to perform a ONS study

of the spatial and temporal evolution of a Diesel-type spray previ­

ously studied experimentally


in order to explore in detail the

phenomena contributing to the spray-flame stabilization.


Ideally, such a DNSwouldhave to simulatethefull spray, in-cludinginparticularthe liquidfuelsprayoriginatedfromthe in-jectornozzle.A DNSincludingthelatterwouldbe achallenge in itselfandhasnotbeenaddressedbypublishedresearchduetoits inherentcomplexityandextremerequirementsintermsofspatial andtemporal resolution.Published DNS havetherefore restricted thecomputationaldomaintothegaseouspartofthespraywhere chemicalreactions essentially take place. Afirst approachwasto performtemporalDNSoftheturbulentmixinglayercreated down-streamoftheliquidpartofthespray[20–23].Whilethisallowed addressing realistic Damköhler numbers, it may not account for spatialrecirculation of hot burnt gases that have been found to possiblybe ofimportanceforthe flamestabilizationofACDF [6]. AnothertypeofDNSsimulatedaspatiallystabilizedgaseousflame set up to be as representative as possible to Diesel-spray condi-tions[17].Whilethisallowed addressingDamköhlernumbers un-der Diesel-spray conditions, the studied Reynolds numbers were considerablysmallerthanthatofaDieselspray.

Inthepresentwork,wechosetoperformaDNSofthespatial evolutionofthegaseouspartofthespraystudiedin[19](


condi-tion),inordertoaccountbothforrealisticReynoldsand Damköh-lernumbers,andtoaddressinparticulartherecirculationofburnt gasesandtheir suspectedimpact on flame stabilization. Tolimit thecomputationalcostofsuchanapproach,thesimulationswere restrictedto2D, whichallowedensuringa sufficientresolutionof thesmallspatialscalesofpremixedflamesunderthestudied con-ditions.1

Unlike many turbulent flames, which can be computed with simplified chemical descriptions [24,25], the simulation of ACDF requiresmorecomplexchemical kinetics.The LOLtime evolution isadiscontinuousquantity,characterizedbyfrequentjumpswhen theflameauto-ignites.Experimentsrevealthattheseauto-ignition events(called “Events A” in [19]) are followed by the formation and the downstream convection of flames (called “Evolution B” [19])beforeanewauto-ignitioneventoccursupstreamandbrings theflame back closerto theinjector. Low-temperaturechemistry hasbeenshowntoplayanimportantroleinthatdynamicprocess [19]. Reproducing these low-temperature chemistry phenomena, especiallyintheNTC(NegativeTemperatureCoefficient)regime,is impossiblewithglobal schemes [22] and requires morecomplex chemistrydescriptions.

In the present DNS, chemistry was modelled using an ARC (Analytically Reduced Chemistry) scheme [26–30] adapted for n-dodecane/airflamesat3.4MPa.

The paperis organized asfollows: the computational domain andnumericalmethodemployedintheDNSoftheACDF configu-rationisdescribedinSection2,followedbythechemical scheme reductionmethodologyanditsvalidationinSection 3.The analy-sistools,usedtoidentifytheinstantaneousLOLaswellasthelocal reactionzonetopologiesaroundit,aredetailedinSection4.Then, Section5presentsacomparisonbetweenexperiments[19]andthe performedDNSinorder tovalidate the strong hypothesis andin particularthose relatedto a 2D simulation and a synthetic sim-plifiedturbulence attheinflow ofthe gasjet allow realistic pre-dictions.InSection6,eachdiscreteinstantaneouslift-off predicted bythe DNSisidentified tobe eitherof theEventA orEvolution B types following the definitions proposed in [19]. Furthermore, the developed automatic tools analysis are used to identify the localreaction zone topologies around discrete instantaneous lift-off positions.Finally,a conceptual modelfor flame stabilization in ACDF-type configurations is proposed in Section 7 based on the performedanalysesandresultingobservations.

1 Care was taken to base the 2D DNS of the gaseous part of the spray on a suffi- ciently realistic chemical mechanism including low-temperature chemistry.

2. Configuration

The case simulated in the present work had previously been studied experimentally. Details on the employed techniques and obtained results can be found in[19], where it is referred to as the



Theconfiguration consistsofan-dodecaneliquidfuel injected into a large constant volume vessel containinga mixture with a 16% (by volume) oxygen concentration, at an initial pressure of 3.4MPaandtemperatureof800K.

2.1. Simplifyingassumptions

Performinga3DDNSofthefullliquidspray,anditscombustion undersuchDieselengine-likeconditions,wouldrequireaveryfine spatialandtemporaldiscretizationinordertocapturethesmallest scales.An estimationoftheresultingnecessarycomputational ef-fortindicatedthatthecostofperformingsucha3DDNSwouldbe prohibitive.

Inordertodefinean affordablecomputational frameworkable toreproduceessentialaspects ofACDFflamestabilization,the fol-lowingsimplifyingassumptionsweremade:

• Thesimulation wassimplified to be two-dimensional.Despite therelatedlimitations,intermsofanaccurate reproductionof allfeaturesofaturbulentflow,comparisonswithexperimental findings indicated that thisstrong simplificationallowed cap-turingkeyfeaturesatafractionofthecostofa3DDNS.Italso simplified the analysis of the reaction zone dynamics signifi-cantly.

• As experimental observations for the simulated condition showed a flame stabilization downstream of the zone where theliquidsprayimpactsthelocalflowdynamics,theliquid in-jectionwasnotincludedinthesimulations.AsshowninFig.1, thecomputationaldomainwasthereforestarted20mm down-streamtheinjector outlet,i.e.downstreamoftheliquidlength thatwasestimatedtobe18mm[31].

