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Static Analysis

Dans le document ffi rs.indd 01:50:14:PM 02/28/2014 Page ii (Page 125-141)

The static analysis phase involves analyzing code and data in the application (and supporting components) without directly executing the application. At the outset, this involves identifying interesting strings, such as hard-coded URIs, credentials, or keys. Following that, you perform additional analyses to con-struct call graphs, ascertain application logic and fl ow, and discover potential security issues.

Although the Android SDK provides useful tools such as dexdump to disas-semble classes.dex, you can fi nd other bits of useful information in other fi les in the APK. Most of these fi les are in various formats, such as binary XML, and

might be diffi cult to read with common tools like grep. Using apktool, which can be found at https://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/, you can con-vert these resources into plaintext and also disassemble the Dalvik executable bytecode into an intermediate format known as smali (a format which you’ll see more of later).

Run apktool d with the APK fi le as a parameter to decode the APK’s contents and place the fi les in a directory named after the APK:

~$ apktool d ygib-1.apk

Now you can grep for interesting strings like URLs in this application, which could help in understanding communications between this application and a web service. You also use grep to ignore any references to schemas.android .com, a common XML namespace string:

~$ grep -Eir "https?://" ygib-1 | grep -v "schemas.android.com"



const-string v2, "http://cs1.ucc.ie/~yx2/upload/upload.php"

ygib-1/res/layout/main.xml: xmlns:ygib="http://www.ywlx.net/apk/res/


ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="mustenteremail">Please enter a previous email address if you already have an account on

https://virgin.yougetitback.com or a new email address

if you wish to have a new account to control this device.</string>

ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="serverUrl">


ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml:Please create an account on https://virgin.yougetitback.com

before activating this device"</string>

ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="showsalocation">


ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="termsofuse">


ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="eula"


ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="privacy">



<string name="registration_succeed_text">

Account Registration Successful, you can now use the

email address and password entered to log in to your personal vault on http://virgin.yougetitback.com</string>


<string name="registrationerror5">ERROR:creating user account.

Please go to http://virgin.yougetitback.com/forgot_password where you can reset your password, alternatively enter a new

email and password on this screen and we will create a new account for you.

Thank You.</string>

ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="registrationsuccessful">

Congratulations you have sucessfully registered.

You can now use this email and password provided to

login to your personalised vault on http://virgin.yougetitback.com


ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="link_accessvault">


ygib-1/res/values/strings.xml: <string name="text_help">

Access your online vault, or change your password at &lt;a>


Although apktool and common UNIX utilities help in a pinch, you need something a bit more powerful. In this case, call on the Python-based reverse engineering and analysis framework Androguard. Although Androguard includes utilities suited to specifi c tasks, this chapter focuses on the androlyze tool in interactive mode, which gives an IPython shell. For starters, just use the AnalyzeAPK method to create appropriate objects representing the APK and its resources; the Dex code itself; and also add an option to use the dad decompiler, so you can convert back to Java pseudo-source:

~$ androlyze.py –s

In [1]: a,d,dx = AnalyzeAPK("/home/ahh/ygib-1.apk",decompiler="dad")

Next, gather some additional cursory information about the application, namely to confi rm what you saw while profi ling. This would include things such as which permissions the application uses, activities the user will most likely interact with, Services that the app runs, and other Intent receivers. Check out permissions fi rst, by calling permissions:

In [23]: a.permissions

These permissions are in line with what you saw when viewing this app in Google Play. You can go a step further with Androguard and fi nd out which

classes and methods in the application actually use these permissions, which might help you narrow your analysis to interesting components:

In [28]: show_Permissions(dx)

Although the output was verbose, this trimmed-down snippet shows a few interesting methods, such as the doPost method in the ConfirmPinScreen class, which must open a socket at some point as it exercises android.permission .INTERNET. You can go ahead and disassemble this method to get a handle on what’s happening by calling show on the target method in androlyze:

In [38]: d.CLASS_Lcom_yougetitback_androidapplication_ConfirmPinScreen.

3 (00000008) invoke-direct v3, v11, Ljava/net/URL;-><init>

First you see some basic information about how the Dalvik VM should handle allocation of objects for this method, along with some identifi ers for the method itself. In the actual disassembly that follows, instantiation of objects such as java.net.HttpURLConnection and invocation of that object’s connect method confi rm the use of the INTERNET permission.

