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Trigger plsql de remplissage de la dimension temporelle


([Spatial].[Afrique].children) ON COLUMNS,(A) [Mesures].[PIB] ON ROWS (B)




[Temporel].[2011] (C)

Dans cette requête, on distingue :

– (A) en colonne : la fonction « children »permet de retourner tous les enfants d’un membre, donc, ici les enfants du membre « Afrique »de la dimension spatiale ;

– (B) en ligne : le membre « PIB »de la dimension contenant les mesures ; – (C) en filtre (slicer) : le membre « 2011 »de la dimension temporelle.

Cette requête permet de répondre à la question multidimensionnelle suivante :

« afficher les données du PIB pour tous les pays de l’Afrique, pour l’année 2011 ».

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché



10 <Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="Toutes les priodes"


24 <Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="Tous les caissiers"


25 <Table name="vendeur" schema="datawarehouse.data"/>

26 <Level name="Nom de la caissiere" column="nom"


27 </Hierarchy>

28 </Dimension>


30 <Dimension name="Produits" foreignKey="id_produit">

31 <Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="Tous les produits"

primaryKey="id_produit" primaryKeyTable="produit">

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

48 <Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="Tous les clients du supermarch" primaryKey="id_client">

49 <Table name="client" schema="datawarehouse.data"/>

50 <Level name="Nom du client" column="nom" uniqueMembers=


51 </Hierarchy>

52 </Dimension>


54 <Dimension name="Point de vente" foreignKey="id_pos">

55 <Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="Tous les points de vente" primaryKey="id_pos">

61 <Measure name="Quantite de produits vendus" column="quantite"


62 <Measure name="Chiffre d'affaire" column="total" aggregator=


63 <Measure name="Remise" column="remise" aggregator="sum"/>

64 <Measure name="Benefice sur vente" column="benefice"


Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché


1 %##############################################################%

2 %Date: 15/09/2014 %

3 %Auteur: Ignace AZONHOUMON %

4 %##############################################################%

5 % Pour cet algorithme, le fichier envoye par FTP au serveur ERP 6 % aura deux versions. L'une a une date 't' et l'autre a une date 7 % 't+1'

8 %


10 %p_new[] : Type tableau% Nouveaux ajoutes 11 %p_old[] : Type tableau% Anciens enleves

12 %compt_plus : Type ArrayList% Le nombre de fois un produit a ete ajoute

13 %compt_moins : Type ArrayList% Le nombre de fois un produit a ete enleve

14 %p_total : Type HashList% La liste total des produits manipules 15 %

16 Soient i, j des compteurs initialises a 0 17 Pour chaque ligne L1 de p_new faire:

18 k= p_total.obtenir_la_position_du_produit();

29 Pour chaque ligne L2 de p_old faire:

30 k= p_total.obtenir_la_position_du_produit();

31 compt_moins[k]=compt_moins[k]+1;

32 j++;

33 Fin boucle




La figure C.1 présente l’interface du point de vente. Nous pouvons dis-tinguer deux grands panels : un panel de gauche (pour l’opération de vente) et un panel de droite (pour le choix du produit).

FIGUREC.1 –Utilisation de l’interface de visualisation du point de vente

Panel de droite

Cet panel est subdivisé en deux parties. La première partie supérieure permet de parcourir la liste des produits (en allant de la famille à la catégorie, de la

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

catégorie au produit) et le second panel montre tous les chariots électroniques du supermarché identifiés par leurs codes.

– les chariots avec une led rouge sont éteints et ceux avec une led verte sont en fonctionnement ;

– le chariot avec un background couleur grise, est le chariot sélectionné.

Son contenu est affiché dans le panier présent dans le panel de gauche.

cela pourrait aussi être le chariot au niveau de la caisse ; – les chariots avec une led rouge, ne sont pas sélectionnables.

