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Verde III and Nuclear IV



Numerous occurrences of surficial uranium mineralization have been located in calcreted drainage channels in granitoid terrains of the northern Yilgarn Block, the Gascoyne Province, the Pilbara and parts of South Australia and the Northern Territory. Nearly all calcretes in these terrains have traces of mineralization and only the more significant occurrences are shown on Figure 2, which also gives the location of the deposits described therein.

Descriptions of all the occurrences are given elsewhere [3J. The distribution of the Western Australian deposits is controlled by the following features:

(a) Enrichment is in the form of oxidized uranium minerals; suitable environments for the concentration of uranium in this manner exist only north tof latitude 30 °S. The most southerly occurrences are in playas.

(b) With only one exception, the calcrete uranium occurrences are restricted to areas where granitoids are the predominant rocks in the catchment, which suggests a close genetic link with granitic terrain.

(c) In the west and northwest, active erosion by major rivers and their tributaries has tended to destroy the calcretes and other sedimentary hosts to mineralization, by either erosion or leaching. Thus, no deposits are found west of the upstream limit of erosion (the Meckering Line) on the Yilgarn Block. In the Gascoyne, however, several small deposits are present in dissected terrain and this may reflect a slightly different mode of origin.

4.2 Classification

The main uranium deposits can be classified by their geomorphological situation into three main types.

Valley Deposits

These occur in calcretes and associated underlying sediments in the central channels of major drainages, and in the platforms and chemical deltas where the drainages enter playas. The Yeelirrie, Hinkler-Centipede, Lake Way, and Lake Raeside deposits are of this type. The calcretes occur as elongated sheets occupying central tracts in trunk valleys and form important aquifers. They vary in width from a few hundred metres to 3 to 5 km or more and may be over 100 km in length; thickness is usually 5 to 10 m but often exceeds 30 m along the axis. Longitudinal gradients are commonly less than 1:1 000. They frequently lead to playa lakes where they broaden out to deltaic platforms. At Centipede and North Lake Way, the chemical deltas may represent a faciès change, with the development of sepiolite and aragonite.

The calcretes frequently form positive relief features in the valleys, being raised and mounded to 3 m or more above the flanking alluvial plains [3,10]. This was probably due to the precipitation of dolomite or calcite at the water table —as a "groundwater evaporite" — with voids often infilled by sepiolite and other magnesian clays. The relief may be emphasised by erosion by creeks and washes flanking the calcrete body. However, particularly in upper sections of the valleys, the calcretes may be covered by hardpan sediments such as alluvium, evaporites and aeolian sands. Discontinuous beds of hardpan and alluvium also occurwithin the calcrete, appearing to have been engulfed by the precipitating carbonate. Calcrete precipitation is probably still active and must have continued for an extensive time: the older parts of these profiles probably equate with the perched, terraced calcretes west of the Meckering Line, discussed later.

Playa Meckering Line Continental Divide Menzies Line

O Uranium occurrence

1 = Yeelirrte 5 = Hinkler-Cenlipede 2 = Lake Way 6 = Lake Austin 3 = Lake Raeside 7 = M.n.ndi Creek 4 = Lake Maitland 8 = Boomerang Lake

Figure 2

Distribution of surficial uranium mineralization in south-western Australia in relation to drainage and some geomorphological zoning. The locations of deposits discussed in detail in this paper are given.

The calcretes frequently exhibit karst features with evidence of slumping and caving, due to the solution of carbonate [1 0]. Elsewhere, the calcrete can be mounded, suggesting upwelling of waters and active carbonate precipitation. A mound structure exposed at Yeelirrie is diapiric in form and fault-bounded. Slickensided carnotite and carnotite on slickensides indicate a complex intermingling of periods of movement and uranium mineralization. The structure maybe due either to upward movement of the "diapir" or caving and collapse of the surrounding material.

The calcretes are generally transitional downwards into a clay-quartz unit, alluvial in origin. Occasionally, calcretes are present more or less directly overlying lateritic profiles over granitic and, occasionally, mafic and ultramafic rocks.

The zone of uranium enrichment is often very large, and may extend for several kilometres along the drainage.

However, the mean content is generally quite low (below 100 ppm U), with higher-grade mineralization patchily distributed within the overall anomaly. With few exceptions, the available tonnages of exploitable material are too small to be economic.

In general, the uranium enrichments are not specifically associated with the calcretes, but transgress into all the units present, with the greatest concentration in the vicinity of the water table. Since the calcretes are the principal aquifers, they are the most frequent hosts to the mineralization; nevertheless, in several occurrences, including North Lake Way, the main accumulation can be in subcalcrete clays and clay-quartz horizons.