You can get a more readable version of this method by decompiling it, which returns output that effectively resembles Java source, by calling source on that same target method:

In [39]: d.CLASS_Lcom_yougetitback_androidapplication_ConfirmPinScreen.


private boolean doPost(String p11, String p12)

this.con = new java.net.URL(p11).openConnection();




this.con.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", new StringBuilder().append(p12.length()).toString());

this.con.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive");

this.con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Android Client");

this.con.setRequestProperty("accept", "*/*");

this.con.setRequestProperty("Http-version", "HTTP/1.1");

this.con.setRequestProperty("Content-languages", "en-EN");


android.util.Log.d("YGIB Test", new StringBuilder(


android.util.Log.d("YGIB Test", new StringBuilder("content-->").



N O T E Note that decompilation isn’t perfect, partly due to diff erences between the Dalvik Virtual Machine and the Java Virtual Machine. Representation of control and data fl ow in each aff ect the conversion from Dalvik bytecode to Java pseudo-source.

You see calls to android.util.Log.d, a method which writes a message to the logger with the debug priority. In this case, the application appears to be logging details of the HTTP request, which could be an interesting information leak. You’ll take a look at the log details in action a bit later. For now, see what IPC endpoints may exist in this application, starting with activities. For this, call get_activities:

'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.EnterRegistrationCodeScreen', ...

In [88]: a.get_main_activity()

Out[88]: u'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.ActivateSplashScreen'

Unsurprisingly, this app has numerous activities, including the ConfirmPinScreen you just analyzed. Next, check Services by calling get_services:

In [113]: a.get_services() Out[113]:

['com.yougetitback.androidapplication.DeleteSmsService', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.FindLocationService', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.PostLocationService', ...

'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.LockAcknowledgeService', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.ContactBackupService', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.ContactRestoreService', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.UnlockService',


'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.UnlockAcknowledgeService', ...

'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.wipe.MyService', ...

Based on the naming convention of some of these Services (for example, UnlockService and wipe), they will most likely receive and process commands from other application components when certain events are trigged. Next, look at BroadcastReceivers in the app, using get_receivers:

In [115]: a.get_receivers() Out[115]:

['com.yougetitback.androidapplication.settings.main.Entrance$MyAdmin', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.MyStartupIntentReceiver', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.SmsIntentReceiver', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.IdleTimeout', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.PingTimeout', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.RestTimeout', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.SplashTimeout', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.EmergencyTimeout', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.OutgoingCallReceiver', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.IncomingCallReceiver', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.IncomingCallReceiver', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.NetworkStateChangedReceiver', 'com.yougetitback.androidapplication.C2DMReceiver']

Sure enough, you fi nd a Broadcast Receiver that appears to be related to pro-cessing SMS messages, likely for out-of-band communications such as locking

and wiping the device. Because the application requests the READ_SMS permis-sion, and you see a curiously named Broadcast Receiver, SmsIntentReceiver, chances are good that the application’s manifest contains an Intent fi lter for the SMS_RECEIVED broadcast. You can view the contents of AndroidManifest.xml in androlyze with just a couple of lines of Python:

In [77]: for e in x.getElementsByTagName("receiver"):

print e.toxml()

N O T E You can also dump the contents of AndroidManifest.xml with one com-mand using Androguard’s androaxml.py.

Among others, there’s a receiver XML element specifically for the com.yougetitback.androidapplication.SmsIntentReceiver class. This particu-lar receiver defi nition includes an intent-filter XML element with an explicit android:priority element of 999, targeting the SMS_RECEIVED action from the android.provider.Telephony class. By specifying this priority attribute, the application ensures that it will get the SMS_RECEIVED broadcast fi rst, and thus access to SMS messages before the default messaging application.

