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8.4. Prognostic schemes

Several scoring systems have been devised on the basis of various prognostic factors. These systems present an algorithm to divide the patients into low- and high-risk groups for management purposes. None of the schemes is adequate in predicting outcome (and this may be the reason there are so many), but all stress the importance of age and extrathyroidal extension as prognostic factors including the latest TNM staging (see Table 8.1) system of AJCC 2002 [8.87]. Because the majority of thyroid cancers are indolent in clinical behaviour, these schemes are dissimilar from those predicting outcome in other human cancers. None of the current systems specifically includes histological tumour subtype, which may influence prognosis (i.e., tall cell variant papillary carcinoma).

First multivariate analysis in thyroid cancer was done by David P Byar, et al. (E.O.R.T.C Group) [8.88]. Factors studied in 500 patients were age at diagnosis, sex, histopathology, extent of primary tumour, lymph node status and systemic metastases. The contribution of the study was the development of a summary prognostic index, which could be used to predict survival of individual patients. The multivariate survival model (Weibull Model) showed that the important prognostic factors were: age at diagnosis, sex, principle cell type, T category (size of tumour) and systemic metastases. It had the disadvantages of a retrospective analysis and used complicated survival analyses methods. However, it was a good start in the right direction.

Cady, et al. [8.89] from Lahey clinic reviewed six hundred patients with primary differentiated thyroid carcinoma and follow-up of 15-45 years (from 1931-1960). They found that recurrence rate and death rate were significantly different in defined high-risk and low-risk groups of patients. These basic low-risk groups were defined by age and sex alone; low low-risk consisted of men 40 years of age and younger and women 50 years of age and younger whereas the high-risk group were older patients. Recurrence and death rates in patients at high risk were 33% and 27% while respective figures for patients at low risk were 11% and 4%.

Basic risk group definition outweighed the effect of pathologic type, local disease extension, type of treatment, and site of recurrence or metastasis. For instance, radioactive iodine cured 70% of patients at low risk with metastatic disease but only 10% of patients at high risk. They further found that less aggressive biologic behaviour of thyroid cancer before the age of menopause implies that an oestrogen-rich milieu may alter the effects of initiating and promoting factors in carcinogenesis and therapeutic trials of oestrogen were suggested in progressive metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer.

Cady, et al. [8.28] offered another multifactorial system for the identification of low-risk patients who made up 89.4% of all patients seen between 1961 and 1980 and who had a death rate of only 1.8%. The resultant high-risk group constituted 11% of cases but carried a 46%

mortality rate. The risk-group definition was completely clinical and was based on age, presence of distant metastases, and the size and extent of primary cancer. They defined Low Risk Group as a) all younger patients without distant metastases, b) all older patients with either intra thyroidal papillary cancer or minor tumour capsular involvement follicular carcinoma or primary cancers less than 5 cm in diameter and no distant metastases; and High Risk Group as a) all patients with distant metastases b) all older patients with extrathyroidal papillary cancer or major tumour capsular involvement follicular carcinoma, and c)primary cancers 5 cm in diameter or larger regardless of extent of disease. They concluded that it

could be used confidently at the operating table to select conservative surgical procedures in patients with negligible risk of death.

From a multivariate analysis of more than 14 200 patient-years experience with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), Hay, et al. [8.90] from Mayo clinic devised a prognostic scoring system based on patient age, tumour grade, extent, and size (AGES). This scoring system could identify patients at increased risk of mortality and was employed as an adjustment variable for analyzing the role of different types of surgical treatment in 860 PTC patients.

They divided the patients into four risk groups according to AGES score: The minimal risk group (1) had an AGES score of 3.99 or less. The high-risk groups (2, 3, & 4) had score of

>4. Cancer mortality at 25 years in patients with an AGES score of 3.99 or less was 1% after ipsilateral lobectomy (n = 131) and 2% after bilateral resection (n = 603), whether subtotal or total (p = 0.15). Of patients with an AGES score of 4 or more, those who underwent lobectomy alone (n = 30) had a mortality rate from PTC at 25 years of 65%, while those undergoing bilateral resection (n = 86) had a lower rate of 35% (p = 0.06). For patients at minimal risk (score of 3.99 or less) of death, no improvement in survival was demonstrable when patients underwent more than ipsilateral lobectomy. However, in a subgroup (score of 4 or more) identified to be at significant risk of death, the survival after bilateral resection was much higher than after ipsilateral lobectomy alone. They found that in neither the "minimal"

nor the "higher" risk subgroup was survival significantly improved by the performance of total thyroidectomy.

The same group [8.29] further reviewed 1779 patients with PTC (followed up for >26 000 patient-years), divided by treatment dates into 1940 to 1964 (n = 764) and 1965 to 1989 (n = 1015). The final model proposed by them included five variables, metastasis, age, completeness of resection, invasion, and size (MACIS). The final prognostic score was defined as MACIS = 3.1 (if aged < or = 39 years) or 0.08 × age (if aged > or = 40 years), +0.3 × tumour size (in centimetres), +1 (if incompletely resected), +1 (if locally invasive), +3 (if distant metastases present). Twenty-year cause-specific survival rates for patients with MACIS less than 6, 6 to 6.99, 7 to 7.99, and 8+ were 99%, 89%, 56%, and 24%, respectively (p <0.0001).

