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Health benefits of tai chi: What is the evidence?


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Objective To summarize the evidence on the health benefits of tai chi.

Sources of information A literature review was conducted on the benefits of tai chi for 25 specific conditions, as well as for general health and fitness, to update a 2014 review of systematic reviews. Systematic reviews and recent clinical trials were assessed and organized into 5 different groups: evidence of benefit as excellent, good, fair, or preliminary, or evidence of no direct benefit.

Main message During the past 45 years more than 500 trials and 120 systematic reviews have been published on the health benefits of tai chi. Systematic reviews of tai chi for specific conditions indicate excellent evidence of benefit for preventing falls, osteoarthritis, Parkinson disease, rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and improving cognitive capacity in older adults. There is good evidence of benefit for depression, cardiac and stroke rehabilitation, and dementia. There is fair evidence of benefit for improving quality of life for cancer patients, fibromyalgia, hypertension, and osteoporosis. Current evidence indicates no direct benefit for diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or chronic heart failure. Systematic reviews of general health and fitness benefits show excellent evidence of benefit for improving balance and aerobic capacity in those with poor fitness. There is good evidence for increased strength in the lower limbs. There is fair evidence for increased well-being and improved sleep. There were no studies that found tai chi worsened a condition. A recent systematic review on the safety of tai chi found adverse events were typically minor and primarily musculoskeletal; no intervention-related serious adverse events have been reported.

Conclusion There is abundant evidence on the health and fitness effects of tai chi. Based on this, physicians can now offer evidence-based recommendations to their patients, noting that tai chi is still an area of active research, and patients should continue to receive medical follow-up for any clinical conditions.

T ai chi is a meditative martial art that has been practised in China for centuries and that has become increasingly popular in the West.


It consists of a series of gentle movements that strengthen and relax the body and mind.


There are different schools of tai chi, yet all share key features such as mindfulness, structural alignment, and flexibility (Table 1).


New forms of tai chi continue to evolve, including shortened protocols for the elderly. Some forms, such as Taoist tai chi, have a specific health recovery focus.


With tai chi becoming increasingly popular, patients might ask physicians whether it could be beneficial for them. The objective of this review was to summarize the evidence on the therapeutic benefits of tai chi so that clinicians can offer evidence-based rec- ommendations to their patients.

Case description

B.G., a 48-year-old woman, comes into your office for follow-up of borderline hypertension and a slightly elevated fasting blood glucose level. She has worked all her adult life and recently

Health benefits of tai chi

What is the evidence?

Patricia Huston


Bruce McFarlane


Editor’s KEy Points

 • Tai chi is a meditative martial art that consists  of a series of gentle movements designed  to strengthen and relax the body and mind. 

Increasingly, its therapeutic effects have come  under study. This review aims to summarize the  evidence on the therapeutic and fitness benefits  of tai chi so that clinicians can offer evidence- based recommendations to their patients.

 • More than 500 studies and 120 systematic  reviews have been published. The strongest  evidence of benefit is for preventing falls  in older adults living in the community,  osteoarthritis, Parkinson disease, chronic  obstructive pulmonary disease rehabilitation,  improving cognitive capacity, and improving  balance and aerobic capacity.

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  certified Self-Learning credits. To earn  credits, go to www.cfp.ca and click on the  Mainpro+ link.

This article has been peer reviewed.

Can Fam Physician 2016;62:881-90

La traduction en français de cet article se trouve 

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numéro de novembre 2016 à la page e645.


the last of her 3 grown children has left home. When you ask how things are going, she says she is OK but feels burned out. She has neglected herself, gets no regular exercise, has gained some weight, and feels depressed about her “empty nest syndrome.” She asks about tai chi, noting that her mother swears by it. Her mother says she sleeps better, that her osteoar- thritis has improved, and that she is now more social- ly active than ever. On examination, B.G.’s blood

pressure is 140/85 mm Hg, her body mass index is 29 kg/m


, and screening reveals a positive score for depression. What should you do? What are your rec- ommendations regarding tai chi?

Sources of information

We reviewed the 2014 Evidence Map of Tai Chi, which is a “systematic review of systematic reviews” conducted by the Evidence-based Synthesis Program Centre for the US Department of Veterans Affairs.


