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Convergence of a non-monotone scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with discontinuous data


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Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with discontinuous data

Olivier Bokanowski, Nadia Megdich, Hasnaa Zidani

To cite this version:

Olivier Bokanowski, Nadia Megdich, Hasnaa Zidani. Convergence of a non-monotone scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with discontinuous data. Numerische Mathematik, Springer Ver- lag, 2010, 115 (1), pp.1–44. �10.1007/s00211-009-0271-1�. �inria-00193157�


a p p o r t

d e r e c h e r c h e


Thème NUM

Convergence of a non-monotone scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with

discontinuous data

Olivier Bokanowski — Nadia Megdich — Hasnaa Zidani

N° ????

Novembre 2007


Unité de recherche INRIA Futurs

Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with discontinuous data

Olivier Bokanowski , Nadia Megdich , Hasnaa Zidani

Th`eme NUM — Syst`emes num´eriques Projets Commands

Rapport de recherche n ???? — Novembre 2007 — 44pages

Abstract: We prove the convergence of a non-monotonous scheme for a one-dimensional first order Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation of the formvt+maxα(f(x, α)vx) = 0,v(0, x) = v0(x). The scheme is related to the HJB-UltraBee scheme suggested in [7]. We show for general discontinuous initial data a first-order convergence of the scheme, in L1-norm, towards the viscosity solution. We also illustrate the non-diffusive behavior of the scheme on several numerical examples.

Key-words: HJB equation, L1- error estimate, antidiffusive scheme, non-monotone scheme, discontinuous initial data

Lab. Jacques-Louis Lions, Universit´e Paris 6 & 7, CP 7012, 175 rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, boka@math.jussieu.fr

UMA - ENSTA, 32 Bd Victor, 75015 Paris. Also at projet Commands, CMAP - INRIA Futurs, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau,Nadia.Megdich@ensta.fr

UMA - ENSTA, 32 Bd Victor, 75015 Paris. Also at projet Commands, CMAP - INRIA Futurs, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau,Hasnaa.Zidani@ensta.fr



equations HJB avec donn´ee initiale discontinue

esum´e : On ´etudie un sch´ema non monotone pour l’´equation Hamilton Jacobi Bellman du premier ordre, en dimension 1. Le sch´ema qu’on consid`ere est li´e au sch´ema anti-diffusif, appell´e UltraBee, propos´e dans [7]. Dans ce papier, on prouve la convergence, en normeL1,


a l’ordre 1, pour une condition initiale discontinue. Le caract`ere anti-diffusif du sch´ema est illustr´e par quelques exemples num´eriques.

Mots-cl´es : ´equation HJB, sch´ema non monotone, estimation d’erreur en norme L1, sch´ema anti-diffusif, condition initiale discontinue


1 Introduction

We consider the following first order Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation:

ϑt(t, x) + max

α∈A(f(x, α)ϑx(t, x)) = 0, t >0, xR, (1a)

ϑ(0, x) =v0(x), xR, (1b)

with discontinuous initial data v0. In optimal control theory, the solution ϑ of equation (1) corresponds to the value function of the optimized problem [3, 2]. It is usual that this function, as well as the “final” costv0, is discontinuous (for instance for target or Rendez- Vous problems).

In the continuous case (v0 is continuous), there are several contributions dealing with numerical schemes for the discretization of HJB equations [8, 10, 1, 13]. The work of Barles and Souganidis [4] gives a general framework for the convergence of approximated solutions towards the viscosity solution, under generic monotonicity stability and consistency assumptions. In that case, an error bound in ∆xγ2 is exhibited, ∆x being the mesh size, whenever the functionv0 is boundedγ-H¨older.

Nevertheless, when we deal with discontinuous intial datav0, classical monotone schemes are no more adapted. In fact, if we attempt to use these schemes, we observe an increasing numerical diffusion around discontinuities, and this is due to the fact that monotone schemes use at some level finite differences and/or interpolation technics.

In this paper, we analyse an explicit scheme for the numerical resolution of (1), closely related to the HJB-UltraBee scheme proposed in [7]. We give a convergence proof, show anti-dissipative properties of the scheme, and give aL1-error estimate.