• Thecomputationaldomainwaschosentoincludeanareaof in-terestaxiallysituatedbetween25mmand50mmdownstream oftheinjector.AsillustratedinFig.1(top),experimental find-ings [19] indicate that this well-resolved area of interest in-cludesthespatiallyrelativelystablelow-temperature-chemistry (e.g.formaldehyde), as well asthe region situated axially be-tween 26 and 45 mm downstream the injector in which the LOLvaries.In theradial direction,the areaofinterest encom-passesaregioncontaininghigh-temperatureproductslocalized atthejetperiphery,which,accordingto[6],maycontributeto theflamestabilization.

• Inflowboundaryconditionsimposed inthecentralpartofthe jetwerenotchosentoreproducethecomplexturbulent multi-speciesandpossiblyreactive flow foundat thataxial position 20 mm downstream the injector. These complex flow condi-tions are not known from published research, and would in-deed require performing a full DNS of the spray. The inflow boundaryconditions were thusstrongly simplified toonly re-produce the mean mass flow rate and a very approximate levelofvelocityfluctuations.Temperaturefluctuationswere ne-glected, and only a non-reactive mixture of fuel and airwas fedintothedomain.Suchinflowconditionsareverycrude ap-proximations,buttheflowcandevelopbetweentheinflowand thebeginningoftheareaofinterestat25mm,wherewe ob-servedaqualitativelyrealisticturbulentreactiveflow.Thiswas checkedquantitatively in a posterioriway by comparing DNS predictions withexperimental findings, aswill be exposed in Section5.Inthissense,theinflowboundaryconditionsshould be viewed only as a crude simplification resulting from the


Fig. 1. Top: Superposition of the gas envelope of the spray (Schlieren imaging) on an iso-contour of the formaldehyde cloud (green line, high-speed 355 LIF), and the high- temperature flame (yellow line, broadband chemiluminescence). This image was obtained from the experimental setup presented in [19] . Bottom: Computational domain showing the used tetrahedral grid which is refined in the area of interest to capture combustion phenomena.

absence of detailedknowledge, and chosen to allow for real-isticflowconditionsintheareaofinteresttowhichallanalysis presentedbelowwererestricted.

• Onlythe”quasi-steady” statereachedoncethesprayflamehas auto-ignitedwasstudied[32].Thisphase ischaracterizedbya constantmeanfuelflowrate.

In Section 5,the DNSwillbe compared to experimental find-ings inorder toa posterioriassess thevalidity of these assump-tions.

2.2. Numericalset-up

The present DNS were performed with the AVBP code co-developed by CERFACS and IFPEN [33]. AVBP solves the com-pressible reactive Navier-Stokes equations for momentum, total

energy, and species mass fractions on unstructured grids. The Lax-Wendroff scheme [34] (second-order accurate in space and time)wasused.

Figure 1 (bottom) shows the 2D square computation domain.

Spatialdiscretizationisbasedonanunstructuredtetrahedralmesh. The highestspatialresolution of6 μm isimposed inthe area of interest that covers the region where key mechanisms of flame stabilizationtakeplaceandwere analyzed.Thiscellsizewas cho-sen to achieve a sufficient resolution of the estimated premixed flame thickness under the simulated conditions, as outlined in Section 3.2.The cell size is progressivelycoarsened laterally and downstreamoftheareaofinterestinordertoimposelateraland downstream boundary conditions far enough to mimic the large size ofthe real constant volume vessel usedin the experiments. The resulting mesh comprises 33.7 million nodes. The time-step


Fig. 2. All of the graphs show radial profiles imposed at the inlet boundary condition. ( a ): Axial flow velocity ( U X ) and axial velocity fluctuation ( U RMS ), ( b ): temperature, ( c ): n-dodecane mass fraction.

was 1.9 ns to satisfy the acoustic Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) conditionoftheexplicittimeadvancement.

Lateral symmetricboundaryconditionsare used.Theinletand outlet boundary conditions are imposed using the Navier-Stokes characteristicboundary condition(NSCBC)[35].At the outflow,a relaxationmethodisusedtoimposethevesselpressureof3.4MPa whileminimizingspuriouswavereflections.

Inthecentralpartoftheinflowboundary,anrelaxationmethod isusedtoimposethemeanprofilesofaxialvelocity(UX), temper-ature(T)andspeciesmassfractions(Yk).Theseprofiles,shownin Fig.2(anddetailedinAppendix1),imposetheconstantmeangas flowenteringthecomputationaldomainasaresultofthenot sim-ulatedupstreamliquidsprayduringquasi-steadystate.

In order to roughly approximate the turbulence entering the domain as a result of the upstream spray, temporal fluctuations (following the Taylor hypothesis), proportional to the URMS pro-file(showninFig.2),areaddedtotheaxialin-flowvelocityusing theCelik method[36] andfollowingthePassotPouquetspectrum [37]as detailed inAppendix 1.

A co-flowofUco f low=1m/s is imposed laterallyof thecentral inflowtoavoidnegativeaxialvelocitieson theinlet,whichcould causenumericaldifficulties.Thissmallvelocityisassumedtohave anegligibleimpactonthestabilizationmechanism.

The randomperturbations,addedtothemeanaxialinflow ve-locity,wereselectedtoachieveasatisfactoryopeningangleofthe jetintheareaofinterest.Thiswascheckedbyperforminga non-reactive simulation and comparing time-averaged radial profiles ofvelocity, temperature, andfuel massfractionobtainedby post-processinginstantaneous DNSfieldswithprofiles givenby exper-imentallyestablished correlations. This allowed (notshownhere) to check that the imposed boundary conditions yielded satisfac-torymeanprofilesintheareaofinterestwhereflamestabilization mechanismswerestudied.Therefore,thechosen inflowboundary conditionsallowtoinvestigatetheflamestabilizationmechanisms, unlike temporally developing jets created by a mixing layer be-tweenfuelandair[20–23].

