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Entropy of quantum limits for symplectic linear maps of the multidimensional torus


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Entropy of quantum limits for symplectic linear maps of the multidimensional torus

Gabriel Riviere

To cite this version:

Gabriel Riviere. Entropy of quantum limits for symplectic linear maps of the multidimensional

torus. International Mathematics Research Notices, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2011, 2011 (11),

pp.2396-2443. �10.1093/imrn/rnq155�. �hal-00464803�




Abstract. In the case of a linear symplectic mapAof the2d-torus, we give a lower bound for the entropy of semiclassical measures. In this case, semiclassical measures areA-invariant probability measures associated to sequences of high energy quantum states. Our main result is that, for anyquantizable matrixAinSp(2d,Z)and any semiclassical measureµassociated to it, one has

hKS(µ, A) X



log|β| −λmax 2 ,0


where the sum is taken over the spectrum ofA(counted with multiplicities) andλmax is the supremum of{log|β|: βsp(A)}. In particular, our result implies that ifAhas an eigenvalue outside the unit circle, then a semiclassical measure cannot be carried by a closed orbit ofA.

1. Introduction

The semiclassical principle asserts that in the high energy limit of quantum mechanics, phe- nomena from classical mechanics appear. One of the issue in quantum chaos is to understand the influence of the chaotic properties of the dynamical system (Anosov property, ergodicity, etc.) on the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvectors of the quantum propagator.

The first result in this direction is due to Shnirelman [25], Zelditch [27] and Colin de Verdière [10].

It states that, given an ergodic geodesic flow on a Riemannian manifold M, almost all eigen- functions of∆ are equidistributed onSM in the high energy limit. This phenomenon is known as quantum ergodicity and has many extensions. Rudnick and Sarnak formulated the so-called

‘Quantum Unique Ergodicity Conjecture’ which states that for manifolds of negative curvature, all the eigenfunctions of∆are equidistributed in the high energy limit [24]. This conjecture remains widely open in the general case.

To study quantum chaos, an approach is to study toy models, i.e. simple symplectic dynamical systems that are highly chaotic and that can be quantized in a standard way. One of the main advantage of such a system is that we can make explicit computations. Among the several toy models is the family of symplectic linear automorphisms on the 2d-torus T2d. In fact, a matrix A in Sp(2d,Z)which does not have 1 as an eigenvalue can be quantized in a standard way [6].

We will say thatA isquantizable. In this case, the phase spaceT2d is compact and in particular, the natural Hilbert space that can be associated to the level N will be finite dimensional. It will be denotedHN(κ) (see section 2) and will be of dimensionNd. The semiclassical parameter is denoted ~ and satisfies 2π~N = 1 (whereN is an integer). The set of classical observables will be the set of smooth functions on the torus C(T2d). There exists then a positive quantization procedure OpAWκ (.) that associates to each observablea a linear operator OpAWκ (a)on HN(κ).

This procedure is called the anti-Wick quantization and is constructed from the family of coherent states [7]. Moreover, there is a quantum propagator Mκ(A) corresponding to A which acts on HN(κ). This propagator satisfies the Egorov property:

(1) Mκ(A)1OpAWκ (a)Mκ(A) =OpAWκ (a◦A) +Oa(N1).

For any eigenvectorϕN ofMκ(A)in the energy levelHN(κ), one can define the following measure on the torus:

(2) µ˜N(a) :=hϕN|OpAWκ (a)|ϕNiHN(κ).



This quantity gives a description of the quantum state at energy N in terms of the position and the velocity, i.e. of the quantum state and its N-Fourier transform. Thanks to Egorov theorem, we have that any weak limit of the corresponding (˜µN) on the high energy limit (i.e.

as N tends to infinity) is an A-invariant measure on the torus. We call these accumulation points semiclassical measures. In this setting, Bouzouina and de Bièvre proved an analogue of Shnirelman’s theorem [7], i.e. almost all theµ˜N converge weakly to the Lebesgue measure on the torus ifA isergodic1. However, it has been shown that the Quantum Unique Ergodicity property fails in this setting and in any dimension [13], [17]. Precisely, given an hyperbolic2 matrix A, Lebesgue measure is not the only accumulation point of the µ˜N. For d = 1, it was proved by de Bièvre, Faure and Nonnenmacher that 120+Leb) is a semiclassical measure [13]. In higher dimensions and under arithmetic assumptions on A, Kelmer constructed semiclassical measures supported on submanifolds ofT2d [17].

Even if we know that the set of semiclassical measures is not reduced to the Lebesgue measure for quantized maps of the torus, one can ask about the properties of these semiclassical measures. For instance, it was shown in [6] and [14] that if we split the semiclassical measure into its pure point, Lebesgue and singular continuous components, µ= µppLebsc, then µpp(T2)≤µLeb(T2) and in particularµpp(T2)≤1/2.

