• Aucun résultat trouvé

else if (v61 EQ 0 or v63 EQ 0 or v128 EQ 1) compute privzone = 1


compute privzone = 0 end if

comment "dummy variable block for access"

do if (zcont EQ 1 or znoncont EQ 1) compute zres = 1

end if

do repeat X = dumres, dumpub, dumpriv/

A = 1, 0, 0/

B = 0, 1, 0/

C = 0, 0, 1/

do if (zres EQ 1) compute X = A

else if (pubzone EQ 0 and privzone EQ 0 and missing(zres)) compute X = A

end if

do if(privzone EQ 1) compute X = C

else if (zres EQ 0 and pubzone EQ 0 and missing(privzone)) compute X = C

end if

do if(pubzone EQ 1) compute X = B

else if (zres EQ 0 and privzone EQ 0 and missing(pubzone)) compute X = B

end if end repeat

comment "weighted mean fish returns and rates of exploitation"

do repeat W = 206, 188, 216/ compute pubmad = A*W

compute pubred = A*X compute pubdys = A*Y compute pubexp = A*Z end if

do if(dumpriv EQ 1) compute privmad = B*W compute privred = B*X compute privdys = B*Y compute privexp = B*Z end if

do if(dumres EQ 1) compute cmad = C*W compute cred = C*X compute cdys C*Y compute cexp = C*Z end if

end repeat

compute MW = max(pubmad, privmad, cmad) compute MX = max(pubred, privred, cred) compute MY = max(pubdys, privdys, cdys) compute MZ = max(pubexp, privexp, cexp)

do repeat T = MW, MX, MY, MZ/

S = nomad, nored, fdays, pexploit/

Q = emad, ered, eday, eexp/

do if missing(S) compute Q = T else if(S GE 0) compute Q = S end if

end repeat

comment "new fish abundance variables"

compute oldfish = nomad + nored compute newfish = newmad + newred do repeat Q = 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11/

A = 1040, 453, 374, 63, 414, 728, 1007, 277, 195, 1004/

B = 1381, 762, 506, 71, 471, 815, 1318, 389, 139, 1352/

do if(missing(oldfish) and region EQ Q) compute oldfish = A

end if

do if(missing (newfish) and region EQ Q) compute newfish = B

end if end repeat variable labels

dumres "a dummy for access to ZECs and reserves"

dumpub "a dummy for public access"

dumpriv "dummy for private access"

emad "numbers of madelineaux; meansubstitution by access"

ered "numbers of adults; meansub by access"

eday "number of fishing days; meansub by access"

eexp "percent exploitation; meansub by access"

comment "compute distance as car hours"

compute v72car = 3* v72 compute v82car = 2* v82

do repeat R= v67, v72car, v77, v82car, v87 /Q = v70, v75, v80, v85, v90

do if (Q = 1) compute R = R else

compute R = 2*R end if

end repeat

compute distime = sum(v67, v72car, v77, v82car, v87) variable labels

distime "distance as car-hours"

comment "compute travel costs"

do repeat

Q= v70, v75, v80, v85, v90/ P= v68, v73, v78, v83, v88/

do if (Q eq 0) compute P = P*2 else

compute P = P end if

end repeat

do repeat P = v73, v78, v83, v88/ Q= v71, v76, v81, v86 if (Q = 0) P = 0

end repeat

compute routecst = sum(v94, v96)

compute transcst = sum(v68, v73, v78, v83, v88, routecst) variable labels

routecst "costs en route"

transcst "total transport costs"

comment "compute out of pocket costs at fishing site"

compute jourpech = v100 + 1

do if(v102 NE 0 or not missing(v102) ) compute cabincst = (v102/v104) * v100 end if

do repeat

R= v105, v108, v111, v114, v117, v120, v123/

T = v106, v109, v112, v115, v118, v121, v124/


do if(R EQ 1) compute U = T else if(R = 0) compute U = 0 end if

end repeat

comment "replace subject-supplied permit prices with real"

do if (V2 GT 1)

compute sitept = 31 + 47.50 else if (V2 EQ 1)

compute sitept = 8.25 + 19.25 else if (V2 EQ 1 and retire = 1) compute sitept = 5.50 + 19.25 end if

do if (v50 + v51) eq 0 compute avcstpmt = sitept else

compute avcstpmt = sitept/(v50 + v51) end if

compute totfrais = jourpech * fraccess compute othcost = v127

compute guidecst = v65

compute sitecst = sum( cabincst, sitetr, avcstpmt, totfrais, frfood, boatcst, matfish, heberg, othcost) compute totcst = sum( transcst, sitecst, guidecst) variable labels

cabincst "average daily cabin costs"

sitetr "transport on site"

sitept "permit costs"

fraccess "daily costs of access"

frfood "daily cost of food"

boatcst "boat rental costs"

matfish "cost fishing materials"

heberg "lodging costs"

avcstpmt "index of permit costs by # trips"

totfrais "all costs of access"

guidecst "total cost of guide"

sitecst Hall costs incurred on site"

totcst "all trip costs"

comment "the relative importance of salmon as food"