The UltraBee scheme has been developed to study compressible gas dynamics [9], and more precisely to solve the transport equation. A generalization to HJB equations and many academic tests have been done to evaluate the behaviour of the scheme when dealing with discontinuities [7]. Its comparison with the viability algorithm [5] [15] was encouraging to study more deeply convergence results.

Let us stress on that this scheme is explicit and non-monotonous (neither -monotone in the sense of R. Abgrall [1]). As far as we know, there are few non-monotone schemes that have been proved to converge for HJ equations. In [12], Lions and Souganidis show the convergence of a TVD second order scheme, but which is implicit.

For a large class of discontinuous initial data v0, and under some asumptions on the dynamicsf(x, α) (see asumption (H3) in Section2), we obtain a first-order error bound in L1 norm, of the following form:

kV(tn, .)ϑ(tn, .)kL1(R)C(L, tn, v0)∆x ∀tn 0, (2) whereϑ is the viscosity solution of (1),V is the numerical approximation andC(L, tn, v0) is a positive contant wich depends only ontn, onL(Lipschitz constant ofxf(x, α), see Section2.1),tn, and on the total variation ofv0 (see Definition2.2).


This is the first result of this kind to our knowledge, in the case of discontinuous viscosity solutions. Furthermore, in some particular cases, such as the eikonal equation (ϑt+|ϑx|= 0, corresponding toA:={±1}and f(x, α) =α), the constantC does not depend oftn. This shows a ”non-diffusive” behavior of the scheme, as identified in [9], for the advection case with constant sign velocity.

The paper is organized as follows: Sections 2 and 3are devoted to the proof of (2) in the case of piece-wise constant initial data. In Section 4, we prove (2) for more general discontinuous initial data. In Section5, we weaken some assumptions made before on the velocities and prove a similar estimate for a modified scheme. We conclude in Section 6 by some numerical illustrations, in particular showing the non-diffusive behavior of the proposed scheme. The appendix contains some useful technical results.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Notations and preliminary results

We denote byv0 :RR a bounded lower semicontinuous (l.s.c.) function,A a compact set, andf :R× A →Ra continuous function satisfying:

∃L0, ∀α∈ A, ∀x, yR, |f(y, α)f(x, α)| ≤L|yx|. (3) It is known that, under these assumptions, equation (1) admits a unique bounded l.s.c.

bilateral viscosity solution [3, 2]. For convenience of the reader, we recall in the following definition the viscosity notion we use.

Definition 2.1. A bounded l.s.c. function ϑis a bilateral viscosity solution of (1) if, i) for anyφC1((0,+∞)×R)and at any local minimum (t, x)∈]0,+∞[×Rof ϑφ,

φt(t, x) + max

α∈A(f(x, α)φx(t, x)) = 0.

ii) lim inf

t→0+ y→x

ϑ(t, y) =v0(x), ∀xR.

If we set for allxR

fm(x) := min

α∈Af(x, α) and fM(x) := max

α∈Af(x, α), then equation (1) can be rewritten in the equivalent form:

ϑt(t, x) + max(fm(x)ϑx(t, x), fM(x)ϑx(t, x)) = 0, t >0, xR, (4a)

ϑ(0, x) =v0(x), xR. (4b)


Notice that by (3) and the definitions offmandfM, we havefm(x)fM(x),∀xR, and also

(H1) fmand fM areL-Lipschitz continuous.

For simplicity of presentation, we first suppose the simplifying additional assumptions:

(H2) fmandfM are of constant sign,

(H3) fmandfM are increasing functions ofx.

These assumptions will be weakened in Section5.

Remark 2.1. Assumptions (H1)-(H3) are satisfied for the particular case of the Eikonal equation: ϑt+c|ϑx|= 0,wherecis a given constant andc0(takingfM(x) =−fm(x) =c).

We now define exact and approximated characteristics that will be very useful throughout the paper. Letxj:=j∆xbe a uniform mesh with ∆x >0 andjZ, and denote:


2 := (j+1

2) ∆x, and Ij:=]xj−1

2, xj+1


As the dynamics fmand fM are lipschitz continuous, then for anyxRwe can define characteristicsXxM andXxmas the solutions of the Cauchy problems:

X˙xM(t) =fM(XxM(t)),

XxM(0) =x, and

X˙xm(t) =fm(Xxm(t)),

Xxm(0) =x. (5)

We also define approximated piece-wise constant velocity functions fMS and fmS, such that,∀jZ:

fMS(x) =fM(xj), ∀xIj, fMS(xj+1

2) =

0 iffM(xj)fM(xj+1)0, fM(xj) otherwise,


fmS(x) =fm(xj), ∀xIj, fmS(xj+1

2) =

0 iffm(xj)fm(xj+1)0, fm(xj) otherwise.