1.1. Statement of the main theorem. In [1], Anantharaman proved that for a compact rie- mannian manifoldM of Anosov type, the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of any semiclassical measure associated to a sequence of eigenfunctions of ∆ is positive (see section 5 or [26] (chapter4) for a definition of the entropy). Her result proves in particular that eigenfunctions of the Laplacian cannot concentrate only on a closed geodesic, in the large eigenvalue limit. Translated in the context of our toy models, her result says that, for any symplectic andhyperbolic matrixA, the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of a corresponding semiclassical measure is positive. In particular, a semiclassical measure cannot be supported only on a closed orbit ofA. In subsequent works with Koch and Nonnenmacher [3], [2], they gave quantitative lower bounds on the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of semiclassical measures. In the model of quantized maps of the 2d-torus, their result can be written, for any semiclassical measure associated to anhyperbolic matrixA:

(3) hKS(µ, A)≥




max (log|βi|,0)−d 2λmax,

where {βi : 1 ≤ i ≤ 2d} is the spectrum of A (counted with multiplicities) and λmax is the maximum of the log|βi| [2]. As A is hyperbolic, it has exactly d eigenvalues (counted with multiplicities) of modulus larger than1. We underline that their result was more general as it also deals with varying Lyapunov exponents. One can remark that ifλmax is very large, the previous lower bound can be negative (and so the result empty). So they were lead to formulate that this bound should not be optimal. Regarding their result (and the different counterexamples), they conjectured that the optimal result would be that, for any semiclassical measureµ associated to anhyperbolic matrixA,

(4) hKS(µ, A)≥1





max (log|βi|,0).

Again, their conjecture was more general as they expected it to hold for situations where there are varying Lyapunov exponents. In this article, we will show:

Theorem 1.1. Let A be a matrix in Sp(2d,Z)such that 1is not an eigenvalue of A. Letµbe a semiclassical measure onT2d associated toA. One has

(5) hKS(µ, A)≥





log|βi| −λmax

2 ,0


wherei: 1≤i≤2d} is the spectrum ofA andλmax is the maximum of thelog|βi|.

1It means that no eigenvalue ofAis a root of unity.

2It means thatAhas no eigenvalue on the unit circle.


A first comment is that we do not obtain exactly the lower bound expected by Anantharaman, Koch and Nonnenmacher. Compared with their result, the lower bound of our theorem improves their bound [2] and it always defines a nonnegative quantity. However, regarding the semiclassical measures constructed3 in [17], the lower bound of our theorem should be suboptimal. We also recall that the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy satisfies the Ruelle inequality, i.e. for any A-invariant measureµ,

hKS(µ, A)≤




max (log|βi|,0),

with equality if µ=Leb [26] (chapter 8). A second comment is that our theorem holds for any quantizablematrix. Our assumption on the eigenvalues ofAis just made to ensure that the classi- cal system can be quantized. We do not make any chaoticity assumption on the dynamical system (T2d, A) (for instance, we do not assume A to be hyperbolic). In particular, our result implies that ifAhas an eigenvalue outside the unit circle, then a semiclassical measure of(T2d, A)cannot only be carried by closed orbits ofA.

In the case of varying Lyapunov exponents, the lower bound (4) has been shown to be true when one has only one Lyapunov exponent [16], [22]. At this point, it is not clear to us how to combine both methods in order to obtain an explicit nonnegative lower bound on the entropy of semiclassical measures in a general setting. Finally, we underline that, in the case of hyperbolic automorphisms ofT2, stronger results on the entropy of semiclassical measures were obtained by Brooks [9] and that, in the case of locally symmetric spaces of rank≥2, a similar lower bound was obtained by Anantharaman and Silberman [4].

1.2. Strategy of the proof. Compared with the original result of Anantharaman, the proof of inequality (3) in [2] was simplified by the use of an entropic uncertainty principle due to Maassen and Uffink [19]. This principle is a consequence of the Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem and it can be stated as follows [3], [19]:

Theorem 1.2(Maassen-Uffink). LetHandbe two Hilbert spaces. LetU be an unitary operator on. Supposei)Di=1 is a family of operators fromto Hthat satisfies the following property of partition of identity:




πiπi =IdH˜. Then, for any unit vectorψ, we have

(6) −








iU ψk2HlogkπiU ψk2H≥ −2 log sup

i,jiU πjkL(H).

In [2], the method was to use this principle for eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on M and a well-chosen partition of IdL2(M)so that the quantity in the left side of (6) can be interpreted as the usual entropy from information theory [26]. One of the main difficulty (that already appeared in [1]) was then to give a sharp estimate on the quantity kπiU πjkL2(M)→L2(M) for this choice.

