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Énoncé 1 :

La recherche de la vie extraterrestre est devenue une quête permanente depuis quelques années chez beaucoup d’astronomes. Les espoirs les plus immédiats se tournent vers la planète Mars. Certes, on n’est pas assuré qu’il y ait actuellement de la vie sur cette planète mais que probablement il y en a eu, car les scientifiques pensent que durant les deux premiers milliards d’années de la vie de Mars, ses conditions étaient proches de celles de la Terre.

Question :Parmi ces cinq argumentations, quelle est celle qui est utilisée dans ce propos pour asseoir l’hypothèse d’une ancienne vie sur Mars ?

A) Sophie et Albertine sont deux bonnes élèves du même âge. Sophie est en seconde, donc Albertine doit être en seconde.

B) Les enfants bons élèves se couchent tôt. Le fils de ma voisine regarde la télévi-sion le soir. C’est un bon élève.

C) Les personnes âgées ont des performances intellectuelles inférieures à celles des jeunes. Malgré tout, certaines conservent un haut niveau d’activité.

D) L’air est aux mammifères ce que l’eau est aux poissons.

E) Sur la route, Paul est doublé par Jacques et Jacques est doublé par Benjamin.

Son traitement nécessite autant une analyse de l’énoncé que de chacune des réponses proposées.

Une reformulation de l’énoncé permet de dire que « la Terre et Mars sont compa-rables à leur début. La Terre accueille la vie. Mars a dû accueillir la vie à ses débuts ».

Il s’agit d’un raisonnement de type syllogistique.

Un syllogisme comprend trois propositions :

• La majeure (la Terre et Mars sont comparables) ;

• La mineure (la Terre accueille la vie) ;

• La conclusion qui est déduite de la majeure par l’intermédiaire de la mineure (Mars a dû accueillir la vie à ses débuts).

La réponse, qui est un raisonnement syllogistique, est la réponse « A ».


Exemple 1 :





T a ge-Ma ge Méthodologie




Les réponses proposées sont :


Dans la liste verticale des lettres, en commençant par le bas, 1relettre, la logique suivante apparaît : K, L, ?, N, Oon en déduit que «?» doit être «M».

Toujours dans la liste verticale, on prend la 3e lettre en commençant cette fois-ci par le haut I, K, ?, O, Q. On constate un écart d’une lettreà chaque fois. On en déduit donc que « ?» est un «M». Il nous reste ainsi deux réponses possibles «C» et «E».

Prenons la liste horizontale, au niveau des lettres du milieu, la suite suivante apparaît nettement, soit D, E, ?, G, H, la lettre manquante sera donc «F».

Exemple 2 : GNH OAP JCK UFV


Les réponses proposées sont :


Prenons la série verticale de lettres, nous constatons que les 1res et 3eslettres de chaque série se suivent, soit Get H;O etP ;J etK ;U etV. Nous pouvons donc enlever les réponses «A», «B» et «D».

Sur la série horizontale, nous constatons que l’ordre alphabétique des 2e et 3elettres est inversé, soit dans OLKnous avons LetKau lieu de K L, dans WTSnous avons TetS au lieu de ST, dans ZEDnous avons Eet Dau lieu de DE, dans IXW nous avons XetWau lieu de WX.

Nous ne retrouvons la logique que dans la série IKJoù nous avons KetJau lieu deJetK.

Cette présentation n’est qu’un aperçu des épreuves constitutives du test TAGE-MAGE.

Vous pouvez compléter votre entraînement par le biais des annales, disponibles à la FNEGE, par correspondance :2, avenue Hoche – 75008 Paris, ou les commander en ligne via le site www.tagemage.com.


Anglais Méthodologie




Test d’anglais

Programme, conseils, bibliographie

Public concerné

Tout candidat ayant suivi des cours d’anglais durant sa scolarité – collège, lycée et formation de type Bac +2/3/4.

Nature de l’épreuve

Pour l’épreuve écrite d’anglais : elle consiste en un test (QCM) comprenant grammaire, structures, usages et compréhension d’un texte écrit.

Conseils de préparation

Sont évaluées les capacités linguistiques fondamentales : il faut donc maîtriser les règles de grammaire courante, savoir choisir le mot juste sur proposition de plusieurs synonymes, avoir assimilé les tournures idiomatiques classiques, et avoir acquis de bons réflexes.

Pour cela, il faut s’entraîner à chercher la règle de grammaire ou la tournure idiomatique visée. N’hésitez pas à établir une liste des règles de grammaire et du vocabulaire qui vous font défaut.

Il faut raisonner très vite, donc faites appel à la logique chaque fois que cela est possible et méfiez-vous des tournures très proches du français.