In general, the differential equation


χx(t) =fMSx(t)), a.e. t0, χx(0) =x, (6) may have more than one absolutely continuous solution. The non-uniqueness comes from the behavior on boundary points (xj+1

2) in the case when the velocity vanishes (or changes sign). Throughout this paper, we shall denote byXxM,S the function defined by:

XxM,Ssolution of (6), and (7a)

if ∃t0 s.t.

XxM,S(t) =xj+1


fM(xj)fM(xj+1)0 thenXxM,S(t) =xj+1

2 ∀tt. (7b)


We have uniqueness of such solution (see appendixA). We constructXxm,Sin a similar way.

Lemma 2.1. Assume that (H1) holds. Let a, b be in R. The following assertions are satisfied:

(i)For everyt0, we have:

max |XaM,S(t)XaM(t)|, |Xbm,S(t)Xbm(t)|


2Lt eLt ∆x, whereLis the Lipschitz constant offM andfm (see (H1)).

(ii)Letst and assume thatXam,S(θ)XbM,S(θ), for every θ[s, t]. Then

|Xam,S(t)XbM,S(t)|+ ∆xeL(t−s)(|Xam,S(s)XbM,S(s)|+ ∆x).

On the other hand, ifXam(θ)XbM(θ), for everyθ[s, t], then

|Xam(t)XbM(t)| ≤eL(t−s)(|Xam(s)XbM(s)|).

(iii) Assume (H1) and (H3). If a > b, then the functions t 7−→ XaM,S(t)Xbm,S(t) and t7−→XaM(t)Xbm(t)are increasing fort0.

(iv) Assume (H1)(H3). If ∆x2 < ab, then the function t 7−→ XaM,S(t)Xbm(t) is increasing fort0.

(v)Assume(H1)(H3). IfXbm,S(θ)Xam,S(θ), for everyθ[s, t]. Then we have

|Xbm,S(t)Xam,S(t)|+ ∆xeL(t−s)(|Xbm,S(s)Xam,S(s)|+ ∆x).

On the other hand, ifXaM,S(θ)XbM,S(θ), for everyθ[s, t], then

|XbM,S(t)XaM,S(t)|+ ∆xeL(t−s)(|XbM,S(s)XaM,S(s)|+ ∆x).

Proof. (i) LetxRand jZsuch thatxIj. ForyR,the following inequality holds

|fMS(x)fM(y)| = |fM(xj)fM(x) +fM(x)fM(y)|



Therefore, for allt0, we get:

|XaM,S(t)XaM(t)| = | Z t


fMS(XaM,S(s))fM(XaM(s)) ds|


2Lt∆x+L Z t



Hence by using Gronwall’s Lemma we obtain the desired estimate for|XaM,S(t)XaM(t)|.

The bound for|Xbm,S(t)Xbm(t)|is obtained in the same way.


(ii) Letδ(θ) :=Xam,S(θ)XbM,S(θ) + ∆x. We have d

δ(θ) = fmS(Xam,S(θ))fMS(XbM,S(θ))



Xam,S(θ)XbM,S(θ) + ∆x

=L δ(θ).

The result follows by using a Gronwall estimate. The proof for the other estimate is similar.

(iii) Defineδ(t) :=XaM,S(t)Xbm,S(t), andt:= inf{t >0, δ(t)<0}. Asδ(0)>0, then t>0. Then for allt[0, t[,δ(t)0 and we have:


dtδ(t) = fMS(XaM,S(t))fmS(Xbm,S(t))fmS(XaM,S(t))fmS(Xbm,S(t)),

which is positive, fort[0, t[, by (H3). We deduce thatδis increasing on [0, t[.Suppose that t is finite, then we get by continuity of XaM,S andXbm,S that δ(t)δ(0)>0. This contradiction shows thatt= +∞andδis increasing for allt0. (The proof is similar for t7−→XaM(t)Xbm(t).)

