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be the cyclic group of order n and let ξn ∈ µn


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1. Main result 1

2. Preliminary on commutative Algebra 3

3. Proof of Theorem 1.1 8

References 13

1. Main result

For any integer n ≥ 1, let Gn =< σ > be the cyclic group of order n and let ξn ∈ µn := {x ∈ C|xn = 1} be a primitive n-th root of unity. Then Gn is isomorphic to the multiplicative group µn byσ 7→ξn for any integer n≥1.

For any non-singular complex varietyY with an invertible sheafLand an effective divisor D =




νjDj satisfying Ln = OY(D) for a positive integer n, we obtain a cyclic cover π:Z →Y by taking the n-th root out of Das follows : Let

F :=OY ⊕L−1⊕L−2⊕ · · · ⊕L−(n−1)

and let s be a section of Ln defining the divisor D. The F becomes an OY-algebra generated byL−1 due to the following laws :

• L−a⊗L−b =L−(a+b);

1The author is supported in part by the NSFC Grant NSFC Grant(#11271070) and LNMS of Fudan University

Date: May 2012.



• for any positive integer m expressed as m =ln+k,0≤ k ≤n−1, one fixes an OX-homomorphism L−m −−→L−kh7→hsl.

Then we get a finite and flat morphism p : Spec(F) → Y of degree n ramified at D.The composite morphism π :=p◦Nor of the morphismp and the normalization Nor : Z → Spec(F) is called the cyclic cover over Y obtained by taking the n-th root out of D.

There is a well-known result as follows.

Theorem 1.1 (see [EV],[K85]). Let X be a non-singular complex variety, let D=




νjDj be an effective divisor and let L be an invertible sheaf with LN0 = OX(D) for a positive integer N0.

Let π :Z →X be the cyclic cover obtained by taking theN0-th root out of D and let G be the cyclic group < σ > of orderN0. We have :


(1.1.1) πOZ =




L(k)−1 for L(k):=Lk⊗ OX(−[kD N0]) where [kDN

0]denotes the integral part of the Q-divisor kDN

0. So that the cover π is a finite and flat morphism.

2. Z is normal, the singularities of Z are lying over the singularities ofDred. 3. The cyclic group G acts on Z. One can choose a primitive N0-th root of unit

ξ such that the sheaf L(k) in 1) is the sheaf of eigenvectors for σ in πOZ with eigenvalue ξk.

4. X is irreducible if L(k) 6=OX for k = 1,· · · , N0−1.In particular this holds true if the common factor of the integers N0, ν1,· · · , νr has gcd(N0, ν1,· · · , νr) = 1.

5. Assume that D=




νjDj is an effective normal crossing divisor. Define D(j):={jD


}red= X



Dj 0≤i≤N0−1,

where {kDN

0}:= kDN

0 −[kDN

0] is the fractional part of kDN

0. For any p≥0, there is (1.1.2) πΩcpZ ∼=




pX(logD(i))⊗ L−(i)

where ΩcpZ is the reflexive hull of ΩpZ. In particular, ΩpX = (πΩcpZ)G.


6. Assume that X is a proper scheme and that D =




Dj is an effective normal crossing reduced divisor. There is

(1.1.3) (πTZ)G =TX(−logD).

2. Preliminary on commutative Algebra

As begining, we investigate the local structure of cyclic cover.

Let R be both a finitely generated C-algebra and an integral normal ring, let K be the fraction field of R.

Lemma 2.1. Let n ≥1 be an integer. Letf be an arbitrary nonzero element in R.

We have :

a) Any irreducible factor of Tn−f in K[T] with coefficient 1 of the first term is of form Tn0 −f0 ∈R[T] satisfying n0|n and f = (f0)n/n0.

b) Let d|n be the maximal positive integer such that Td−f has a root K, say g.

Then Tn/d−g is irreducible in K[T] and g ∈R.

c) Assume that f =uf1ν1· · ·fmνm is an element in R where fi’s are prime elements inR andνi’s are positive integers. Letdbe an integer. ThenTd−f has a root in K if and only if d|gcd(ν1,· · · , νm) and there is a unit u0 ∈R satisfying ud0 =u.