Seront évaluées l’aptitude à l’expression et la capacité de structuration du message.

En ce qui concerne la compréhension écrite, c’est la capacité à appréhender un message écrit qui sera évaluée ; il faut donc savoir discerner les difficultés, faire appel au raisonnement tout en respectant les critères grammaticaux et lexicaux.

En résumé, l’essentiel est de travailler le vocabulaire de base nécessaire à l’expression, le mécanisme de la formation des mots, les faux amis, les verbes à particule adverbiale et à préposition, les règles de grammaire de base.

Lisez aussi de bons quotidiens ou hebdomadaires (The Economist, The Independent,The International Herald Tribune, etc.).


• J. Brossard et S. Chevalier,Grammaire alphabétique de l’anglais, éd. Bordas.

• J. M. Thomson, Vocabulaire anglais, éd. Dunod.

• Alain Le Ho, QCM d’anglais, éd. Ellipse.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.


Anglais Su jet




English Test

Ce cas a été rédigé par l’ESC Montpellier.

Durée de l’épreuve : 1 heure 30.



Aucun document n’est autorisé.

1. This exam is divided into 4 sections:

Section 1 Grammar exercises 20 questions (15 minutes) Section 2 Find the error 15 questions (20 minutes) Section 3 Vocabulary exercises 25 questions (15 minutes) Section 4 Reading comprehension 20 questions (40 minutes) Total 80 questions

2. Please use your answer sheet to record your answers. If you think you have made a mistake on the first line of your answer sheet, there is a second line provided and it is this answer which will be taken into account.

3. Each section has its own instructions.

There is only one right answer to each question Each correct answer receives: 3 points Each incorrect answer receives: -1 point Each unanswered question receives: 0 point

4. At the end of the exam, you will give the supervisor your test paper and your answer sheet.



Section 1 – Grammar exercices

Choose the correct answer.

1. One of the Internet’s main advantages is …… it gives instant access to a wide range of information.

a) what b) that c) which d) for which

2. I want you to consider the conditions you believe are necessary ……. .

a) to succeed b) for succeed

c) to the succeeding d) to the success

3. Maintaining proper tire pressure not only reduces the risk of an accident ……

increases the life of your tires.

a) as well b) but also c) but d) and


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4. If it weren’t for her aggressive behaviour, she …… the leading candidate for the position.

a) is b) was c) will d) would be

5. A series of unfortunate incidents …… to have been the cause of that malfunction.

a) has believed b) were believed

c) have believed d) was believed

6. Because of an unrealistic marketing plan they …… a successful product launch.

a) hadn’t b) can have

c) did not have d) must not have

7. Generally, the president …… a certain amount of time each day talking to his employees.

a) spends b) will to spend

c) to spend d) is spending

8. State-of-the-art technology …… to keep ahead of the competition.

a) enable us b) enable

c) enable to us d) enables us

9. To be safe, inter national voyagers need to allow …… more time for interconnecting flights.

a) increasingly b) increase

c) an increase d) increasing

10. Soon we …… a study to determine the effect of passive smoking on house pets.

a) conduct b) conducting

c) can to conduct d) will conduct

11. Consumer buying power is not much …… it was at the turn of the century.

a) higher that b) more higher than

c) higher than d) as high as

12. The mayor, elected two years ago, …… his promise to improve the streets in our district.

a) have not kept b) did not kept

c) has not kept d) not keep


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13. Although …… myself technically sophisticated, I am having difficulty keeping up with the latest developments in Information Technology.

a) I am considered b) I am considering

c) considering to d) I consider

14. The martial arts team gave an …… display of several forms of ancient combat styles.

a) impressing b) impressive

c) impressively d) impressed

15. …… at political rallies on three consecutive nights, the minister appeared to be very tired.

a) Having spoken b) Speaking

c) To speak d) To be speaking

16. We decided …… next week to write the final sales proposal.

a) to meet us b) us to meet

c) to meet ourselves d) to meet

17. Tonight, the philharmonic orchestra will be playing an …… program ranging from Copland to Wagner.

a) diverse b) extremely diverse

c) extremely diversely d) extreme diverse

18. Bruce Willis and Demi Moore …… one of the best known cinema couples of the 90’s.

a) were b) were being

c) have been d) was

19. He was convicted of the crime, but due to his status in the community, he was ordered to perform 200 hours of community service …… spend time in prison.

a) rather that b) rather to

c) rather d) rather than

20. I had taken the bus to work for years before I decided to start ……. .

a) walking b) the walking

c) to walk d) in walking


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Section 2 – Find the error: A, B, C, or D

21. The dollar fell to a record low / against the euro last week on speculation that higher /


interest rates into Europe / would lead investors away from US investments.


