• Aucun résultat trouvé


Dans le document Property of IBM (Page 46-50)



Prepare additional general system parameters display (display 4). $CNFIG


Prepare WSDM DTF to output display 4.

Display configuration defaults consisting of: #DWDM

Password security feature?


Security officer 10.


Security officer password.


Security file size (1 to 14 blocks).

a. If PSF



1. Put zero in configuration record as file size.

2. Delete security file if one exists.

b. If JOBQ


No, set zero in configuration record as job queue size.

Job queue support?


Job queue size (20 to 120 jobs) .

Prepare WSDM DTF to retrieve operator replies. $CNFIG

Retrieve operator replies from screen. #DWDM

If display only request (CNDSP), go to



Validate operator replies:

If job queue yes, verify job queue size.

If password security yes:


Verify security file size.


A!locate security file if size on. #CAS1



Set officer lOin profile record. $CNFIG


Set officer password.


Write profile record to disk. Disk lOS

If errors detected, prepare operator error message and return t o l i O t o redisplay with error message. $CNFIG Modify configuration record based on operator replies:

Set job queue size.

Set security file size.


Prepare general print parameters display (display 5).


Prepare WSDM DTF to output display 5.

Display configuration defaults consisting of: #DWDM

Standard forms 10.

Lines per page (1 to 112L

Print belt image.

Print spooling? (Y,Nl.

Prepare WSDM DTF to retrieve operator responses. $CNFIG

Retrieve operator replies from screen. #DWDM

If display only request (CNDSP), go toO. $CNFIG

Validate operator replies:

Lines per page - 1 to 112.

Print belt image - A, B, C, 0, or E.

Spool - Y or N.

If errors detected, prepare operator error message and return to


redisplay with error message.

Diagram 1.5 (Part 3 of 5). Perform System Configuration Processing ($CNFIG)

Method of Operation 1-17

Licensed Material-Property of IBM



Modify configuration record based'on operator replies: $CNFIG

Set lines/page value in hexadecimal.

Set print belt image in configuration record:


Use system find to locate source library get (UMASYL).


Use main storage relocating loader (SVC 52) to load UMASYL.


Retrieve requested print belt member. UMASYL


Convert to hexadecimal if necessary. $CNFIG


Move image into configuration record.

Check spool yes or no:


If yes, set on spool indicator.


If no, clear spool parameters in configuration record and go to



If spool not specified (CNSPFLAG) go tom.

Prepar~ spool parameters display (display 6) .

• Prepare WSDM DTF to output display 6.

Display configuration defaults consisting of: UDWDM

Resident spool writer (Y,N).

Prepare WSDM DTF to retrive operator replies. $CNFIG

Retrieve operator replies from screen. UDWDM

If display only request (CNDSP), go to



Validate operator replies:

Resident spool writer - Y or N.

Spool writer priority - Y or N.

Autowriter - Y or N.

Spool intercept buffer size - 1 to 81/2 K'segments.

Spool file size - 12 to 192 blocks.

Spool writer buffer size - 1 to 4 1/2 K segments.

If errors detected, prepare operator error message and return t o O e t o redisplay with error message.

Modify configuration record based on operator replies:

Set spool writer priority - yes or no.

Set autowriter - yes or no.

S~t spool intercept buffer size:


Convert segments to sectors (2 sectors per 1/2 K segment).


Put size in configuration record.

Set spool file size:


Convert blocks to hexadecimal.


Put size in configuration record.

Set writer buffer size: Convert segments to sectors (2 sectors per 1/2 K segment).


Prepare performance display (display 7).


Prepare WSDM DTF to output display 7.

Display configuration defaults consisting of: UDWDM

Display data management mode; A - transient, B - resident.

Display station buffer size (6 to 16 1/2 K).

System assign/free size (6 to 64 1/2 K). I


Diagram 1.5 (Part 4 of 5). Perform System Configuration Processing ($CNFIG) 1-18

Licensed Material-Property of IBM


Prepare WSDM DTF to retrieve operator replies.

Retrieve operator replies from screen.

If display only request (CNDSP)



Validate operator replies:

• Display data management mode.

• Display station buffer size - to 16 1/2 K segments.

• System assign/free size - 6 to 64 1/2 K segments.

If errors detected, prepare operator error message and return toDOrediSPlay with error message.

Modify configuration record based on operator replies:

• Display data management mode.

• Work station buffer size:

- Convert to 1/4 K blocks.

- Convert to hexadecimal.

- Set size in configuration record.

• System assign/free size:

- Convert value to 1/4 K blocks.

- Convert value to hexadecimal.

- Set converted 1/4 K blocks value in configuration record.


Prepare program additions display - display 8.


Prepare WSDM DTF to output display 8.

Display configuration defaults consisting of:

• MRJE support? (Y,N).

• BSC support? (Y,N),

• OLE support (Y,N).

Prepare WSDM DTF to retrieve operator replies.

Retrieve operator replies from screen.

If display only request (CNDSP), go t o o e . Validate operator replies (all replies must be Y or N).

If errors detected, prepare operator error message and return t o l l O t o redisplay with error message.

Modify configuration record based on operator replies (set flags for Y or N).

Move program addition flags to UPSI switch buffer (UPSI switches will be tested to direct the CNFIGSSP procedure) .

e If display only (CNDSP), zero UPSI switch buffer.

Use information retrieval transient to set UPSI switches in job control block (JCB).


If display only request (CNDSP), go toDDO.

Set on configuration complete flag (CONMCFGS).

Write modified configuration records to disk.



Pass control to end of job transient ($EOJ).

Diagram 1.5 (Part 5 of 5). Perform System Configuration Processing ($CNFIG)

Licensed Material-Property of IBM


Method of Operation 1-19

From: Main Storage IPL Phase 3 .. previously aborted


Get user file specifications and #MSBLD options requested have appropriate latest date indicator


Collect unused disk space




Read Format 5. If disk reorganization ($FREE) was interrupted, complete it. #MSBLD

If the file is sequential or indexed, ensure that the record number reflects the number of records in the file.

If the file is indexed and the number of records was altered, reconstruct the index from the data records.

Clear the format 1 if the user requests that the file in error be deleted and if any of the following error conditions exist:

latest date indicator is invalid.

disk reorganization utility ($FREE) could not successfully move this file.

record length exceeds 4096 bytes.

retention is other than temporary or permanent.

type is other than sequential, direct, or indexed.

Diagram 1.6 (Part 1 of 2). Rebuild VTOC Format 1'5 1·20

Licensed Material-Property of IBM


Dans le document Property of IBM (Page 46-50)