Proof. a) Letφ(T) =Tm+am−1Tm−1+am−2Tm−2+· · ·+a0 ∈K[T] be an irreducible factor of Tn−f. Since R is C-algebra, φ(T) is separable and it has m different roots α1,· · · , αm in an algebraic closure K.Because every root of φ(T) is a root of Tn−f, allαi’s are integral overR, so that the coefficients ofφ(T) are integral over R. Since R is integrally closed, we have φ(T)∈R[T].

Let y=α1 be a root of g(T). We have

Tn−f = (T −y)(T −ξy)· · ·(T −ξn−1y) = (T −y0)(T −y1)· · ·(T −yn−1) where ξ is a primitive n-th root of unity. Then φ(T) is the minimal polynomial min(K, y) ofy inK[T],we write as

φ(T) =




(T −yij) with yi1 =y.

Thus a0 = ymξl for some integer l,then f0 := ym ∈R. Hence φ(T)|Tm−ym in K[T], we must have φ(T) =Tm−f0.


For any σ∈µn={x∈C|xn= 1}, we defineφσ(T) :=




(T −σyij). We have that each

φσ(T) =




(T −σyij) = Tm+σam−1Tm−12am−2Tm−2+· · ·+σma0 is also an irreducible factor of Tn −f in K[T] of degree m, so that φσ(T) ∈ R[T] is the minimal polynomial min(K, σy) of σy in K[T], and we have either φ(T) = φσ(T) or that φ(T) has no common factor with φσ(T) in K[T]. We list all different elements in {φσ(T)|σ ∈ µn} as φ1(T) = φ(T), φ2(T),· · · , φk(T).

Hence, we have

Tn−f =φ1(T)φ2(T)· · ·φk(T),

so that n=mk. Therefore, we must have φ(T) = Tm−f0 with (f0)n/m =f.

b) It is a consequence of (a).

c) If d|gcd(ν1,· · · , νm) and ud0 =u for some unit u0 ∈R, thenTd−f ∈R[T] has a root u0f1ν1/d· · ·fmνm/d ∈R.

Suppose that there is g ∈K withgd =f. The T −g is an irreducible factor of Td−f inK[T], thusg ∈R by (a). We writeg0 :=g. Then we have

g0d=uf1ν1· · ·fnνmbd0 ∈(f1).

We then haveg0 =f1g1,and getf1dg1d=uf1ν1· · ·fnνm.Sincef1 is a prime element, it is impossible that d > ν1.So that ν1−d≥0 and we have g1d=uf1ν1−d· · ·fnνm. If ν1−d ≥1,we have gd1 =uf1ν1−d· · ·fnνm ∈ (f1). We deal with g1 similarly like g0, and so on. We finally get thatν1 =dk for some integer k. By symmetry, we have d|νi for otherνi’s. Then d|gcd(n, ν1,· · · , νm) and ( g


)d=u.Again by (a), we have u0 := g


is a unit in R.

Corollary 2.2. Let Tn−f be a polynomial in R[T]. We have :

a) The Tn−f is irreducible in K[T] if and only if it is irreducible in R[T].

b) If Tn−f is irreducible in R[T] then it is a prime element in R[T].

For a polynomial Tn−f(n ≥ 1) with nonzero f ∈ R, let d|n be the maximal positive integer satisfyingTd−f has a rootg ∈K,we haveTn−f =Qd

i−1(Tn0−ζdig) where ζd is a primitive d-th root of unit and each Tn0 −ζdig is a prime element in R[T] for n0 := n/d; the quotient ring K[T]/(Tn−f) can be regarded as a finite K-linear space

K[T]/(Tn−f) =






where t := T mod (Tn−f) can be regarded as a root of Tn−f in K, that t is also integral over R and the ring R[T]/(Tn−f) is integral if and only if Tn−f is irreducible, the group Gd =< σ > has a natural action on K[T]/(Tn −f) by σ :T 7→ζnT and σ|K = idK, the µn-invariant part of K[T]/(Tn−f) is K.

Lemma 2.3. Let f be an nonzero element in the domain R. Let n be a positive integer and d|n the maximal positive integer such that Td−f has a root in K and n0 :=n/d. For any ζ ∈µd:={x∈C|xn = 1}, define a polynomial

Pζ = 1




Tn−f Tn0 −ζg where g ∈K is a root of Td−f.

