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Dans le document Td corrigé Température. - Free pdf (Page 83-88)

« http://www.lycaeum.org/index-fr.shtml » La tribune agricole de gaspard des montagnes, Tous les textes de cette publication ont été pris sur ce serveur, le meilleur site en Français.

« http://www.magic.fr/indie-musique/circ/circ1.htm » Le CIRC sur internet.

"http://www.geocities.com/Paris/2485/" Maresco, Chris - featuring 6 zines : le bush ( marijuana info) dub corner (reggae) music chronic (Bjork...) comix (Martha Washington) - viva la revolucion - macnet

Site en français dans le texte, Un debut, de bons liens, mais pas mis à jour trés souvent, a suivre...

"Http://www.hightimes.com" High Times Magazine's WWW pages

Something stikes us as odd about High Times' site, but we can't put our fingers on it. Back issues (to '74) with selected articles, but no Ask Ed columns. Some good photos of buds and plants. Good text-only articles on Marijuana-around-the-world can be found on the "High Road". Outlines of every federal and state marijuana sentencing guideline. A few grow-room setups and some basic growing concerns discussed in "Cannabis Cultivation." Also, the "Herbal Oracle" may soon grow to be a good source for answers to the more common and/or interesting questions. Some art, which we didn't really like, and some bad jokes too.

L’incontournable, quelques trucs, mais en anglais.

"http://hyperreal.com/drugs/marijuana/" HyperReal Marijuana Archives

Departments for Growers, Hemp, Medical Marijuana, Usage, Miscellaneous, and Fiction. All articles are text-only, and in fact are mostly culled from Newsgroups. There's some junk in there, but there are a few gems.

"http://hyperreal.com/drugs/faqs/FAQ-MJ-Law">Cannabis Law - Marijuana sale/possession laws by state.

Un site trés documenté..

"http://www.paranoia.com/drugs/marijuana" Paranoia Marijuana Archives

Mostly text articles, again taken from Newsgroups. Beware of bad-college-paper material. Covers Hemp, Medical Marijuana, Cultivation, Culture, Consumption (usage), and some culture.

"http://www.paranoia.com/~toon/" Paranoia, Toon - Toon's Garden of Dutch Cannabis - Pictures of my Cannabis Garden, growing-guides, Marijuana is medicine. Hemp, Weed or Pot - plants.

Encore site trés documenté.

"http://www.kaapeli.fi/~sky/data/sensi.html" Sensi Seed Bank

When pot is relegalized, Sensi Seed Bank will be the biggest name around - that's our bet. If you ever get the chance, visit their Cannibis Castle - "home of the finest strains of marijuana in the world." It's...an experience.

Le site de sensi seeds (Les grainetiers ), le catalogue.

"http://www.happycapitalist.com/" Happy Capitalist Productions - online amusement park for marijuana /hemp lovers. Soon to be released: pothead, a new CD-ROM for pot-smokers everywhere.


"http://www.atomicbooks.com/catalog/drugs.html" Atomic Books Drug Information - wide selection of books and magazines: Marijuana , Drug Testing, MDMA, LSD, Opium, Psychedelics, Drug Literature, Smart Drugs, Psychotropic Plants and more.

Ce site permet d’acheter des livres, il y a tout, j’ai mis leur catalogue dans cette publication.

"http://www.hempbc.com/Overview.html" Hemp

This Canadian Shop is definitely worth visiting - especially if you didn't know how liberal B.C. is about marijuana and hemp. If you're from a sympathetic country, you can buy from their very extensive list of seeds.

If not, you can still browse their Coffee Shop, Virtual Hemp Store, Gallery of buds and Art (not too bad), or Library of Hemp info.

Encore des grainetiers, Canadiens.

"Http://grass.com/" Margolis, Jack - An expert on marijuana , sex, human behavior and sommersaulting, humorously reveals the How-To's of his amazing success with some 3,000 women.

Il y a pleins de filles toutes nu sur ce serveur, il ecris des bouquins et les vends.

"Http://headcase.com/" Headcase Fashions hats and caps from Cannabis Hemp, designs include Marijuana Leaf, 420, The Kind, Cow, Legalize, THC, Tipped Cow, and Dank.

Vetements de chanvre.

"http://www.mpp.org/" Marijuana Policy Project

Great. Support them. Go there.full-time lobbying organization in Washington DC persuading members of congress to support Harm Reduction in practice.