We then conducted a MEDLINE review of systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published after the evidence map up to October 2015. We assessed the evidence for spe- cific conditions, as well as evidence for general health and fitness benefits, and then classified it into 1 of 5 catego- ries: evidence of benefit was excellent if there were many systematic reviews noting consistent evidence of benefit, good if there were several systematic reviews that gen- erally showed benefit, fair if there were a few systematic reviews that overall showed benefit but that might have included mixed results, and preliminary if there were only a few trials or 1 or 2 systematic reviews; evidence of no direct benefit was based on systematic reviews that showed no direct benefit for the condition under study (even if a gen- eral health benefit might have been documented).

Main message

Research on tai chi has exploded in the past 45 years.

A bibliometric analysis of clinical studies published between 1958 and 2013 found more than 500 studies on tai chi from 21 countries,


mostly supported by govern- ment funding. The number of articles published on tai chi in PubMed journals has been increasing exponen- tially (Figure 1). In 2015 there were, on average, 15 arti- cles published each month.

Evidence was reviewed for general health and fitness and 25 different conditions and then organized

0 50 100 150 200




















Citations Figure 1. PubMed tai chi article citations by year: January 1974 to October 2015.

table 1. Key features of tai chi


Mindfulness Awareness of the current moment is  cultivated during tai chi by focusing on the  body’s position, movements, and sensations Imagery Images are used as a learning strategy (eg,  one of the moves is called wave hands like clouds)


alignment Movements are biomechanically efficient,  calling for the least amount of effort Flexibility and 


Circular and flowing motions provide dynamic  stretching and help to shift the body and  mind into a state of deeper relaxation Strength and 

balance Placing weight on one foot at a time in a  slightly flexed position leads to greater  strength in the lower extremities and  improved balance

Natural  breathing

Rhythmic breathing with movement appears  to improve gas exchange and promote  calmness

Social support Positive interactions within a community give  a sense of belonging and support

Integration of  body, mind,  and spirit

Tai chi creates a practical framework for  living a more holistic life

Adapted from Wayne.



according to the quality of evidence for benefit: excellent, good, fair, preliminary, or evidence of no direct benefit.

Excellent evidence of benefit. There are 5 conditions that had many systematic reviews showing consistent evidence of benefit for tai chi: preventing falls in older adults in the community, osteoarthritis, Parkinson dis- ease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cognitive functioning.

Fall prevention in the community: There were 14 systematic reviews summarizing trials on fall preven- tion in older adults living in the community.


Some looked at multiple interventions including tai chi,


and others looked specifically at tai chi.


Reviews consistently found a decreased risk of falls in the tai chi groups, typically associated with improvements in static and dynamic balance. One review identified tai chi as the most cost-effective intervention to pre- vent falls.


In addition, 4 systematic reviews identi- fied that tai chi decreased the fear of falling.


Tai chi was not found to be as beneficial for those need- ing assisted living, such as visually impaired adults in residential care.


This is consistent with a Cochrane review that found most interventions, including all exercise programs, were not effective in preventing falls in frail, institutionalized elderly patients,


and with a recent trial that did not show benefit in preclini- cally disabled adults.


Osteoarthritis: There were 10 systematic reviews on osteoarthritis and all found that exercise, including tai chi, was associated with improvements, especially for osteoarthritis of the knee.


One meta-analysis of tri- als on tai chi for osteoarthritis found statistically signifi- cant improvements in pain (P = .0005), stiffness (P = .04), and physical function (P < .00001).


Recent trials have confirmed these findings


and another trial is under way.


Tai chi is now a conditional recommendation of the American College of Rheumatology for osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee.


Parkinson disease: There were 8 systematic reviews on tai chi and Parkinson disease.


The key finding was that people with Parkinson disease who took medi- cation and did tai chi had better mobility and balance outcomes compared with those who took medica- tion alone. Since a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine,


there has been an increase in clini- cal trials,


including a study showing tai chi to be cost-effective.


An RCT is under way.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: There were 6 systematic reviews on tai chi for asthma and COPD that found improvements in 6-minute walk test results, dyspnea, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second.


More definitive trials are now under way.