Take a look at the methods available in SmsIntentReceiver by calling get_methods on that class. Use a quick Python for loop to iterate through each returned method, calling show_info each time:

In [178]: for meth in d.CLASS_Lcom_yougetitback_androidapplication_



For Broadcast Receivers, the onReceive method serves as an entry point, so you can look for cross-references, or xrefs for short, from that method to get an idea of control fl ow. First create the xrefs with d.create_xref and then call show_xref on the object representing the onReceive method:

In [206]: d.create_xref()

You see that onReceive calls a few other methods, including ones that appear to validate the SMS message and parse content. Decompile and investigate a few of these, starting with getMessageFromIntent:

In [213]: d.CLASS_Lcom_yougetitback_androidapplication_SmsIntentReceiver.

v5[v3] = android.telephony.SmsMessage.createFromPdu(v4[v3]);


} v6 = v5;


return v6;


This is fairly typical code for extracting an SMS Protocol Data Unit (PDU) from an Intent. You see that the parameter p9 to this method contains the Intent object. v0 is populated with the result of p9.getExtras, which includes all the extra objects in the Intent. Next, v0.get("pdus") is called to extract just the PDU byte array, which is placed in v4. The method then creates an SmsMessage object from v4, assigns it to v5, and loops while populating members of v5. Finally, in what might seem like a strange approach (likely due to the decompilation pro-cess), v6 is also assigned as the SmsMessage object v5, and returned to the caller.

Decompiling the o n R e c e i v e method, you see that prior to calling getMessagesFromIntent, a Shared Preferences fi le, SuperheroPrefsFile, is loaded. In this instance, the p8 object, representing the application’s Context or state, has getSharedPreferences invoked. Thereafter, some additional methods are called to ensure that the SMS message is valid (isValidMessage), and ulti-mately the content of the message is processed (processContent), all of which seem to receive the p8 object as a parameter. It’s likely that SuperheroPrefsFile contains something relevant to the operations that follow, such as a key or PIN:

In [3]: d.CLASS_Lcom_yougetitback_androidapplication_SmsIntentReceiver.


public void onReceive(android.content.Context p8, android.content.Intent p9)


p8.getSharedPreferences("SuperheroPrefsFile", 0);

if (p9.getAction().equals("

Supposing you want to construct a valid SMS message to be processed by this application, you’d probably want to take a look at isValidMessage, which you see in the preceding code receives a string pulled from the SMS message via getDisplayMessageBody, along with the current app context. Decompiling isValidMessage gives you a bit more insight into this app:

private boolean isValidMessage(String p12, android.content.Context p13) {

((this.equals(v0) == 0) && ((this.equals(v7) == 0) &&

((this.equals(v6) == 0) && ((this.equals(v2) == 0) &&

((this.equals(v8) == 0) && (this.equals(v1) == 0))))))))) { v10 = 0;

You see many calls to getString which, acting on the app’s current Context, retrieves the textual value for the given resource ID from the application’s string table, such as those found in values/strings.xml. Notice, however, that the resource IDs passed to getString appear a bit odd. This is an artifact of some decompilers’ type propagation issues, which you’ll deal with momentarily. The previously described method is retrieving those strings from the strings table, comparing them to the string in p12. The method returns 1 if p12 is matched, and 0 if it isn’t. Back in onReceive, the result of this then determines if isPinLock is called, or if processContent is called. Take a look at isPinLock:

In [173]: d.CLASS_Lcom_yougetitback_androidapplication_SmsIntentReceiver.


private boolean isPinLock(String p6, android.content.Context p7) {

v2 = 0;

v0 = p7.getSharedPreferences("SuperheroPrefsFile", 0).getString ("pin", "");

if ((v0.compareTo("") != 0) && (p6.compareTo(v0) == 0)) { v2 = 1;


return v2;

A-ha! The Shared Preferences fi le rears its head again. This small method calls getString to get the value of the pin entry in SuperheroPrefsFile, and then compares that with p6, and returns whether the comparison was true or false.

If the comparison was true, onReceive calls triggerAppLaunch. Decompiling that method may bring you closer to understanding this whole fl ow:

private void triggerAppLaunch(android.content.Context p9, android.telephony.SmsMessage p10)


this.currentContext = p9;

v4 = p9.getSharedPreferences("SuperheroPrefsFile", 0);

if (v4.getBoolean("Activated", 0) != 0) {

v2.setClass(p9, com.yougetitback.androidapplication.


v3.setClass(this.currentContext, com.yougetitback.