"http://www.hemp.net/hipws/hipws.html" Hemp Initiative Projects of Washington State - HIP-WS is working for the regulation of Marijuana instead of prohibition of Marijuana

"http://www.calyx.com/~olsen/" Carl Olsen - Information on medical and spiritual uses of marijuana .

The most interesting one-man's story regarding marijuana on the Net. Take the time to read every transcript of his attempt at getting the DEA to reschedule marijuana as a Schedule II drug. If you can follow it all, you'll be able to speak with authority about how fucked up U.S. Agencies and U.S. Laws can be sometimes.

"http://www.calyx.net/~olsen/">Carl E. Olsen's Marijuana Archive

"http://www.calyx.com/marijuana.html" Calyx Marijuana Archive

Many terrific links, a couple of dogs. Probably the single-best source for a host of Marijuana links.

"http://www.calyx.net/marijuana.html"> Marijuana and the War on Drugs

"http://www.calyx.com/~schaffer/" Cliff Schaffer's Archive of Materials for Marijuana & Anti DrugWar Activists

"http://www.calyx.com/~schaffer/LIBRARY/library.html" The DRCnet On-line Drug Policy Library US Drug Policy is ridiculous, as we all recognize, but it can be hard to piece together all the reasons WHY. You might want to start here.

"http://www.calyx.com/~acu/ccu.html">Californians For Compassionate Use Petition - are trying to raise signatures to get a medical marijuana referendum on the ballot in 1996 for the entire State of California.

"http://www.olywa.net/scottyo/myths.html" 12 Marijuana Myths

Marijuana is not completely harmless, and it is a 'gateway drug' for many people. Those are realities, not myths. But what makes them realities? (HINT: it's not the THC). While these 'myths' are a good start for the truly uninformed, you won't get the whole story here. Use the references.

"http://www.pantless.com/sanitarium/hemp.html" Hemp Picture Library

Actually, it's mostly pictures of marijuana (which is NOT the same plant, in almost every relevant sense, as the Hemp plant) - good ones.

"http://www.ganet.net/~ps2/hemp.html" The Ohio Hempery

"http://www.betterworld.com/ahm/home.htm" American Hemp Mercantile

"http://ecolution.com/" Cyber Hemp

These places make all kinds of stuff out of Hemp - more than you might think possible. There are people who think the Hemp plant can 'save the planet.' We don't generally like ideas that big, but that plant sure could do a lot of good things.

"Http://www.acu.org/~acu" Americans for Compassionate Use

Medical Marijuana information, and activism. Not much there yet, but we're hoping it grows (so to speak.)

"http://www.medicalmarijuana.ord/" Californians for Compassion Use

Medical Marijuana information, and activism. Spotlight on California's initiative. Still under heavy construction.

"http://www.niad.nl/fc1uk.htm" Netherlands Institute for Alcohol and Drugs

Read up on the best working model of Reasonable and Rational marijuana use in the world, Harm Reduction, coffee shops, and data resulting from the Dutch's little "experiment". There is not so much information here as there is Important Information. NIAD is an independent organization.

"http://www.foobar.co.uk/users/ukcia" The UKCIA (UK Cannibis Internet Activists) 84

yourself - if you've got time to completely waste.

"http://www.health.org/pubs/guidteen.htm" Guide for teens - Does your friend have a drug problem?

The basic party-line. For lack of anything better, look here for help...but don't believe that you're going to get an understanding of what drives people to take drugs, nor a clear understanding of what separates a user from an abuser.

"http://www.primenet.com/~bundle/" Marijuana Anonymous

12-step marijuana addiction recovery program. Can you explain what is so wrong with, well, just about everything on these pages (except, possibly, the intent)?

"http://www.mindport.net/~murple/propaganda/index-drugs.html" The MurpleWeb Propaganda Pages Amusing drug-related propaganda.

"http://www.sims.net/drugtest/" Drug Testing by Mail

"http://home.navisoft.com/keystone/index.htm" More Drug Testing by Mail "Finally, a private way to test for drugs without a traceable record!"

"http://www.nepenthes.com/Ludlow/index.html" Pre-Prohibition Marijuana Use in the U.S.

This site concentrates on texts by Fitz Hugh Ludlow, but the additional texts included are more extensive and interesting. Give this site a browse to begin building an appreciation for Late 1800's 'pre-prohibition' period - real people really talking about Hash, Marijuana, and Hemp.

"Http://www.famm.org/" Families Against Mandatory Minimums

Laws imposing manditory minimum sentences are defensible only for crimes so horrible that an individual's interests and concerns merit no consideration at all. But, the U.S. constitution declares the rights of even the worst criminals worthy of consideration. What makes drug users so particularly evil? Support this group.

