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The Next Alberta begins with a plan to sharpen government up, a plan which allows business.


Academic year: 2022

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Getting there from here: The Alberla liberal Plan.

he Conservative Government is . allowing the world to leave Alberta behind. Laurence Decore has a "hands- on" plan to stop that from happening!

The Next Alberta begins with a plan to sharpen government up, a plan which allows business.

to do what it does best and people to build a future they can count


Laurence Decore and The Alberta Liberal Party will think, not spend, our way into The Next Alberta with a solid plan to reduce the Conservative government's horrendous $24.5 Billion debt. A plan to invest for the long

term in knowledge, job skills and the

well-being of Albertans. A plan to earn 'back your trust in the political process.

Can The Next Albertabecome reality?

Read on. The answer is yes!

Cleaning ~~"~~~~~~~e

he ConservatiV,es s~:~l: ;;; for, ov:~ci ~~a;~~h woman, man

$7 miHi?n, eve\; ~ortgage of $9..15miles high\

$~4,5bllhon··~f $lOO biHs ove\ " eed to pa)' for, d chi\d ... a stack f the flexib\ht)' we n ed If we don t an , debt robs us0 ams people ne " has said

This gigantiC .tab and other prog: most. Ralph K.le;ecore knoWS schools, hosP\ hil'dren wiH suffe\ •...le~ Laurence "t t Alberta.

1 .t ocr c ' t prou' The l"ex contra \ ~ at


terr'\bl'j grea dl on our 'lola)'to rence Decore

our debt is '":ngle gIeatest h~rd e sales tar... But Lau . d bt is the 1'.1 stud1e a· a'j to go.

e , ff ials have . . thebest w d f

K.lein s a ic d ed S\'lend\ng \1'. Bis recor a knoWS that re uc, uccessful bU5inedssl~~~~nment

D core \5 as ment an g nics

Laurence ef ancial manage, in Alberta po 1 . debt c~n~rol,. l:ithout companson

e and th~

downSl7.ltlg is

ce Decor ....

, why Lauren ..

That S L.berals wdl.

ust O\lerate .

Alberta 1- .'

le that go'Vernments !!b=-

"th the pnnCl\l .

• Start WI d budgets. the s)'stCl11•

on balance dOts to cut fat from . an't be

. ncy au } If the)' c' .

• Use eruc1e .





• Regularly r bOuld be cut, f mortgaging them, 'ustified, they S cts instead a

) ·tal prOle bt

h for cap} d wn de .

opay cas . ,{und to paY 0 t1 et)1!!-!!. wisheS S l\ the llerltage MLAsto re e

• e te' to anow .

oUse the 'free 'Vd~"g nriorities, " . 0MLA.S; set up

. . g spen l' 'd to reur1n", rs

in setun ions pal tects taxpaye

the fat pens which pro : . ' r-

• cutback Rsp-t)'pe plan ndcd liab1hl.,<.-··

a reasonable, R d \'Ia)'Outsand unft!

from guarantee ;dxu@(¥Ji!k;;;~ """ -s






Po S 1 IV e ,.

inion and solving problems to

.' . ns will be too busy askmgyoW op

In The Next A,lberta'iohhc1a listen to the people who

call each other n~~ne, ., in Alberta. It's time for MLAs whoo:~rl disagree with it.

It's timhe for h?~'t~~:e~~~.I~C:overnmentthat re~p~~tst~~~s~f:~~i~gth'e~ out.

elect.t emt,·. overoment thatincludes peep e, \ s

Is .U.

. It's tune 01ag

nd the Alberta Libera Wl.

That's why Laurence Dec~re a ,

f\ ct their constituents' views, . allowmg MiAs to re e

Use 'free votes' on man)' ISsues, h . not l-epresenting them well.

• . MLA ifhe or s e\1'.

ble voters to recan thetr "

• Ena f' f rmation legls1at\On. thood ideas?

• Adopt truefreedom 0 m 0 Who says only governmen as g

• AlloW votes on Opposition Bills and Motions. key positions go to the most capable women rtical appointment system so

• Clean up the .pOtltopolitical friends.

and men, notjus

Good Jobs For The Next Alberta!

he Conservatives haven't had a' I '

, lea economIc pI

;~7-~~~~et~r~se~~~~I~~cLollgheed, Instead of inv:~ing billions on quick fixes and1'1'·kgro.wth,they gambled away

M c s y Investments lik N A I

agcan and money to Peter P kli e ov te, oc mgton.

Our future, which depend k

allow our workers to COl s on . nowle~ge and skills that by the Conservati ve Partyrsetleltl~eIII:natlOnally, is threatened

I 'IOWI mgness to ed t

peop e for tomorrow's world. In the las! 7 . ~ca e school funding dropped fro 3'd' years, Alberta

f " '. m I 111Canada to 7th d

a teHnflatlOn ul1lversity spending fell 18m 'an

70per student

That's Why~urence Decore and

the Alberta Liberals will:

o~e~tore the e.xcenenc~ of Our education system b '

~IVIn~ educatlOn the lugh priority Our children de ~' . reducing class sizes in early 'ades nx ser ve;

, II . gra es as we can P'IY'

d OWIngpost-secondar i . , ' ,

st d ts: . y nstltutlons to accept more . u en s: encouragmg more retraining.

• Implement adetailed economic Ian h .

Centres for T hIP t at includes

O'JlG d ec no o?y and Development in the . I as an Forestry mdusti'ies, improved tech nolo tl~nsf~f'Bmo~'eeffective intemational marketing anlY a rna us mess Incubator program.

oContinue price-sensitive 0'11 "

companies to re-invest here ling~~:~~:'lhes; encourage

• Encourage rura Ientrepreneurs to creat . b

a locally-supported provincl'al fe JO s through

Comm ' program a

unity Development Investment Certificates.

• Sto~ giving grants, loans and loan guarantees to business, Tax money cannot buy jobs that the marketplace won't support on its Own.

Protect Important Programs!

Iberta Liberals b I' .

de reve Instro I

e ucation socI'al s c ng lealth care

, 'alety and' ,

protection progral . envIl"Qnmental to strong families and tn~ .We are committed

Th . . ,c 0lallne d

, ese pnmruy cOlllmitm ss an equality, upon which both hu ents are the foundation

man dig it

strength are based. IIIy and economic

That~ why Lau

and the Alb re'!ce Decore eTta Liberals w ·ll.

oImprove health care . I

air and road ambul WIth a province-Wide waiting lists, and ~lce system, redUced health Problems b:Joo~uson preventing expensive. rethey become

• Act 0 .

n ISsues of concern t . . as: fuller timding of w o,famlhes Such tough acti omen s shelters

c on011domes!" ' , maintenance en". ,IC vlOlenceand

, 101cement t d

serVIce pay equity fi· , 's age public

•• , 11111day car

enlorcement en ure standards

, COuragemelltof "3 f 3 .

• T k a e tJ'cets"

a ~ f]le environment " .

Provrnce. 'd senously.

WI e programs t

recycling Bold 0encourage

.' measures to .

warmll1g and OZone de j . pJevent global

enforcemenU p euon, Tough

oEns?~f social service . reahty with reguI ' ' dPayments reneet G" ar, 111 ependent review

• rve aI . h '

ng er priority to educatl' I


- -

O. 'lil "III'T " A .,7/ .4 ~ _ T '! 11- 11g


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