Panel de gauche

Ce panel peut être découpé en six principales parties : 1. Label affichant le nom du client ;

2. Menu de gestion du client. Grâce aux options de ce menu, on peut sup-primer, enregistrer ou rechercher un client. On peut aussi parcourir l’his-torique des achats d’un client sélectionné ;

3. Label affichant le cumul des achats du client sélectionné ;

4. Panier de vente donnant un descriptif du contenu du chariot de manière compréhensive par le langage humain. Le coût du panier est affiché en bas de ce dernier ;

5. Liste déroulante permettant de choisir le nom de la caissier qui veut faire une opération de vente ;

6. Outils de vente permettant de modifier la quantité des produits, d’en-lever un produit du panier et de lancer le processus de facturation.

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

C.2 EXTRAIT DU MANUEL DUTILISATION DE LINTERFACE OLAP La figure C.2 présente l’interface de visualisation OLAP.

FIGUREC.2 –Utilisation de l’interface de visualisation OLAP

Cette interface peut être subdivisée en 8 principales parties :

1. Le pannel principal : présentant les menus de connexion, d’aide, de dé-connexion... ;

2. Une liste déroulante permettant de choisir le sujet d’analyse. Il corres-pond au choix d’une table de fait ;

3. Les dimensions d’analyse qui représentent les axes de l’analyse que l’on veut faire ;

4. Les mesures ou indicateurs de l’analyse (exemple : le profit, le chiffre d’affaire...) ;

5. Panel permettant d’inverser les axes et de restreindre les résultats des analyses grâce à des filtres ;

6. Les rapports d’analyse de l’utilisateur sous diverses formes : affichage affichage tabulaire, affichage graphique ;

7. Permet de basculer d’un type d’affichage de résultat à un autre. Il permet d’activer le mode tabulaire ou le mode graphique, d’exporter le résultat d’une analyse ;

8. Il s’agit d’une barre permettant de définir des propriétés et des opéra-tions supplémentaires lors de l’analyse. Il permet de définir les critères

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

d’affichage des éléments de l’analyse, les paramètres de forage, les paramètres d’agrégation.


FIGUREC.3 –Structure modulaire de OPENERP



La structure d’acceuil pour notre stage est l’entreprise TBC1 SARL. La figure D.1 présente le logo de la structure d’accueil.

FIGURED.1 –Logo de la structure d’accueil


TBC SARL est situé à Abomey-Calavi, quartier Agori Chinagbègbo, non loin du Complexe Scolaire Clé de la Réussite. La société TBC SARL est une entreprise privée béninoise spécialisée dans la fourniture de services en Ingénierie Informatique, notament dans le domaine du développement web et logiciel, du développement mobile,... pour les entreprises.




Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

English version

Topic :



Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché


The company is an economic and social system of people organized to produce goods or services for a community of people called customers. Busi-ness performance is at the heart of the concerns of many researchers in mana-gement. The company operates in an environment of increasingly complex.

Performance defined in financial terms is not enough. In an era where there is competition on several factors and where the business risks are increasing, the success of the company is not translated strictly in terms of increased earn-ings or return on investment : performance becomes therefore multi-threaded.

Efficient systems have emerged. They aim to integrate financial and not finan-cial indicators to provide decision makers with decision paths : they are the decision-making systems. A decision system is composed of several tools that can nested beings to each other or used separately [1]. It is based on data warehouses, tools OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) and data min-ing tools for analysis.

Innovation, quality products and quality customer service are key factors for successful of Small and Medium Enterprises [3], [8]. Supermarkets are not exempt from these requirements as the quality of customer service, request the resolution of recurring problems such as queues at outlets. For the latter problem, a solution was proposed : it is equipped supermarket trolleys of a processing unit designed to automate the sales process. This is the concept of electronic trolley.

Thus this project aims at conceiving for a supermarket, a unique solution of a communication system with electronic trolleys and system management activities including supermarket aid to decision-making tools.


Managing a supermarket is a complex activity. Survival and prosperity of supermarkets depend, in part, the quality of management tools at their disposal and management strategies adopted. Most supermarkets use one or more management systems, but they do not often include tools to aid decision making . Indeed, the IT solutions used by supermarkets Benin can be divided into two categories :

1. Partial solutions :

These solutions (Perfecto, Excel, Ciel Compta) do not offer an overall view of the company’s activities ; separate accounting software to sales

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

software and inventory management. This plurality of dedicated soft-ware used by supermarkets, does not allow efficient management and increased performance. Overall management in these contexts requires bridges between heterogeneous solutions used ;

2. ERP solutions :

Some supermarkets use SAGE 100 Beninese commercial version. Al-though the ERP covers a broad functional scope, supermarkets are sometimes limited by the fact that this tool does not manage ambigu-ities of Benin trade.