"Http://www.norml.org/" NORML (National Organization for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws) NORML seems to have lost its edge these past few years, but that's no reason to stop supporting them.

C’est le CIRC Americain

"http://www.cures-not-wars.org/" Cures Not Wars

Follow the story of the NY Cannibis Buyer's Club as it makes it way through the courts. Cures not wars is also pretty big on Ibogaine - and you should be too.

"http://www.eskimo.com/~pipe/" Pipes for sale

Not much, but a few of you wanted links to some kind of on-line resource.

"http://www.efn.org/~rayo/bong.html" Hemp 3D Screen Saver for Windows

We're Mac users, but we couldn't find anything for the Mac we liked. This screen saver just might suck, we don't know.

"http://metro.turnpike.net/~jnr/hempgd1.htm" Hempster's Guide to Marijuana Laws - state and federal laws on possession, cultivation, sales, transportation.

"http://www.amug.org/~az4norml/" - official Arizona chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

"http://pobox.com/~hemp" Hemp Nation Headquarters - devoted to fighting marijuana prohibition and to publicize a Canadian Constitutional Challenge to that effect.

"Http://www.dol.com/imi/" Illinois Marijuana Initiative WEB - is a non profit organization dedicated to making the public aware of the reasons Marijuana should be completely legal.

"http://www.fastlane.net/reefcity/" Reefercity - a board game in which players travel around 'The City', buying and selling marijuana , hash, and mushrooms.

"http://www.ptialaska.net/~dburnet/" Burnet, Duane - Outer Space Transit Service - Links to Alaska, drug information, religion/philosophy, some 1969 vintage snail-mail about love, death, sex, lsd, marijuana .

"http://www.vais.net/~hostyle/" Harrison, David - drug related links. Hemp and marijuana .

"http://maxwell.njit.edu/merhaba/dir/scottyj/" J., Scotty - this site is part personal home page, part pro- marijuana activism, part general libertarianism.

"http://www.dimensional.com/~randl/" Metz, Randal - Space Time Portal - This site discusses the politics of Marijuana prohibition, and how it relates to the broader political picture. Also, great graphics.

"http://www1.aksi.net/~dugpac/"Pacheco, Doug - I'm always working on this. Have some pictures. Pictures of women. Naked marijuana plants. Some star wars and star trek stuff.

"http://www.trvnet.net/~mmcmahon/" 5th legal Marijuana patient - Talk to George McMahon about the medicinal use of marijuana (5th legal patient)

"http://www.nida.nih.gov/MarijBroch/Marijintro.html" Facts About Marijuana - Two NIDA publications: "

Marijuana : Facts for Teens" and " Marijuana : Facts Parents Need to Know".

"http://www.magic.mb.ca/~lampi/drugs/cannabis.html" Information on Cannabis/ Marijuana /Hemp - Reputable Scientific Literature, with references, on Cannabis ( Marijuana )

"http://www.fishnet.net/~nofx/third.htm" Marijuana Land

"http://www.nauticom.net/users/goosey/drugs.html" only users lose drugs - Decide for youself what chemicals you'd like in your body. Learn the game of Zonk. Know the myths created about marijuana .

"http://www.win.net/~enlightnr/welcome.html" Church of Cognizance dan&mary's MonasteryHEMPorium -Dedicated to promoting cognizance of the ethos (customs, habits, traditions) defining the ethnic minority that utilizes for all benevolent purposes Haoma, Soma, Hemp, Cannabis, Marijuana , Bhang.

"http://www.afn.org/~afn07753/index.html/afn07753.html" Decriminalize Marijuana

"http://ultra-violence.mit.edu/html/legalize.html" Rational Discourse for the Legalization of Marijuana

"http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~verdant/" Cannabis / Marijuana

"http://emporium.turnpike.net/~jnr/think.htm" Think for Yourself - Articles and opinion about drug policy related issues: prohibition, the War on Drugs, Marijuana , Harm reduction. Section on D.A.R.E., 3-Strikes, Justice system.

"http://www.calpoly.edu/~jjjenkin/drugs/drugs.html" Josh's Drug Page - marijuana , hemp, LSD, mushrooms, cacti, and alcohol information.

"Http://www.dol.com/imi/" Illinois Marijuana Initiative - is a non profit organization dedicated to making the public aware of the reasons Marijuana should be completely legal.


Dans le document Td corrigé Température. - Free pdf (Page 83-88)