22. The use of sunscreen is / commonly recommended to prevent sunburn but /


it is not yet known if / it reduce the risk of skin cancer.


23. The company spent many years / and millions of dollars perfection its new laser /


technology but the product / never made it to the production phase.


24. I enjoy ball sports because / I don’t think about being tired when the focus is on


the ball. / However, long distance runner is another matter; / you are immediately


aware of fatigue.

25. Recent developments in the southern part / of the country have made it very


difficult to ensure the safety / of our embassy staff their.


26. This young, technologically advanced generation / is struggling with the concept


that people who make music / should be able to making money from it.


27. Napoleon developed a number of / innovative military strategies that led to many /


successfully campaigns and surprising victories, / as well as some spectacular failures.


28. There are three conditions who are required / for combustion: first, there must be heat;


then you need material to burn; / and lastly, you need oxygen.



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29. The controversial about whether to teach “ intelligent design” / versus “evolution”


in schools has sparked heated debate, especially in the state of Kansas / where it


began several years ago.

30. Keep in mind that even if the training programme / is supposed to supply you with


the theoretical information for this mission, / it is up to you to applicate it in the


correct way.

31. Some people define politics as the way / in which the power is distributed among


people. / If that is true then why does / the word have such a negative connotation?


32. The world must to decrease its emissions / of greenhouse gases. This can be done /


with technology, know-how, / and practical solutions that have already been



33. Now that the euro has been in use / since several years, we should be able to


determine if it has been beneficial for / the economy. However, it’s still not clear.


34. Simple pointing out a mistake is not enough / to correct improper behaviour; an


alternative behaviour must be proposed / or else no progress will be made.


35. Though he has made more than fifty films / and been acting for over fifty years, /


Sean Connery will never escape the shadow / of his most famous role, that one of


James Bond.


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Section 3 – Vocabulary 1

Choose the word/words wich has/have the closest meaning to the word/words underlined.

36. He spoke eloquently on the relationship between sport and money.

a) expressively b) loudly

c) quickly d) impulsively

37. The students seemed rather adept in their ability to analyse problems.

a) clever b) dull

c) uninformed d) excited

38. The competition in this undemanding market made us rethink our strategy.

a) difficult b) unyielding

c) volatile d) easy

39. The rules of the game were straightforward.

a) hard to understand b) clear-cut

c) strange d) fair

40. With the sudden drop in the price of oil, the market experienced a flurry of activity.

a) pause b) increase

c) decrease d) confusion

41. All the people involved in the project were satisfied with the results;

a) implied b) who participated

c) who knew about d) who agreed

42. With a basic knowledge of commerce you will be able to understand this problem.

a) theoretical b) advanced

c) instinctive d) fundamental

43. The scheme was well designed and was sure to help him get ahead.

a) plan b) prediction

c) advice d) warning

44. Leadership ability was the main quality sought for that position.

a) reflected b) discounted

c) desired d) supposed

45. The main aim of the program director is not shared by all her staff.

a) goal b) reaction

c) information d) fear


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Vocabulary 2

Choose the word wich has a similar meaning to the word in bold type.

46. perceive

a) predict b) recognise c) pursue d) take

47. shade

a) dare b) lie c) uncover d) shadow

48. devise

a) invent b) share c) drive d) install

49. knock

a) cut b) rap c) find d) wood

50. enjoy

a) pretty b) like c) take out d) discover

51. depend on

a) attach b) simulate c) count on d) put out

52. training

a) formation b) preparation c) locomotive d) shoe

53. sample

a) trial b) easy c) music d) piece

54. resign

a) sign again b) call out c) write d) give up

55. bond

a) break b) link c) deal with d) test

56. lovely

a) soft b) charming c) friendly d) crisp

57. idle

a) industrious b) willing c) quick d) unused

58. wreck

a) fly up b) appreciate c) smash d) step on

59. complain

a) country b) protest c) fill up d) exaggerate


Section 4 – Reading compréhension

Text 1 Bedbug boom

Bedbugs, the houseguests nobody wants, are back in growing numbers across the USA, and booting them from your bunk can be a lengthy, costly process. Sixty years after near-eradication, the little bloodsuckers are infesting homes and hotels from New York to San Diego. Why the outbreak? Increased world travel and changing pest-control practices.

“The bugs had become a myth,” says Richard Cooper, an entomologist who runs a family pest control firm in Lawrenceville, N.J. “They were the monster in the closet.