In [23], we managed to use the symmetries of the quantization procedure for quantized cat-maps onT2to make a slightly different choice of partition. Precisely, we used the fact that the coherent states satisfy a property of partition of identity on HN(κ) and we were able to implement this property when we applied the entropic uncertainty principle. With this remark, the quantity kπiU πjkHN(κ)→HN(κ)is easier to bound than the corresponding one in [2]. In fact, the bound can be derived from estimates on the propagation of coherent states under the quantum propagator as in [5] and [13].

Our strategy will be to generalize our method ford= 1to higher dimensions. To do this, we would need to use a family of coherent states depending on the classical dynamic induced byA. In order

3These semiclassical measures have entropy equal to 12P2d

i=1max (logi|,0).


to obtain the sharpest bound possible as in [23], we would like to introduce coherent states which are not located in a ball but in an ellipsoid whose lengths will depend on the Lyapunov exponent ofA in every direction. It turns out that it is not possible to define such coherent states and to make the proof works. However, we will introduce a new quantization procedure that will be very similar to the anti-Wick procedure. We will construct this quantization using gaussian observables centered on ellipsoid adapted to the classical dynamic. We will prove that this procedure defines the same set of semiclassical measures and that it is adapted to the method developped in the cased= 1.

1.3. Organization of the article. In section 2, we recall how the dynamical system (T2d, A) can be quantized in a standard way. In section 3, we collect some facts about the reduction of symplectic matrices. Then, in section 4, we construct a new quantization procedure adapted to the classical dynamic induced byA. In section 5, we apply the entropic uncertainty principle to derive theorem 1.1. Finally, in section 6, we prove a crucial estimate on our quantization procedure that we used in section 5. This estimate is similar to the ones obtained for the propagation of coherent states in [5], [13]. The appendices are devoted to the proof of crucial and technical lemmas that we admitted at different steps of the article.

Acknowledgements. I would like to thank warmly Nalini Anantharaman for introducing me to these kind of questions, for many discussions on this subject and for encouraging me to extend the method of [23] to the higher dimensional case. I also thank sincerely Stéphane Nonnenmacher for his precious comments on a preliminary version of this paper. Finally, I would like to thank Frédéric Faure for several interesting discussions on the model of quantized cat-maps and Nicolas Vichery for helpful references on symplectic linear algebra. This work was partially supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the grant ANR-09-JCJC-0099-01.

2. Quantum mechanics on the 2d-torus

In this section, we recall some basic facts about quantization of linear symplectic toral au- tomophisms. We follow the approach and notations used by de Bièvre & al. in previous arti- cles [6], [7]. We refer the reader to them for further details and references. We denote T2d :=

R2d/Z2d the2d-torus.

2.1. Quantization of the phase space. In physical words,Rd(orTd) is called the configuration space andR2d (orT2d) is the phase space associated to it. In this article,ρ= (x, ξ)will denote a point of the phase space, i.e. points ofR2dorT2d. The usual scalar product onR2dis denotedha, bi andσis the usual symplectic form on R2d, i.e. σ(ρ, ρ) =hρ, JρiwhereJ :=

0 −IdRd IdRd 0

. For ψ ∈ S(Rd), we can define (Qjψ)(x) := xjψ(x) and (Pjψ)(x) := ~ı∂x∂ψ

j(x). This allows to define translation operators acting on a tempered distribution as:

U~(x, ξ) :=e~ıσ((x,ξ),(Q,P)).

We underline that it is the standard representation of parameter ~ onS(Rd)of the Heisenberg group and that it is unitary onL2(Rd, dx). Standard facts about this can be found in the book by Folland [15]. In particular, it can be shown that:

(7) U~(ρ)U~) =e2~ıσ(ρ,ρ)U~(ρ+ρ).

To define the quantum states associated to the phase spaceT2d, we can require that the Hilbert space has the same invariance under the translation operatorsU~(q, p)for(q, p)∈Z2d. It means that the quantum states will have the same periodicity as the phase space. To do this, we let κ= (κ1, κ2)be an element of[0,2π[2d and we require that, for all(q, p)∈Z2d, a quantum stateψ should check the following condition:

U~(q, p)ψ=e2~ıhq,pie−ıhκ1,qi+ıhκ2,piψ.


It can be remarked that κ different from 0 is allowed as, for α ∈ R, ψ and eıαψ represent the same quantum state. The states inS(Rd)that satisfy the previous conditions are said to be the quantum states on the2d-torus and their set is denotedHN(κ)where N satisfies

(8) 2π~N = 1.