Cognitive functioning: Five systematic reviews found that tai chi improved cognitive performance.



meta-analysis found improved attention (P < .001) and processing speed (P < .001) in the tai chi group compared with controls.


There was a moderate effect size even compared with active controls.


These findings were confirmed in recent randomized trials.


Good evidence of benefit. There are 4 conditions that had several systematic reviews that generally showed benefit: depression, cardiac rehabilitation, stroke reha- bilitation, and dementia.

Depression: There were 8 systematic reviews on tai chi and depression.


Although many trials had small numbers and most were short term, the findings were consistently positive. More recently, a longer trial of 24 weeks with more than 200 participants with obesity and depression showed that the tai chi group had reduced severity of depression (P < .001).


Cardiac and stroke rehabilitation: There were 6 sys- tematic reviews on tai chi for cardiac rehabilitation.


Although the initial trials were small, there was a con- sistent finding of benefit. Tai chi might be particularly helpful for women with coronary artery disease


and the elderly.


Recent trials found increased functional capacity after myocardial infarction


and that tai chi was an effective alternative for those who could not attend formal rehabilitation.


There were 5 systematic reviews on tai chi for stroke rehabilitation


; all had positive findings but trial sizes were small. Studies that have been done since the last systematic review have found a consistent benefit


and additional trials are planned.


Cognitive impairment and dementia: There were 2 systematic reviews on tai chi for the treatment of cog- nitive impairment and dementia that showed improve- ments in Mini-Mental State Examination scores.


The Cochrane review of exercise programs for people with dementia concluded that tai chi was better than physical activity for improving executive function.


This is consistent with the evidence for improving cog- nitive capacity in older adults.


However, achiev- ing this benefit might take time; one recent short-term study of tai chi in those with mild cognitive impairment did not find an improvement.


Fair evidence of benefit. There are 4 conditions that had a few systematic reviews indicating that overall tai chi was effective, but some of the included trials did not show benefit: quality of life for cancer patients, fibromy- algia, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

Quality of life for cancer patients: There were 7 sys-

tematic reviews on quality of life for cancer patients,

most of which were among those with breast can-



Although results were mixed, in part owing

to different outcomes measures, overall there was a

positive pooled effect for vitality and mental health


similar to that found with regular exercise. A recent trial showed improved health-related quality of life and bio- markers in breast cancer survivors who did tai chi.


Fibromyalgia: There were 4 systematic reviews on fibromyalgia.


There were different outcomes measured and different trial lengths; some trials did not show benefit. A New England Journal of Medicine study showed a positive effect, but the sample size was small.


Overall the reviews indicated that people with fibromyal- gia who did tai chi reported less pain and had improved function. These benefits were confirmed in recent clini- cal trials.


Trial length might explain some of the ini- tial variability. A 6-month trial showed that a decrease in chronic pain appeared only after 4 to 6 months.


A 1-year head-to-head trial of aerobic exercise versus tai chi for fibromyalgia is under way.


In the meantime, some European countries have started to include tai chi in their fibromyalgia treatment guidelines.


Hypertension: There were 4 systematic reviews on hypertension that found tai chi lowered both sys- tolic and diastolic blood pressure; however, this find- ing was based on trials that had some methodologic weaknesses, and trial sizes were generally small.


A recent larger trial published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that tai chi reduced blood pressure and body mass index in the elderly.


Osteoporosis: There were 3 systematic reviews on osteoporosis.


One review reported reduced rates of decline in bone mineral density (BMD) in postmeno- pausal women compared with sedentary controls in most included trials, but evidence was limited.


Another review reported mixed results.


The third review did not report on BMD but found that tai chi did improve balance and so might prevent falls.


A recent trial found that the combination of tai chi and resistance training had the best outcome.


Again, the length of intervention might be important. A 9-month trial found that those who completed at least 75% of the classes in the tai chi group showed a statistically significant increase in BMD of the femoral head compared with the usual-care group.


Preliminary evidence of benefit. One systematic review on the primary prevention of stroke included 36 studies with more than 2300 participants and found a significant decrease in nonfatal stroke in the group that did tai chi (P = .03).


A Cochrane review of tai chi for primary prevention of cardiac disease concluded that the results were inconclusive, noting longer-term trials were needed.


