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8.5 Application to nonarchimedean semidefinite programming

8.5.2 Experimental results

To finish, we present some numerical results for solving the class of tropical Metzler semidefinite problems defined by matrices that satisfy Assumption H. We chose all the|Q(k)ij |, for ij, to be independent random variables uniformly distributed on [0,1]. We created a simple floating point implementation of the procedure ValueIteration(F) given in Fig. 8.4, replacing the termination criterionb(ν)>0 ort(ν)<0 byb(ν)> εand t(ν)<−ε, where the precision was chosen as ε:= 108 (the performance was similar forε= 106 orε= 1010). Even though we have not used the rounding techniques established in Section 8.2.1, our algorithm performs well on random instances. Furthermore, the validity of the floating point certificate of (in)feasibility provided by our program can be checked a posteriori by computing one evaluation of the operator F is exact arithmetic. We report in Table 8.1 experimental results for different values of(n, m).

Our experiments were obtained using a C program, distributed as [AGS16a]. This program was compiled under Linux with gcc -O3, and executed on a single core of an Intel(R) i7-4600U CPU at 2.10 GHz with 16 GB RAM. We report the average execution time over 10 samples for every value of(n, m). The number of iterations did not exceed 731 on this benchmark, and, for most (n, m), it was limited to a few units. Furthermore, we observed that random instances exhibit experimentally a phase transition, as shown in Fig. 8.12: for a given(n, m), the system

174 Chapter 8. Condition number of stochastic mean payoff games (n, m) (50,10) (50,40) (50,50) (50,100) (50,1000)

time 0.000065 0.000049 0.000077 0.000279 0.026802 (n, m) (100,10) (100,15) (100,80) (100,100) (100,1000)

time 0.000025 0.000270 0.000366 0.000656 0.053944 (n, m) (1000,10) (1000,50) (1000,100) (1000,200) (1000,500)

time 0.000233 0.073544 0.015305 0.027762 0.148714 (n, m) (2000,10) (2000,70) (2000,100) (10000,150) (10000,400)

time 0.000487 1.852221 0.087536 19.919844 2.309174

Table 8.1: Execution time (in sec.) of ProcedureValueIteration on random instances.

is either feasible with overwhelming probability, or infeasible with overwhelming probability, unless (n, m) lies in a tiny region of the parameter space. Value iteration quickly decides feasibility, except in regions close to the phase transition. This explains why the execution time does not increase monotonically with (n, m) in our experiments (we included both easy and hard values of (n, m)).

Example 8.76. When applied to applied to the matrices given in Example 7.22, our program terminates in 20 iterations. It returns a vector having floating point entries

(1.05612. . . ,0.0204082. . . ,1.12755. . .). When converted into a vector with rational entries, it reads



1107425×220,42799×221,4729289×222 )


We have checked using exact precision arithmetic over rationals (provided by the GNU multi-ple precision arithmetic library, https://gmplib.org/) that this vector lies in the interior of the tropical spectrahedron shown in Fig. 7.2, i.e., xk < (F(x))k for k ∈ {1,2,3}. Following Lemma 4.50, the vector x:= (tv1, tv2, tv3) is such that Q(x) is positive definite.



To finish this dissertation, let us discuss some open problems and possible directions for future research.

Tropicalization of convex semialgebraic sets The first open problem arising from of this thesis is to give a complete characterization of all tropical spectrahedra. In this work, we introduced the class of tropical Metzler spectrahedra, and used it to characterize all generic tropical spectrahedra (Chapter 4). However, we do not know if every tropical spectrahedron (even nongeneric one) can be represented as a set of the form studied in Section 4.2. A complete characterization is known for the subclass of tropical polyhedra. However, it relies on the tropical Minkowski–Weyl theorem [GK07, BSS07] and it does not carry over to spectrahedra.

Furthermore, we note that our variant of the tropical Helton–Nie conjecture (Chapter 5) is based on the simplest possible tropicalization—looking at the image of Puiseux series by their ordinary valuations. It is possible that more sophisticated tropicalizations, capturing also the sign, or higher order approximations of Puiseux series (spaces of jets) may be exploited in order to obtain a better understanding of projected spectrahedra or to construct counterexamples to the Helton–Nie conjecture.