(iv) Similar arguments as in (iii)

(v) The proof is obtained as in (ii). 2

Lemma 2.2. Letv0 be a bounded l.s.c. function onR, and assume that (H1) holds. Then, the unique viscosity solution of (4) is given by:

ϑ(t, x) = min

y∈[XxM(−t),Xxm(−t)]v0(y), ∀t >0, xR. (8) Proof. Notice that equation (4a) can be rewritten as follows

ϑt(t, x) + max


((1α)fm(x) +αfM(x))·ϑx(t, x) = 0, t >0, xR. (9) The unique viscosity solution of equation (9) satisfying the initial condition (4b) (see [2]) is given by

ϑ(t, x) = min

α∈L(R+,[0,1])v0(Xxα(−t)) = min


whereXxαis the solution ofXxα(0) =xand ˙Xxα(t) = (1α(t))fm(Xxα(t)) +α(t)fM(Xxα(t))

fort0 withαL(R+,[0,1]). 2

We also consider the functionϑS which is defined in an analogous way as in (8), but with the approximated characteristicsXxM,S, Xxm,S instead ofXxM andXxm:

ϑS(t, x) := min

y∈[XxM,S(−t),Xm,Sx (−t)]

v0(y), ∀t >0, xR. (10) This approximate function will play an important role throughout the paper.


Proposition 2.1. Under assumption (H1), we have1:

kϑ(t, .)ϑS(t, .)kL1(R)LteLtT V(v0) ∆x. (11) Proof. By using Lemma B.1 (taking a1x= XxM(−t), b1x =Xxm(−t), and a2x = XxM,S(−t), b2x=Xxm,S(−t)) (whose inverse functions areXxM(t),Xxm(t), andXxM,S(t),Xxm,S(t) respec- tively) together with Lemma2.1(i), we obtain theL1-norm estimate. 2

Using Lemma B.3, we also obtain Proposition 2.2. Under assumption (H1),

T VS(t, .))T V(v0), ∀t0.

ForERa given set, we shall use in all the sequel the notation1E for the function defined by:

1E(x) :=

1 ifxE, 0 otherwise.

2.2 The HJB-UltraBee scheme

Let ∆t >0 be a constant time step, andtn:=n∆tforn0. We set the following notation for local ”CFL” numbers:

νjm:= ∆t

∆xfm(xj) and νjM := ∆t


and νm = jm, j Z}, νM = jM, j Z}. An adaptation of the UltraBee scheme has been proposed and numerically tested for the HJB equation [7,5,6]. Let us recall this formulation. We first introduce the notation for the average values of initial data:

Vj0:= 1

∆x Z xj+ 1


xj−1 2

v0(x)dx, jZ. (12)

As we deal with an explicit scheme, we will assume in all the paper that the mesh size satisfies the CFL condition:


∆x 1. (13)

1Throughout this paper, we will use the following definition for the variation of a real-valued functionw.

Definition 2.2. Letwbe a real-valued function. the total variation ofwis defined by:

T V(w) := sup 8


: X


|w(yj+1)w(yj)|; kN,and(yj)1≤j≤k+1increasing sequence 9


; .


Algorithm 1 :

Initialization: We compute the initial averagesV0= (Vj0)j∈Zas defined in (12).

Loop: Forn0,We compute Vn+1= (Vjn+1)j∈Zby:

Define “fluxes”Vj+n 1 2

(ν) forν∈ {νm, νM}as follows:

Ifνj 0 for everyjZ, define:

Vj+1/2n ) :=

min(max(Vj+1n , b+j(ν)), Bj+(ν)) ifνj >0

Vj+1n ifνj = 0 andVjn6=Vj−1n Vjn ifνj = 0 andVjn=Vj−1n , where

( b+j(ν) := max(Vjn, Vj−1n ) +ν1j(Vjnmax(Vjn, Vj−1n )),

B+j(ν) := min(Vjn, Vj−1n ) +ν1j(Vjnmin(Vjn, Vj−1n )), (14) Ifνj 0 for everyjZ, define:

Vj−1/2n ) :=

min(max(Vj−1n , bj(ν)), Bj )) ifνj <0

Vj−1n ifνj = 0 andVjn 6=Vj+1n Vjn ifνj = 0 andVjn =Vj+1n , where

( bj ) := max(Vjn, Vj+1n ) +1j|(Vjnmax(Vjn, Vj+1n )),

Bj(ν) := min(Vjn, Vj+1n ) +1j|(Vjnmin(Vjn, Vj+1n )). (15) Forν∈ {νm, νM}, let

Vjn+1) :=Vjnνj

Vj+n 1

2(ν)Vj−n 1

2(ν) . Finally, setVjn+1:= min

Vjn+1m), Vjn+1M)

for everyjZ. In all the sequel, we shall use the notation:

SU B(Vn) :=

min Vjn+1m), Vjn+1M)



Under assumption (H2), we notice that the resulting scheme is well defined. We associate to the scheme values (Vjn)j, the l.s.c. step functionV(tn, .) defined for everytn 0,xR by

V(tn, x) :=

(Vjn ifx∈]xj−1

2, xj+1

2[, min(Vjn, Vj+1n ) ifx=xj+1

2. (16)


2.3 A first case where fronts do not meet

We consider here the case of an initial data of the form

v0(x) :=1]−∞,b[(x) +1]a,+∞[(x), (17) wherea, bR∪ {±∞}anda > b. Our aim in this section is to study in this simple case the relationship between the viscosity solution at timetn,ϑ(tn, .) and the valuesVn computed by the HJB-UB algorithm. We show, under the CFL condition, anL1-error estimate in ∆x stated in the following theorem:

Theorem 2.1. We assume that(H1)(H3)and the CFL condition (13) are satisfied. Let v0 be defined by (17),∆x be such thatab+ 3∆x, and ϑbe the viscosity solution of (4).


kV(tn, .)ϑ(tn, .)kL1(R)(1 +LtneLtn)T V(v0) ∆x, ∀n0. (18) Before dealing with the proof of Theorem 2.1, it will be useful to have the analytic expression of the viscosity solutionϑ(known in this case, sincev0has a simple form):

Remark 2.2. Assume assumption (H1) is satisfied,a > b, andv0 as in (17). Then using Lemma 2.2 and by a direct calculation we obtain that the l.s.c. viscosity solution of (4) is given by :

ϑ(t, x) :=1]−∞,Xbm(t)[(x) +1]XaM(t),+∞[(x). ∀t0, xR. Also, the function ϑS defined by (10) satisfies:

ϑS(t, x) =1]−∞,Xm,S

b (t)[(x) +1]XaM,S(t),+∞[(x), ∀t0, xR. In the following we denote byϑS,n the cell averages ofϑS(tn,·), defined by

ϑS,nj := 1

∆x Z


ϑS(tn, x)dx forjZ, nN. (19) Lemma 2.3. Assume that(H1)(H3)hold,v0 is defined by (17), andab+ 3∆x. Then the valuesVjn computed by algorithm 1 satisfy:

Vjn=ϑS,nj , ∀n0, ∀j Z.

Proof. Case 1. We consider the case of v0(x) := 1]a,∞[(x), and proceed by recursion on n0 (the casev0(x) =1]−∞,b[(x) may be treated in a similar way).

Let j Z be such that the discontinuity position xn := XaM,S(tn) lies in ]xj−1

2, xj+1



Then we have Vkn = 0 fork < j, Vjn [0,1[, andVkn = 1 for k > j. By straightforward calculations, ifνM 0, we can verify that

ϑS,n+1j−1 =Vj−1n+1 = 0,

ϑS,n+1j =Vjn+1 = max(0, VjnνjM), ϑS,n+1j+1 =Vj+1n+1 =

( 1ννj+1MM

j max(0, νjM Vjn) ifνjM >0 1 ifνjM = 0

and, ifνM 0,

ϑS,n+1j−1 =Vj−1n+1 =

( M


jM| max(1, Vjn+jM|)1

ifνjM <0, 0 if νjM = 0

ϑS,n+1j =Vjn+1 = min(1, Vjn+jM|), ϑS,n+1j+1 =Vj+1n+1 = 1,

and in all cases, ϑS,n+1k =Vkn+1 = 0, ∀k j2, and ϑS,n+1k =Vkn+1 = 1, ∀k j+ 2.

This means that the HJB-UltraBee scheme computes exactlyVn+1M) from Vn for the advection with velocityfMS. In the same way we obtain that Vn+1m) computes exactly the average values from Vn for the advection with velocity fmS. Hence we have, for every kZ,

Vkn+1M) = 1

∆x Z



xn (∆t),∞[(x)dx, (20)

Vkn+1m) = 1

∆x Z



xn (∆t),∞[(x)dx. (21)

SinceXxm,Sn (∆t)XxM,Sn (∆t) we deduce thatVkn+1M)Vkn+1m), and, for allkZ, Vkn+1=Vkn+1M).