ERP solutions to incorporate decision support (Dashboards, Reporting) with mostly rich financial indicators and not financial indicators poor tools. How-ever, these measures do not provide a comprehensive view of the factors influ-encing the performance of the supermarket since parameters such as customer satisfaction, analysis of after sales service, customer behavior, yet capital are not considered. In addition, these systems do not offer any solution regarding the acceleration of the process of buying and selling which is nevertheless crucial to customer satisfaction.


2.1 Adopted methodology

The methodological approach used is as follows :

– Needs Analysis : This section will allow us to highlight the indicators that will be used by our system based on the difficulties faced by super-markets ;

– Proposed solution : This section will allow us to identify needs from a first prototype of the system and its operation ;

– Modeling System : This section will deal with the design of the different models of the system ;

– Implementation of the system : we present the tools and technologies used in the implementation of the system while justifying our choices ; – Testing and evaluation : overall tests will be performed on the system

to verify the overall operation and unit tests for the various functional blocks ;

– Deployment : At this stage, it remains only to deploy implemented in a real system environment.

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

2.2 Adopted solution

A knowledge of the difficulties faced by supermarkets and in order to of-fer a unique solution to meet all these needs, a list of indicators was chosen : rate of customer satisfaction, rate of change of sales, average gain per cash, absenteeism, demand volume, demand value , etc.

The components of our system are : the electronic trolley, ERP, data ware-house, the application server and the analysis server. Useful ERP data go through a process ETL (Extract, transform and load) before being integrated into the data warehouse.

2.3 Modeling

The overall functioning of our system can be divided into three main parts.

The system architecture is shown in Figure 1.

FIGURE1 –Overall view of the system

1. Trolley-ERP :

An RFID chip located at the trolley scans the content of the latter. She can get all the unique identifiers of products and questions the database in relation to these identifiers. The scan and the result of the query (names, prices, pictures, etc) are stored in two different files that are sent to the server via FTP ;

2. Trolley-ERP :

The cash has an RFID reader. When the trolley comes at the checkout at a suitable distance, the RFID reader reads the identifier of the trolley.

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

Immediately, the point of sale identifies and recovers following files re-ceived by FTP different trolleys, and decides which to read. After read-ing the point of sale displays the contents of the trolley and the cashier can start the sales process ;

3. BI (Business Intelligence) :

Modeling decision-making system is based on three points : the mode-ling of the data warehouse, ETL and architecture analysis server.

Datawarehouse :The design of the data warehouse follows a mixed ar-chitecture with a centralized data warehouse approach. As a benefit, this architecture allows users to access all enterprise data. Integration and maintenance of data is easy because the data is in one place. We iden-tified three fact tables "venteProduit", "ressourceHumaine" and "ser-viceApresVente". These fact tables sharing common dimensions "time"

and "client".

ETL : The ETL process is a complex process in the design phase of a data warehouse. Figure 2 shows schematically the entire process of data integration in our datawarehouse.

FIGURE2 –ETL process

OnLine analysis :the Analysis Server is used ROLAP. The steps in this analysis are described in figure 3.

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

FIGURE3 –ROLAP process

2.4 Implementation

The technical choices made reflect the modeling and development of our future system.

– Our development environment is Debian wheezy 7.0 for system robust-ness ;

– The modeling method used is UML (Unified Modeling Language) ver-sion 2.1 is now the industry standard for object modeling ;

– The choice of our ERP was made on OpenERP which is a free ERP, highly valued and used on the free market ERP ;

– RFID Technology : electronic trolleys must be recognized in a unique way at the counter, and that identification must occur automatically, and no contact with the player, hence the choice of this technology ;

– The embedded database by OpenERP is PostgreSQL. OpenERP has been developed with web languages and python. We worked with these technologies to develop the communication module with electronic trol-leys ;

– Among Open Source BI suites, we opted for Pentaho BI Suite for our work. ETL Tool used is Pentaho Dated Integration multiplateforme and also giving the ability to implement and execute our own scripts and algorithms in Java. For OLAP analysis, Mondrian ROLAP server Open Source selected. It is the most used and most effective in the world of

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

free decision-making systems. The database is PostgreSQL our ware-house. We chose to follow in our work and it has the features we need ; 2.5 Environment Simulation

To test our system, we deployed it by using virtualizing technologies to put on the same physical machine various servers (ERP, OLAP, waiter of application). We also used three (3) physical machines customer . To finish, the interconnection is carried out thanks to a router.