1. In the quotient ring (TK[Tn−f)] ,thesePζ’s are idempotent,i.e. Pζ·Pζ0 = 0ζ 6=ζ0, Pζ2 = Pζ with P


Pζ = 1. Moreover, the cyclic group Gn =< σ > acts transitively on the set {Pζ}ζ∈µd with (Pζ)σ =Pξ−n0

n ζ∀ζ ∈µd. 2. Let Kζ be the field K[T]

(Tn0−ζg) for each ζ ∈µd. Any ξ ∈µn defines an isomorphism Kζ


−−→Kξn0ζ of fields by sending T toξT. Moreover, there is a naturalGn-action on the algebra Q



3. There is a Gn-equivariant isomorphism of K-algebras

(2.3.1) P : Y


K[T] (Tn0 −ζg)


−−→ K[T]

(Tn−f),(αζ)ζ 7→X



Corollary 2.4. Let Tn−f be a polynomial in R[T] with degree n ≥ 1. Let A = R[T]/(Tn −f) be a ring and S := {a ∈ A|r is not zero divisor} a multiplicative system in A. Then S−1A=K[T]/(Tn−f).

Proof. Let h(T) ∈ R[T] such that it’s image h is not a zero-divisor in A. Consider the K-isomorphism 2.3.1, we get that P−1(h) = (αζ)ζ with αζ :=h(T) mod (T − ζg) in K[T]∀ζ ∈ µd. Thus that h is not a zero-divisor in R if and only if for each ζ ∈ µd there is a ηζ(T) ∈ K[T] such that ηζ(T)h(T) = 1 mod (Tn0 −ζg) in K[T] We get ηh= 1 in K[T]/(Tn−f), whereη is the projection image of the polynomial η(T) := P

ζ∈µdηζPζ. Thus, we have that any non zero divisor in A is an unit in



S−1A=S−1( K[T]

(Tn−f)) = K[T] (Tn−f).

Consider the ring homomorphismR →K[T]/(Tn−f) for a polynomialTn−f ∈ R[T] of degreen ≥1.Let ¯R be the integral closure of R in K[T]/(Tn−f).


Lemma 2.5. Let f be an arbitrary nonzero element in R. If a polynomialTn−f ∈ R[T] with degree n ≥ 1 is irreducible in R[T] then R¯ is the normalization of the domain (TR[Tn−f]) in the field extension (TK[Tn−f)] of K.

Therefore, by Corollary 2.4 the ¯R is also the normalization of (TR[Tn−f)] even though Tn−f is not irreducible sinceR is a normal integral ring.

Lemma 2.6. Let g be a nontrivial prime element in R. Then the principal prime ideal (g) is of height one.

Proof. We claim that any nonzero prime idea p of R has an irreducible element : Suppose the claim is not true. Let a0 be any nonzero element in p. Then a = bc such that both b and c are not unit. Then one of b, c is in p, say a1. The a1 is also irre4ducible and (a0)((a1)⊂p.We do same steps for a1 as dealing with a0 and so on. Thus we have an strictly increasing sequence of ideals

(a0)((a1)((a2)(· · ·(p, which contradicts that R is a Noetherian ring.

Let p be any nontrivial prime ideal of R such that 0 ( p ⊂ (g). Let a ∈ p be an irreducible element. We have a = gc due to a ∈ (g), but c is a unit since a is

irreducible. Hence p= (g).

For any height one prime idea p of R, the local ring Rp is a DVR, thus we can define div(x) for anyx∈K.

Theorem 2.7. Assume a finitely generated C-algebra R is integral and normal. Let K be the fraction field of R. Let f =uf1ν1· · ·flνl(∀νi ≥1) be an element in R such that fi’s are different prime elements in R and u is a unit in R. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer and d|n the maximal positive integer such that Td−f has a root in K, say g, and denote by n0 :=n/d.

1. With respect to the injective ring homomorphismR→ (TK[Tn−f)] ,the integral closure of R is

(2.7.1) R¯=





ν1i n ]

1 · · ·fl−[νlin]R

where t:=T mod (Tn−f).Moreover, the cyclic groupZn=< σ >has a natural action on R¯ by defining σ:t 7→ξnt, σ|R = idR, and the Gn-invariant part of R¯ is

Zn =R.

