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ECA executive secretary to hold next quarterly briefing of Ambassadors in Addis Ababa


Academic year: 2022

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Addis Ababa, 19 June 2013 (ECA) - The next, quarterly briefing of the Ambassadors resident in Ethiopia will be held on 25 June 2013 at the UN Conference Centre in Addis Ababa. The meeting will take place in accordance with Mr. Carlos Lopes’ commitment upon his arrival in 2012, to hold scheduled briefings on the activities of the Economic Commission for Africa. The forum also serves as an important gathering for the exchange of views on topical developments impacting on the Continent.

With the process of ECA’s repositioning now well underway, the Executive Secretary will brief the Ambassadors on a number of important developments, including key events undertaken by the

Commission; as well as new knowledge generated in the past 3 months for purposes of enhancing policy on key emerging issues.

Mr. Lopes will also inform the Ambassadors about areas of consensus building achieved or in progress that are aimed at consolidating Africa’s position and place in regional and global debates.

ECA's efforts relating to providing technical assistance to its member States and enhancing its

partnerships; as well as activities implemented at the sub-regional level will be on the table. Information on a number of upcoming key activities will be shared.

A highlight of the Briefing will be feedback on the retreat of the African Group held in New York in April;

as well as developments on the Post-2015 Agenda.

Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Kongit Sinegiorgis [1]

Issued by:

ECA External Communications and Media Relations Section PO Box 3001

Addis Ababa Ethiopia

ECA Executive Secretary to hold next quarterly briefing of Ambassa... http://www.uneca.org/print/1905

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Tel: +251 11 551 5826

E-mail: ecainfo@uneca.org [2]

www.uneca.org [3]

Source URL: http://www.uneca.org/media-centre/stories/eca-executive-secretary-hold-next-quarterly- briefing-ambassadors-addis-ababa


[1] http://www.uneca.org/node/2145/

[2] http://www.uneca.org/contact/ecainfo/uneca/org [3] http://www.uneca.org

ECA Executive Secretary to hold next quarterly briefing of Ambassa... http://www.uneca.org/print/1905

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