A natural extension of this thesis would be to study the tropicalization of hyperbolicity cones. As indicated in Section 1.1, hyperbolicity cones generalize the spectrahedral cones (in the sense that every full-dimensional spectrahedral cone is a hyperbolicity cone [Ren06]). The generalized Lax conjecture asks if the converse is true, i.e., if every hyperbolicity cone is a spectrahedron. Helton and Vinnikov [HV07] proved that this conjecture is true in dimension

176 Chapter 9. Perspectives n = 3 (see also [LPR05, PV13]). Furthermore, the conjecture is true for some special classes of hyperbolic cones [AB18, Kum17]. On the other hand, some stronger versions of this conjec-ture are known to be false. A counterexample to one such generalization was constructed by Brändén [Brä11], and more counterexamples were given in [BVY14, AB18]. One could try to tropicalize the hyperbolicity cones over Puiseux series in order to get more insight into their structure. An important ingredient would be to study the Netwon polytopes of hyperbolic polynomials. Some properties of these polytopes have already been used in the aforementioned works (see, e.g., [Brä11]), but this study was limited to the case of stable hyperbolic polynomi-als. This approach to hyperbolicity cones could also shed some light on the structure of tropical spectrahedra. A drawback of the techniques that we used to study the tropicalization of spec-trahedra is that they do not give much insight into the algebraic structure of the boundaries of spectrahedra. This boundary occurs more naturally when one considers a hyperbolicity cone and its defining polynomial.

A more abstract question can be asked about the tropicalizations of arbitrary convex semial-gebraic sets. More precisely, we do not know if there is an analogue of the tropical basis theorem for convex semialgebraic sets. The tropical basis theorem (see, e.g., [MS15, Section 3.2]) states that if S (K)n is an algebraic variety (over the field of Puiseux series with complex coef-ficients) defined by some ideal I, then there exists a finite collection of polynomials belonging to I such that val(S) is the intersection of the tropical hypersurfaces associated with these polynomials. A natural extension to semialgebraic sets would be to replace the ideal with the cone of polynomials that are nonnegative on a given set. We do not know if one can choose a finite collection of these polynomials and describe the tropicalization of a semialgebraic set us-ing only this collection (even if we assume that the semialgebraic set under question is convex).

If one restricts attention to convex sets, and is allowed to choose infinite collections, then the answer is positive by the hyperplane separation theorem. More precisely, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 9.1. Suppose that S Kn>0 is a convex semialgebraic set. Let P denote the set of all affine polynomials P K[X1, . . . , Xn] that are nonnegative onS. Then

val(S) =


{x∈Rn: trop(P)+(x)⩾trop(P)(x)}.

However, it is obvious that the collection on the right-hand side has to be infinite in gen-eral (otherwise, it would describe a tropical polyhedron). Therefore, in order to find a finite collection, one has to add polynomials of higher degrees toP.

Realizability of oriented matroids by tropical matrices Another idea would be to study the combinatorial types of polyhedra using tropical geometry. It has been shown in [ABGJ15] that, under a genericity assumption, the combinatorial type of a nonarchimedean polyhedron can be deduced from the valuation of its defining matrix. It is not known which types of polyhedra arise in this way. If this class of polyhedra is much smaller that the class of all polyhedra, then one may hope to improve the algorithms for solving deterministic mean payoff games using the correspondence with linear programming over the Puiseux series [ABGJ15, ABGJ14]. On the other hand, if this class of polyhedra is not easier to handle than the general case, then one may obtain a tighter connection between Smale’s ninth problem [Sma98] and mean payoff games than the one presented in [ABGJ14]. A particular question that can be asked about such polyhedra is whether they satisfy the polynomial Hirsch conjecture (see [San12] for more

Chapter 9. Perspectives 177 information about this conjecture). As a first step towards the study of these polyhedra, one can study the realizable uniform oriented matroids that arise from generic signed tropical matrices.

Currently, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 9.2. All uniform oriented matroids of rank3with at most7elements are realizable by generic signed tropical matrices.

We note that there are only 11 oriented matroids of rank 3 with 7 elements. We have proven this proposition by enumerating them by hand—a more systematic approach is needed to handle the larger cases (there are135uniform matroids of rank3 with8 elements).