2. Let R¯ζ be normalization of an integral ring Rζ := R[T]

(Tn0−ζg) in K[T]

(Tn0−ζg) for each ζ ∈µd. Then

(2.7.2) R¯ζ =





ν1i n ]

1 · · ·f−[

νli n]

l R


where tζ := T mod (Tn−ζg). Moreover,R → R¯ζ is Galois, with Galois group Zn0.

3. The group Zn has a natural action on the product R-algebra Q


ζ. The group permutes the factors of the decomposition, and there is a Gn-equivariant isomor- phism of R-algebras



ζ −−→R,¯ (αζ)ζ 7→X



Proof. For anyx∈K, it is easy to verify the following conditions are equivalent : i. xnfi ∈R,

ii. ndiv(x) +




jdiv(fj)≥0(we use div(u) = 0).

iii. div(xf[

ν1i n ] 1 · · ·f[

νli n] l ) +




(nj −[νn1i])[fj]≥0(we use that (fi)’s are prime ideal of height one and so that div(fj) is the Weil divisor [fj] := Zero(fj)),

iv. div(xf[

ν1i n ]

1 · · ·fl[νlin])≥0(we use that div(xf[

ν1i n ]

1 · · ·fl[νlin]) has integral coefficients and fi’s are prime elements),

v. xf[

ν1i n ] 1 · · ·f[

νli n] l ∈R.

1. Thus there is

{x∈K;xnfi ∈R}=f−[

ν1i n ]

1 · · ·f−[

νli n]

l R.

We now show





{x∈K;xnfi ∈R}ti.

Letα =




xiti (xi ∈K) be an element in (TK[Tn−f)] .We claim that α∈R¯ if and only if xiti ∈R¯ for every i. Suppose α ∈ R.¯ We have αζ =Pn−1

i=0 ζixiti ∈R, for¯ every ζ ∈µn.Let µn ={ζ1, ζ2, . . . , ζn}. The Vandermonde determinant


ζ10 ζ11 · · · ζ1n−1 ζ20 ζ11 · · · ζ2n−1

... ... . .. ... ζn0 ζn1 · · · ζnn−1

= Y



is a unit in R, so that each xiti is a combination of the αζ’s with coefficients in R by Cramer’s rule. Therefore xiti ∈R.¯ The converse is obvious.


Let x ∈ K and 0 ≤ i < n. We claim that xti ∈ R¯ if and only if xnfi ∈ R.

Indeed, we have that xti ∈R¯ if and only if y= (xti)n ∈R.¯ Due to y= (xti)n=xn(tn)i =xnfi ∈K,

We have that y ∈R¯ if and only if y ∈K∩R¯ =R since R is integrally closed in K.

2. By the statement (1), the integral closure of R in K[T]

(Tn0−ζg) is the integrally closed domain ¯Rζ =




{x ∈ K;xn0(ζg)j ∈ R}tjζ. Since R is integrally closed in K, xn0(ζg)j ∈R if and only if (xn0(ζg)j)d∈R. That is xnfj ∈R. Therefore

ζ =




{x∈K;xnfj ∈R}tjζ. 3. In the ring (TK[Tn−f]), we have that f(P

ζαζPζ) = P

ζf(αζ)Pζ for any polynomial f ∈R[T].Hence thatP

ζαζPζ is integral over R if and only if each αζK[T]


is integral over (TR[Tn0 ]

−ζg). The product decomposition of Lemma 2.3 induces an isomorphism of R-algebras Q

ζ∈µdζ −−→= R.¯

3. Proof of Theorem 1.1 Now we investigate the local structure of cyclic cover.

Lemma 3.1. Let U := SpecR be an irreducible complex normal affine variety of dimension m and f = uf1ν1· · ·feνe(∀νi ≥ 0) an element in R such that fi’s are prime elements in R and u is a unit in R. Let D=




νiDi is zero locus of f, i.e., Di = Zero(fi)∀i.

Denote by U[√n

f] := {(p, y)∈U ×A1 | yn=f(p)} for an integer n ≥2.

a) Let p0 be a smooth closed point of U.Then U[√n

f] is singular at a point (p0,∗) if and only if p0 ∈Sing(D). Moreover, U[√n

f] is smooth if and only ifU is smooth and D is reduced with only one smooth component.

b) Assume that U is smooth. If D=ν1D1 and f =uf1ν11 ≥ 1) then the normal- ization U[√n

f] of U[√n

f] has only singularities over Sing(D1).

