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On the convergence rate of approximation schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations


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Mod´elisation Math´ematique et Analyse Num´erique M2AN, Vol. 36, N 1, 2002, pp. 33–54 DOI: 10.1051/m2an:2002002


Guy Barles


and Espen Robstad Jakobsen


Abstract. Using systematically a tricky idea of N.V. Krylov, we obtain general results on the rate of convergence of a certain class of monotone approximation schemes for stationary Hamilton-Jacobi- Bellman equations with variable coefficients. This result applies in particular to control schemes based on the dynamic programming principle and to finite difference schemes despite, here, we are not able to treat the most general case. General results have been obtained earlier by Krylov for finite difference schemes in the stationary case with constant coefficients and in the time-dependent case with variable coefficients by using control theory and probabilistic methods. In this paper we are able to handle variable coefficients by a purely analytical method. In our opinion this way is far simpler and, for the cases we can treat, it yields a better rate of convergence than Krylov obtains in the variable coefficients case.

Mathematics Subject Classification. 65N06, 65N15, 41A25, 49L20, 49L25.

Received: September 11, 2001.

1. Introduction

Optimal control problems for diffusion processes have been considered in a great generality recently by using the dynamic programming principle approach and viscosity solution methods: the value-function of such problems was proved to be the unique viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations under natural conditions on the data. We refer the reader to the articles of Lions [15–17] and the book by Fleming and Soner [8] for results in this direction and to the User’s guide [6] for a detailed presentation of the notion of viscosity solutions.

In order to compute the value function, numerical schemes have been derived and studied for a long time:

we refer the reader to, for instance, Lions and Mercier [18], Crandall and Lions [7], and Kushner [13] for the derivation of such schemes (see also the books of Bardi and Capuzzo-Dolcetta [2] and Fleming and Soner [8]), and Camilli and Falcone [4], Menaldi [19], Souganidis [20] and the recent work of Bonnans and Zidani [3] for the study of their properties, including some proofs of convergence and of rate of convergence.

Keywords and phrases.Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, viscosity solution, approximation schemes, finite difference methods, convergence rate.

Jakobsen was supported by the Research Council of Norway, Grant No. 121531/410.

∗∗Barles was partially supported by the TMR Program “Viscosity Solutions and their Applications”.

1 Laboratoire de Math´ematiques et Physique Th´eorique, University of Tours, Parc de Grandmont, 37200 Tours, France.


2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway.

c EDP Sciences, SMAI 2002


The convergence can be obtained in a very general setting either by probabilistic methods (see Kushner [13]) or by viscosity solution methods (see Barles and Souganidis [1]). But until recently there were almost no results on the rate of convergence of such schemes in the degenerate diffusion case where the value-function is expected to have only C0,δ or W1, regularity (see the above references). Viscosity solution methods were providing this rate of convergence only for first-order equations (cf. Souganidis [20]),i.e. for deterministic control problems, or forx-independent coefficients (cf. Krylov [11]). Results in the spirit of our paper but requiring more regularity on the value-functions were anyway obtained by Menaldi [19].

Progress were made recently by Krylov [11,12] who obtained general results on the rate of convergence of finite difference schemes by combining analytic and probabilistic methods. Using systematically an idea by Krylov, we present here a completely analytic approach to prove such estimates for a large class of approximation schemes.

This approach is, at least in our opinion, much simpler. Unfortunately, for reasons explained below, it cannot yet handle finite difference schemes in the most general case.

In order to be more specific, we consider the following type of HJB equation arising in infinite horizon, discounted, stochastic control problems.

F(x, u,Du,D2u) = 0 inRN, (1)


F(x, t, p, M) = sup



2tr[a(x, ϑ)M]−b(x, ϑ)p+c(x, ϑ)t−f(x, ϑ)o ,

where tr denotes the trace of a matrix, Θ, the space of controls, is assumed to be a compact metric space and a, b, c, f are, at least, continuous functions defined onRN×Θ with values respectively in the spaceSN of symmetric N×N matrices,RN and R. Precise assumptions on these data will be given later on. From now on, for the sake of simplicity of notations and since ϑplays here only the role of a parameter, we writeφϑ(·) instead ofφ(·, ϑ) forφ=a,b,c andf.