DeGroot and associates [8.91] from University of Chicago have described a staging system based on extent of disease and site of metastases evaluated by clinical findings with no consideration to age or tumour features (PTC and FTC). In this system the patients with only intrathyroidal disease were staged as class I, those with cervical lymph node metastases as class II, patients with invasive disease outside thyroid gland or presence of fixed structure in the neck which could not be easily resected as class III and those with distant metastases as class IV.

Mazzaferri, et al. [8.92] from Ohio University have described a scoring system which is independent of age but dependent on the extent of disease, tumour size and presence of lymph node metastases, presence of multiple tumour and distant metastases (PTC and FTC). These authors have shown that age has a biphasic influence with higher recurrence rate at extreme ages, and therefore, excluded age from staging the disease. Stage I includes all patients with tumours <1.5 cm without local invasion and only intrathyroidal disease, while Stage II has patients with tumour size ranging from 1.5-4.4 cm, multiple tumours with no local invasion or metastases. Stage III constitutes patients with tumours greater than 4.5 cm, any nodal disease, any multiple tumours with invasive disease but no distant metastases, while patients with distant metastases with any other tumour features are included in Stage IV. In both De Groot

and Ohio classifications, Stages I and II are low risk while Stages III and IV are high risk groups.

A Canadian survey of thyroid cancer described 1074 patients with papillary thyroid cancer and 504 with follicular thyroid cancer followed for 4 to 24 years [8.17]. The study groups included more patients with ‘advanced’ disease and fewer with ‘early’ disease than in the general population. Although this report was subject to all the problems of retrospective studies, a careful assessment of the pre-treatment extent of disease combined with a long follow-up period had allowed an analysis of prognostic factors with considerable confidence.

Univariate analysis of 12 possible prognostic factors (excluding treatment) demonstrated that 9 of them were of statistical significance: a) postoperative status, b) age at diagnosis, c) extrathyroidal invasion, d) distant metastases, e) nodal involvement, f) differentiation, g) sex, h) tumour size, and i) pathologic type (in descending order of importance). Multivariate analysis was carried out using cause-specific survival rates. Independently important prognostic factors at initial treatment were age at diagnosis, extrathyroidal invasion, and degree of differentiation histologically for papillary cancers, and extrathyroidal invasion, distant metastases, primary tumour size, nodal involvement, age at diagnosis, and postoperative status for follicular cancers. The prognostic factors for tumour recurrence were also quite different for the papillary and follicular cancers and ranked differently for the two groups.

A retrospective review of a consecutive series of 931 previously untreated patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma treated over a 50-year period was undertaken by Shah, et al.

from Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer centre to analyse prognostic factors [8.12]. Data pertaining to demographic status, clinical, operative, and pathologic findings, and survival were analysed. Univariate statistical analysis was performed based on the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test. Multivariate analysis was performed to assess the independent effect of these variables using the Cox model. Favourable prognostic factors using univariate analysis included female gender, multifocal primary tumours, and regional lymph node metastases. Adverse prognostic factors included age over 45 years, follicular histology, extrathyroidal extension, tumour size exceeding 4 cm, and the presence of distant metastases.

On multivariate analysis, the only factors that affected the prognosis were patient age, histology, tumour size, extrathyroidal extension, and distant metastases. Their observations supported findings of reports from the Mayo Clinic and Lahey Clinic regarding the significance of prognostic factors for differentiated carcinoma of the thyroid gland.

Shaha, et al. [8.27], also from the Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer centre, retrospectively reviewed 228 patients with follicular carcinoma of the thyroid. Various prognostic factors such as age, tumour stage, metastasis, histological type and grading and risk groups were analysed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed, and the survival curves were plotted by the Kaplan-Meier method. They divided patients into low, intermediate and high risk group. The 10-year survival for low, intermediate, and high risk groups was 98%, 88%, and 56%, respectively, and the 20-year survival for the same groups was 97%, 87%, and 49%, respectively. Adverse prognostic factors included age older than 45 years (p <0.001), Hurthle cell variety (p = 0.05), extrathyroidal extension, tumour size exceeding 4 cm, and the presence or absence of distant metastasis (p <0.001). Gender, focality, and presence of lymph node metastasis had no significant impact on prognosis.

Rao, et al. [8.93] undertook a retrospective study of follicular thyroid cancer operated at the Tata Memorial Hospital during the period 1970-1985, to define the prognostic factor. The variables age, sex, size, extrathyroidal spread, distant metastases, and lymph node metastases

were evaluated. They stratified the patients into low-risk and high-risk groups. The low-risk group included: age below 40 years, tumour size less than 5 cm. and no extrathyroidal extension or metastases. This low risk group had 100% survival at 15 years, compared with 40% survival for the high-risk group (P <0.001).


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