The designed system is composed of two main blocks : a communication module with electronic supermarket trolleys and a decision support system.

3.1 The communication module

The communication module with electronic supermarket trolleys, has al-lowed us to automate the sales process at checkout. For the proper manage-ment and monitoring of the activities of these trucks, we developed a web interface that describes the real-time activity of the latter. Consultation of its content is just a click away for the user with access rights. (Figure 4)

FIGURE4 –Interface of the POS

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

3.2 The system of decision support

The decision support system is interfaced with a visualization tool. After the ETL process , The ROLAP analysis server (Mondrian) establishes the link between the interface and display OLAP data warehouse system. It reflects the multidimensional MDX queries generated by the visualization interface in SQL queries. Query results are returned to the user in the form of a table, graph...(Figure 5)

FIGURE5 –Interface display OLAP

A analysis allowed us to determine for a supermarket , the distribution of total discounts by customer. (Figure 6)

FIGURE6 –Distribution of discounts by customer

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché


The figure 7 shows the architecture of the system deployment. Electronic trolleys of supermarket are equipped with a wireless card, allowing them to communicate with the ERP server.

FIGURE7 –Physical architecture of the network

4.1 Data security

– Establish a RAID system and put a backup server for the data ware-house ;

– Secure passwords by connecting to the subnet containing electronic trol-leys ;

– ETL process must be planned when the ERP system is less busy , see the rest ;

– Establish firewall ; 4.2 Data Migration

If the ERP management supermarket is different from ours, in this case it will make a migration. Given the fact that all ERP solutions on the market offer import and export information related to various sectors modes , so it is possible to do this migration. The various export formats are : ".csv", ".xlsx".

ETL tools can facilitate this work.

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché

4.3 Cost of the project

For such a project, including the cost of staff training in relation to initiali-ze the various tools . Most concerned are :

– The manager : to use OLAP visualization tool ;

– OLAP administrator : to administer the OLAP server ; – The administrator ERP : ERP for administering the server.

Note that it is not necessary to introduce other users as the interface point of sale ERP is quite intuitive. The project cost estimated at : 11,003,375 FCFA.


Simulation of multiple connections to the database system centralized supermarket data, we concluded that the burden of customers (electronic trolleys, point of sale, managers, directors, ...) can not turn off the ERP.

Our ERP has shown its ability to handle multiple simultaneous connections without altering the data exchanged. In addition, the integration of commu-nication module with electronic trolleys in the ERP is a success. However, it remains to improve the management interface trolleys, to automate the recording of serial numbers of products, and to optimize the algorithm that manages the collection of customer information when making purchases.

The data warehouse, ETL, and OLAP server also met our expectations.

They allow customers to fully restore the form of pie charts, graphs and tables, the results of the various analyzes that have been made.

Compared to management systems (Perfecto, Sage 100 commercial ver-sion, Excel ... ) used by supermarkets now, our system allows to manage the problem of queue. In this issue, the current management systems have their limitations and disabilities. The sales process is automated through an RFID chip implanted in electronic trolleys that allows them to return at the point of sale without prior action by the cashier, their content. The time spent unpack-ing products trolleys and do the addition with a calculator is over. Not only is our system’s ability to manage all the activities of a supermarket, as well as other ERP solutions market, but it also includes tools to help the decision correlate and not financial indicators financial analysis for the performance of supermarkets. Finally, our solution is flexible and scalable.

Conception d’un système de gestion d’entrepôt de données dans un supermarché


This project has enabled us to offer a solution to the recurring problem of

This project has enabled us to offer a solution to the recurring problem of