It defines tempered distributions of period1 (modulo phase terms) whose~-Fourier transform is also1-periodic. They are sums of Dirac distributions centered on a lattice of volume~d [7]. The following lemma can be shown [7]:

Lemma 2.1. HN(κ) is not reduced to0 iffN ∈N. In this case, dimHN(κ) =Nd. Moreover, for all r ∈Z2d, U~(Nr)HN(κ) =HN(κ)and there is a unique Hilbert structure such that U~(Nr) is unitary for eachr∈Z2d.

The Hilbert structure onHN(κ) is not very explicit [7]. However, one can make it more clear using the following map which defines a surjection ofS(Rd)(Schwartz functions) onto HN(κ):

(9) S(κ) := X


(−1)Nhn,mieı(hκ1,ni−hκ2,mi)U~(n, m).

This projector associates to each state inS(Rd)a state which is periodic in position and impulsion.

Using it, we can define |φ, κi:=S(κ)|φi and|φ, κi:=S(κ)|φi for|φiand |φiin S(Rd). Then, the following link between scalar products onL2(Rd)andHN(κ)holds:

(10) hκ, φ|φ, κiHN(κ)= X


(−1)Nhn,mieı(1,ni−hκ2,mi)hφ|U~(n, m)|φiL2(R).

Finally, the following decomposition into irreducible subrepresentations of the discrete Weyl- Heisenberg group{(Nr, φ) :r∈Z2d, φ∈R}can be written [7]:

L2(Rd)∼= Z

[0,2π[2dHN(κ)dκ andU~

r N

= Z



r N


2.2. Weyl quantization. In the case ofR2d, classical observables are functions ofρ= (x, ξ)that belong to a certain class of symbols. We will use the following class of symbols:

Skν(1) :={a∈ C(R2d) : for all multiindicesα, k∂αak≤~kν|α|Cα},

whereν ≤12. An usual way to quantize these observables is to use the Weyl quantization [11], [12].

Let us recall the standard definition of this operator for an observablea:

[Opw~(a)u](x) := 1 (2π~)d



e~ıhxy,ξia x+y

2 , ξ


We also recall that, from the Calderón-Vailancourt theorem (theorem7.11in [11] or theorem4.22 in [12]), we know that there exists an integerDand a constantC(depending only ond) such that

(11) ∀ 0≤ν ≤1

2, ∀a∈Sν0(1), kOpw~(a)k ≤C X



We underline that the caseν= 12 is authorized for this last result [11]. In the case of the2d-torus, classical observables areC functions on T2d (and can be seen as a subset of S0(1)). It can be shown that fora∈ C(T2d),

Opw~(a) = X


arU~r N


where ar is ther coefficient of the Fourier serie of a, i.e. a(ρ) = P

aZ2dare2ıπhJr,ρi.Using the fact thatU~(r)Opw~(a)U~(r) =Opw~(a) (thanks to (7)), it follows that Opw~(a)HN(κ)⊂ HN(κ).

In view of this remark, we shall denote Opwκ(a)the restriction of Opw~(a)to HN(κ). Finally, the following decomposition holds:

Opw~(a) = Z




Recall from [21] (theorem XIII.83) that such a decomposition implies:

(12) sup

κ kOpwκ(a)kL(HN(κ))=kOpw~(a)kL2(Rd).

2.3. Quantization of toral automorphisms. LetA be a matrix in Sp(2d,Z). As in the case of the hamiltonian flow on a manifold, we would like to quantize the dynamic associated to A on the phase space, i.e. define a quantum progator associated toA. This can be done using the metaplectic ‘representation’ ofSp(2d,R)[15] that defines for each matrix Athe unique (up to a phase) operator which satisfies:

∀ρ∈R2d, M(A)U~(ρ)M(A)1=U~(Aρ).

M(A)is called the quantum propagator associated to A. It is a unitary operator onL2(Rd)and it can be shown [6]:

Lemma 2.2. Let A be an element in Sp(2d,Z)such that 1 is not an eigenvalue ofA. For each N ∈N, there exists at least one κA∈[0,2π[2d such that


MκA(A)denotes then the restriction ofM(A)toHNA). It is an unitary operator.

Even if it was only stated for ergodic matrices, the proof of this lemma was given in [6] (lemma 2.2). The hypothesis that 1 is not an eigenvalue is crucial in the proof of [6]. We will say that an element A inSp(2d,Z)isquantizable if1 is not an eigenvalue ofA. In the following, we will takeκequal to theκA(that also depends onN) given by this lemma. From all this, the following

‘exact’ Egorov property can be shown for eacha∈ C(T2d)[15], [7]:

Mκ(A)1Opwκ(a)Mκ(A) =Opwκ(a◦A).

Remark. We underline that we do not need any assumption onA(except that is is symplectic) to defineM(A)onL2(Rd). In particular, for everyQinSp(2d,R), we have that

∀a∈Sν0(1), M(Q)1Opw~(a)M(Q) =Opw~(a◦Q).