Here, edits are made to SuperheroPrefsFile, setting some Boolean values to keys indicating if the screen is locked, and if it was done so via SMS. Ultimately, new Intents are created to start the application’s FindLocationService and LockAcknowledgeService services, both of which you saw earlier when listing services. You can forego analyzing these services, as you can make some edu-cated guesses about their purposes. You still have the issue of understanding the call to processContent back in onReceive:

In [613]: f = d.CLASS_Lcom_yougetitback_androidapplication_


private void processContent(android.content.Context p16, String p17) {

v11 = this.split(p17);

v10 = v11.elementAt(0);

if (p16.getSharedPreferences("SuperheroPrefsFile", 0).getBoolean("Activated", 0) == 0) {

((v10.equals(v4) == 0) && ((v10.equals(v8) == 0) &&

((v10.equals(v7) == 0) && ((v10.equals(v3) == 0) &&

(v10.equals(v1) == 0))))))) {

You see similar calls to getString as you did in isValidMessage, along with a series of if statements which further test the content of the SMS body to determine what method(s) to call thereafter. Of particular interest is fi nding what’s required to reach processUnLockMsg, which presumably unlocks the device. Before that, however, there’s some split method that’s called on p17, the message body string:

if (v1 < 0) {

This fairly simple method takes the message and chops it up into a Vector (similar to an array), and returns that. Back in processContent, weeding through the nest of if statements, it looks like whatever’s in v8 is important. There’s still the trouble of the resource IDs, however. Try disassembling it to see if you have better luck:

You have numeric resource IDs now. The integer 2131296283 corresponds to something going into your register of interest, v8. Of course, you still need to know what the actual textual value is for those resource IDs. To fi nd these values, employ a bit more Python within androlyze by analyzing the APK’s resources:

aobj = a.get_android_resources() resid = 2131296283

pkg = aobj.packages.keys()[0]

reskey = aobj.get_id(pkg,resid)[1]


The Python code fi rst creates an ARSCParser object, aobj, representing all the supporting resources for the APK, like strings, UI layouts, and so on. Next, resid holds the numeric resource ID you’re interested in. Then, it fetches a list with the package name/identifi er using aobj.packages.keys, storing it in pkg. The textual resource key is then stored in reskey by calling aobj.get_id, passing in pkg and

Ultimately, this snippet outputs the true string that processContent resolved—

YGIB:U. For brevity’s sake, do this in one line as shown here:

In [25]: aobj.get_string(aobj.packages.keys()[0],aobj.get_id(aobj.

packages.keys()[0],2131296283)[1]) Out[25]: [u'YGIB_UNLOCK', u'YGIB:U']

At this juncture, we know that the SMS message will need to contain “YGIB:U”

to potentially reach processUnLockMsg. Look at that method to see if there’s anything else you need:

v9 = p16.getSharedPreferences("SuperheroPrefsFile", 0);

if (p17.size() >= 2) { v1 = p17.elementAt(1);

if (v9.getString("tagcode", "") == 0) { android.util.Log.v("SWIPEWIPE",

"recieved unlock message");



This time you see that a key called tagcode is pulled from the SuperheroPrefsFile fi le, and then a series of services are stopped (and another started), which you can assume unlocks the phone. This doesn’t seem right, as it would imply that so long as this key existed in the Shared Preferences fi le, it would evaluate to true—this is likely a decompiler error, so let’s check the disassembly with pretty_show:

19 (00000050) invoke-virtual/rangev17, Ljava/util/Vector;->


processUnLockMsg-BB@0x94 :

That clears it up—the value of the second element of the vector passed in is passed to EvaluateToken, and then the return value is compared to the value of the tagcode key in the Shared Preferences fi le. If these two values match, then the method continues as you previously saw. With that, you should realize that your SMS message will need to effectively be something like YGIB:U followed by a space and the tagcode value. On a rooted device, retrieving this tag code would be fairly easy, as you could just read the SuperheroPrefsFile directly off the fi le system. However, try taking some dynamic approaches and see if you come up with anything else.

Dans le document ffi rs.indd 01:50:14:PM 02/28/2014 Page ii (Page 125-141)