• Aucun résultat trouvé

2. Impacts of land-use and management changes on cultural agroecosystem services and

2.5. Conclusion

This study undertook a comprehensive literature review to analyse how conflicts due to land-use and management changes are related to CES at the global level. We have firstly identified and analysed different categories of CES, developing and articulating its taxonomy. This has been the base for an analysis of the interrelation between land-use changes, CES and environmental conflicts, the main aim of this paper.

Agroecosystems provide multiple CES that are closely interrelated with one another.

Therefore, land-use changes can directly or indirectly impact CES in agriculture.

Changing markets influences, enclosure and privatisation of natural resources, and conservation incentives, that still exclude community participation, appear as drivers of CES change. Land-use changes have a significant impact on culture and tradition in general, mainly at the expense of the most vulnerable living on and from agricultural lands, such as farmers and local communities.

As a consequence of these complex economic, social and environmental processes, environmental conflicts arise. Our review classified these conflicts, according to the types of causes, consequences and responses around them. Responses to conflicts occur with mobilisation and resistance being one among many reactions. In fact, revaluation

of ES-generating structure, as well as communities’ enhanced participation, are the most common responses reported in the literature.

The literature on CES explicitly addressing conflicts is still quite narrow, and offers ample possibilities for further research, both in geographic scope and thematically. This is certainly a limitation of the paper, as it has been restricted to knowledge already available in the scientific literature. In this respect, this review does not cover the whole spectrum of possible environmental conflicts related to CES in agroecosystems.

Still, we believe that insights here offered entail a contribution of ES research and a base for further investigations and findings on the practical level. First, it offers a global perspective on a topic that so far has been addressed mostly through case-studies. By providing a comprehensive map of what the literature achieved in relation to the effects of land-use changes in agriculture on CES and related conflicts, we also understand what it has failed to address so far- the complex relationship between land-use changes, CES and different stages of environmental conflicts.

In that way, we highlight the relevance of including conflicts into further ES research, and the need for better understanding existing power asymmetries among stakeholders.

Such asymmetries generate conflict and stoke latent conflicts regarding CES and this issue should be further recognised in agricultural planning and management.

This is further important for understanding the complex social, ecological, and economic processes in agroecosystems behind land-use changes as drivers, with direct or indirect impact on CES, and environmental conflicts that might escalate between different stakeholders as consequences of these changes and inequities.


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Appendix 2A. List of the 155 publications included in the review on the global level 1. Abram, N.K., Meijaard, E., Ancrenaz, M., Runting, R.K., Wells, J.A., Gaveau,

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4. Allan, E., Manning, P., Alt, F., Binkenstein, J., Blaser, S., Blüthgen, N., Böhm, S., Grassein, F., Hölzel, N., Klaus, V.H., Kleinebecker, T., Morris, E.K., Oelmann, Y., Prati, D., Renner, S.C., Rillig, M.C., Schaefer, M., Schloter, M., Schmitt, B., Schöning, I., Schrumpf, M., Solly, E., Sorkau, E., Steckel, J., Steffen-Dewenter, I., Stempfhuber, B., Tschapka, M., Weiner, C.N., Weisser, W.W., Werner, M., Westphal, C., Wilcke, W., Fischer, M., 2015. Land use intensification alters ecosystem multifunctionality via loss of biodiversity and changes to functional composition. Ecol. Lett. 18, 834–843.


5. Allendorf, T.D., Yang, J., 2013. The role of ecosystem services in park-people relationships: The case of Gaoligongshan Nature Reserve in southwest China.

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6. Aretano, R., Petrosillo, I., Zaccarelli, N., Semeraro, T., Zurlini, G., 2013. People perception of landscape change effects on ecosystem services in small

Mediterranean islands: A combination of subjective and objective assessments.

Landsc. Urban Plan. 112, 63–73. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.12.010

7. Ashrafzadeh, M.R., Batvandi, Z., Karimi, H., Soroushnia, R., 2011. Importance of Ghale Shadab Prohibited Hunting Area in Khuzestan Province from

Stakeholders Point-of-View. J. Environ. Stud. 37, 19–21.

8. Aspe, C., Gilles, A., Jacqué, M., 2014. Irrigation canals as tools for climate change adaptation and fish biodiversity management in Southern France. Reg.

Environ. Chang. doi:10.1007/s10113-014-0695-8

9. Barrena, J., Nahuelhual, L., Báez, A., Schiappacasse, I., Cerda, C., 2014.

Valuing cultural ecosystem services: Agricultural heritage in Chiloé island, southern Chile. Ecosyst. Serv. 7, 66–75.

10. Barthel, S., Crumley, C.L., Svedin, U., 2013. Biocultural refugia: Combating the erosion of diversity in landscapes of food production. Ecol. Soc. 18.


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13. Bernués, A., Tello-García, E., Rodríguez-Ortega, T., Ripoll-Bosch, R., Casasús, I., 2016. Agricultural practices, ecosystem services and sustainability in High Nature Value farmland: Unraveling the perceptions of farmers and nonfarmers.

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15. Biasi, R., Brunori, E., Smiraglia, D., Salvati, L., 2015. Linking traditional tree-crop landscapes and agro-biodiversity in central Italy using a database of typical and traditional products: a multiple risk assessment through a data mining analysis. Biodivers. Conserv. 24, 3009–3031. doi:10.1007/s10531-015-0994-5 16. Blicharska, M., Mikusiński, G., Godbole, A., Sarnaik, J., 2013. Safeguarding

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17. Blouin, M., Hodson, M.E., Delgado, E.A., Baker, G., Brussaard, L., Butt, K.R., Dai, J., Dendooven, L., Peres, G., Tondoh, J.E., Cluzeau, D., Brun, J.J., 2013. A review of earthworm impact on soil function and ecosystem services. Eur. J.

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18. Bouahim, S., Rhazi, L., Ernoul, L., Mathevet, R., Amami, B., Er-Riyahi, S., Muller, S.D., Grillas, P., 2015. Combining vulnerability analysis and

perceptions of ecosystem services in sensitive landscapes: A case from western Moroccan temporary wetlands. J. Nat. Conserv. 27, 1–9.


19. Bradbury, R.B., Stoate, C., Tallowin, J.R.B., 2010. Lowland farmland bird conservation in the context of wider ecosystem service delivery. J. Appl. Ecol.

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21. Bremer, L.L., Delevaux, J.M.S., Leary, J.J.K., J. Cox, L., Oleson, K.L.L., 2015.

Opportunities and Strategies to Incorporate Ecosystem Services Knowledge and Decision Support Tools into Planning and Decision Making in Hawai’i.

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22. Brimont, L., Desbureaux, S., 2014. Between economic loss and social identity:

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