People don’t believe they’re real.” They’re real, all right. If they’ve gained a toehold –or wherever they find bare skin to bite– they won’t leave your house unless you unleash an all-out effort. “If you don’t manage them, they’ll manage you,” says Richard Pollack, a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health.

The re-emergence of bedbugs appears to have begun in the late 1990s. Cooper saw his first one in a motel in 1999. Cindy Mannes of the National Pest Management Association says the pest control company Orkin has had bedbug reports this year in every state except seven: Alaska, Idaho, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota and Wyoming. You might expect that the vermin would be found in cut-rate flophouses. You’d be wrong. The Helmsley Park Lane Hotel in New York, where a one-bedroom suite costs

$950 a night, was sued by a bedbug “bitee” in 2003. The suit was settled, says spokesman Howard Rubenstein, and the hotel has not had a problem since.

Pest control companies blame the bedbug boom on increased foreign travel, Mannes says. The bugs are more common abroad, and they’ll happily hitch a ride in a suitcase. The 46 million travelers landing in the USA in 2004 were an increase of almost 12% from 2003, according to the Travel Industry Association of America. Bedbugs are hardy, too, capable of surviving a year between meals. Those meals consist entirely of blood.

Fortunately, they don’t appear to spread disease, Pollack says.

There’s speculation that the industry trend away from spraying pesticides on baseboards has been a boon for bedbugs, he says. The practice has mostly been discontinued in favor of more targeted, less-toxic alternatives. Whatever the reason, you may not realize you’re living with bedbugs until your home is infested. “If you wake up at 2 a.m. and something’s sucking on your ankle, that’s a pretty good sign,” Pollack says. “But people generally don’t see that, and they don’t feel feeding. They’re stealthy.”

Killing them is tough work, Cooper says. For starters, they’re hard to find. They come out only at night, they’re translucent until they fill up with blood, and hatchlings are so small they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress. Even as full-grown adults, they’re only a quarter of an inch long, and their flat bodies allow them to slip into tiny cracks in furniture.


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Pollack says a good exterminator will spend at least a half-hour examining furniture, baseboards and mattresses. Several follow-up visits are required, too. “It can cost thousands of dollars to get rid of them,” he says. Getting rid of them can require pesticides, powerful vacuums and sealing mattresses with impervious covers, Cooper says. To avoid bringing bedbugs into your home, Pollack says, avoid second-hand furniture. He says, “You might be getting friends along with that mattress, bed frame or dresser.”

By Tom Vanden Brook,USA Today, 02/12/2005.

Text 1: Questions

61. According to the article, bedbugs a) are a myth

b) are a very dangerous problem c) were once practically extinct d) come from animals

62. In the third paragraph “cut-rate flophouses” probably means a) luxury hotels

b) massage parlours c) bed and breakfast d) inexpensive hotels 63. Bedbugs can now be found:

a) primarily on the west coast b) primarily on the east coast c) in just seven states d) all over the United States

64. The increase in the amounts of bedbugs is due to : a) an increase in the number of cheap motels b) more travellers coming from overseas c) greater resistance to pesticides d) the daily washing habits of people

65. The author says that by the time you realise you have a bedbug problem a) you will become sick

b) you will have to leave your home

c) your house will already be overrun with them d) your feet will be bloody

66. In the fifth paragraph “they’re stealthy” means a) bedbugs are painful

b) bedbugs are not easily noticed


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c) bedbugs suck blood d) bedbugs have big appetites

67. Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to get rid of these pests?

a) Spraying with pesticides b) The use of bedbug traps

c) Use special covers for mattresses d) Using vacuum cleaners

68. One way of avoiding this problem is : a) not to buy used furniture

b) don’t expose your bare skin c) wear long pyjamas to bed d) don’t go to sleep before 2 am.

69. They are tough to kill because a) they are hard to see

b) they suck blood c) they come in suitcases d) they are resistant to disease

70. All of the following people in the article are experts in bug control except:

a) Cooper b) Pollack c) Rubenstein d) Mannes

Text 2

Ancient legends give an early warning of modern disasters

On the banks of Siletz Bay in Lincoln City, Oregon, officials dedicated a memorial last week to one of America’s worst calamities: a huge earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of Native Americans 300 years ago. But the memorial’s main job is not to commemorate the disaster, which has only just come to light, but to warn local people that similar devastation could strike at any time.

The area sits over massive fault lines whose dangers have been highlighted by a new scientific discipline that combines Earth science studies and analysis of ancient legends.

This is geomythology, and it is transforming our knowledge of earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, says the journal Science. According to the its proponents, violent geological

This is geomythology, and it is transforming our knowledge of earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, says the journal Science. According to the its proponents, violent geological