2.4. Anti-Wick quantization. The Weyl quantization has the nice properties that it satisfies an exact Egorov property and that for a symbol a, Opwκ(a) = Opwκ(a). However, it does not satisfy the property that if a is nonnegative then Opwκ(a) is also nonnegative. As our goal is to construct measures using a quantization procedure, we would like for simplicity to consider a positive quantization. This can be achieved by considering the anti-Wick quantization. To describe this quantization, we define the coherent state at point0 onRd:

|0i(x) :=

1 π~

d4 ekxk

2 2~ .

We define the translated coherent state at pointρ∈R2d as |ρi:=U(ρ)|0i. Using these coherent states, we can define a quantization procedure for a symbolain a nice class of symbol onR2d:

OpAW~ (a) :=



a(ρ)|ρihρ| dρ (2π~)d.

It is obvious that this quantization is positive. It can be verified also that it satisfies the property of resolution of identity:

OpAW~ (1) =IdL2(Rd)= Z


|ρihρ| dρ (2π~)d.

This quantization is related to the Weyl quantization. To see this, we can define the gaussian observable G˜~(x, ξ) := 1~)dekxk2+kξk


~ . For a bounded observable a, the relation between the two procedures of quantization is OpAW~ (a) =Opw~(a ⋆G˜~).Using Calderón-Vaillancourt theorem and the previous property, one can verify thatkOpAW~ (a)−Opw~(a)kL2(Rd)=Oa(~).Now one can


construct a positive quantization on the torus mimicking this positive quantization onR2d. To do this, we project the coherent states on the Hilbert spaceHN(κ):

|ρ, κi:=S(κ)|ρi,

whereS(κ)is the projector defined by (9). We define the anti-Wick quantization of an observable ainC(T2d)as follows:

OpAWκ (a) :=



a(ρ)|ρ, κihρ, κ| dρ (2π~)d.

It satisfies that for a symbola, OpAWκ (a) =OpAWκ (a)and that the quantization is nonnegative.

As in the case of the Weyl quantization, it is related to the quantization onR2d by the integral representation [7]:

OpAW~ (a) = Z


OpAWκ (a)dκ.

It also satisfies a resolution of identity property [7]:

OpAWκ (1) =IdHN(κ)= Z


|ρ, κihρ, κ| dρ (2π~)d. It is clear thatkOpAWκ (a)kL(HN(κ))≤ kak.

2.5. Semiclassical measures. All these definitions allow to introduce the notion of semiclassical measures for the quantized cat-maps [7]:

Definition 2.3. LetA be a matrix inSp(2d,Z) such that1 is not an eigenvalue of A. We call semiclassical measure of(T2d, A)any accumulation point of a sequence of measures of the form

∀a∈ C(T2d,C), µ˜N(a) :=hψN|OpAWκ (a)|ψNiHN(κ)= Z



ψN|ρ, κ




where(ψN)N is a sequence of eigenvectors ofMκ(A)inHN(κ).

The set of semiclassical measure defines a nonempty set of probability measures on the torus T2d. They areA-invariant measures using the following Egorov property:

Proposition 2.4(Egorov property). LetAbe a matrix inSp(2d,Z)such that1is not an eigen- value ofA. For everyain C(T2d), one has

∀t∈R, Mκ(A)−tOpAWκ (a)Mκ(A)t=OpAWκ (a◦At) +Oa,t(N1), where the constant involved in the remainder depends ona andt.

To conclude the presentation of our system, we underline that the set of semiclassical measures does not change if we consider another quantization procedure. For instance, we could have taken the Weyl procedure or any quantization Opκthat satisfies, in the semiclassical limit,

kOpκ(a)−Opwκ(a)kL(HN(κ))=O(N−γ), for some fixed positiveγ.

3. Symplectic linear algebra and Lyapunov exponents

In this section, we collect some facts about symplectic matrices that we will use crucially in our proof. We refer the reader to chapter1 of [18] for more details. We fix a quantizable matrix A in Sp(2d,Z), i.e. such that 1 is not an eigenvalue of A. As theorem 1.1 is trivial in the case where the spectrum is included in {z∈C:|z|= 1}, we also make the assumption thatA has an eigenvalue of modulus larger than1. We will denote

λmax = sup{log|β|:β is in the spectrum ofA}.

Remark. According to Kronecker’s theorem (2.5 in [20]), we know that if Ais anergodic matrix inSL(2d,Z), thenλmax>0.


One can decompose R2d into A-invariant subspaces called the stable, neutral and unstable spaces, i.e.

R2d :=E⊕E0⊕E+.