Under suitable assumptions ona,b,candf, it is well-known that the solution of the equation which is also the value-function of the associated stochastic control problem, is bounded, uniformly continuous ; moreover it is also expected to be in C0,δ(RN) for someδ ifa,b,candf satisfy suitable regularity properties.

An approximation scheme for (1) can be written as

S(h, x, uh(x),[uh]hx) = 0 for allx∈RN, (2) where his a small parameter which measures typically the mesh size,uh:RN Ris the approximation ofu and the solution of the scheme, [uh]hx is a function defined atxfromuh. FinallySis the approximation scheme.

The natural and classical idea in order to prove a rate of convergence forS is to look for a sequence of smooth approximate solutionsvεof (1). Indeed, if such a sequence (vε)ε exists with a precise bound onku−vεkL(RN)

and on the derivatives ofvε, in order to obtain an estimate ofkvε−uhkL(RN)one just has to plugvεintoSand to use the consistency condition in addition to some comparison properties forS. This estimate immediately yields an estimate ofku−uhkL(RN) which depends onεandhand the convergence rate’s result then follows from optimizing with respect toε.

Unfortunately, such a program cannot be carried out so easily and, to the best of our knowledge, until now, nobody has been able to prove the existence of such a sequence when the dataa, b, c, f depends onx. However Krylov had a very tricky idea in order to build a sequence which is doing “half the job” of thevε’s above: his key idea was to introduce the solutionuεof


F(x+e, uε,Duε,D2uε)

= 0 inRN , (3)


and to regularize it in a suitable way, taking advantage of the convexity ofF in u, Du, D2u. He was getting in this way a sequence of subsolutions (instead of solutions) which provides “half a rate”, namely an upper estimate ofu−uh. A detailed proof of this estimate is given in Section 2.

The other estimate (a lower estimate of u−uh) is ae.g. more difficult to obtain and this is where Krylov is using probabilistic estimates, at least in the x-dependent case. In fact it is clear that all the arguments used above are much simpler in the x-independent case. Our idea to obtain this lower estimate is very simple: to exchange in the above argument the role of the scheme and the equation. This idea was already used by Krylov in thex-independent case. As in the case of the equation, we are led to introduce the solution ofuεh of


S(h, x+e, uεh(x),[uεh]hx)

= 0 inRN. (4)

At this point we face two main difficulties which explain the limitations of this approach: in order to follow the related proof for the upper bound, we need two key results. First we have to show that there exists 0¯1 independent of h and ε such that the uh and uεh are in C0,δ¯L(RN) ; moreover we need a rather precise control on their norms in this space and also a rather precise estimate onkuh−uεhkL(RN). Of course, a natural idea is to copy the proofs of the related results for (1). They rely on the doubling of variables method which, unfortunately, does not seem to be extendable to all types of schemes. Roughly speaking, we are able to obtain rates of convergence for approximation schemes for which we can extend this method.

At this point, it is useful to consider a simple 1d example, namely


2a(x)u00+λu=f(x) in R,

where a = σ2 with σ, f W1,(R) and λ > 0. We consider two ways of constructing numerical schemes approximating this equation. The first one is to use the stochastic interpretation of the equation and to build what we call a “control scheme”

uh(x) = 1−λh

2 [uh(x+σ(x)√

h) +uh(x−σ(x)√

h)] +hf(x) inR.

Such schemes are based on the dynamical programming principle and are easily extendable to more general problems (cf. Sect. 3). For this type of schemes, it is not so difficult (although not completely trivial) to obtain the sought after properties ofuh anduεh.

On the contrary, we do not know how to do it in the second case (at least in a rather general and extendable way), namely for finite difference schemes like

1 2a(x)

uh(x+h)−2uh(x) +uh(x−h) h2

+λuh(x) =f(x) inR.

Indeed we face here the same difficulties as one faced for a long time for the PDEs, but without here the help of the so-called “maximum principle for semicontinuous functions”,i.e. Theorem 3.2 in [6].