Table 1

Initial species mass fractions in the vessel.

Species N 2 O 2 CO 2 H 2 O nC 12 H 26 Mass fraction [-] 0.7016 0.1746 0.1001 0.0237 0

TheinitialconditionfortheDNSwasaflow atrestatthe ini-tialtemperature,pressureandcompositionknownfromthe exper-iments.TheinitialmassfractionsofN2,O2,CO2,andH2Oare im-posedtobe spatiallyhomogeneous andequaltothevaluesgiven inTable1.TheCO2 andH2Ospeciesareproducts ofthelean pre-combustionusedintheexperimentstobringthevesseltoits ini-tialconditionsatthestartofinjection.

Thesimulatedphysicaltimewas12ms.Afirstinitialphaseof 3ms wasnecessary tohave theflame igniteandfortheflow to reacha stabilizedstate inthemean.Flamestabilizationwasonly analyzedafterthisinitialstage.

The computationalcost was120,000 CPU hoursper simulated physicalmillisecond.AVBPallowed achievingareturntime of ap-proximately24hpersimulatedmillisecondon4992cores.

3. Chemicalmechanism

Thereferencechemicalkineticsschemeusedinthisworkisthe 54-speciesskeletal modelforn-dodecane oxidationdeveloped by Yao et al. [38], itself based on the detailed kinetic scheme for a varietyofalkanesbySarathyetal.[39].

3.1. Developmentofthereducedscheme

This reference mechanism is further reduced for the condi-tions relevant to the DNS presented hereusing the YARC reduc-tiontools[26].Theresultinganalyticallyreducedchemistry(ARC) modelisthenvalidatedagainst experimentalandsimulationdata obtained using Yao’smodel. Comparison are shownin Fig. 3 for laminar flame speed (left column) and auto-ignition delay (right


70 8 ,;;;· 60 <1>=0.5




-o 50



� 40

P=O.l MPa




fi: 30 T=400K


20 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 0 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 �20


<I>= 1


-1 -o 15



0 Cil








5 0.1 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Equivalence Ratio[-)

1ooorr [K"1J

Fig. 3. Comparison between the reference mechanism of Yao et al. (solid black Unes, (381) the ARC mode! derived in the work (dotted red line). and experimental data (symbols, (41-431). Left: laminar flame speeds. right: ignition delay rimes.

Table 2

Summary of the reduced mechanism (28 ARC): transported (left) and Quasi Steady State (QSS) (right) species.

Transported species (28) N2.0.H2. H,OH,H20, H202. üi.Hüi. CH20.C02.CH3. CO,(iHs,CH,.. C2H•. CiH2, ½Hs. C.Ha. CsH10. CsH12, C1H14. CaH1s. (gH,a. C10H20, C12H2sûi, n -C12H2s, OC12H2300H QSS species (19) CH2, HCO, CH;, CH30, C2H3, CH2CHO, C2Hs, a -C3Hs, C2H3CHO, n -C3H1, C.H1, p -(,Hg, p-CsHn, p-C1H1s, p-C12H25, s3 -C12H25, s -C12H25, C1200H, 02C12H2.00H

column). Laminar premixed flame values were obtained for equiv­

alence ratios in the range 0.7-1.3 for atmospheric and high pres­

sure (3.5 MPa). Auto-ignition delays are checked for pressures of

2.0-5.0 MPa, equivalence ratios of 0.5-1.2, and initial temperatures

of 700-1200 K. The first step of the reduction methodology is to

identify species and reactions which can be removed without af­

fecting the laminar flame speed and the auto-ignition delay using

the directed relation graph method with error propagation


. At

the end of this stage, 7 species are removed. Species for which a

Quasi-Steady State Approximation (QSSA) can be used are, then,

chosen using the Level Of Importance criterion


. The resulting

ARC scheme is composed of 28 transported species, 19 QSS species


Table 2

) and 198 reactions. As shown in




, the 28-species re­

duced scheme correctly reproduces the laminar flame speeds and

the auto-ignition delays over the selected range of conditions, also

capturing the NTC region for a fixed composition with varying


3.2. Estimation of the thermal jlame thickness

The reduced scheme was used to estimate the necessary spatial

resolution in the area of interest of the computational domain. To

this purpose, a 10 premixed flame is first calculated using Cantera


for a stoichiometric mixture (computed using Bilger's defini­




at the initial pressure and temperature of the studied

spray. The length of the 1D domain is 0.2 mm allowing to stabilize

the 10 premixed flame in the middle of the domain without in­

teractions with auto-ignitions ahead of it as discussed in



problem is also known as the "cold boundary problem"



. The

thermal flame thickness was hereby found to be 32 µm.