These subspaces satisfy various properties that we will use. The spectrum of the restriction ofA on the neutral spaceE0 is included in {z ∈C : |z|= 1}. The dimension ofE0 is even and we will denote it2d0. The restriction ofAon the stable (resp. unstable) spaceE (resp. E+) has a spectrum included in {z∈C:|z|<1} (resp. {z ∈C:|z|>1}). These two subspaces have the same dimension equal to d−d0 (which is by assumption positive). Moreover, there exist r in N and0< λ+1 <· · ·< λ+r such that E+ (resp. E) can be decomposed into A-invariant subspaces as follows:

E+=E1+⊕ · · · ⊕Er+ andE=E1⊕ · · · ⊕Er,

where the spectrum of the restriction of A toEi+ (resp. Ei) is included in{z ∈C:|z|=eλ+i} (resp. {z ∈ C : |z| = eλ+i}). Moreover, one can verify that the subspaces Ei+ and Ei have the same dimension that we will denotedi. The coefficientsλ+i are called the positive Lyapunov exponents ofA. We underline thatλ+rmax. With these notations, theorem 1.1 can be rewritten that for any semiclassical measureµassociated to A, one has

(13) hKS(µ, A)≥





λ+i −λmax

2 ,0


For the sake of simplicity, we will denote Λ+:=











λ+i −λmax

2 ,0


Our decomposition is exactly the Oseledets decomposition associated to the dynamical system (T2d, A, µ). For our proof, we will need something stronger in order to apply tools of semiclassical analysis. Precisely, we will need a symplectic decomposition ofR2dinto these subspaces. According to [18] (section1.4 to1.7), this decomposition is possible and we now recall the results from [18]

that we will need. To do this, we introduce the ⋄-product of two matrices. Consider two real matricesM1inM(2d,R)andM2in M(2d′′,R)of the block form


A1 B1

C1 D1


A2 B2

C2 D2


whereA1,B1,C1andD1are inM(d,R)andA2,B2,C2andD2are inM(d′′,R). The⋄-product ofM1andM2is defined as the following2(d+d′′)matrix:


A1 0 B1 0 0 A2 0 B2

C1 0 D1 0 0 C2 0 D2

 .

We can use this product to rewrite our symplectic matrix Ain an adapted symplectic basis [18]

(section1.7-theorem3). Precisely, for every1≤i≤r, one can construct an adaptedDiinGl(di,R) such that the spectrum ofDi is included in{z∈C:|z|=eλ+i} and denoteAi:=diag(Di, Di∗−1) (setion1.7in [18]). There exists also an adaptedA0 inSp(2d0,R)such that the spectrum4ofA0

is included in{z∈C:|z|= 1}(section1.5and1.6in [18]). Using these matrices, it can be shown that there exists a symplectic matrixQin Sp(2d,R)such that

(14) A=Q(A0⋄A1⋄ · · ·Ar)Q1.

4We underline thatd0will be equal to0if all the Lyapunov exponents ofAare nonzero.


This tells us that we have a symplectic reduction adapted to the Oseledets decomposition. The results in [18] are more precise and we have only stated what we will need for our proof of theorem 1.1.

4. Positive quantization adapted to the dynamic

We have defined the set of semiclassical measures starting from the anti-Wick quantization.

Yet, we have mentioned that this set does not depend on the choice of the quantization procedure.

In this section, we will construct a new (positive) quantization procedure that is really adapted to the classical dynamic. To do this, we will mimick the construction of the anti-Wick quantization.

In this case, we have seen that it corresponds to the Weyl quantization applied to the observable a⋆G˜~. It means that we have made the convolution of the observableawith a Gaussian observable which is localized in a ball of radius√


Our strategy is to make a slightly different choice of function G~ which will be localized on an ellipsoid with lengths on each direction that depend on the Lyapunov exponent. For instance, if the Lyapunov exponent associated to the variable(x1, ξ1)is larger than the one associated to the variable (x2, ξ2), the ellipsoid will be larger in the second direction. We should also take care of not violating the uncertainty principle and as a consequence the radius of the ellipsoid will always be bounded from below by√


In this section, we make this argument precise in the case of R2d and then periodize the new quantization to get a quantization on the torus.

4.1. An adapted convolution observable. To construct our new new quantization onR2d, we introduce a Gaussian observableG(x, ξ) := exp −πk(x, ξ)k2

,wherek.kis the euclidian norm on R2d. In the case of the anti-Wick quantization, we took the convolution of any bounded observable awithG◦


to construct our quantization. Regarding the Oseledets decomposition of A (see (14)), we would like to make a more strategical choice for the matrix we choose. To do this, we use the notations of section 3 and for~>0, we introduce a matrixB(~)of the following form:

B(~) :=Q

D1(~) 0 0 D1(~)

Q1, whereD1(~)is an element inGL(d,R)of the form

D1(~) :=

~2λmaxǫ0 IdRd0,~

λ+ 1

2λmaxIdRd1,· · ·,~

λ+ r 2λmaxIdRdr


In the previous definition,ǫ0is some small fixed positive number that we keep fixed until the end of the proof. To simplify the expressions, we introduce the notationγj+:= λ

+ j

max andγ0+:= ǫmax0 . In particular, we have thatkB(~)1k=O(~γ)for some fixed positiveγ. Finally, we can define an ‘adapted’~-Gaussian observable

G~:= 2d2|detB(~)|12G◦B(~).