Since we do not know how to solve this difficulty in a general way, we are going to introduce an assumption on the scheme, Assumption 2.4, which has, unfortunately, to be checked on each example. We do it in Section 3 for control schemes which were studied by classical methods in Menaldi [19] and by viscosity solutions’ methods by Camilli and Falcone [4], and in Section 4 for finite difference schemes.

Finally we want to point out that, if the equation and the scheme satisfy symmetrical properties, our approach provides the same order in h for the upper and lower bound on u−uh. This is the case for example if one assumes the discount factors to be large enough compared to the various Lipschitz constants arising inF and S. But, since this rate of convergence relies a lot on the exponentδof the C0,δ regularity ofu, and also on the possibly different exponent ¯δof the regularity ofuhanduεh, this symmetry cannot be expected in general.


This paper is organized as follows: in the next section, we state and prove the main result on the convergence rate. In Sections 3 and 4, we study the applications to control schemes and to finite difference schemes. The appendix contains the proofs of the most technical results of the paper.

2. The main result

We start by introducing the norms and spaces we will use in this article and in particular in this section.

We first define the norm denoted by | · |as follows: for any integer m 1 and any z = (zi)i Rm, we set

|z|2 =Pm

i1=1 z2i. We identify N1×N2 matrices with RN1×N2 vectors. For such matrices, |M|2 = tr[MTM]

whereMT denotes the transpose ofM.

Iff :RN Rmis a function andδ∈(0,1], then define the following semi-norms

|f|0= sup

x∈RN|f(x)|, [f]δ= sup

x,y∈RN x6=y


|x−y|δ and |f|δ =|f|0+ [f]δ.

By C0,δ(RN) we denote the set of functions f : RN R with finite norm |f|δ. Furthermore for any integer n 1 we define Cn,δ(RN) to be the space of ntimes continuously differentiable functions f : RN R with finite norm

|f|n,δ = Xn i=0

|Dif|0+ [Dnf]δ,

where Dif denotes the vector of the i-th order partial derivatives of f. Note that C0,δ(RN) and Cn,δ(RN) are Banach spaces. Finally we denote by C(RN), Cb(RN) and C(RN) the spaces of continuous functions, bounded continuous functions, and infinitely differentiable functions onRN. Throughout the paper “C” stands for a positive constant, which may vary from line to line, but which is independent of the small parametersh andεwe use.

The assumptions we use on the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (1) are as follows:

(A1) For anyϑ∈Θ, there exists aN×P matrixσϑ such thataϑ=σϑσϑT. Moreover there exists M >0 and δ∈(0,1] such that, for anyϑ∈Θ,

ϑ|1,|bϑ|1,|cϑ|δ,|fϑ|δ ≤M.

(A2) There existsλ >0 such that, for anyx∈RN andϑ∈Θ,cϑ(x)≥λ.

We will also use the following quantity λ0:= sup

x6=y ϑΘ

1 2




|x−y|2 + bϑ(x)−bϑ(y), x−y


· (5)

By assumption (A1), we have 0 λ0 < 3M/2. The next two (almost) classical results recall that, under assumptions (A1) and (A2), we have existence, uniqueness, and H¨older regularity of viscosity solutions of (1).

Theorem 2.1. Under assumptions (A1) and (A2) there exists a unique bounded continuous viscosity solution of (1). Moreover for u, v∈Cb(RN), ifu andv are viscosity sub- and supersolutions of (1) respectively, then u≤v inRN.

The proof of this result is classical and left to the reader. The second result is


Theorem 2.2. Assume that (A1) and (A2) hold, and assume that uis the (unique) bounded viscosity solution of (1). Thenu∈C0,δ¯(RN), where δ¯is defined as follows: (i) when λ < δλ0 then ¯δ= λλ

0, (ii) when λ=δλ0

thenδ¯is any number in(0, δ), and (iii) when λ > δλ0 thenδ¯=δ.

This result is proved in [15–17] in the case δ = 1. The caseδ <1 follows after easy modifications in this proof. We now state the assumptions on the approximation scheme (2).

