• Aucun résultat trouvé

these are all government institutions.

Annex VIII .Page 65

For the secondary-level technical and vocational institutions, there were 29 of them in I966 run or aided by government and 29 others which were privately run. Non-formal education at this level is also offered by some Government Ministries such as Agriculture, Works, Transport, Communications and Health.

Although there is a rapid growth in the number of institutions for technical and vocational training, it is still very inadequate for the train ing of technicians, craftsmen and operatives very much needed for industrial expansion.

International co-operation in science and technology

This exists at two main levels: first, intergovernmental co-operation for the joint development of resources. Nigeria is participating in a number of international projects sponsored by the following: Chad Basin Commission, Niger Basin Commission, United Nations Scientific Agencies, OAU Scientific, Technical and Research Commission.

In all these projects, the involvement of the country is co-ordinated through the Federal Ministry of Economic Development.

At the second lavel, co-operation exists between Nigeria's scientific associations and their counterparts in other countries. The Nigerian Science Association is a member of the West African Science Association which is a federation of like associations in Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast, Biennial meetings are held, and a journal is published by the joint association. Also through the Nigeria Science Association, Nigeria is a member of the International Council of Scientific Unions, and sends parti cipants to some of the specialist groups such as the International Union of Biological Sciences, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and International Union of Radio Sciences, National Committees on the International Biological Programme and the International Hydrological Decade exists.

Association also exists on the international level within the various disciplines such as medicine, nutrition, agriculture, engineering and meteorology.

Nigeria also belongs to the Commonwealth Scientific Committee, and the Science Council of Africa.

Utilization of Science and technology in the private sector

Industrial development is growing rapidly both in number and diversity.

The latest Industrial Directory shows the following number and category of industrial establishments, employing more than ,100 workers:

Ocean and coastal fishing 1

Coal Mining .1

Annex VIII Page 66

Crude .Petroleum and Natural gas -j

: ■■■■•".' Metal Ore mining " - ' 1 Manufacture of food, and non-alcoholic

beverages1: ■<■ '.■•■■-•< .= ■ ■ . ; : : 35

;'=■ . ^Manufacture of alcoholic beverages -■' f ■ : 7:-■' ' ■■ ■■■"■■■-■

Textiles, Weating apparel and leather

Industries ■ ■ .; ■ ■.-■: ■'_■■■■ ■ ■'■■ ■ ■•■ '■ - ■, ■ : 3J. ..:';; _.;.

-. Manufacture of wood.and wood 'products ■; ■..-■■ .:.-..

including furniture ; . ■■ ;r.: . : - 23 ;■■:' t Manufacture ,of paper and paper products,. . _--v ■■.■ ■ ■: :.

printing and publishing. . ■ - ■■ ■" ,; MJ

•»■!, r Manufacture of chemicals.? Pharmaceuticals,^ : ■ : . r ;

toilet preparations.,-. 13

, -...:. Petroleum..refining , ■_.,-; , ;; ■ -.■:,:..-■ _-■ - - ■: .: ■. - -. -.A ■■'.

Manufacture of rubber .and plastic products .21 . ....

., ; .Jfex,ufaoture of China, earthervrare anc) glass . :■ ;- ,.. ; :

, :- ..products . . -. .., . , . . . ... . ;-. .. .. 3. - -.

.... Maimfacture of .cement . . .. , - : r. :...; 3

,w._: ^Manufacture of otlier ;non-mejballic mineral products 3 ■ Basic metal industries. ... . . -: . . 2 . ,. . ....Manufacture of-fabricated metal products, machinery . ... ....

and.equipment . ... ■■■■ . 31 - .

Electricity and power 1

Motor vehicle repairs ... - ,22 ,

..;.;..-.;..:" . .-■:. :.-.. e ' -.-.. /".•.■:...:' :\L ■ - :..:-... ■.."..: 222_. ■:..-..-■-.;:.:

*■•■ :■■ ■ Many more industrial establishments'employing" less than 100 workers exist... There are however, "only 9 of the" industrial firms above that em ploy over 2 000 workers. These are in the field of mining (metal ore) petroleum prospecting and refining, textile, timber and sugar industries.

The machinery and equipment required in the industries are imported and in some cases, the raw materials as well. Industrial research efforts are therefore directed towards greater use of local raw materials, and the manufacture of import substitution products.


Annex VIII Page jSJ ■

41>".Orientation generales du IIIe Plan 1969-1973 .;

Dans le domaine des Etudes et de la Recherche, la priorite dans I1orien tation de la recherche etait don&e©...:..::-.■".. v...\-..-■ :..-'-w.-::■....:".,..-:: ..•«.:L: "■

- aux obj ec.tif;s:':...de; £rgdu_c$io.n ..pax.. Lf accioassement-d.es~ subvert ti&ns accorde es aux instituts qui aident a definir les projets economiques realisables dans

;■ le seoteur rural\ •■'■-■*• '.. ■- ■ - ; ' '; ? '

- aux grands problemes qui conditionnent le dBveloppement du pajrs (diversi fication, intensification., protleme. de. lf eau...). ■ .

Les orientations generalos du 2eme Plan onf etd les suivantes s

'— rechercho dans le domaine do I1 economic rurale et principal em ent en vue de la diversification etde I1intensification des productions.

- integration des divers stades s recherches, pre-vulgarisation, vulgarisation

.-:- probleme del1 eau :':-•■ . : . : :

-- recherche.miriiere " . :"

- cooperation avec les autros Etats« ■'., ;-'~ ' •■■,■■.'-:

42.- Orientations et Politique, scientifigue du XIIe Plan, :. ...■■ .-...:

;42. 1 -■.Orientations ^en-erales du I lie Plan

-Dans l'interef du developpement econom'ique et social a moyen ot a long terme, lr effort global d!e recherche sera accru au cours du 3eme Plan.

Le 2eme Plan avait mis l'accent sur la necessite d!orienter la recherche soientifique yers les .besoins. du develpppement economique et social. C.ette tendance sora renforcee, car etant donne los ressources toujours limitees, il y aura lieu de choisir judiciouscment les domaines d!intervention privilegies de la recherche en dormant la preference a un programme selectif. Cette

politique selective do la recherche sera appliquee de maniere a la fpis inter-sectorielle et intra-inter-sectorielle :

"". -.. £lune P.a^f en veillant a un meilleur equilibre dans la repartition

secto-'■'rielle des depenses de recherche en vue d'accelerer le rythme des innova

tions techniques. Ce resultat ne sera atteint que dans la mesure ou le niveau de connaissance avancera de fagon homogene dans les differents domaines.

1/ Ce rapport a ete distribue separement comme document S&T/CR/3O

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