Proof. The proof of (a) is directly follows from Jocobi’s criterion : Let (Z1,· · ·Zm) be an regular parameter near an open neighborhood V of p0.Let

F(Z0, Z1,· · ·Zm) =Z0n−f(Z1,· · · , Zm).


The point q:= (p0, y0) in U[√n

f] is singular if and only if the F satisfies F(q) = 0



(q) = ∂F


(q) = · · ·= ∂F


(q) = 0.

Thus we prove the (a).

Now R = A(U) is an regular algebra. The problem (b) is now reduced to show that the U[√n

f] is smooth if theD1 is a smooth divisor. In case of ν = 0,1 the (b) is obvious by (a.) With lost of generality, we assume that gcd(n, ν) = 1. Let R be the ring corresponding to the U. By Theorem 2.7, We get U[√n

f] = Spec( ¯R) such that

R¯ =





ν1i n ]

1 R

where t:=T mod (Tn−uf1ν1).

Since gcd(n, ν) = 1, we have an ring-isomorphism nZ



−−→ nZ

Z, and so we can get a∈ {0,· · ·n−1} with aν1 = 1 +ln for somel ∈Z.Denote by g =taf−[

1 n ]

1 .We get that

gn=uaf1 and t=u−lgν1. Thus




giR ∼= R[W] (Wn−uaf1)

is an R-subalgebra of ¯R. Moreover, we have a tower of inclusions ofR-algebras R −−→ R[T]


−−−−−−→ T7→u−lgν1




giR−−→ R.¯

such that the integral domains (TnR[T−uf]ν1),




giR and ¯R all have same quotient field.

Since the algebra (WR[W]n−uaf1) is regular by (a) and the algebra ¯R is normal, we have to get

R¯∼= R[W] (Wn−uaf1). Therefore the U[√n

f] is smooth.

We only need to prove the statements 5) and 6) of Theorem 1.1.


Letd = dimCX and let ξ be a primitive root of xN0 −1. Since π is ´etale outside of D, there is

πΩcpZ|X−D ∼= (ΩpX ⊗πOZ)|X−D

and the isomorphism 1.1.2 holds over X −D. On the other hand, the πΩcpZ is a reflexive sheaf on X by the following lemma 3.2, thus it is sufficient to check the assertion 1.1.2 only in codimension one on X.

Lemma 3.2 ([H80]). LetF be a coherent sheaf on a normal integral scheme X.The followin two conditions are equivalent:

i. F is reflexive;

ii. F is torsion-free, and is normal,i.e.,for every open set U ⊂X and every closed subsetB ⊂U of codimension2, the restriction mapF(U)→ F(U−Y)bijective.

Without lost of generality, we may assume that the Dred is smooth, moreover there is a local regular parameter (x1,· · · , xd) ofX such that

X = Spec(C[x1,· · · , xd]), D = (xa1).

Then X0 = Spec(C[x1,· · · , xd, t]/(TN0 − uxa1)) where u is a unit in the domain C[x1,· · · , xd] and Z is normalization of X0.

Let R :=C[x1, x2,· · · , xd] a normal integral ring. Let A:= (TNR[T0−ux] a1) and B the normalization of A. As Ω1B is generated as a B-module, by the image d :B →Ω1B. We know as that

p1B ={b0db1∧db2· · · ∧dbp | bi ∈B i= 1,· · · , N0−1}.

Let t := T mod (TN0 −uxa1). By Proposition 2.7 we have that B =




qiR as an R-module and that the groupG =< σ > has a natural action on ∧p1B, where qi :=tix−[

ai N0]

1 0≤i≤N0−1. Since qiqj =qi :=ti+jx−[

a(i+j) N0 ]

1 x[

a(i+j) N0 ]−[Nai



1 ∀i, j ≥0,

we have that qiqj ∈ qi+jR if i+j < N0 and that qiqj ∈ qi+j−nR if i+j ≥ N0. Let ξ be the primitive N0-th root of unit as we choose in the statement 2). We then have an decomposition of ∧p1B =




Qi such that each Qi is the R-submodule of eigenvectors forσ in∧p1B with eigenvalueξi. We now find out theseQi’s. We have that


t = a

N0 dx1

x1 dqi = {ai

N0}qidx1 x1


On the other hand, each b ∈ B can be written uniquely as b =




qiri with each ri ∈R and so db=




(qidri+ridqi). For each 0≤i≤N0−1, the elements tix−[

ia N0]

