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High-frequency analysis

Dans le document of the Kerr–de Sitter family of black holes (Page 113-118)

8. Stable constraint propagation (SCP)

8.2. High-frequency analysis

We now analyzeP~ near fiber infinity ∂bTM. By Lemma 8.5, we only need to study the propagation of regularity within∂Σ=G−1(0)∩bSM along the flow of the rescaled Hamilton vector field

HG= ˆ%HG∈ Vb(bSM),

see (3.26); here ˆ%is a boundary defining function of fiber infinity bSM⊂bTM. Note thatHG is equal to the Hamilton vector field of the real part ofσb,~(P~).

Let`=σb,~(L1,~), so the eigenvalues of±ˆ%`are positive near∂Σ±. In order to prove the propagation of regularity (i.e. of estimates) in the future direction, as explained after the proof of Lemma8.5, we need to choose a positive definite inner product on π∗bTM (with π:∂Σ!M being the projection), so that ±12%(`+`ˆ ) is positive at (and hence near)∂Σ±in the sense of self-adjoint endomorphisms; see also [72, Proposition 3.12]. We phrase this in a more direct way in Lemma8.8below. For real-principal-type propagation

estimates, we only need to arrange this locally in∂Σ, but we can in fact arrange it globally, which will make the estimates at radial points and at the trapped set straightforward.

Lemma8.8. Fix the positive definite inner product

gR=dt2+dr2+/g (8.11)

on bTM, used to define adjoints below. Then, there exists a pseudodifferential operator Q∈Ψ0b,~(M;bTM)which is elliptic near ∂Σ,with microlocal inverse Q, so that

±%σˆ b,~



>0 (8.12)

holds near ∂Σ± for alle close to 1.

Proof. SinceCPg,~has a real scalar principal symbol, it does not contribute to (8.12);

thus, we need to arrange (8.12) for−iLe,~ in place ofPe,~. Moreover, if (8.12) holds for e=1 for some choice ofQ, then one can take the sameQforeclose to 1 by compactness considerations. Explicitly, then, we may diagonalize the symbol ofL1,~, given in (8.10), near∂Σ± by conjugating it by an endomorphism-valued order-zero symbolq; quantizing q gives an operator Q with the desired properties. Concretely, near ∂Σ, we may take

%=|cˆ 2σ+νξ|−1, and then


1 ∓ˆ%(νσ−µξ) ±ˆ%r−2iη

0 1 0

0 0 1


The proof is complete.

This immediately gives the propagation of regularity/estimates.

Proposition 8.9. Let B1, B2, S∈Ψ0b,~(M;bTM)be operators with wave front set disjoint from ∂Σ (resp.∂Σ+),as well as from the zero section o⊂bTM. Suppose that all backward (resp. forward)null-bicharacteristics of HG from WF0b,~(B2)∩bSM reach Ellb,~(B1)in finite time while remaining in Ellb,~(S),and with S elliptic onWF0b,~(B2).

Then for all s, %∈Rand N∈R, there exists ~0>0 such that one has kB2ukHs,%



b,~ +~NkukH−N,%

b,~ , 0<~<~0, (8.13) in the strong sense that if the norms on the right are finite, then so is the norm on the left, and the estimate holds. The same holds if one replaces P~ by its adjoint P


(with respect to any non-degenerate fiber inner product)and interchanges ‘backward’ and

‘forward’. See Figure 8.3.






Figure 8.3. Propagation of regularity in the future direction within∂Σ+: we can propagate microlocal control from Ellb,~(B1) to Ellb,~(B2). In∂Σ, the arrows are reversed, correspond-ing to propagation in the backwards direction along HG(which is still the future direction in∂Σ).

This propagates Hb,s,%

~-control ofuin the forward (resp. backwards) direction along theHG-flow in∂Σ+(resp.∂Σ).

Proof. First of all, with Qas in Lemma 8.8, we can write QP~u=QP~Q(Qu)+Ru

with WF0b,~(R)∩WF0b,~(S)=∅; from this, one easily sees that it suffices to prove the proposition for

P~0:=QP~Q (8.14)

in place ofP~. This then follows from a standard positive commutator argument, con-sidering that

i~−1(hAu, AP~0ui−hAP~0u, Aui) =hi~−1[P~0, A2]u, ui−h(i~)−1(P~0−(P~0))A2u, ui (8.15) for a suitable principally scalar commutant A=A∈τ−2rΨs−1/2b,~ (M;bTM) with wave front set contained in a small neighborhood of∂Σ±, quantizing a non-negative symbola whoseHG-derivative has a sign on Ellb,~(B2), with an error term with the opposite sign on Ellb,~(B1). For example, in the case of ∂Σ+, the term coming from the commutator can be written σb,~(i~−1[P~0, A2])=HGa2=−b22+b21, while by the previous lemma, the skew-adjoint part gives a contribution (in fact of order~−1, rather than 1, due to the strict positivity in (8.12)) with the same sign as the term −b22; thus, this contribution can be dropped from the estimate.

