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Article pp.199-201 du Vol.36 n°200 (2010)


Academic year: 2022

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7 Editorial

11 Contributors to this issue

15 Innovation and region: the role of the geographical proximity should not be overestimated

Thomas Loilier

The aim of this article is to analyze in detail the relation between innovation and region by showing its complexity. This one is indeed based on a implicit assumption which can be relativised with the concept of proximity. It thus proves to be possible to propose a general framework for the relation between region and innovation by integrating the concept of project in particular.

37 Propensity of the Cameroonian manufacturing SMI to tie up co-operation agreement

Paul Djeumene

Certain small scale enterprises find it difficult to adopt the strategic option of co-operation even though it imposes itself as the most appropriate means to mobilise resources needed for the implementation of their strategy. This article therefore theorically and empirically elucidates the relationship existing between the organisational capacity and the propensity to cooperate. The sample of the Cameroonian manufacturing SMI used enable to conclude that such a relationship is significant. It is therefore necessary for the SMI managers to facilitate the setting up of an organisational structure which combine the control and trust mechanism as means of coordination.

53 Ethical consumerism : is there a willingness to pay ? Tina Rambonilaza

To address ethical motivations of consumers, this article leans on the online survey the Record of the Day magazine implemented to collect the price fans of the rock group Radiohead paid for the downloadable version of their album “In Rainbow” in 2007. It takes back the calculation of the average value of prices that internet users paid and analyzes these results in connection with the comments they left for their motivations, as well as the relevance of ethical labelling as one of the organizational forms that will govern a segment of the digital market of music. It ends on common perspectives for researches on empirical methods for the revelation of individual ethical motivations by the mean of individual willingness to pay elicitation.

issue 200 January 2010


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69 Sur le vif – Michel Ghertman

Oliver Williamson: A Nobel prize for economics and management

To implement the strategies of firms and public policies efficiently, the choice of the right governance mode is essential. To compare discrete governance alternatives, reaching a consensus on their ordinal ranking leads to the choice of the cost economizing mode. It is one of the most important prescriptions of Oliver Williamson. To benefit from it, firm and government strategists need to have a good understanding of the theoretical architecture he proposes. This article proposes to help them in the matter.

File: Family Businesses

Guest Editors: Lucie Bégin, Didier Chabaud, Katia Richomme-Huet

79 Toward a contingency approach of family businesses Lucie Bégin, Didier Chabaud, Katia Richomme-Huet 87 Advantages or disadvantages of family firms? Main results

and perspectives

Jean-Luc Arrègle, Isabelle Mari

In the recent past, research on family firms has increasingly developed, leading to a better understanding of their specificities. Nevertheless, the question of whether these specificities are advantages or disadvantages is still not clear. To address this topic, we present an overview of the main research themes developed until now, and we highlight the reasons that underlie the heterogeneity of the results.

111 The innovation abilities of sustainable family businesses. A suggestion for a theoretical and methodological framework

Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, Alain Bloch, Sophie Mignon

The aim of this article is to study the link between innovation capabilities and family business. Based on a review of literature, we identified six competitive advantages of family firms and four critical factors that favour the development of innovation. A cross analysis of these factors led to a theoretical framework that highlights the innovation capabilities of innovative sustainable family firms.

200 Revue française de gestion – N° 200/2010

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127 Organizational resilience. The case of a family business Lucie Bégin, Didier Chabaud

Organizational resilience refers to the enterprise’s capability to spring back in face of unexpected events. This concept revolves around three dimensions related to the enterprise’s ability (1) to absorb the shock without collapsing, (2) to regenerate itself and (3) to learn from it. The case study of a family firm founded in 1826, which has faced three major shocks in its past, is used to illustrate the construction of the family firm’s resilience, explaining its survival.

143 Family firms and gender. Issues of succession for daughters Christina Constantinidis

The article examines the family business succession process, as perceived and lived by the daughters of the family. It emphasizes the gender issue, considering its transverse role in the transmission strategy and the way in which it influences the objectives and decision making. A specific focus is made on the gender dynamics due to the sibling composition, and their impact on the position of daughters.

161 Family businesses and successoral phenomenon.

For an integrated approach of the transmission modes Julien De Freyman, Katia Richomme-Huet

The “successoral phenomenon” means that the owner-manager of a family business is confronted with the transmission of its management and property.

To do this, he/she disposes three options: succession by a family member (heir), takeover by employees (MBO) or third-party sale (person or entity). This article looks at the antecedents and consequences of these different choices.

181 Danny Miller: from strategy to family businesses Interview with D. Miller and I. Le Breton-Miller Alain Bloch, Luis Felipe Cisneros Martinez 189 Christian Peugeot and PSA, a family business

Alain Bloch, Didier Chabaud 195 Book

199 Summary

203 Instructions for authors

Summary 201

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