(C1) (Monotony) There exists ¯λ >0 such that, for everyh≥0,x∈RN,t∈R, m≥0 and bounded functions u, vsuch thatu≤v inRN then

S(h, x, t+m,[u+m]hx)≥S(h, x, t,[v]hx) + ¯λm .

(C2) (Regularity) For everyh >0 and φ∈Cb(RN), x7→S(h, x, φ(x),[φ]hx) is bounded and continuous in RN and the function t7→S(h, x, t,[φ]hx) is uniformly continuous for boundedt, uniformly with respect tox∈RN. To state the next assumption, we use a sequence of mollifiers (ρε)ε defined as follows

ρε(x) = 1 εNρ(x

ε) where ρ∈C(RN), Z

RNρ= 1, and supp{ρ}= ¯B(0,1). (6) The next assumption is

(C3) (Convexity) For any ˆδ∈(0,1] andv C0,ˆδ(RN), there exists a constantK >0 such that forh >0 and

x∈RN Z

RNS(h, x, v(x−e),[v(· −e)]hxε(e)de≥S(h, x,(v∗ρε)(x),[v∗ρε]hx)−Kεˆδ,

(C4) (Consistency) There exist n N, δ0 (0,1], and k > 0 such that for every v Cn,δ0(RN), there is a constant ¯K >0 such that forh≥0 andx∈RN

|F(x, v,Dv,D2v)−S(h, x, v(x),[v]hx)| ≤K¯|v|n,δ0hk .

Condition (C1) is a monotonicity condition stating that S(h, x, t,[u]hx) is non-decreasing in t∈Rand non- increasing in [u]hx for bounded (possibly discontinuous) functions uequipped with the usual partial ordering.

In the schemes we are going to consider in this article ¯λ=λ, but it is also natural to consider schemes where λ¯ 6= λ. Condition (C3) is satisfied withK = 0 by Jensen’s inequality if S is convex in t and [u]hx. Finally, condition (C4) implies that smooth solutions of the scheme (2) will converge towards the solution of equation (1).

In the sequel, we say that a functionu∈Cb(RN) is a subsolution (resp. supersolution) to the scheme if S(h, x, u(x),[u]hx)0 (resp. 0) for allx∈RN .

Conditions (C1) and (C2) imply a comparison result for continuous solutions of (2).

Lemma 2.3. Let u, v∈Cb(RN). Ifuandv are sub- and supersolutions of (2)respectively, then u≤v inRN. Proof. We assume m := supRN(u−v) >0 and derive a contradiction. Let{xn}n be a sequence inRN such that u(xn)−v(xn) =:δn →masn→ ∞. Fornlarge enoughδn>0, and now (C1) and (C2) yield

0≥S(h, xn, u(xn),[u]hxn)−S(h, xn, v(xn),[v]hxn)

≥S(h, xn, v(xn) +δn,[v+m]hxn)−S(h, xn, v(xn),[v]hxn)

≥λδ¯ n−ω(m−δn),


where ω(t)→0 when t→0+ is given by (C2). Lettingn→ ∞yields m≤0 which is a contradiction, so the proof is complete.

The uniqueness of continuous solutions of (2) is a consequence of the previous lemma. Now, in order to follow Krylov’s method, we have to consider the existence and regularity of solutions, not only for (2) but also for a perturbed version of it, namely equation (4).

In our approach, we need the solution of (4) to exist, to have a suitable regularity and to be close to the solution of (2). Unfortunately, as mentioned in the introduction, we are unable to prove that such results follow from (C1–C4) and we are lead to the following assumption:

Assumption 2.4. For h > 0 small enough and 0 ε 1, the scheme (4) has a solution uεh Cb(RN).

Moreover there exists aδ˜(0,¯δ](δ¯defined in Th. 2.2), independent ofhandε, such that

|uεh|δ˜≤C and |u0h−uεh|0≤Cε˜δ .

Note thatu0h is the solution of (2). This assumption is a key assumption and, at least for the moment, this is the limiting step in our approach. In Sections 3 and 4, we verify it for each of the examples that we have in mind.