ln a second step, the same 10 flame simulation was performed

with AVBP using different spatial resolutions. This allowed to show

that a spatial resolution of 6 µm was sufficient to salve for al(

species present in the ARC scheme and to reproduce the CANTERA


4. Analysis tools for ONS

An important issue to analyze the stabilization mechanisms is

to build adapted post-processing tools for the ONS results. To this

purpose, we first developed a method for tracking the temporal

variations of LOL, which then exploited for identifying four differ­

ent reaction zone topologies of importance for the flame stabiliza­


4.1. LOL definition

For each instantaneous ONS solution, two distinct LOL are iden­

tified: the LOL for the flame base located above

(R >

0, see

Fig. 1


and below


< O) the injector. This decomposition was possible be­

cause the upper flame branch interacts weakly with the lower one,

and presented the advantage of increasing the number of lift-off

tracked. Here, we chose to track the lift-off according to a double

criterion: First, the local heat release rate needs to exceed a thresh­

old value of Wr,crir = 4 x 10




corresponding to 83 % of the

maximum Wr reached in the corresponding premixed stoichiomet­

ric laminar flame. Second, if the first criterion is met, the temper­

ature must exceed a value of


= 1900K in a region of 0.15 mm

around the point closest to the injector for which the first criterion

is met. This double criterion is required to eliminate events where

heat release peaks occur for a short period of time, but for which

the kernel fails to grow, indicating that a minimum flame radius

is not reached. The lift-off is then defined as the closest point to

the nozzle, meeting this double criterion, and allows to compute

the LOL, which is the distance between the lift-off and the fuel

injector. Following the methodology proposed in

(19], the LOL are


Fig. 4. Instantaneous temperature profile of the stabilized flame (above the injec- tor: R < 0) showing a triple flame. The bottom image is a zoom around the lift-off found in the upper image. The black line represents the stoichiometric line. The white line shows 4 × 10 11 W / m 3 iso-contour of heat release rate.

trackedbetween3and12msAftertheStartofInjection(ASI)with atimeresolutionof0.01msleadingto1,802(901× 2)LOL. 4.2.Identificationofthereactionzonetopologies

Oncethetrackingoftheevolutionofthelift-off ismade possi-ble,ananalysisofthelocalreactionzonestructureinits neighbor-hoodallowsidentifyingdifferenteventslinkedtothestabilization. 4.2.1. Reactionzonetopologiesduringauto-ignitionevents

Auto-ignition isidentified by a discontinuity ofthe LOL time-trackingleadingtoveryrapidupstreamdisplacements oftheLOL, asobserved in a previous experimental study [19]. Therefore, in this paper, auto-ignition is defined by the following expression: −


t >80m/s,where


taretheLOLandtime variation betweentwo instants (here,

t is set to 0.01 ms).We found that the identification process is fairly insensitive to the valueofthethreshold.Inthefollowing,avalueof80m/shasbeen chosen.

Inordertoprovideadeeperunderstandingoftheauto-ignition events,two typesofauto-ignitionswere identified: isolated auto-ignition (AI-I),and auto-ignition assisted by burnt gases (AI-BG). An AI-I is identified as an auto-ignition eventoccurring in fresh gases,so without beingaffectedby anysurrounding burntgases. Theappellation“isolated” isgivenifthetemperatureisbelowTcrit withintheedge(0.04 mmthick)ofasquare boxof3.8× 3.8mm centeredatthelift-off.Otherwise,(ifTcrit>1900K)theappellation ”assistedby burntgases” isgiven, whichcorresponds toan auto-ignitioneventclosetoahigh-temperaturezone.

4.2.2. Reactionzonetopologiesduringcontinuousevolutionofthe lift-off

Intheabsenceofauto-ignitioneventsorflameextinctions,the lift-off hasbeendivided intotworeaction zonetopologies:Triple Flames(TF)andLean/RichReactionZones(L/RRZ).

TFcan beidentifiedforcertainLOL, asshowninFig.4,where a zoom on the flame base reveals the existence of the conven-tionalbranchesofaTF[4,48]:branchAisaleanpremixedflame, branchB designates a rich premixed flame,and branch C, a dif-fusionflame.The TFare detected bypost-processing themixture fraction,temperature, andheat releaseratefieldswithin asquare areaof0.3 × 0.3mm2 aroundtheflamebaselocation.The condi-tionsusedtodetectaTFare:

• The TF must have two intersection points between zst and ˙



• TheTFmustpropagatetowardsfreshgasesonthe stoichiomet-ricline whereT<Tcrit,while thedownstream branch Cis de-finedasastoichiometriclinewhereT>Tcrit.

• One branch of the reaction zone must be on the lean side (zbranchA<zst), whilethe other branchneeds to be onthe rich side(zbranchB>zst).

L/RRZis thenamegivento thereaction zoneswhichare not tripleflamesduringcontinuousevolutionsoftheLOL.Thesezones canbeidentifiedjustafterajumpoftheLOLattributedtoan AI-I.Inthiscase,thelift-off isfirstdetected onthefuel richside as shown in Fig. 5-(a). Similar results have been shown in [49] by performingunsteady ReynoldsaveragedNavier-Stokessimulations of Diesel spray flames, where the ambient pressures are 42 bar and 85 bar. The authors have found that the high-temperature flame firstappears on thefuel rich side inthe region wherethe scalardissipationrateislowandtheresidencetimeislong.Inthe presentDNS,theseregionsaremixturepocketsobservedatthejet periphery, where theflow velocity is relatively low.Due to ther-malexpansion,theheatreleaseratethresholdthen movesonthe fuel lean side asshown in(a). Lastly, L/RRZ is alsofound after TFeventswhenthereactionzoneleavesthestoichiometriclineas displayedin(b)withthearrowsindicatingthedisplacementofthe TFoutofthestoichiometricline,resultingina leanreactionzone (b).

