• Aucun résultat trouvé

Conflict detection and resolution

Appendix 4.B. List of causes of environmental conflicts around cultural ecosystem services

5. General discussion and conclusions

5.3. Limitations and prospects for further research

5.3.2. Conflict detection and resolution

To gain deeper insights about human-culture-environment interactions, further research should address not only emerging environmental conflicts and ecosystem service distribution issues, but also the resolutions to these conflicts once they are detected or escalated in an open visible form. It is important that we involve specific traditional agricultural practices and management activities into prospective future ecosystem services research, so that they can be incorporated into land decision-making and put into practice, thereby helping to preserve nature and supporting different agricultural traditions and cultures. This could be achieved by studying and comparing case studies at different geographical levels and agricultural perspectives.

Finally, better decisions are urgently needed to address environmental conflicts within rural agricultural communities. At the community level, environmental conflicts related to land-use changes, local culture, and co-created contributions require analysis of how specific communities resist changes through their traditions, cultural norms, and beliefs.

Such an investigation can be used to inform policy makers of what is needed from local actors’ point of view to achieve environmental, social, and local economic well-being of today marginalized and neglected – but still diverse rural areas.


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List of publications

Articles published/accepted/submitted:

Hanaček, K., Rodríguez-Labajos, B., 2018. Impacts of Land-use and Management Changes on Cultural Agroecosystem Services and Environmental Conflicts – A Global Review. Global Environmental Change. 50, 41–59.

Hanaček, K., Langemayer J., Bileva, T., Rodríguez-Labajos, B. 2019. Evaluation of the perceived changes in land-use and cultural ecosystem services in rural Bulgaria and their policy implications. Submitted to Land use policy. Under review.

Hanaček, K., Rodríguez-Labajos, B., Langemayer J. 2019. Understanding environmental conflicts through cultural ecosystem services - The case of rural Bulgaria. Preparation for submission to the journal of Ecological Economics (September 2019).

Participation in other scientific publications and reports published or accepted or submitted:

Hanaček, K., Roy, B., Avila, S., Kallis, G. 2019. Ecological economics and degrowth:

Proposing a future research agenda from the margins. Accepted for publication in Ecological Economics (26/09/2019).

Hanaček, K., Demaria, F. 2019. The processes of environmental racism against Roma communities in Europe and environmental conflicts insight. Report.

Hanaček, K., Demaria, F. 2019. From bad to worse: A “vicious” circle of racialised environmental conflicts with multiple displacements of Roma communities in Eastern Europe. Report.

List of oral communications at international scientific conferences, workshops and seminars

Hanaček, K. Evaluation of land-use changes on the perceived importance for cultural ecosystem services in rural Bulgaria. 2019. The 10th Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) World Conference. Ten years advancing ecosystem services science, policy and practices for a sustainable future. Accepted for an oral presentation in Ecosystem services and drivers of change session. Hannover, Germany.

Hanaček, K. Workshop on Cultural ecosystem services and Agricultural Policies in the EU. 2018. Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.

Hanaček, K. Gender – mediated externalities linked to cultural ecosystem services: The case study of Pag island, Croatia. 2018. Ecological economics, Ethno-ecology and Integrated Assessment (EEI) seminar series. Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.

Hanaček, K. Cultural ecosystem services and environmental conflicts in agriculture.

Oral Presentation at the XIV Congress of the Spanish Federation of Anthropology Associations. 2017. Oral presentation in Environmental Anthropology session.

University of Social Science, Valencia, Spain.

Hanaček, K. What types of environmental conflicts emerge from the impact of land-use changes on cultural agroecosystem services? A Comprehensive Review with implications for mapping. 2017. Oral Presentation at the International conference Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services in Mapping and assessment of ecosystem services – social perspective session. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Hanaček, K. How do environmental conflicts emerge from the impact of land-use and management changes on cultural ecosystems services – A literature review. 2017. Oral Presentation at the European Society for Ecological Economics Conference (ESEE) in Bringing power back in: Power of science in knowledge production and use. Budapest, Hungary.

Hanaček, K. Impacts of Land-use and Management Changes on Cultural Agroecosystem Services and Environmental Conflicts – A Review. 2017. Oral presentation at the 9th World Conference of Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) for Eco-civilization: Restoring connections between people and landscapes through nature-based solutions in Green Justice – Considering equity, conflicts and disservices in ecosystem service research and practice. Shenzhen, China.

Hanaček, K. Cultural ecosystem services, land-use changes and environmental conflicts – A literature review. 2017. Ecological economics, Ethno-ecology and Integrated Assessment (EEI) seminar series. Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.

Hanaček, K. 2016. Attendant at the European Ecosystem Services conference: Helping Nature to help us, University of Antwerp, Belgium.