We need a last assumption on the scheme:

(C5) (Commutation with translations) For anyh >0 small enough, 0≤ε≤1,y∈RN,t∈R,v∈Cb(RN) and

|e| ≤ε, we have

S(h, y, t,[v]hye) =S(h, y, t,[v(· −e)]hy). Our main result is

Theorem 2.5 (Convergence rate for HJB). Assume that (A1) and (A2) hold, and that the scheme (2)satisfies (C1–C5) and Assumption 2.4. Let u∈ C0,δ¯(RN)and uh C0,˜δ(RN) be the viscosity solution of (1) and the solution of (2) respectively. Then the following two bounds hold

(i) u−uh≤Chβ1 withβ1= δk¯ n+δ0

and (ii) u−uh≥Chβ2 withβ2= δk˜ n+δ0 ·

As we already mentioned, bounds (i) and (ii) do not need to coincide. We proceed by proving Theorem 2.5.

We start by proving bound (i) using mostly properties of equation (1). Then we prove bound (ii) using mainly properties of the scheme (2).

Proof of bound (i) in Theorem 2.5.

As we mentioned in the introduction, this bound was proved by Krylov [11, 12]. We provide a proof for the sake of completeness and for the reader’s convenience.

1. We first consider the approximate HJB equations (3): The existence and the properties of the solutions of (3) are given in the following lemma whose proof is given in the appendix.

Lemma 2.6. Assume that (A1) and (A2) hold and let 0≤ε≤1. Equation (3), where F is given by (1), has a unique bounded viscosity solutionuεC0,¯δ(RN)satisfying |uε|¯δ ≤C and|uε−u|0≤C εδ¯, where¯δis defined in Theorem 2.2.

2. Because of the definition of equation (3), it is clear, after the change of variablesy=x+e, thatuε(· −e) is a subsolution of (1) for every|e| ≤ε,i.e. that, for every|e| ≤ε,uε(· −e) satisfies in the viscosity sense

F(y, uε(· −e),Duε(· −e),D2uε(· −e))≤0 in RN.


3. In order to regularizeuε, we consider the functionuεdefined inRN by uε(x) :=


RN uε(x−e)ρε(e)de , where (ρε)εare the standard mollifiers defined in (6). We have

Lemma 2.7. The function uε is a viscosity subsolution of (1).

The proof of this lemma is also postponed to the appendix.

4. By properties of mollifiers, since the uε are uniformly bounded in C0,¯δ, we have uεCn,δ0(RN)C(RN) with|uε|n,δ0 ≤Cεδ¯nδ0. Then using the consistency property (C4), we obtain

F(y, uε(y),Duε(y),D2uε(y))≥S(h, y, uε(y),[uε]hy)−K¯|uε|n,δ0hk in RN. From Lemma 2.7, we deduce thatS(h, y, uε(y),[uε]hy)≤Chkεδ¯nδ0 in RN.

5. By (C1) we see thatuε−Chkεδ¯nδ0/¯λis a subsolution of the scheme (2). Hence by the comparison principle for (2) (cf. Lem. 2.3)

uε−uh≤Chkε¯δnδ0 inRN.

6. The properties of mollifiers and the uniform boundedness in C0,δ¯of theuε’s imply|uε−uε|0≤Cεδ¯. Moreover from Lemma 2.6 it follows that|u−uε|0≤Cε¯δ. All in all we conclude that

|u−uε|0≤Cε¯δ. 7. Finally, gathering the information obtained in steps 5 and 6 yields

u−uh≤Chkεδ¯nδ0+δ¯ inRN .

The conclusion follows by choosing an optimalε, namelyεn+δ0 =hk. And the proof is complete.

Proof of bound (ii) in Theorem 2.5.

We follow exactly the same method as that of bound (i), interchanging the role of the equation and the scheme.

1. Let uεh be the C0,˜δ solution of the scheme (4) provided by Assumption 2.4. From the scheme (4), by performing the change of variablesy=x+e, and using (C5), we see thatS(h, y, uεh(y−e),[uεh(· −e)]hy)0 for all|e| ≤εandy∈RN.