Mineralization occurs almost entirely as carnotite, commonly as a late-stage precipitate in cavities in which it may be associated with coatings (normally 10 to 50 m thick) of calcite, dolomite, silica and/orsepiolite. Carnotite may also be finely disseminated, particularly in clay-quartz units. Some uranium occurs in thin veins of opaline silica.

The uranium, in concentrations of 50 to 400 ppm, is probably absorbed in the silica, which is highly fluorescent.

Playa Deposits

These occur in near-surface evaporitic and alluvial sediments of playas and are exemplified by the Lake Maitland and Lake Austin deposits.North of latitude 29 °S, the major playas have calcretes as the principal supplying

aquifers. Calcretes also appear to link some playas — for example. Lakes Way and Maitland — but whether these are connected aquifers is uncertain. It is likely that Lakes Way and Austin, as well as some of the other playas, are drainage sumps. In extremely wet seasons, there may be a connected surface flow; however, this is no clear indication of subsurface flow.

The playas mainly occur east of the Meckering Line and act as local base levels for erosion. Evaporite and suspended load ediments deposited in the lakes are subject to deflation and the level is thereby retained. Sand and kopi dunes ring the lakes, being particularly abundant on the east and south sides as the lakes migrate westwards against the prevailing wind direction [13].

The uranium occurrences in the playa lakes north of the Menzies Line are usually closely associated with calcrete drainages which themselves have at least minor uranium enrichments in either the main channel or the chemical delta (e.g. Lake Austin). South of the Menzies Line, however, calcretes are not present in the drainages and the enrichments are less obviously associated with a supplying aquifer.

Mineralization in the playas generally occurs near the water table, in near-surface sediments which consist of brown, orange or red saline and gypsiferous clays and muds up to 2 m thick. These commonly overlie sandy and silty clays, sometimes with calcareous nodules; in some playas, these can be equated with calcareous clay-quartz horizons beneath the calcretes. At Lake Maitland, however, uranium mineralization is in thin calcretes, which, rather unusually, occur at 2 to 4 m in the playa itself.

With one exception, the uranium is found as finely disseminated carnotite, with a grain size often less than 30 ;um. However, in Boomerang Lake in the far southeast of the distribution range, the host mineral is a novel variety of autunite, sodian potassian hydroxonian meta-autunite [14]. Its mode of occurrence is similar to carnotite mineralization, namely as disseminations in saline muds, close to the water table.

Terrace Deposits

These occur in calcrete terraces in dissected valleys west of the Meckering Line, mainly in the Gascoyne Province. Near the divide, the Gascoyne River has only one terrace, 2 m above the present channel, but farther downstream there can be several, at least two of which have calcrete. Here, in the upper terraces, 30 to 35 m above the riverbed, silcrete and silicified calcretes 3 to 5 m thick overlie up to 8 m of massive calcrete and variable thicknesses of alluvial and colluvial clay-quartz, resting (usually) on gneissic bedrock. In the lower terraces, up to 1 0 m above the riverbed, relatively thin calcretes (1 to 3 m) and calcarous earths overlie and are transitional to clay-quartz horizons and weathered gneissic bedrock. Both the clay-quartz horizons and weathered bedrock can be highly calcareous. The thickness of this profile varies from about 2 to 1 0 m to 50 m.

Only minor concentrations of uranium- up to 50 ppm-are present in the upper terraces, in the silica of the cap rocks. Although widespread, they have no economic significance. Mineralization, as disseminated carnotite, is often abundant in the calcretes and underlying horizons of the lower terraces. Moderately high grades — exceeding 1 000 ppm — can be found locally, but most occurrences are too small to have economic significance.

The most promising deposit is at Minindi Creek [3].

Other Occurrences of Surficial Uranium Mineralization Traces of secondary uranium mineralization have also been located in other settings.

(a) An occurrence by Lake Dundas, near Norseman, the most southerly record of carnotite in Western Australia, was probably one of the first discovered [15, 16], and recognized as uranium-vanadium ochre. Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction data confirm carnotite mineralization occurring as thin films in voids and fractures in weathered granite and overlying pedogenic carbonates. Traces of reduced uranium occur in Lake Dundas itself, at depths of 10 to 15 m in marine sediments of probable Eocene age.

(b) Uranium minerals resembling carnotite can be found in weathering, exfoliating granitoids, especially in the Gascoyne Province. The minerals are difficult to characterize, but include phosphates and silicates, such as phosphuranylite (U02)3P2O8.6H20

(c) Radiometrie anomalies, some with minor uranium enrichments, have been reported in granitic saprolites exposed in breakaways. Briot [1 7] considered these to be an enriched horizon in the profile, relict from Tertiary deep weathering, and hence to represent a genetically significant preconcentration of uranium .