1 dye1 ∧ · · · ∧dyep, e1 < e2 <· · ·< ep < d fore1 6= 1, with

 tix−[

ia N0] 1 dx1

x1 ∧dxe2 ∧ · · · ∧dyep, 1< e2 <· · ·< ep < d if {Nai

0} 6= 0 tix−[

ia N0]

1 dx1 ∧dxe2 ∧ · · · ∧dxep, 1< e2 <· · ·< ep < d otherwise

becomes anR-basic of the moduleQi.In particular,G-invariant submodule of∧p1B has Q0 =∧p1R. Therefore, we get the formula 1.1.2 and ΩpX = (πΩcpZ)G.

Now we are going to prove the statement 6). For the normal varieties X and Z, by definition, the tangent sheaf

TZ :=HomOZ(Ω1Z,OZ)

is a reflexive sheaf which is composed of derivations fromOZtoOZ,andTX(−logD(1)) is the subsheaf ofTX of consisting of derivations which send the ideal sheafI ofD(1) into itself. Since X is smooth, we get(see [D72]) that

TX(−logD(1)) = HomOX(Ω1X(logD(1)),OX).

SupposeX is proper and Dis reduced. ThenD=D(i) for all 1≤i≤N0−1 and by 1) Z is also a proper scheme. Thus the dualizing sheafωZ!ωX has a natural OZ-module(see Proposition 5.68. [KM]). Because π is an affine morphism, we can define an equivalent functor ∼ of categories between the category of quasi-coherent πOZ-modules and the category of quasi-coherent OZ-module(see Ex. II. 5.17(e) [Hart]). Since πOZ is locally free, we have

π!ωX :=HomOXOZ, ωX) = (HomOXOZ,OX)⊗OX ωX)!OXOZπωX. Thus the relative dualizing sheaf ωZ/X!OX.

We claim that


We can take a local regular parameter (x1,· · · , xd) ofX such that X = Spec(C[x1,· · ·, xd]), D = (x1· · ·xk).

Thus we get that

X0 = Spec(C[x1,· · · , xd, t]/(TN0 −x1· · ·xk))


and Z is the normalization of X0. Let

R :=C[x1, x2,· · · , xd] and A:= R[T]

(TN0 −x1· · ·xk), and let B be the normalization of A. By Proposition 2.7 we have that

B =





as an R-module where {pi :=ti}i=0,···N0−1 is an R-basis of B. Let ηi ∈B := HomR(B, R)

be dual ofqi,i.e.,ηi(pi) = 1, ηi(pj) = 0∀j 6=i.TheB-module structure of HomR(B, R) is clear : b·φ :=φb where φb ∈HomR(B, R)is given by φb(b1) :=φ(bb1)∀b1 ∈B.We observe that

pipj =qi+j if i+j < N0 and pipj ∈pi+j−nR if i+j ≥N0. So that


for alli= 0,· · ·N0−1.As anB-module, the HomR(B, R) must be a module of rank one generated by ηN0−1.Hence π!OX(L(N0−1)).

Let Sing(D) be singularities ofD and X0 :=X\Sing(D). We know codimension of Sing(D) in X is more than two and π−1(X0) is smooth open sub-scheme of Z.

Using the duality theory for finite morphism(cf. Theorem 5.67 [KM]), onX0 we get πTZ = πHomOZ(Ω1Z,OZ)

= πHomOZZ/XOZ1Z, ωZ/X)

= πHomOZ(L(N0−1))⊗OZ1Z, π!OX)

= HomOX(L(N0−1)OX π1Z,OX)

= HomOX(L(N0−1)OX (




1X(logD(i))⊗ L−(i)),OX)

= (L−(N0−1)OX TX)⊕




(L(i−N0+1)OX TX(−logD)).

Since both πTZ and (L−(N0−1)OX TX)⊕




(L(i−N0+1)OX TX(−logD)) are reflexive sheaves on X, there is

πTZ =L−(N0−1)OX TX)⊕




(L(i−N0+1)OX TX(−logD)) on X.

Hence (πTZ)G=TX(−logD) on X.



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E-mail address: zhangyi math@fudan.edu.cn


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