Homotopy methods for feasibility problems In Chapter 7, we have shown that generic non-archimedean semidefinite feasibility problems are solvable using combinatorial algorithms for stochastic mean payoff games. Moreover, as discussed in Section 8.1, a spectrahedron over Puiseux series is in fact a one-parameter family of real spectrahedra, and the nonarchimedean problem corresponds to the study of the limiting behavior of this family. Since we understand the limiting behavior of this problem, it is natural to ask what happens along the way (as the formal parameter increases), i.e, how the semidefinite feasibility problem degenerates into a combinatorial problem. This could lead to a “homotopy-like” method for solving some class of real feasibility problems (such a method would first solve a combinatorial problem and then try to decrease the value of the parameter). This problem may be interesting even in the case of lin-ear programming, giving more insight into the combinatorial structure of polyhedra mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Value iteration In Chapter 8, we studied value iteration and its condition number. There are a few directions in which this results can be extended. First, as already noted in Section 8.2, our analysis presented in that section applies to Shapley operators of other classes of games, such as the entropy games of [ACD+16, AGGCG17]. One may study the complexity bounds that can be obtained for this class of games using our approach. Second, as discussed in Remark 8.70, Boros et al. [BEGM15] gave an algorithm that can solve general stochastic mean payoff games in pseudopolynomial time when the number of randomized actions is fixes. However, this algorithm is quite complicated. One can ask if there is a simpler algorithm that obtains the same complexity bounds—for instance, if one can modify value iteration in a way that gives such a general algorithm. (A naive extension of value iteration does not have the desired properties by the counterexample presented in [BEGM13].) Third, the value iteration algorithm that we presented here converges to the value of the game at rate1/N. By analogy with the accelerated gradient descent, one can ask if there exists an accelerated value iteration that converges at rate 1/N2. Such acceleration would only slightly improve the asymptotic complexity bounds, but it may be interesting to study because we do not have information-theoretic lower bounds for the rate of convergence of such an algorithm. Finally, in Section 8.5.2 we have seen that value iteration is fast on random instances. Nevertheless, the behavior of such instances is not well understood from the theoretical perspective. For instance, it is an open question to formally prove that random instances of stochastic mean payoff games are well conditioned.

Furthermore, it is clear from Fig. 8.12 that the random instances studied in Section 8.5.2 exhibit a phase transition. It would be interesting to prove this statement formally and explain the shape of the boundary between the two regions visible in Fig. 8.12.

178 Chapter 9. Perspectives Games with nonarchimedean payoffs and/or probabilities One could also try to study the stochastic mean payoff games using nonarchimedean perspective. More precisely, one can re-place the numerical data associated with such a game (i.e., the payoffs and/or probabilities) by Puiseux series. The idea of considering nonarchimedean payoffs is already present in the literature. Indeed, parity games can be interpreted as deterministic mean payoff games with nonarchimedean payoffs [Jur98]. However, parity games form a very special subclass of games with nonarchimedean payoffs. The payoffs in these games have the property that any two pay-offs with the same valuation are equal. As mentioned in Section 1.1, after the breakthrough of Calude et al. [CJK+17], we now have a few different algorithms that solve parity games in quasipolynomial time (see [CJK+17, JL17, Leh18, FJS+17]). It is natural to ask if the quasipolynomial-time result can be extended to a wider class of games with nonarchimedean payoffs. Furthermore, the algorithm of Calude et al. relies on the fact that, given a play of a parity game, the winner of this play can be decided by an algorithm that uses only polyloga-rithmic memory. It would also be interesting to obtain a negative result in this direction, i.e., to show that deciding a winner of a more general game cannot be done using so little memory.

The games with nonarchimedean probabilities have not yet been considered. The simplest idea in this direction is to consider the class of games without payoffs (reachability games) with nonarchimedean probabilities, and such that one is given only the valuations of the input probabilities. The aim would be to compute the valuation of the probability of winning this game. It can be proved that this is a meaningful model, i.e., that the valuation of the probability of winning is determined by the valuations of input probabilities (this uses an extension of the Freidlin–Wentzell formula discussed in Section 8.3 to the case of absorption probabilities).

Furthermore, a0-player variant of this game (a game obtained if the strategies of both players are fixed) is solvable in polynomial time. This case is already nontrivial—it turns out that solving the0-player case reduces to the Optimal Arborescence Problem[Edm67, Kar71] with an additional constraint on the existence of some directed path in the arborescence. Fortunately, the techniques used to solve the usual optimal arborescence problem extend to this case. It is an open question to obtain a complexity result for the 1-player case of these games.


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