However, they are more probably surficial accumulations of uranium or its daughter products, concentrated by seepage and evaporation on the exposed face of the escarpment. The uranium mineralogy has not been positively identified.


In earlier appraisals of the carnotite genesis problem [18, 19], seven ore-genesis models were proposed and investigated. The models considered were:

1. Separate uranium and vanadium groundwater aquifers.

2. Change of carnotite solubility with change in pH.

3. Evaporation of groundwater.

4. Local increase in potassium activity.

5. Change in partial pressure of carbon dioxide.

6. Dissociation of uranyl carbonate complexes.

7. Redox-controlled precipitation.

Several of these factors are likely to be involved in the genesis of any individual deposit, but the importance of redox control of the movement of vanadium and an increase in potassium ion activity (in many cases by evaporation of groundwater), appear to be dominant processes in many of the larger deposits. At Yeelirrie, for example, excavations to date suggest a predominance of dark-green (relatively reduced, with V(IV)) carnotite deep in the calcrete profile, and of yellower (relatively oxidized, with V(V)) carnotite towards the surface. The dependence of these colour variations of carnotite on redox conditions has been described by Mann and Deutscher [19]. The following generalized genetic model is discussed in more detail elsewhere [3,4,19, 20, 21, 22].

The distribution of the uranium occurrences strongly suggests granitoids to be the source of uranium, potassium and, probably, vanadium in the carnotite. Fresh granitoids in the Yilgarn usually contain 3 to 8 ppm U, within the range 1 to 80 ppm, and therefore represent an adequate source, since leaching due to weathering may extend to depths as great as 250 m [23]. There is no evidence that the abundance of uranium has significance, and attempts to relate mineralization to specific types of uranium-rich granites (10 to 17 ppm U) have not been successful [24].

Assuming that some of the uranium is accessible, the factors in a weathering environment that control leaching, mobilization and precipitation have more importance. Conversely, in the Gascoyne Province, it is possible that the mineralization is associated with specific gneissic and migmatitic units.

Based on the presence of carnotite in an outlier of Proterozoic conglomerates on the Yilgarn Block, a now-eroded cover of Lower Proterozoic sediments has been suggested as'a source for the uranium [25]owever, although one small deposit is recorded from a catchment solely underlain by such sediments [3], there is little evidence to support this as a general mechanism. In the Hinkler-Centipede catchment, the uranium content of groundwaters is lower near Proterozoic rocks than over the granites. Additionally, the young age (< 1 million years) of the mineralization [5] applies severe time constraints on the erosion.

Vanadium is probably derived from mafic minerals in the granitoids, possibly via secondary accumulations in clays or iron oxides. Although greenstone belts, with their associated basic rocks, are present in most catchments, there is no evidence that their presence has any control over the location or grade of any uranium mineralization.

Uranium released from weathering granitoids is transported in groundwaters as uranyl carbonate complexes.

Vanadium is solubilized as a four-valent cation. Precipitation of carnotite occurs where concentrations of uranium and potassium have been elevated by evaporation and where vanadium is oxidized to the five-valent state. This may be where vanadium has diffused upwards from depth within the saturated zone under a redox gradient, or where a subsurface bar has caused upwelling of such groundwaters to relatively oxidizing conditions, accompanying effects being mounding and lateral spread of calcrete.

Carnotite dissolves incongruently [19, 26], producing solutions with higher concentrations of vanadium than uranium. The measurement of vanadium concentrations in groundwaters of calcreted drainages may in many cases be a reflection of dissolution of carnotite, and hence be useful in exploration, except where the precipitation is at the downstream terminus of the drainages, in chemical deltas and playas. The solubility index (SI)

S|= log(K+)(UOi+(H2VOa (H+)2«sp

has proved to be even more useful, because account is taken of the concentrations of potassium, uranium and H+

in groundwater [18]. The mineralization at Lake Raeside [27] was located by a hydrogeochemical survey and calculation of solubility indices. The application of this index to the Hinkler Well drainage system, on the southwestern side of Lake Way [1 9, 28] has produced evidence to suggest that carnotite in the upstream portions of the calcrete may be dissolving and that carnotite may be precipitating on the chemical delta at the edge of Lake Way, under present climatic conditions.


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[14] BUTT, C.R.M., GRAHAM, J., Sodian potassian hydroxonian meta-autunite: first national occurrence of an intermediate member of a predicted solid solution series, Amer. Min. 66 (1981) 1068-1072.

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[20] GASKIN, A.J., BUTT, C.R.M., DEUTSCHER, R.L, HORWITZ, R.C., MANN, A.W., "Hydrology of uranium deposits in calcretes of Western Australia", In: Energy Resources of the Pacific Region, M.T. Halbouty(Ed.), Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Studies in Geology Series 12 (1981) 311-316.

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