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Dans le document Peace Corps (Page 47-50)

Small group discussions provide your students with opportunities for self-discovery and understanding of differences. By thinking about how to present a well-organized, coherent point of view, stu-dents improve their language skills as they analyze and discuss prob-lems. When using group discussions as part of the assessment


process, try to focus on values, attitudes, or behavior. Topics can include cultural values, learning objectives, or environmental issues.

Such topics will motivate students and stimulate conversational responses which grammar lessons seldom generate.

Before asking your students to form discussion groups, be sure that they understand how to behave in small groups. You might want to ask four to eight students to come to the center of the class to pro-vide a model of a small group discussion. More detailed suggestions about giving students in pairs or small groups specific tasks and roles are described in Chapters Eight and Nine.

Cultural values can be a thought-provoking, highly revealing topic for small group discussions. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, you need to understand how your students feel about traditions, superstitions, use of time, competition, individuality, and equality of the sexes.One example of a cultural survey places values on oppo-site sides of a continuum:

People most accept/their lives as thcv arc. 2 S People can improNc their lies.

11Cach children to icindependent. 2 leach children to depend on their elders.

Marry first. then 1.1. 2 3 S I me. First, then marrN.

Discuss differences. 2 Ignore difference% of opinion.

Use the land I to meet the needs of people. 2 3 4 5 Protect the Lind.

Competition motivates me. 2 3 4 S Competition bothers Inc.

Ask the students to circle the number closest to their own position.

As the students analyze the options, tell them to think about their individual preferences first. Then have them compare their answers with those of someone sitting nearby, and finally, put the students into small groups and request a small group consensus. This sequence is called THINK-PAIR-SHARE. Students might com-plete three sentences to reinforce the process:

My reaction

My partner's reaction Our group's reaction



Have one of the students record some examples to support the group consensus. Because the members of the group must come to an agreement, this activity also gives you an opportunity to intro-duce social skills, including appropriate terms for suggesting, agree-ing, and disagreeing.

An analysis of cultural values will give you and your students an opportunity to demonstrate respect for and acceptance of differences, including the differences that may surface between your American values and those values generally accepted by the class.

MOTIVATION FOR LEARNING Small group discussions can also be used to highlight the reasons ENGLISH students are learning English. To find out more about the

expecta-tions that your students bring to their English class, use a ranking system and ask groups to prioritize their reasons for studying Eng-lish. Statements to rank might include these:

Ranking from "1" = most important to "5" = least important

To pass the National Exam

To read magazines and books

To listen to the radio and watch TV

To talk to people in English

To get a job that requires English skills To move to an English speaking country To understand other cultures


This discussion topic will require students to think about the possi-ble benefits of your class. It will also give you a point of reference as you plan activities to motivate your students.

Prioritizing is an activity that can be used to encourage critical thinking and discussion about what and how and why students are learning. A similar group activity is to ask students to analyze eight sentences and come to a consensus about the four that they believe

are the most important:

1. A good teacher helps students to become independent learners.

2. Students can help each other to learn English.

3. Teachers are the only source of knowledge in the classroom.

4. The best way to learn English is to study grammar.

5. The best way to learn English is to read and talk about

interesting topics.

6. Teachers must correct all grammar mistakes.

7. Everyone learns a language the same way.

8. Social skills are an important part of language learning.

As the students discuss these sentences, they will begin to analyze the alternatives to traditional teacher-centered lectures. When the whole class comes together to discuss and summarize the small group decisions, you will have an opportunity to challenge the stu-dents to think about their roles and responsibilities.

If you plan to include environmental themes in your lessons, you might ask students to respond to statements that require them to reflect on their attitudes toward environmental threats. The Peace

Corps ICE Manual Environmental Education in the Schools:

Creating a Program That Works! (forthcoming) includes a variety of environmental topics that would be appropriate for small group surveys and discussions in your English class. Students can discuss these issues and try to come to a consensus which is shared with the entire class.

Small group activities improve social skills, critical thinking skills, confidence, and achievement. They should be introduced carefully

to establish successful patterns of behavior. Be sure to read Chapters Eight and Nine for detailed guidelines that will help you CO orga-nize and facilitate participatory work effectively.

Dans le document Peace Corps (Page 47-50)