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5.4 Conclusion

ENV-PE exercise participants have demonstrated a large variety of approaches used in different Member States. The estimates of potential exposures to people for accident scenarios vary widely among the approaches. These variations are caused by specific regulatory requirements in Member States for assessing potential exposures, the underlying models for atmospheric dispersion, radioecology, and dosimetry and the approaches to take into account weather statistics. The different approaches can be broadly categorized as follows:

 deterministic,

 probabilistic (for an NPP this requires a full-scope level 3 PSA),

 combinations of all the above.

There are also several ways to combine the scenario selection and consequence assessment which are summarized as follows:

 deterministic – deterministic,

o one (or a few) scenarios are defined with a corresponding source term (usually conservative) and the consequences assessed for a single set of meteorological conditions (usually to give worst case or conservative results),

o the assessments from France and India are examples,

 deterministic – probabilistic,

o the source term is defined as above, but the consequences are calculated for many meteorological sequences statistically sampled from hourly meteorological data, o the assessment from Germany is an example of this,

 probabilistic – deterministic,

o a range of scenarios with corresponding source terms is developed from a PSA analysis for example (Level 1 and 2) and accident modelling and the consequences calculated for a single meteorological sequence which could be typical or worst case,

o the deterministic assessment from the UK is an example of this although for this exercise performed for a single scenario,

 probabilistic – probabilistic,

o a full probabilistic assessment requires assessment of a range of accident sequences (with different frequencies) for each meteorological sequence – in other words a Level 3 PSA,

o the probabilistic assessments from Argentina and the UK are examples of this.

The probabilistic assessment performed by Israel seems to be a simplified version in which only the probability of the wind blowing to a particular sector with habitation is considered; other meteorological parameters such as the exact wind direction (not just the sector), wind speed, the Stability Category, etc, are not taken into account. This has the advantage of simplicity compared with a full probabilistic assessment as it doesn’t require dispersion calculations to be performed for every hourly meteorological sequence sampled; however, the risk results may be quite conservative as conservative assumptions are made for the meteorological conditions (Stability Category F and 2 m/s wind speed for example). In other words, the implicit assumption is that the weather is always F2.

Another difference in the approaches adopted by participants is whether the assessment is performed on a conservative or best-estimate basis. Deterministic assessments for design basis accident analyses should be performed on a conservative basis whereas the severe accident assessment and PSA should be performed on a best-estimate basis. In Member States where a PSA would be performed, a deterministic assessment for the design basis accident analysis would also be performed; this would be the case in the UK for example [41, 51].

Where frequency-consequence curves are used there is a difference between whether individual events are compared against a target or whether frequencies of events in dose-bands are summed and the resultant total frequency compared against targets. An example of the latter is the UK Target 8 (see Annex X), for which the rationale is that summing frequencies in dose bands avoids any tendency for ‘salami-slicing’ (i.e. separating – or not binning – similar events together so that instead of one event with frequency f and consequence C which exceeds a criterion, there are, for example, 10 events with frequency f/10 and consequence C each of which individually meets the criterion).

Simple Gaussian dispersion models are still widely used by nearly all participants although in some cases also supplemented by Gaussian puff models (COSYMA – Germany and UK) and Lagrangian modelling. For licensing purposes where the source terms and meteorological conditions are hypothetical – as opposed to modelling the dispersion following a real event – this seems reasonable. Studies have shown that Gaussian models are generally conservative when compared with Lagrangian models. For example, the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) – formerly NRPB (National Radiological Protection Board) and now PHE (Public Health England) – performed an inter-comparison exercise of the modified ‘R-91’ Gaussian model with the Lagrangian model NAME III from the UK Met Office. The inter-comparison report [38] concluded that:

 There is a disparity (of up to a factor of ~3) between the plume centre-line time-integrated activity in air concentrations (TIAC) of each model most notably in the near field.

 R-91 was conservative in that it estimated higher TIACs.

 There are significantly larger differences in TIACs between the two models for Pasquill stability Category A and G conditions (low wind speeds) than there are for Category D.

 There are larger differences in TIACs for higher release heights (80 and 200 m) than for a 10 m release height.

For licensing where many source terms in combination with many meteorological sequences may need to be considered (perhaps >10,000 simulations in total), Gaussian models may still be the best option as they are simple, well-understood, need little computer power, and need few meteorological data; Lagrangian models, on the other hand, although more accurate in representing the dispersion – and able to account for factors such as the variation of meteorological conditions with height, distance, and time, and complex terrain for example – require more computing power and meteorological data as input and may still not be a practical option for a full probabilistic assessment.

Supplementing a probabilistic assessment by examination of individual meteorological sequences in more detail with a Lagrangian model is also an option. This was done in the Spanish assessment that used MACCS for the probabilistic assessment and then JRODOS, which has a Lagrangian model, to examine the sequences giving the peak doses.


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