5. ComparisonbetweenDNSandexperiments

In order to assess the accuracy/validity of the DNS, a com-parison between experiments and the DNS when the flame has reacheda quasi-steadystate isproposed. Figure 6showsa snap-shotofmixturefraction(z)andformaldehydemassfraction(YCH2O) fieldsat3.53msASI.Thehigh-temperatureflamecanbevisualized throughtheiso-linesoftemperature(Fig.6-top)orOH mass frac-tion(Fig.6-bottom).Asintheexperiments(Fig.1-top),theflameis liftedbetween30and40mmfromtheinjector.Figure6,forR>0, showsadetachedauto-ignitedkernelupstreamofthemainflame which suddenly decreases the LOL as observed experimentally

[5–7,19]. Moreover, as observed in [19,50,51], DNS predicts

formaldehydeupstreamthehigh-temperaturereactionzone. Additionally,a comparisonof thecool-flamestructure (identi-fiedbyCH2O)betweenexperimentsandDNSisproposedthrough averaged images in Fig. 7-(a). CH2O is experimentally measured with355LIF(lasergeneratinga100mJlaserbeamat355nmand collectedbetween400and490nm).TheexperimentalCH2O aver-agedimageisbuiltbyaveraging10imagescollectedat4ms,when theflamehasreacheda”quasi-steady” state.TheDNSfieldofYCH2O isaveragedbetween3and12ms. Acomparisonbetween experi-mentsandDNSshowsthattheupstreamlocationofthestabilized cool-flameissimilar.However,theDNSCH2Olevelsarelowerthan experimentallevelsinthecenterjetoftheDNS.Nevertheless,the lackofCH2Ointhecenterjetisexpectednottohaveastrong im-pacton the stabilizationmechanisms since the high-temperature flame is stabilized at the jet periphery, where CH2O is correctly predicted.

Figure 7-(b) also showsacomparisonof thehigh-temperature flame betweenexperiments(OH∗) andDNS(OH). The OH∗ image is generated by temporal (between 1.35 and 3 ms) and ensem-ble(10realizations) averagingusingdata,collectedbyhigh-speed OH∗chemiluminescence imagingat60kHz. TheDNSfield ofYOH isaveragedbetween3and12ms.Regardingthehigh-temperature flames,thedifferenceofsignalcollectedinthecenterjetbetween theexperimentsandtheDNSisattributedtothelineofsight 3D collectionofOH∗chemiluminescence. Indeed,OHPLIFhasshown OHspeciesatthejetperiphery [50]asobservedintheDNS. OH


Fig. 5. ( a ) and ( a  ): two different instantaneous views illustrating a rich reaction zone ( a ) and a lean reaction zone ( a  ) after an auto-ignition event. ( b ) and ( b  ): time sequence showing triple flames leaving the stoichiometric line. The black line represents the stoichiometric line. The white line shows the contour of heat release rate of 4 × 10 11 W / m 3 .

Fig. 6. DNS fields at 3.53 ms After the Start of Injection (ASI). Top image: mixture fraction field with an iso-line of temperature at 1900 K (black line). Bottom image: formaldehyde field with an iso-line of OH mass fraction at 1 . 5 × 10 −4 in white.

chemiluminescence image allows to visualize the average LOLof thehightemperatureflame,whichcorrespondstotheDNSresults. Inconclusion,evenifdifferencesbetweenexperimentsandDNS exist,thesimulationreproducesthemainfeaturesobserved exper-imentally:

• Theupstreampositionofthelow-andhigh-temperatureflame, intheDNS,issimilartotheexperiments.

• The DNS reproduces the presence of auto-ignited kernels up-streamofthehigh-temperatureflame.Sucheventsare respon-sible for highLOL variation, which have been identified as a capitalparameterintheflamestabilization[19].

6. Analysisofstabilizationmechanisms 6.1. LOLtrackingwithreactionzonetopologies

Adescriptionoftheflamestabilizationmechanismsisproposed using the time-tracking of the different reaction zone topologies identified atthe lift-off defined in Section 4.2. Figure 8 presents theLOLevolutionswhere,forthesakeofclarity,only3msare dis-played,butthefullphysicaltimesimulatedis12ms.Eachdiscrete pointintime, obtainedfromanalyzingthe DNSevery 0.01ms, is identifiedbyaspecific symbolforeachofthefourtopologies de-finedinSection4.2.

The sametwo main characteristic behaviors, observed experi-mentally in [19] (Fig. 5), are also reproduced in the DNS:


auto-Fig. 7. ( a ): Average images of the high-temperature flame visualized by OH and OH species. ( b ): Average images of the cool-flame visualized by CH 2 O species. The experimental data are generated using the experimental setup presented in [19] .

ignitionevents(alsonamedEventA)andcontinuousevolutionsof the LOL, which are mainly downstream evolutions of the lift-off namedEvolutionsB.

Figure9-(a)allowstoillustratetheLOLtime-trackingduringan auto-ignitionevent. At t0,the flameisstabilized farfromthe in-jector,then, at t1, an auto-ignition occurs (AI-Ior AI-BG), which brutallydecreases theLOL. As showninFig.8, at4.5ms (AI-BG) orat4.5ms(AI-I),auto-ignitionscandecreasetheLOLby 10mm in0.01ms, andquasi-systematically EvolutionBstartsafterthese events.

Fig. 9. ( a ): auto-ignition event, also named Event A, occurring at t 1 . ( b ): down- stream evolution, between t 0 and t 1 , also named Evolution B.

Figure 9-(b)illustrates EvolutionB, whereatt1, theflamehas beenconvecteddownstream.Anexampleofdownstreamevolution isproposedinFig.8,between3and3.26ms,wherethelift-off is mainlyidentifiedasTF.

This decompositioninto auto-ignition and downstream evolu-tion implies that, if no new auto-ignition occurs, bringing the flameclosertotheinjector,theflamecannotsustaintheflowand is,therefore,blown.

