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Summary of Graph-Based Clustering Algorithms

In this chapter, two graph-based clustering approaches were presented.

• The best-known graph-theoretic divisive clustering algorithm deletes the longest edges of minimal spanning tree (MST) of the data [30]. We introduced a new splitting criterion to improve the performance of clustering methods based on this principle. The proposed splitting criterion is based on the calculation of the hypervolume of the clusters. From the suggested splitting criterion follows that the resulted clusters can be easily approximated by multivariate Gaussian func-tions. Result of the cutting of the MST based on the combined cutting criteria (classical cutting and the proposed cutting) can be effectively used for the ini-tialization of Gaussian mixture model-based clustering algorithms. The resulted Hybrid MST-GG clustering algorithm combines the graph-theoretic and the parti-tional model based clustering. The approach is demonstrated through some sets of tailored data and through the well-known Iris benchmark classification problem.

The results showed the advantages of the hybridization of the hierarchial graph-theoretic and partitional model based clustering algorithm. It has been shown that:

(1) the chaining problem of the classical MST based clustering has been solved;

(2) the initialization of the Gath-Geva clustering algorithms has been properly handled, and (3) the resulting clusters are easily interpretable with the compact parametric description of the multivariate Gaussian clusters (fuzzy covariance matrices).

• The similarity of objects can be calculated based on neighborhood relations. The fuzzy neighborhood similarity measure introduced in this chapter extends the similarity measure of the Jarvis-Patrick algorithm in two ways: (i) it takes into account the far neighbors partway and (ii) it fuzzifies the crisp decision criterion of the Jarvis-Patrick algorithm.

The fuzzy neighborhood similarity measure is based on the common neighbors of the objects, but differently from the Jarvis-Patrick algorithm it is not restricted to the direct neighbors. While the fuzzy neighborhood similarity measure describes the similarities of the objects, the fuzzy neighborhood distance measure characterizes the dissimilarities of the data. The values of the fuzzy neighborhood distances are easily computable from the fuzzy neighborhood similarities. The application possi-bilities of the fuzzy neighborhood similarity and distance measures are widespread.

All methods that work on distance or similarity measures can also be based on the fuzzy neighborhood similarity/distance measures. This chapter introduced the appli-cation possibilities of the fuzzy neighborhood similarity and distance measures in hierarchical clustering and in VAT representation. It was demonstrated through appli-cation examples that clustering methods based on the fuzzy neighborhood

similar-ity/distance measure can discover clusters with arbitrary shapes, sizes, and densities.

Furthermore, the fuzzy neighborhood similarity/distance measure is able to identify outliers, as well.


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Chapter 3

Graph-Based Visualisation of High Dimensional Data

Abstract In this chapter we give an overview of classical dimensionality reduction and graph based visualisation methods that are able to uncover hidden structure of high dimensional data and visualise it in a low-dimensional vector space.