2. Let (ρε)ε be the standard mollifiers defined in (6). Multiplying the above inequality byρε(e), integrating with respect to eand using (C3) yield


RNρε(e)S(h, y, uεh(y−e),[uεh(· −e)]hy)de

≥S(h, y,(uεh∗ρε)(y),[uεh∗ρε]hy)−Kεδ˜, where

uεh∗ρε(x) :=


RN uεh(x−e)ρε(e)de .

Note that all the above integrals are well-defined since the integrand is continuous by (C2).


3. Because of the properties ofuεhgiven in Assumption 2.4 and the properties of mollifiers,uεh∗ρεCn,δ0(RN) C(RN) with|uεh∗ρε|n,δ0≤Cε˜δnδ0. By (C4) we then have

S(h, y,(uεh∗ρε)(y),[uεh∗ρε]hy)

≥F(y, uεh∗ρε,D(uεh∗ρε),D2(uεh∗ρε))−K¯|uεh∗ρε|n,δ0hk. 4. Gathering all this information, we have

F(y, uεh∗ρε,D(uεh∗ρε),D2(uεh∗ρε))≤C(ε˜δ+hkε˜δnδ0) in RN.

5. By (A2) we see thatuεh∗ρε−C(ε˜δ+hkεδ˜nδ0)/λ is subsolution of (1), and by the comparison principle for (1) (cf. Th. 2.1)

uεh∗ρε−u≤C(ε˜δ+hkε˜δnδ0) in RN .

6. Again by the properties of mollifiers and the C0,˜δregularity ofuεhwe get that|uεh−uεh∗ρε|0≤Cεδ˜. Moreover, by Assumption 2.4, it follows that|uh−uεh|0≤Cε˜δ. All in all we conclude that

|uh−uεh∗ρε|0≤Cε˜δ in RN. 7. Finally, we deduce from steps 5 and 6 that

uh−u≤C(ε˜δ+hkε˜δnδ0) in RN .

In order to conclude, we choose again an optimalε, namelyεn+δ0=hk. And the proof is complete.

3. Application 1: Control-schemes.

In this section, we consider general so-called control schemes. Such schemes were introduced for first-order Hamilton-Jacobi equations (in the viscosity-solutions setting) by Capuzzo-Dolcetta [5] and for second-order equations (in a classical setting) by Menaldi [19]. We will consider the schemes as they were defined in Camilli and Falcone [4]. Actually, we will consider a slight generalization wherecϑ is not assumed to be constant. We also consider another extension: In [4] there is the condition that λ > δλ0. We treat the general case whereλ is only assumed to be positive.

The scheme is defined in the following way uh(x) = min



(1−hcϑ(x))Πϑhuh(x) +hfϑ(x)o

, (7)

where Πϑh is the operator:

Πϑhφ(x) = 1 2N

XN m=1

φ(x+hbϑ(x) +

ϑm(x)) +φ(x+hbϑ(x)−√



andσmϑ is them-th row ofσϑ. We note that this is not yet a fully discrete method because the placement of the nodes varies withx. In [4] a fully discrete method is derived from (7) and analyzed in the casecϑ(x) =λ. The authors also provide the rate of convergence for the convergence of the solution of the fully discrete method to the solution of the scheme (7). We now complete this work by giving the rate of the convergence of the solution of the scheme (7) to the solution of the equation (1) ash→0.


To do so, we first rewrite the scheme (7) in a different way. Indeed, on the one hand, because of Assumption 2.4 and (C5), the role of the differentx-dependences in the scheme need to be defined precisely. On the other hand, the consistency requirement has to be satisfied. Therefore, we are going to define S(h, y, t,[φ]hx) whereφ is a bounded, continuous function inRN. First, for anyx, z∈RN, we set [φ]hx(z) =φ(x+z) and then

S(h, y, t,[φ]hx) = sup



h(A(h, ϑ, y,[φ]hx)−t) +cϑ(y)t−fϑ(y)

, (8)

whereA is given by

A(h, ϑ, y,[φ]hx) := 1−hcϑ(y) 2N

XN m=1

[φ]hx(hbϑ(y) +

mϑ(y)) + [φ]hx(hbϑ(y)−√



It is easy to see thatS defines a scheme which is equivalent to (7) and, in the sequel, we will use one or the other indifferently.