6.2. AnalysisofEventA

Focusing on Event A, a statistical analysis at the lift-off (be-tween 3and12 ms)shows that69 % ofthe auto-ignitionevents come from AI-BG (thus 31 % from AI-I). This demonstrates the leading role of high temperature burnt gases, which can trigger auto-ignitions and help to stabilize the flame. This observation confirmsthehypothesisofPickettetal.[6]thathightemperature burntgasesreservoirsatthejet peripherycould be animportant factorintheflamestabilization.

First,focusingonAI-I,Figure10showsasequenceofa stoichio-metricpocketconvectedatthejetperiphery(radiallybetween3.5 and5.0mmfromthecenterline).Itstarts0.19ms beforethe AI-Iand finisheswhen theAI-I is detected. It hasbeen constructed startingfromthethirdimage(correspondingtothetimeatwhich an AI-I occurs, named tAI−I), and exploring the DNSbackward in time to see where thiseventactually starts. The three plots un-der theimagesrepresenttheCH2O andOHmassfractionprofiles along the red dotted line (1 mm long) for different timings. At, 0.19 ms before AI-I, YCH2O is very small and YOH almost

inexis-Fig. 8. LOL time-tracking with the detection of Triple Flames (TF), Lean/Rich Reaction Zones (L/R RZ), Isolated Auto-Ignitions (AI-I) and Auto-Ignitions Assisted by Burnt Gases (AI-BG) at the lift-off for R > 0.


Fig. 10. Image sequence illustrating an isolated auto-ignition (AI-I) at the lift-off. The black line represents the stoichiometric line and the white line shows the contour of heat release rate of 4 × 10 11 W / m 3 (top images). The three bottom plots show OH and CH

2 O mass fraction profiles along the red dotted line (measuring 1 mm long) shown on the top image sequence.

Fig. 11. Image sequence leading to an AI-BG event. The black line represents the stoichiometric line. The white line shows 4 × 10 11 W / m 3 iso-contour of heat release rate.

tent.At,0.12msbeforeAI-I,YOHisstillalmostinexistent.However, YCH2O raises to a maximum of 8× 10−3 (compared to 1.8× 10−3

inastoichiometricpremixedflame).Accordingto[23],tAI−I− 0.12 ms corresponds to the time between the 1st and the 2nd stage ofignitionbecause ofthelargeamount CH2O,the significantrise of temperature and the lack of OH. At tAI−I, an AI-I is detected, YOH has risen up to 1.5× 10−3 atthe center of the stoichiomet-ric pocket, wherethe temperatureis maximum, andCH2O is to-tally consumed. This instant corresponds to the 2nd stage of ig-nition, whereheat releaseand temperaturebecome highenough to definethe lift-off, accordingtoourdouble criterion(described inSection4.1).Inconclusion,thedifferentstages,shownbetween tAI−I− 0.19 ms andtAI−I, followthe samewell-known steps than auto-ignitionin0Dhomogenousreactorconfigurations.

Figure 11 illustrates an AI-BG event, where combustion starts near a zone of hot gases:auto-ignition occursbetween the stoi-chiometric lineanda burntgasespocket, without presentingthe two stages observed for AI-I. In this case, burnt gases pockets move,duetotheflowconvection,andwhentheyarecloseenough tothestoichiometricline,theytriggerAI-BG.


AnillustrationofEvolutionBisproposedinFig.12.At3.03ms ASI, a TF is detected at the lift-off, then 0.23 ms later, the LOL hasincreasedby4.4mm(stilldefinedasaTF) showingthatthis flameisconvecteddownstream.TheproportionofTF,L/RRZis al-mostthe same during EvolutionB: 45% TFand 55 % L/R RZ. It indicatesthatedge-flamesmustbetakenintoaccounttocorrectly modelspray combustion underDieselconditions assuggested in [10,17,20–23].

In ourcase, the edge-flames of interest are TF located at the lift-off. Thequestionis toassesswhether ornot theTF propaga-tionisbalancingtheflow.Ananalysisconsistsinacomparison be-tween the orientation of the TFpropagation and, first, the spray axis,then,thelocalflow.Figure13-(a)showsthedefinitionofthe instantaneousangle




flowusedtocomparethesedirections againsttheaxis.Figure13-(b)showstwoseriesofanglesobserved inthe DNS:one above theinjector (marked by the + exponent), the other below (marked by the - exponent). In both cases, the TFaremainlyorientedtowardsthecenterline.Noneofthesetwo


Fig. 12. Instantaneous temperature fields showing Evolution B between 3.03 and 3.26 ms ASI. Black line: stoichiometric line. The triple flames detected at the lift-off are zoomed, and displayed on the right of the images. Iso-lines of heat release rate between 3.7 × 10 11 W / m 3 and 4.3 ×10 11 W / m 3 are displayed in red on the zoomed images.

Fig. 13. ( a ): cartoon of a triple flame propagating along z st . The red solid line represents the ˙ ωT,crit = 4 × 10 11 W/m 3 iso-line. The red arrow shows the triple flame propagation direction ( θTF ) while the green arrow shows the flow direction ( θflow ). ( b ): histograms of θT F and + θT F . ( c ): histograms of θT F, f low and + θT F, f low (right) (For interpretation of the − references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).

histogramsshow apreferentialdirectionaround180°,which indi-catesthat statistically,TFdonot propagateupstream.Namingthe angulardifference between the TFpropagation directionandthe upstreamflow


TF,flow(asshowninFig.13-(a)),an histogramcan bebuiltandisshowninFig.13-(c). Thedispersed distributionof



TF, f lowand


TF, f lowshowstheTFdonothaveapreferential prop-agationdirectionwithrespecttotheflow.