do if (v150 EQ 0) compute leisure = 1 else

compute leisure = v150 end if

do if (v151 EQ 0) compute food = 1 else

compute food = v151 end if

compute foodfun = food/leisure

variable labels foodfun "index of food to leisure"

comment "a sympathy index of illegal fishing"

compute symp = sum.3(v168, v172, v179, v182, v185, v186, v187)

do repeat R = v168, v172, v179, v182, v185, v186, v187/

Q= #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7/

do if(R GE 0)

compute Q = 5 else

compute Q = 0 end if

end repeat

compute sdenom= sum.3(#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7) compute sympindx = symp/sdenom

if (sympindx GT 1) sympindx = missing(sympindx) variable labels

sympindx "index of sympathy towards illegals"

comment "index of gravity towards illegal acts"

do repeat

R= v188 to v199 do If (R EQ 1)

compute R = missing(R) end if

end repeat

compute gray = sum.3(v188 to v199)

do repeat R= v188 to v199/ Q= #s1 to #s12 do if (R GE 0)

compute Q = 100 else

compute Q = 0 end if

end repeat

compute refgrav = sum.3(#s1 to #s12) compute gravindx = gray/ refgrav

variable labels

gravindx "percieved gravity of illegal acts"

comment "the division between work and leisure in 1989"

compute #eptot = sum(v200 to v204) compute #esltot = sum(v206 to v210) compute #es2tot = sum(v212 to v216)

compute #tmtot = sum(v218 to v222) compute #Itot = sum(v224 to v228)

do repeat R= #eptot, #es1tot, #es2tot, #tmtot, #Itot/

Q = v205, v211, v217, v223, v229/

X = eptot, es1tot, es2tot, tmtot, ttot do if (R GE Q)

compute X = R else

compute X = Q end if

end repeat

compute budtime = sum(eptot, es1tot, es2tot, tmtot, ttot) do repeat R= eptot, es1tot, es2tot, tmtot, ltot/

Q= tjobp, tjobl, tjob2, tjobm, play do if (budtime GT 0)

compute Q = (R/budtime)*153 else

compute Q = 0 end if

end repeat variable labels

tjobp "time at principal job"

tjobl at job1"

tjob2 "time at job2"

tjobm "time at housework"

play "leisure time"

comment "Develop variables on the opportunity cost of leisure"

do repeat R = v231, v234, v237/ S = v232, v235, v238 do if (R EQ 0 and S GE 0)

compute wage = max(S) else

compute wage = missing(wage) end if

end repeat

do if (v240 EQ 0)

compute minwage = 9999 else

compute minwage = v240 end if

compute altwage = max(wage, minwage)

do if altwage = 9999

compute attwage = missing(altwage) end if

do repeat X = v252a, v252b, v252c, v252d, v252e, v252f, v252g, v252h, v2521/

comment "mean weight variables by jobtyp "

do repeat X = altwage, play, v250, v251/

A = 40.72, 42, 14.22, 10.64/

V = wtwage, wtplay, wt250, wt251/

do If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 1) compute V = A

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 2) compute V = B

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 3) compute V = C

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 4) compute V = D

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 5) compute V = E

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 6) compute V = F

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 7) compute V = G

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 8) compute V = H

else If (missing(X) and jobtyp EQ 9) compute V = I


compute V = X end if

end repeat

variable labels altwage "op. wage wanted or available"

v240 " personal valuation of leisure time as reported"

wtwage "wage with missing filled by mean wage by job type"

wtplay "leisure budget; missing filled by mean by job type"

wt250 "family income; missing filled by mean by job type"

wt251 "pers income; missing filled by mean by job type"

comment "budgets of time and money for salmon fishing"

compute #standl = max(v250, v251)

do repeat S = saldays, playdoll/

T = v242, v243/

U = play, #stand1 compute S = (T/100)* U end repeat

compute saldoll = (v244/100)* playdoll

variable labels saldays "salmon fishing days in 1989"

playdoll "estimated money budget on leisure, 1989"

saldoll "estimated leisure money for salmon fishing, 1989"

comment "compute variables based on CV bids"

compute protest = sum(v249a to v249g)

do if (missing(v246) and missing(v247) and protest GE 1) compute v246 = 1

compute v247 = 0 end if

do if(v246 EQ 1 and v247 EQ 0) compute bidprst = 1


compute bidprst = 0 end if

variable labels

bidprst "protest(1) to the cv questions"

protest "how many ways he protested"

comment "compute relevant cv bids"

comment "Binary/open-end bids;locals on free rivers"

do if(v5 EQ 0 and v61 EQ 1 and v63 EQ 1) and (v112 eq 0 or missing(v112) and any(v128, 5, 6)) compute lbinbid = v246


compute Ibinbid = missing(Ibinbid) end if

do if(v5 EQ 0 and(v61 EQ 1 and v63 EQ 1) and (v112 eq 0 or missing(v112)) and any(v128, 5, 6)) compute lopbid = v247


compute lopbid = missing(lopbid) end if

comment "compute alternative revenue variable"

compute revmax = max(v250, v251) compute revsum = sum(v250, v251)

variable labels revmax "maximum family revenue"


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