We start by checking that conditions (C1–C5) hold.

Proposition 3.1. Assume that (A1) and (A2) hold. Then the scheme (8) satisfy conditions (C1–C5) with λ¯=λ, K= 0,k= 1,n= 3, andδ0= 1.

Proof. First, conditions (C1) and (C2) follow easily from conditions (A2) and (A1) respectively. It is worth noticing that we have here ¯λ=λ. Condition (C3) holds withK= 0 because for any function g(x, ϑ),

ρε∗g(·, ϑ)(x)≤ρεsup


g(·, ϑ)(x) =⇒ sup


ρε∗g(·, ϑ)(x)≤ρεsup


g(·, ϑ)(x).

The consistency condition (C4) takes the following form:

|F(x, v,Dv,D2v)−S(h, x, v(x),[v]hx)| ≤K¯|v|3,1h ,

for anyv C3,1(RN). And finally (C5) holds since, for any bounded, continuous functionφ, [φ]hxe = [φ(· − e)]hx.

We have the following result on existence, uniqueness, and regularity of solutions of (7).

Theorem 3.2. Assume that (A1) and (A2) hold. Then there exists a unique bounded solution of the scheme (7) satisfying the following bound



|fϑ|0 λ


Moreover, if λ > δ¯λ0 whereλ¯0= supϑ([σϑ]21/2 + [bϑ]1), thenuhC0,δ(RN) and the following bound holds [uh]δsup


[cϑ]δ|uh|0+ [fϑ]δ



This result was proved in [4] in the case wherecϑ(x)≡λ. The extension to non-constantcϑ(x) is easy. We proceed by using an iteration technique due to Lions [14] to obtain regularity in the caseλ≤δλ¯0.

Theorem 3.3. Assume that (A1) and (A2) hold and that 0 < λ < δλ¯0. If uh is the solution of (7), then uhC0,




Proof. Letγ >0 be such thatλ+γ > δ¯λ0and letv∈C0,δ(RN) be in the setX :={w∈C(RN) : |w|0≤M/λ}. Consider the following equation

S(h, x, u(x),[u]hx) +γu(x) =γv(x) in RN. (9) Let T denote the operator taking v to the viscosity solution u of (9). It is well-defined because by replacing cϑ, fϑ, λ bycϑ+γ, fϑ−γv, λ+γ, Theorem 3.2 yields existence and uniqueness of a solutionu∈C0,δ(RN) of equation (9).

Now we note that by (A1), (A2), and the definition of v, ±M/λare semisolutions of (9) as well as (7). By comparison, Lemma 2.3, this implies that|u|0≤M/λ. So we see thatT : C0,δ(RN)∩X→C0,δ(RN)∩X. For v, w∈C0,δ(RN)∩X we note thatT w− |w−v|0γ/(λ+γ) andT v− |w−v|0γ/(λ+γ) are subsolutions of (9) with right hand sides γvandγw respectively. So by using the comparison principle Lemma 2.3 twice we get

|T w−T v|0 γ

λ+γ|w−v|0 ∀w, v∈C0,δ(RN)∩X. (10) Letu0h(x) =M/λandunh(x) =T unh1(x). SinceX is a Banach space andT a contraction mapping (10) on this space, the contraction mapping theorem yields the existence and uniqueness ofuh X where unh →uh ∈X and uh solves (7). Since|uh−unh|0 ≤ |uh−un+kh |0+Pk

i=1|un+ih −un+ih 1|0, using (10) and sendingk → ∞, and then using (10) again, we obtain

|uh−unh|0 1 1λ+γγ

|un+1h −unh|0

≤λ+γ γ

γ λ+γ



2M λ

γ λ+γ




Furthermore sinceλ+γ≥δλ¯0, Theorem 3.2 yields the following estimate on the H¨older seminorm ofunh [unh]δ K+γ[unh1]δ