4.2. Positive quantization on R2d. We have constructed a convolution which seems to be adapted to the dynamic. We would also like to keep the nice ‘uu’-structure of the anti-Wick quantization. So, for a bounded observableainC(R2d), we define

Op+~(a) :=Opw~(a ⋆(G~♯G~)),

where a ⋆ b is the convolution product of two observables and a♯b is the Moyal product of two observables (i.e. the symbol of Opw~(a)◦Opw~(b)[11]). We verify that

Op+~(a) = Z


a(ρ0)Opw~ ((G~♯G~) (• −ρ0))dρ0= Z


a(ρ0)Opw~(Gρ~0)◦Opw~ (Gρ~0)dρ0, whereGρ~0(ρ) :=G~(ρ−ρ0).So ifa≥0, this defines a nonnegative operator. The following lemma says that Op+~ is a nice quantization procedure:


Lemma 4.1. Let abe an observable inS0(1). We have Opw~(a)−Op+~(a)

L2(Rd)→L2(Rd)=Oa(~γ), for some fixed positiveγ (depending only on A).

We postpone the proof of this lemma to appendix A. The strategy is the same as when one proves the equivalence of the anti-Wick quantization and the Weyl one. Precisely, we can prove that there exists an explicit kernelK~0)such that

a ⋆(G~♯G~) (ρ) = Z




R2dK~0)dρ0= 1.

4.3. Periodization of observables. We have just defined a new quantization procedure onR2d which is related to the classical dynamic associated to the matrixA. To study our problem, we need to restrict this quantization procedure toHN(κ). To do this, we define

(15) Op+κ(a) :=Opwκ(a ⋆(G~♯G~)).

Thanks to lemma 4.1 and to the decomposition ofL2(Rd)along the spacesHN(κ), we know that kOp+κ(a)−Opwκ(a)kL(HN(κ))=Oa(~γ)(see also [21] (theorem XIII.83)). The explicit form of this procedure is given by

Op+κ(a) = X




e2ıπhρ,Jri Z


a(ρ0) (G~♯G~) (ρ−ρ0)dρ0

U~r N


For our purpose, we would like to verify that it remains a positive quantization procedure with a nice structure. To see this, we introduce the following periodization operators onS(R2d):

(16) ∀ρ∈R2d, ∀F ∈ S(R2d), Tρ(F)(ρ) := X



ρ+r− Jρ 2N


In particular,T0(Gρ~0♯Gρ~0)is an element inC(T2d)and it allows us to rewrite Op+κ(a) =




The translation operatorsTρ satisfy the following property:

Proposition 4.2. Let F1 andF2 be two elements inS(R2d). One has Opw~(T0(F1♯F2)) =




We postpone the proof of this lemma (which is just a careful application of the Poisson formula) to appendix B. This proposition provides an alternative form for our quantization procedure, i.e.

(17) ∀κ∈[0,2π[2d, Op+κ(a) = Z


a(ρ0) Z



In particular, it implies that Op+κ is a nonnegative quantization procedure. We also underline that we have the following resolution of identity:

(18) IdHN(κ)=






Remark. These last two formulas are the analogues of the ones obtained for the anti-Wick quan- tization. The expressions seems more complicated but we will see that it is more adapted to the dynamic induced byA.


4.4. Long times Egorov property. In this last paragraph, we show that as the anti-Wick procedure, the quantization procedure Op+κ satisfies an Egorov property until times of order TE(N) := logmaxN. We fix some positive ǫ≪min(ǫ0, λ1)and define the Ehrenfest time

(19) mE(N) :=

1−ǫ 2λmax



The parameterǫwill be kept fixed (until the end of the proof of theorem 1.1). In order to state our result, we denote µN the measure associated to the unit eigenvectorψN, i.e.

µN(a) :=hψN|Op+κ(a)|ψNiHN(κ)= Z


a(ρ0) Z

T2dkOpwκ(Tρ(Gρ~0))ψNk2HN(κ)dρdρ0. One can show the following (pseudo)-invariance property of the measuresµN until timemE(N):

Proposition 4.3. LetN)N be a sequence of unit eigenvectors ofMκ(A)inHN(κ)andµN the associated sequence of measures. Then, for every positive ǫ, one has

(20) ∀a∈ C(T2,C), ∀|t| ≤mE(N), µN(a◦At) =µN(a) +oa,ǫ(1), where the constant in remainder depends only onaandǫ.

