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Thermal stabilities, packing coefficients and molecular packings in a series of homologous liquid crystals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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Thermal stabilities, packing coefficients and molecular packings in a series of homologous liquid crystals

J. Shashidhara Prasad, P.K. Rajalakshmi

To cite this version:

J. Shashidhara Prasad, P.K. Rajalakshmi. Thermal stabilities, packing coefficients and molecular packings in a series of homologous liquid crystals. Journal de Physique, 1979, 40 (3), pp.309-313.

�10.1051/jphys:01979004003030900�. �jpa-00209110�


Thermal stabilities, packing coefficients and molecular

packings in a series of homologous liquid crystals

J. Shashidhara Prasad and P. K. Rajalakshmi

Department of Physics, University of Mysore, Mysore 570006, India

(Reçu le 2 août 1978, révisé le 13 octobre 1978, accepté le 23 novembre 1978)



L’étude systématique des structures cristallines et moléculaires des composés mésogènes est d’un grand intérêt pour l’interprétation d’un certain nombre de propriétés physiques de base des cristaux liquides.

Dans cette optique,

on a

déterminé a priori la structure des arrangements moléculaires des matériaux liquides-

cristallins para-heptanoate de phénylazo-para’-éthoxyphényl (P1) et undécylénate correspondant (P1 et P21/c

pour les deux modifications)


utilisant les données

connues sur

la structure moléculaire de molécules semblables, para-valérate de phénylazo-para’-éthoxyphényl (P1) et para-hexanoate correspondant (P21/c), suivant l’approche

du modèle de Kitaigorodsky. Les coefficients d’empilements estimés correspondent bien


stabilités thermiques

dans les séries homologues.



A systematic study of the molecular and crystalline structures of the mesogenic compounds is of

considerable interest in order to interpret


number of basic physical properties of liquid crystals. In view of this

an a

priori determination of the molecular packings have been made for the liquid crystalline materials p-p-ethoxy- phenylazo phenyl heptanoate (P1) and undecylenate (P1 and P21/c for the two modifications) based


the earlier results of detailed molecular structure data for the similar molecules, p-p-ethoxyphenylazo phenyl valerate (P1)

and hexanoate (P21/c) and the model approach of Kitaigorodsky. The estimated packing coefficients correlate well with thermal stabilities in the homologous series.

Classification Physics Abstracts




An investigation of single crystals of mesogenic

materials (that is compounds which exhibit smectic, nematic or cholesteric liquid crystalline phases


heating) shows the nature of packing of molecules in the solid state and provides other molecular characte- ristics which could give insight into the nature of liquid crystals. A systematic study of the molecular and crystalline structure of the mesogenic materials

is of considerable interest for


number of basic pro- blems, for example, to help interpret the bulk pro-

perties of the liquid crystalline phase, such


optical anisotropy, diamagnetic anisotropy etc. It may also provide

an answer

to the problem


to why only


few organic substances exhibit liquid crystallinity and why

some of these exhibit more than one phase. In view

of the very little work [1-23] that has been done since the first diffraction studies


liquid crystalline mate-

rials by Bernal and Crowfoot [24],


project has been

started to study the state of molecular packing in

different homologous series in order to achieve


greater insight regarding imbricated packing and

hence to increase knowledge of the variation in

melting points, thermal stabilities etc., within homo-

logous series and between groups of different homo-

logous series. As a part of this project detailed mole- cular structures of crystals of p-p-ethoxyphenylazo phenyl valerate and hexanoate have been obtained [ 19, 20].



have tried to obtain the molecular struc- ture of the higher homologs viz p-p-ethoxyphenylazo phenyl, heptanoate and undecylenate using the results

available for the lower members of the homologous

series and the model approach of Kitaigorodsky [25].

Also packing coefficients for all the members of the

homologous series of p-p-ethoxyphenylazo phenyl

alkanoate have been estimated, these well explain

the thermal stability variations within the homologous


l. Molecular packing in heptanoate and undecy-



The geometrical analysis technique or

model approach of Kitaigorodsky has been used for

the a priori determination of the molecular packing

for undecylenate and heptanoate without detailed X-ray diffraction studies. Cell dimensions, which

are essential for this approach,


determined by Weissenberg and Precession methods (Table I). Unde- cylenate crystallizes in two space groups viz Pl and

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01979004003030900



Table I.


Crystallographic data for the homologous series p-(p-ethoxyphenylazo) phenyl alkanoates

P21/c. The molecular models


constructed using

the intermolecular radii Rcarbon


1.80 À,

and Rnitrogen


1.58 A, and were arranged


that the

distances between their centres corresponded to unit

cell dimensions while taking care that the projection

of one molecule falls into the hollows of adjacent

molecules with the closest possible packing. By means

of the symmetry elements of the particular space group, the initial orientation of the molecules were fixed by the angles ({Jl’ ({J2 and p3


defined in figure 1.