Two systematic reviews showed that tai chi might be helpful for anxiety.


One sys- tematic review


and 3 recent trials


suggest tai chi has a beneficial effect on low back pain. One system- atic review showed tai chi helped breast cancer patients after surgery, as it consistently improved the mobility of

the affected arm.


Three trials on tai chi and multiple sclerosis found promising results, especially for improv- ing balance,


and another trial showed improved quality of life.


Preliminary trials have shown a ben- efit for schizophrenia


and posttraumatic stress dis- order.


Two trials indicated promising results for attention deficit disorder,


and a systematic review is planned.


Single studies have shown that tai chi was helpful for those with spinal cord injury,


for those with traumatic brain injury,


and for postsurgical nasopha- ryngeal cancer patients to increase neck mobility.


Evidence of no direct benefit. There were 3 conditions for which the evidence suggested tai chi might not have a direct benefit: type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic heart failure.

There were 4 systematic reviews on tai chi and dia- betes


showing no effect on hemoglobin A


. A recent trial found no change in fasting glucose lev- els,


but another showed tai chi did improve quality of life.


Three systematic reviews on tai chi for rheuma- toid arthritis showed no improvement in joint tender- ness, pain, or swelling but did find improved range of motion,


and a recent study found improved qual- ity of life.


Two systematic reviews on tai chi for heart failure showed no change in N-terminal pro-brain natri- uretic peptide


but found improved performance out- comes,


and another showed improved quality of life.


Tai chi for general health and fitness. Tai chi has a number of general health and fitness benefits. There is excellent evidence that tai chi consistently improves balance, demonstrated by 10 systematic reviews


and 3 recent trials.


There is excellent evidence from 5 systematic reviews


and 2 recent tri- als


that tai chi improves aerobic capacity, espe- cially in those who have been sedentary. There is good evidence that tai chi can improve strength, especially in the lower limbs of adults who have been decondi- tioned,


and there is preliminary evidence that tai chi might improve flexibility.


In terms of general health, there is fair evidence that tai chi increases overall well-being


and improves sleep.


Improvements in sleep seem to be associated with reduced cellular inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and proinflam- matory cytokines.


There is 1 systematic review that suggests that tai chi might strengthen immune capacity


and very preliminary evidence that it might improve kidney function


and quality of life for hemodialysis patients.


The benefits of tai chi according to the different lev-

els of evidence for specific conditions and general health

and fitness are summarized in Table 2.

6-19,25-59,62-95,98, 100-114,117-127,129-144,146,147,149-194


Excellent safety profile. There was 1 systematic review of 153 trials assessing the safety of tai chi


; only 50 included adverse event reporting. The most common adverse events were minor and primarily musculoskeletal, such as mild knee and back pain (presumably from misalign- ment); no intervention-related serious adverse events were reported.


There are more than 500 studies and 120 systematic reviews to assess the benefits of tai chi for 25 differ- ent conditions as well as for general health and fitness.

The results have varied from excellent, good, fair, and preliminary evidence of benefit to evidence of no direct benefit. The strongest evidence of benefit is for prevent- ing falls in older adults in the community, osteoarthritis, Parkinson disease, COPD rehabilitation, and improving cognitive capacity. The strength of this body of research is that it includes many systematic reviews and meta- analyses and, increasingly, high-quality RCTs. One of the strengths of our research is that we were consis- tently conservative in our assessments of the quality of evidence. For example, although more than 36 studies

have been done on tai chi for the primary prevention of stroke, and a meta-analysis found a statistically signifi- cant effect on nonfatal stroke, we still categorized this as preliminary evidence of benefit, as many of the tri- als were small and the overall effect was small. Tai chi appears to be excellent for balance and reestablishing aerobic capacity in those who have been deconditioned and for preventing or improving many of the common ailments associated with aging.

There are some limitations to this evidence, both from a research and a tai chi perspective. From a research perspective, many of the initial trials were small and had methodologic weakness. A key weakness was the lack of blinding of participants, but this was largely over- come by blinding those analyzing the results. Since tai chi has multiple features (Table 1),


it is difficult to know what aspect of tai chi has the greatest effect.