Since the flame stabilization is defined by axial displacement oftheflame,acomparisonbetweentheaxialflowvelocity atthe lift-off (UX,flow,LO)andtheabsoluteaxialflamefrontspeedrelative

toafixedreference(Sa)isproposedtroughtheratioUX,flow,LO/Sa. Sa is defined asthe temporal variation of LOL. In order to elim-inate spurious behaviors, only triplets of consecutive LOL values withcorrelationcoefficient r2>0.98areconsidered. U

X,flow,LO are computedbyaveragingthecorrespondingthreeinstantaneous ax-ialflowvelocitiesatthelift-off.

Figure14-(a)showsahistogramoftheratioUX,flow,LO/Sa com-putedbetween3and12 msforboth positiveandnegativeradial coordinates ofTF atthe lift-off. The meanvalue of this distribu-tion is 0.83, which indicates that Sa is statistically the same


or-Fig. 14. Both graphics have been constructed from triple flames data at the lift-off for R > 0 and R < 0. ( a ): Histogram of the ratio U X, flow, LO / S a . ( b ): sym- bols show U X, flow, LO / S a as a function of U X, flow, LO , while the black curve displays U X, f low,LO / (U X, f low,LO − 1 . 5) as a function of U X, flow, LO .

der ofmagnitudethan UX,flow,LO,andthus that theflow controls theevolutionoftheLOL.However,thisanalysiscanbefurther de-tailed. Theratio UX,flow,LO/Sa isplottedasa functionofUX,flow,LO in Fig. 14-(b). It appears that forUX,flow,LO>15,the ratio isvery closeto1,meaningthatSaisgovernedbytheflow.Inorderto in-terpret thepointscorresponding to UX,flow,LO<15,DNS offlames underDiesel-likeconditions [17,23]haveindicated that theorder ofmagnitudeoftheTFdisplacementspeedSd isbetween1and2 m/s.AssumingSd=1.5m/s,theseTFshould,therefore,correspond

toa curve UX, f low,LO/


UX, f low,LO− 1.5


.Figure 14-(b) indeedshows that the points corresponding to UX,flow,LO<15 lie very close to thiscurve.

Thus,thereareregions wheretheflowvelocity isofthesame orderofmagnitudethanSd,i.e.regionswheretheTFcanresistto theconvectionbythefreshgasesflow.However,inmostregionsof thejet,theflowhasamuchhighervelocitythanSd,andtherefore EvolutionBisgovernedbythelocalflowvelocity.Thisconclusion isdifferent fromwhat is observedfor lifted diffusionflames un-dernon-autoignitiveconditions[2–4,48,52],forwhichtheflameis locallystabilizedbyanequilibriumbetweenflowvelocityandSd.

Notshownhere,plottingasimilarhistogramtotheone,shown inFig.14-(a)fortheL/RRZ,showsthatEvolutionBforthesezones isalsogovernedbythelocalflowvelocity.

7. Conceptualmodelofflamestabilization

The findings fromthe presented simulations andfromoptical diagnosticsallow proposinga conceptual modelforthe stabiliza-tionofaDiesel-typeACDFflame.Tothispurpose,Figure15shows anidealizedcross-sectionalslicethroughthemidplaneofaspray flame.Onlythetopbranchofthejet isdisplayed(R>0).Labelled (a) to (f), sixbasic local reaction zone topologies are shown on relation to an idealized instantaneous stoichiometric line in the downstreamgaseouspartofthejet.

As found above, the key necessary stabilizationmechanism is auto-ignition. Two different types of auto-ignition can be found, bothpertainingtoEventAintroducedabove:isolatedspontaneous auto-ignition,leading tothe local topology (a);andauto-ignition assistedby burnt gases, corresponding to the local topology (b). Dependingonwhetheran (a)or(b) topology createsan EventA, twodifferentstabilizationscenarioscanbedistinguishedinFig.15: Scenario1startswithanisolatedauto-ignitionspot(a)localized inastoichiometricpocketdetachedfromthemainjet.Thisresults inanupstreamjumpofLOLasseeninFig.8(dottedarrows).The lift-off is firstdetected on the fuel-rich side ofthe local mixture pocketfora few microseconds asdisplayedin Fig.5-(a). The re-sultingreaction zone growths in size,and asa resultof thermal expansion,theLOLisdetectedonthefuel-leansideofthemixture pocketas shownin Fig.5-(a), corresponding to a localtopology of type (d) in Fig. 15. During the transition from(a) to (d), the


lift-off axiallyremains relativelystable dueto thermalexpansion thatopposestoconvectionbytheflow[53].Atthesametime,the resultingburntgasesfeedhigh-temperaturereservoirs situatedin externallow-velocityorrecirculationregionsofthejet.Suchburnt gasesreservoirsremainaxiallyquitestable,andcanultimatelylead totopologies(b)attheoriginofscenario2(seebelow).Topologies oftype (d)canthen eitherextinguish,orreachthestoichiometric line,leadingtotheappearance ofaTFcorresponding totopology (c). According to Section 6.3, the absoluteflame speed of the TF ismainly governed bythe flow velocity, andthe TFis convected downstreamresultinginEvolutionB.Duringthisevolution,theTF alsofeedsburntgasestothehigh-temperaturereservoirsbecause ofthedisplacementoftheirdiffusionflamebranch.

Finally,aTFcandeviatefromthestoichiometricline,leadingto theappearanceofa topologyoftype (e), correspondingto alean orrich reactionzone asshowninFig.5-(b). Transitionsbetween topologies(e) and(c) can happen in both directionsuntil a new auto-ignitionoccursorlocalextinctionisencountered.