More concretely, quantizingb1andb2, one can evaluate the right-hand side of (8.15);

the a-priori control termkB1ukHs,%

b,~ (resp. conclusion termkB2ukHs,%

b,~) in the estimate (8.13) arises from the quantization ofb21 (resp.b22). The left-hand of (8.15) is estimated bykAuk2+~−2kAP0

~uk, and the first term can be absorbed into thekB2ukHs,%

b,~ if one chooses a carefully. We refer the reader to [80, §2] and [140, §2.5] for a more detailed discussion and further references.






Figure 8.4. Propagation of singularities near a component∂R+±of the radial set within∂Σ+: we can propagate microlocal control from Ellb,~(B1) to Ellb,~(B2), in particular into the boundary, along the forward direction of theHG-flow. In ∂Σ, we can propagate into the boundary as well by propagating backwards along theHG-flow.

Remark 8.10. Using the strict positivity of the contribution of the skew-adjoint part in (8.15), the estimate (8.13) can be improved, to wit




b,~ +~NkukH−N,%


, 0<~<~0. (8.16) Indeed, the right-hand side of (8.15) controls ~−1kAuk2 (rather than merely kB2uk2), due to the presence of the second term, provided one has a-priori control ofkB1uk2; the left-hand side on the other hand can be estimated byε~−1kAuk2+Cε~−1kAP~0uk2, the first term of which can be absorbed, giving (8.16). The same improvement can be made in the statements of Propositions8.11and8.12below.

Likewise, we have microlocal estimates for the propagation near the radial set∂R.

Proposition 8.11. Suppose the wave front sets of B1, B2, S∈Ψ0b,~(M;bTM) are contained in a small neighborhood of ∂Σ+ (resp. ∂Σ), with B2 elliptic at ∂R+±, resp.

∂R± (see §3.4), and so that all backward (resp. forward) null-bicharacteristics from WF0b,~(B2)∩bSM either tend to ∂R+± (resp. ∂R±), or enter Ellb,~(B1) in finite time, while remaining in Ellb,~(S);assume further that S is elliptic on WF0b,~(B2). Then,for all s, %∈Rand N∈R,there exists ~0>0such that the estimate(8.13)holds for0<~<~0. See Figure 8.4.

The same estimate holds if one replacesP~by its adjoint and interchanges ‘backward’

and ‘forward’.

Proof. This follows again from a positive commutator argument; see [75, Propo-sition 2.1]. We may replace P~ by P0

~ defined in (8.14). Using the non-negativity of (i~)−1(P0


~)) near∂Σ+, we get an estimate under a threshold condition on the reg-ularity s relative to the weight % of the form s−β%−12>0, with β=β±; but the strict positivity of (i~)−1(P0


~)) gives an extra contribution of size~−1, so the main term










Figure 8.5. Propagation of singularities near the trapped set∂Γ+: we can propagate microlo-cal control from Ellb,~(B1) to Ellb,~(B2), and hence from the forward trapped set∂Γ+fwinto the trapped set∂Γ+(and from there into the backward trapped set∂Γ+bw), along the forward direction of the HG-flow. For the corresponding propagation result in∂Γ, the subscripts

‘bw’ and ‘fw’ are interchanged.

in the positive commutator argument is (up to an overall sign) >s−β%−12+δ~−1 for some (small)δ >0, which is>12δfor small~. This explains why the radial point estimate doesnot require any above-threshold assumptions which appear in the estimate given in the reference.

Finally, at the trapping, we have the following result.

Proposition 8.12. There exist operators B1, B2, S∈Ψ0b,~(M;bTM),with B2 and Selliptic near∂Γ+(resp.∂Γ)and WF0b,~(B1)∩∂Γ+bw=∅(resp. WF0b,~(B1)∩∂Γfw=∅), where Γ+bwbTXM is the backward trapped set (with respect to the HG flow)in Σ+ and ΓfwbTXM is the forward trapped set in Σ, so that, for all s, %∈R and N∈R, there exists ~0>0 such that the estimate (8.13)holds for 0<~<~0. See Figure 8.5.

The same estimate holds if one replaces P~ by its adjoint, now with WF0b,~(B1)∩

∂Γ+fw=∅(resp. WF0b,~(B1)∩∂Γbw=∅), where Γ+fwbTM is the forward trapped set in Σ+ and ΓbwbTM the backward trapped set in Σ.

Proof. This follows from a straightforward adaption of the proof of the last part of [74, Theorem 3.2]; again, the strict positivity of (i~)−1(P~0−(P~0)), and the fact that it has size ~−1 rather than O(1) (which is the size of the main term of the commutator argument, where the main term of the commutant isτ−2r, whose HG-derivative has a sign near Γ±), shifts the threshold weight (r=0 in the reference) toCfor any fixedC >0, provided~>0 is sufficiently small. This is the reason for the trapping estimate holding forall weighted spaces, unlike in the reference.

Combining these propagation results with elliptic regularity inbSM\∂Σ and using the global structure of the null-geodesic flow (see [140,§6] or [77,§2]), we can thus control umicrolocally near fiber infinity bSUM over any open set UbΩ, provided we have a-priori control ofuat∂Σ near the Cauchy surface Σ0and the two spacelike hypersurfaces [0,1]τ×∂Y. (That is,U is disjoint from Σ0and [0,1]τ×∂Y.)

Dans le document of the Kerr–de Sitter family of black holes (Page 113-118)