Proof. We have an exact Egorov property for the Weyl quantization. In particular, it tells us that, for every integert,


L(HN(κ)) =


L(HN(κ))+Oa(~γ), where Op+κ(a)(t) :=Mκ(A)tOp+κ(a)Mκ(A)t. From the decomposition of the spaceL2(Rd)along the spacesHN(κ), we know that





Recall that we know that, for a bounded symbolb, Op+~(b)is equal to the operator Opw~(b⋆(G~♯G~)) and thatb ⋆(G~♯G~) (ρ) =R

R2db(ρ+B(~)1ρ0)K~0)dρ0 (see paragraph 4.2 and appendix A).

We write this formula forb=a◦At and combine it with the Taylor formula. We find that (a◦At)⋆(G~♯G~) (ρ) =a◦At(ρ) +



K~0) Z 1




Appendix A gives us an exact expression forK~. We can compute the derivatives of the second term of the sum and according to Calderón-Vaillancourt theorem (see paragraph 2.2), we finally find that



L(HN(κ))=Oa kAtB(~)1k .

AsB(~)was constructed to be adapted to the classical dynamic induced byA, we can verify that this last equality allows to conclude the proof of proposition 4.3.

5. Proof of theorem 1.1

We consider a semiclassical measure µ. Without loss of generality, we can suppose that it is constructed from Op+κ and that it is associated to a sequence of eigenvectorsψNk of Mκ(A) in HNk(κ)where(Nk)k is an increasing sequence of integers. Precisely, we have

∀a∈ C(T2,C), µ(a) = lim


We recall that we have denoted µNk(a) = hψNk|Op+κ(a)|ψNkiHNk(κ). To simplify notations, we will not mentionkin the following of this article. We start our proof by fixing a finite measurable partitionQof small diameterδ0whose boundary is not charged5byµ(paragraph2.2.8in [3]). We

5The parameterδ0 is small and fixed for all the article: it has no vocation to tend to0.


denote η(x) :=−xlogx(with the convention0 log 0 = 0). We recall that the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of the measureµfor the partitionQcan be defined as [26]

hKS(µ, A,Q) := lim


1 2m



η µ

AmQαm· · · ∩A(m1)Qαm1


whereαj varies in{1,· · · , K}(K is the cardinal ofQ).

5.1. Using the entropic uncertainty principle. Our quantization is defined for smooth ob- servables on the torus. So we start by defining a smooth partition (Pi)Ki=1 of observables in C(T2,[0,1]) (of small support of diameter less than 2δ) that satisfies the following property of partition ofT2d:

(22) ∀ρ∈T2d,




Pi2(ρ) = 1.

Mimicking the definition of Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, we define the quantum entropy ofψN with respect toP:

(23) h2mN,P) :=− X


µN(P2α) logµN(P2α),

where Pα := Qm−1

j=−mPαj ◦Aj for α:= (αm,· · ·, αm1). One can verify that for fixed m, we have

(24) h2m(µ,P) :=− X


µ(P2α) logµ(P2α) = lim


So, for a fixed m and asN → ∞, the quantum entropy we have just defined tends to the usual entropy ofµat time2m(with the notable difference that we consider smooth partitions). Our cru- cial observation to apply the entropic uncertainty principle is that we have the following partition of identity forHN(κ):

(25) X







This partition of identity is derived from equation (18) and is crucial to apply the entropic uncer- tainty principle 6. In fact, it can be applied forH=L2(T4d,HN(κ))and H˜ =HN(κ). For ρin T2d andψin HN(κ), we define

πα|ψi(ρ, ρ0) :=Pα0)Opwκ(Tρ(Gρ~0))|ψi.

This defines a linear application fromHN(κ)toL2(T4d,HN(κ))and its adjoint is given by παf :=



Pα0)Opwκ(Tρ(Gρ~0))f(ρ, ρ0)dρdρ0,

for f in L2(T4d,HN(κ)). It defines a quantum partition of identity as it satisfies the relation P

|α|=2mπαπα=IdHN(κ).Applying the entropic uncertainty principle for this partition andU = Mκ(A)n, we boundkπαMκ(A)nπβkL(L2(T4d,HN(κ))) and derive the following corollary:

Corollary 5.1. Using the previous notations, one has

∀n∈N, ∀m∈N, h2mN,P)≥ −log sup

|α|=2m{Leb(P2α)} −logc(A, n), wherec(A, n) := sup





Remark. If we had considered the anti-Wick quantization, we would have used the fundamental relation




T2dP2α0)|ρ0, κihκ, ρ0|dρ0=IdHN(κ).


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