It is also not clear how tai chi works. For example, recent research has examined why tai chi seems to be so good for balance


and how it helps improve cognitive function.


Tai chi includes different styles, teachers, lengths, and frequencies. It is unclear whether one style might be better for some conditions than others, if lon- ger classes are better than shorter classes, or whether 2 or more classes a week is optimal. A final limitation

table 2. Tai chi research: Summary of evidence from 120 systematic reviews and recent clinical trials; there is very little evidence for italicized conditions.






sPECiFiC Conditions Preventing falls


• 14 systematic  reviews Osteoarthritis


• 10 systematic  reviews Parkinson disease


• 8 systematic reviews COPD rehabilitation


• 6 systematic reviews Improving cognitive  capacity


• 5 systematic reviews



• 8 systematic reviews Cardiac rehabilitation


• 6 systematic reviews Stroke rehabilitation


• 5 systematic reviews Cognitive impairment  and dementia


• 2 systematic reviews

Quality of life for cancer  patients


• 7 systematic reviews Fibromyalgia


• 4 systematic reviews Hypertension


• 4 systematic reviews Osteoporosis


• 3 systematic reviews

Stroke prevention


• 1 systematic review Anxiety


• 2 systematic reviews Low back pain


• 1 systematic review Postoperative arm  mobility in breast cancer  patients


• 1 systematic review Multiple sclerosis






Attention deficit disorder


After brain and spinal cord injury


Diabetes (eg, HbA




• 4 systematic reviews Rheumatoid arthritis


• 3 systematic reviews Chronic heart failure


• 2 systematic reviews

GEnErAL HEALtH And FitnEss BEnEFits Balance,


• 10 systematic  reviews

Aerobic capacity


• 5 systematic reviews



• 2 systematic reviews Well-being


• 4 systematic reviews Sleep


• 2 systematic reviews



• 1 systematic review Immune capacity


Kidney function



COPD—chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, HbA


—hemoglobin A


, NA—not applicable, PTSD—posttraumatic stress disorder.


of tai chi research is that trial lengths of 6 to 12 weeks might not be sufficient to assess benefit, especially for chronic conditions. Fortunately, a number of long-term studies are now under way.

From a tai chi perspective, research on this art form to date might not have revealed all of its benefits. In our experience, many people who practise tai chi describe benefits that have not yet been studied—such as improved digestion, warmer hands and feet, and generally feeling younger. Although it is useful to know that benefits can be seen after only a few weeks, those who have practised tai chi for many years would note that benefits continue to accrue even after decades of practice.

A lot more research is under way, including longer, more rigorous clinical trials and assessment of the ben- efits for other conditions. And there is a lot of interest in understanding how tai chi works at a biochemical level. Early evidence suggests tai chi alters cytokines associated with pain perception,


enhances T cells,


and affects mononuclear cell functions in patients with cancer.


It would be interesting to assess the effect of tai chi on telomere length—an indicator of overall resil- ience and longevity.


Case resolution

You empathize with B.G.’s situation and reassure her that there are some things that can be done to improve her health and well-being. You suggest that now that her children have moved out, it is a good time to start something new. You agree that tai chi is a good choice—it is a gentle aerobic activity that also improves balance and strength. You note there is good evidence that tai chi could help her depres- sion and fair evidence that it might help improve her blood pressure. You discuss additional recom- mendations for her depression, hypertension, and blood sugar levels and arrange to see her again for follow-up.


Physicians can now provide evidence-based recommen- dations on tai chi to their patients, understanding that this is an active area of research. As with any exercise program, ongoing medical follow-up for any clinical condition is indicated.

Dr Huston is a family physician and a public health physician with the Department of Family Medicine and the School of Epidemiology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Ottawa in Ontario. Dr McFarlane is a family physician recently working in the central Arctic.


Both authors contributed to the literature review and interpretation, and to pre- paring the manuscript for submission.

Competing interests

Dr Huston has been practising tai chi for 3 years and assists in a Taoist Tai Chi health recovery class. Dr McFarlane has been learning from and teaching Taoist Tai Chi for 21 years and is a medical advisor to the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada.


Dr Patricia Huston; e-mail pg.huston@gmail.com


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