Subsequently geometrical calculations were made with the contacts of molecules related by different symmetry conditions using the bond lengths of

various bonds that were obtained for the crystals of

hexanoate and valerate by X-ray diffraction methods and refined values of (pl, (P2 and (P3



With these refined values of (Pl, (P2 and (P3 for the molecular orientation, the molecular packing dia-

grams have been obtained and


shown in figures 2

to 7 for the two compounds. Several reflections observ- ed on X-ray diffraction photographs of heptanoate

and undecylenate are in very good agreement with the intensities of several major reflections which determine the arrangement of molecules in the case of valerate and hexanoate in their respective space groups, justifying the molecular geometry and arran- gement.

Fig. l.


The designation of the angles for molecular orientation.

Fig. 2.


Projection of the molecular packing of heptanoate along

the z-axis.

Fig. 3.


Projection of the molecular packing of heptanoate along

the y-axis.

2. Packing coefficients and thennal stabilities. - The molecular packing coefficient defined as the ratio of the geometrical volume of the molecule to that of the volume of the molécule as determined by X-ray diffraction experiments, has been estimated for all the members of the series by using the bond length

valence angles and intermolecular contacts obtained


Fig. 5.


Projection of the molecular packing of undecylenate (Pl) along the y-axis.

Fig. 5.


Projection of the molecular packing of undecylenate (Pl) along the y-axis.

for crystals of valerate and hexanoate from detailed

crystal structure analysis and the formula for volume increments

where R is the intermolecular radius of the atom

concerned, Ri is the intermolecular radii of atoms that are valence bonded with this atom and



positions distance di from this atom; the height of

the cut off segment is

Fig. 6.


Projection of the molecular packing of undecylenate (P21/c) along the x-axis.

Fig. 7.


Projection of the molecular packing of undecylenate (P2,/c) along the y-axis.

The intermolecular radii used for hydrogen, carbon,

oxygen and nitrogen


respectively 1.17, 1.80, 1.52 and 1.58 Á. The volumes of the unit cells of different members, the number of molecules per unit cell, the densities, the melting points, the geometrical mole-

cular volumes and the packing coefficients are given

in table II.



Table II.


The volumes of the unit cells of different members, the number of molecules per unit cell.Zl the den-

sities, the melting points, the geometrical molecular volumes and the packing coefficients

3. Discussion.


It was shown earlier by molecular

structure studies that the change in stability within

the homologs valerate and hexanoate could be accôunted for by the varying difference in the angles

between the benzene planes. As the angle between

the benzene planes increases thermal stability

decreases. The angle between the benzene planes goes up from 4.84 to 10.16 to 23 .2°


we pass from valerate to heptanoate. This trend should have been exhibited for undecylenate, but the thermal stability

has increased again, due to an additional dipole at

the end of the chain. These results could be explained


elegantly and easily from the knowledge of the packing coefficients which have been estimated. As


go up the homologous series the packing coefficient of successive members gradually decreases and the

packing coefficient itself shows odd-even phenome-


similar to orientational order parameter, dielec- tric anisotropy, relaxation frequency etc. [26-28].

The molecules gradually spread apart in the crystal-

line state for higher members of the homologous

series. The varying differences between the packing

coefficients of neighbouring members could be explain-

ed simply


the tendency of the packing coefficient to increase when


system prefers having lower sym- metry. The difference in packing coefficient between

valerate and hexanoate is more than that between hexanoate and heptanoate, instead of being very


ly equal. This can be explained in terms of the addi- tional increment in packing coefficient that arises for valerate and heptanoate due to their preference for having lower symmetry i.e., Pl space group. As such, the difference in the packing coefficient between valerate and hexanoate is more than that for hexa- noate and heptanoate


though the number of

carbon atoms in the alkyl chain of neighbouring

members changes by one.

In the


of undecylenate the packing coefficient increases for one of the two forms which is not compa- tible with the increase in chain length


for the other members, accounting for the comparably higher stability of undecylenate. There is


slight difference

in packing coefficient for the two types of space groups which it exhibits. The differences in packing coefficients, melting points and densities are all in agreement for the two crystalline forms of undecyle-

nate. The unidirectional orientation of molecules in the molecular packing of the two crystalline forms

of undecylenate and the fact that the crystallographic angles of its triclinic form


close to 900 makes it

possible for the substance to go very easily into either space group.


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