Scenario 2 starts with a topology of type (b), i.e. an assisted auto-ignitionbyburntgasescomingfromhigh-temperature reser-voirsthatarefedbythetopologies







.Topology(b)mainly transitionsto(f)whichcorrespondstofuel-leanreactionzonesas illustrated in Fig. 11. Unlike topology (d), the reaction zones of topology(f)aresurroundedbyburntgaseswhichlimitthethermal expansion.Theyarethusgrowingslower,andareconvected down-stream by the flow following EvolutionB. During this evolution, they feedburnt gases to thehigh-temperature reservoirs, which, thus,potentially facilitating theappearance offuture scenarios 2. Topologies(f)canalsoreachastoichiometriclineandformTF cor-respondingtotopology(c).Thelatteralsofeedsburntgasestothe high-temperaturereservoirs,andfollowsanEvolutionB.

In summary,auto-ignition isindispensableforallowingto sta-bilize a spray flame under Diesel-like conditions. Auto-ignition eventsappearintermittentlyintheupstreampartofthejet, lead-ing to the strongdiscontinuities inLOL observed inexperiments andsimulations.In-between suchauto-ignitions, theleadingedge ofthe reactionzonesthatcanhaveanyofthefourtopologies(c) - (f) are convecteddownstream by the strongvelocities resulting fromthehigh-pressureliquidjet.Evenifthesesecondary topolo-gies are ultimately blown, they allow sustaining combustion by feedingburntgasestohigh-temperaturereservoirssituatedatthe peripheryofthejet.Thesereservoirs,indeed,facilitatethe appear-ance of upstream auto-ignition by burnt gases, which combined withspontaneous auto-ignition allows intermittentstrong reduc-tionsoftheLOL,whichultimatelyallowsanoverallstabilizationof theflame.

The flame stabilizationmechanism is a coupling betweenthe mainmechanismauto-ignition andsecondarymechanisms linked tothedownstreamconvectionofreactionzones.The two mecha-nismsarelinkedbythehightemperatureburntgasesreservoirsat thejetperiphery,confirmingthehypothesisproposedin[6].

8. Conclusion

This joint experimental/numerical studyfocused on the stabi-lization mechanisms of Autoignitive Conditions Diffusion Flames (ACDF)createdwhenahighspeedfueljetwasinjectedintohotair. Starting from experimental observations of n-dodecane jets into hot air,a specific DNSwas builtto elucidate mechanisms which controltheLOL(Lift-Off Length).TheanalysisoftheDNSshowed thattwotypesofmechanismscontroltheflamestabilization: auto-ignitionevents,wheretheLOLjumpedrapidlytosmallvalues, fol-lowed by evolutions where the flames, created by auto-ignition events, were convected downstream by the flow without signif-icant flame propagation effects. To obtain these results, a post-processing methodology to extract information, from DNS fields,

was derived. The main conclusion is that auto-ignition was the key stabilizationmechanism,while tripleflames,even ifthey ex-ist,hadinsufficientpropagationspeedstocontribute totheflame stabilization. Theseflames were visible in multiple pointsof the flamebrush,buttheycannotbeexpectedtoprovideastabilization mechanism. Futurestudies shouldfurtherexplore thebehaviorof thepresentedconceptualmodelaccordingtotestcondition varia-tions (e.g.ambienttemperature, andinjectionpressurevariation). Finally, a Diesel engine environment is wall bounded and char-acterized by jet-jet interactions in the context ofa swirling flow [54,55]. These differences with the presently studied unbounded isolatedspraycouldimpactthestabilizationmechanismsandtheir interactions.Thiswouldhavetobeexploredinfuture experimen-talandsimulationwork.


Thisprojectwasgranted accesstotheHPCresourcesofCINES and TGCC under allocation no. A0032B06672 from the GENCI (GrandEquipementNationaldeCalculIntensif)DARIprogram.The helpofDr.GabrielStaffelbachtoconstructtheAVBPmeshis grate-fullyacknowledged.WealsothankDr.AhmadElSayedforhis as-sistancetoreducethechemicalmechanism.


TheinletNSCBC[35]boundarycondition(leftedgeofthe com-putationaldomain) isaddressed imposingradial profiles ofmean axialvelocity(Eq.(1)),temperature(Eq.(2)),massfractionspecies (Eq.(3))andsyntheticisotropicturbulence(Eq.(4)):












+Uco f low


X =80m/s








600− Tamb















−R 2/


2 1








1− YnC12H26


Y 0 k with k=N2,O2,CO2,H2O (3)













2 2


+U max RMSexp








2 2


, Umax RMS=7m/s (4) where:

• Ristheradialcoordinate






areconstantrespectivelyequalto1.8,1.4and1.7 mm

• Ucoflowisaco-flowusedtoavoidnegativeaxialvelocityonthe inletboundaryconditionsetto1m/s

• Tamb istheambienttemperature(800K) •Y0 N2,Y 0 O2,Y 0 CO2,Y 0



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Fig.  1. Top: Superposition of the gas envelope of the spray (Schlieren imaging) on an iso-contour of the formaldehyde cloud (green line, high-speed 355 LIF), and the high-  temperature flame (yellow line, broadband chemiluminescence)
Fig.  2. All of the graphs show radial profiles imposed at the inlet boundary condition
Fig.  3.  Comparison between the reference  mechanism of Yao  et  al.  (solid  black  Unes,  (38 1)  the ARC mode!  derived in the  work (dotted red line)
Fig.  4. Instantaneous temperature profile of the stabilized flame (above the injec-  tor: R &lt; 0) showing a triple flame


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