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Keyword Formats

Dans le document Help Utility (Page 22-25)

There are three formats your keywords can take: simple, composite, and

metatoken. These formats cover the different kinds of keywords you might want to use. The rules for these formats apply both to keywords embedded in help text and keywords entered in the KEYWORD command.

Simple Keywords

A keyword that consists of a single word is called a simple keyword. The characters of a simple keyword can consist of letters, digits, and hyphens (-) arranged in any order. The utility does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in simple keywords.

The following are examples of KEYWORD commands with simple keywords:


. Because the case of the letters in simple keywords is unimportant, the first two commands in this example designate the same keyword.

When you enter a simple keyword in the KEYWORD command, or when you enter it as an embedded keyword in help text, you can type it in exactly as it is. If two simple keywords appear next to each other in a KEYWORD command, then at least one blank space must separate them. (For more information on the KEYWORD command, refer to Section 2, "Commands.")

Composite Keywords

A keyword that consists of more than one word or that has characters in it in addition to letters, digits, and hyphens is called a composite keyword. The special characters you can use in the composite keywords are the following:

# @ % &

To indicate to the llelp Utility that a keyword is composite, you must set off the keyword with delimiters. A delimiter is a character that comes at the beginning and at the end of an item in order to indicate the boundaries of that item. The delimiter of composite keywords is the asterisk (*).

The following are examples of KEYWORD commands with composite keywords:

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.KEYWORD *ODT commands*

.KEYWORD *The case when b1 :~ b2*

.KEYWORD *Error message #11: (undefined variable)*

Case In Composite Keywords

With a composite keyword, the utility treats the uppercase and lowercase forms of a letter as the same letter, just as it does with simple keywords. For example, in the following commands the utility does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters:

.KEYWORD *function designators*

.KEYWORD *Function Designators*

Therefore, these two commands define exactly the same keyword.

Blanks In Composite Keywords

In a composite keyword, all blanks are removed between the leading asterisk delimiter .and the keyword, and between the ~eyword and the trailing asterisk delimiter. If two or more blanks appear together within the keyword, the blanks are reduced to a single blank. For example, after processing, the keywords in the following two commands are treated as the same keyword:

.KEYWORD * Arithmetic Expressions * .KEYWORD * Arithmetic Expressions*

Embedded Composite Keywords

A composite keyword entered as an embedded keyword in help text cannot be split over two or more lines.

Avoiding Asterisks within Composite Keywords

Because the asterisk is used as the delimiter of the composite keyword, the asterisk is one special character you cannot use in your composite keyword. For example, the following KEYWORD command is not allowed:

.KEYWORD *The * Function*

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Metatoken Keywords

A metatoken is a variable that appears within angle brackets

« »

in certain kinds of language. What if you want to use a metatoken as a keyword? In this case, the utility enables you to enter the metatoken exactly the way it appears.

Between the left angle bracket ( <) and right angle bracket (


you can have more than one word. As with composite keywords, the words of metatoken keywords can consist of letters, digits, hyphens, and special characters. With metatoken keywords, the utility treats the uppercase and lowercase forms of a letter as the same letter, just as it does with simple keywords and composite keywords.

The following are examples of KEYWORD commands with metatoken keywords:

.KEYWORD <digit>

. KEYWORD <i nteger type> . . KEYWORD <the % function> .

Embedded Metatoken Keywords

A metatoken keyword that is entered as an embedded keyword in help text cannot be split over two or more lines.

Blanks in Metatoken Keywords

In a metatoken keyword, all blanks are removed between the left angle bracket , and the first character, and between the last character and the right angle

·bracket. If two or more blanks appear together within the keyword, the blanks are reduced to a single blank. For example, after processing, the keywords in the following two commands are treated as the same keyword:

.KEYWORD < real array identifier>

.KEYWORD <real array identifier>

Keyword Length in Metatoken Keywords

If a metatoken keyword is more than 30 characters long, including the angle brackets, the keyword is shortened to 30 characters by the Help Utility. Before the keyword is shortened, any extra blanks are removed . If this new version of the keyword is still more than 30 characters long, the utility shortens it by removing all characters after the 30th character, except for the right angle bracket.

In the following example, the original statement is truncated to 30 characters:

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.KEYWORD <this keyword is more than 30 characters long>

.KEYWORD <this keyword is more than 30>

Avoiding Angle Brackets within Metatoken Keywords

The left and right angle brackets are part of the metatoken keyword, and they also serve to delimit the metatoken keyword. Because the left and right angle brackets serve to delimit metatoken keywords, they cannot be used as special characters in metatokens. For example, the following KEYWORD commands are not permitted:

.KEYWORD <the> function>

.KEYWORD <arithmetic < symbol>

Dans le document Help Utility (Page 22-25)

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