This concludes the proof ofϑS,n+1=Vn+1.

Case 2. Consider the case of v0(x) := 1]−∞,b[(x) +1]a,∞[(x). As ab 3∆x, by Lemma 2.1 (iii), we get XaM,S(t) 3∆x+Xbm,S(t) for t 0. This means that there are at least two successive cells with valueVjn =Vj+1n = 0 separatingXbm,S(tn) andXaM,S(tn).

Then as in Case 1 we obtain forkj+ 1 that (20) and (21) are also valid, and thus forkj+ 1, Vkn+1=Vkn+1M) =ϑS,n+1k

(i.e, an exact evolution following the discontinuity positionXaM,S(tn+1)). Also, in the same way as in Case 1, we obtain

forkj, Vkn+1=Vkn+1m) =ϑS,n+1k


(i.e, an exact evolution following the discontinuity positionXbm,S(tn+1)). This concludes to

Vkn+1=ϑS,n+1k for allkZ. 2

Proof of Theorem 2.1: SinceVjn =ϑS,nj , for alljZandn0, we obtain:

S(tn, .)V(tn, .)kL1(R)∆x T VS(tn, .)) = 2∆x=T V(v0) ∆x. (22) Inequalities (22) and (11) lead to the desired result (18). 2 Remark 2.3. Lemma 2.3 shows the behaviour of the HJB-UltraBee scheme: when the two discontinuities are far from each other, the algorithm is able to recover, from the average values, their exact positions XaM,S(t)andXbm,S(t). Then the scheme makes these disconti- nuities evolve with the piece-wise constant velocitiesfMS andfmS. This is due to the fact that, as long as the discontinuities are separated by more than3∆x from each other, the extrema ofϑS can be identified by the scheme.

This interpretation of the scheme extends some results of [11] (for the advection case) to HJB equations. We will see in the next section that this exact computation of the averages ofϑS is no more possible when two discontinuities lie in two successive cells, or in the same cell.

3 Case of piece-wise constant initial data

In this section we assume that there exists an increasing sequence of real values (yi)i=0,···,p+1

withy0=−∞,yp+1= +∞, and (γi)i=0,···,p such that

v0(x) =



γi1]yi,yi+1[(x) forxR\{y1, . . . , yp},

min(γi−1, γi) forx=yj and fori= 1, . . . , p.

(23) With this definition, v0 is a l.s.c. piece-wise constant function. We also assume that the mesh size ∆xsatisfies:

∆x 1 3 min

1≤i≤p−1(yi+1yi). (24)

We have derived in the previous section an error estimate when the discontinuities keep far enough from each other (more precisely, when they are separated by at least two entire cell intervals). In general, two discontinuities may become very close. Two critical cases may happen, see Figure1.

In these cases, one time step of the UltraBee scheme given in algorithm 1 may not com- pute the average values exactly. In fact, it would do a false interpretation of the maximum value and of the discontinuity localization. The idea is to anticipate this critical situation.

Hence when two discontinuities are too close, a truncation is done such that just one discon- tinuity remains in its right location (see Fig.2). Here we modify the HJB-UltraBee scheme around maxima when one of the two critical cases of Fig.1occur.


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ergodic attractor -, Ann. LIONS, A continuity result in the state constraints system. Ergodic problem, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. LIONS,

For problems involving H 1 -type norms, such as divergence form second-order elliptic PDE, nonoverlapping additive Schwarz preconditioners for h-version methods [10] lead to

This paper is concerned with the generalized principal eigenvalue for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equations arising in a class of stochastic ergodic control.. We give a necessary

Large time behavior; Fully nonlinear parabolic equations; Hypoel- liptic and degenerate diffusion; Strong maximum principle; Ergodic

In this paper we study homogenization for a class of monotone systems of first-order time-dependent periodic Hamilton-Jacobi equations.. We characterize the Hamiltonians of the

Comm. Viscosity solutions of a system of nonlinear second-order elliptic PDEs arising in switching games. On the rate of convergence of approximation schemes for Bellman