γ λ+γ−δ¯λ0


[u0h]δ+ K λ+γ−δλ¯0

, (12)

where constant K does not depend onn orγ. Since γ≥δλ¯0−λ, we can replace the last parenthesis in (12) by a constant not depending on n or γ. Now let m = n−1, x, y RN, and note that |uh(x)−uh(y)| ≤

|uh(x)−unh(x)|+|unh(x)−unh(y)|+|unh(y)−uh(y)|. Using (11) and (12) we get the following expression

|uh(x)−uh(y)| ≤C γ

λ+γ m


γ λ+γ−δλ¯0



. (13)

Lett=|x−y|andω be the modulus of continuity ofu. Fixt∈(0,1) and defineγ in the following way γ:= m¯λ0


Note that ifmtis sufficiently large, thenm≥mtimplies thatγ≥δλ¯0. Using this new notation, we can rewrite (13) the following way

ω(t)≤C (

1 + λ


log 1

t 1

m m


1 +λ−δλ¯0


log 1

t 1

m m

tδ )



and letting m→ ∞ we obtain ω(t)≤C{tλ/¯λ0+tλ/λ¯0δtδ}. Now we can conclude since this inequality must hold for anyt∈(0,1).

Finally we need a continuous dependence type of result to bound the difference betweenuhof (7) and solution uεhof (4). The “direct” method used in the proof of Theorem 3.2 to prove H¨older regularity seems not to work so well here. In order to overcome this difficulty, we use “discrete viscosity methods”. That is, we double the variables and replace the solution by a test-function. The difficulty is to work without the maximum principle for semicontinuous functions. This is done by constructing schemes for the doubling of variable problem inR2N. Let us state the result corresponding to Assumption 2.4.

Theorem 3.4. Assume that (A1) and (A2) hold and let 0 ε 1 and h 1. Then the scheme (4) has a unique bounded solution uεh C0,δ˜(RN) satisfying |uεh|˜δ C and |uεh−uh|0 δ˜, where uh = u0h is the solution of (7), and where ˜δ:=λ/¯λ0 whenλ <λ¯0δ,δ˜:=δ whenλ > δλ¯0, andδ˜is any number in (0, δ)when λ= ¯λ0δ.

Proof. We writeSε(h, x, u(x),[u]hx) := sup|e|≤εS(h, x+e, u(x),[u]hx), and note that (C1) holds for this scheme with the same constant λ. By replacing ϑ by (ϑ, e), we see that existence, uniqueness and the H¨older norm bound follow from Theorems 3.2 and 3.3.

We turn to the bound on uεh−uh. First notice that because of the very definition of the scheme (4), uεh is a subsolution for theS–scheme and Lemma 2.3 implies thatuεh≤uh inRN.

Therefore we have just to prove thatuh−uεh≤Cεδ˜and, to do so, we consider theR2N–scheme which can be written either as

w(x, y) = sup




(1−hcϑ(x))Πϑ,eh w(x, y) o


where Πϑ,eh is the operator:

Πϑ,eh ψ(x, y) = 1 2N

XN m=1


ψ x+hbϑ(x) +

mϑ(x), y+hbϑ(y+e) +√

ϑm(y+e) +ψ x+hbϑ(x)−√

ϑm(x), y+hbϑ(y+e)−√

ϑm(y+e)o , or, equivalently, in the following way




n 1

hϑ,eh w(x, y)−w(x, y)) +cϑ(x)w(x, y)o

= 0.

We denote byDε(h, x, y, w(x, y),[w]hx,y) the right-hand side of this equation with [w]hx,y(z1, z2) =w(x+z1, y+z2) for anyx, y, z1, z2RN.

We first remark that this scheme satisfies theR2N version of (C1), even with the same constantλ, and (C2).

Then we consider the functionw:RN×RNRdefined byw(x, y) :=uh(x)−uεh(y). By the definitions ofS, Sε,Dε and using the inequality inf{· · · − · · · } ≤sup{· · · } −sup{· · · }, we obtain

Dε(h, x, y, w(x, y),[w]hx,y) S(h, x, uh(x),[uh]hx)−Sε(h, y, uεh(y),[uεh]hy) + (|x−y|+ε)δmax


[cϑ]δ|uεh|+ [fϑ]δ . (14)


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