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Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan


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Advance Access Publication September 18, 2013 doi:10.1093/imrn/rnt198

Positive Representations of Split Real Quantum Groups:

The Universal R Operator

Ivan Chi-Ho Ip

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan

Correspondence to be sent to: ivan.ip@ipmu.jp

The universalRoperator for the positive representations of split real quantum groups is computed, generalizing the formula of compact quantum groupsUq(g)by Kirillov–

Reshetikhin and Levendorski˘ı–Soibelman, and the formula in the case ofUqq˜(sl(2,R))by Faddeev, Kashaev, and Bytsko-Teschner. Several new functional relations of the quan- tum dilogarithm are obtained, generalizing the quantum exponential relations and the pentagon relations. The quantum Weyl element and Lusztig’s isomorphism in the posi- tive setting are also studied in detail. Finally, we introduce aC-algebraic version of the split real quantum group in the language of multiplier Hopf algebras, and consequently the definition of Ris made rigorous as the canonical element of the Drinfeld’s doubleU of certain multiplier Hopf algebraUb. Moreover, a ribbon structure is introduced for an extension ofU.

1 Introduction

In this paper, we construct the universal Roperator for the positive representations of split real quantum groups Uqq˜(gR), generalizing the formula of the R operator in the case ofUqq˜(sl(2,R)) by Faddeev [7], Kashaev [14], and Bytsko–Teschner [1], as well as the universal R matrix computed independently by Kirillov–Reshetikhin [16] and

Received March 18, 2013; Revised August 14, 2013; Accepted August 20, 2013 Communicated by Prof. Michio Jimbo

c The Author(s) 2013. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.

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Levendorski˘ı–Soibelman [19] for compact quantum groupUq(g)associated to simple Lie algebragof all type.

The notion of the positive principal series representations, or simply positive representations, was introduced in [9] as a new research program devoted to the rep- resentation theory of split real quantum groupsUqq˜(gR). It uses the concept of modular double for quantum groups [6,7], and has been studied forUqq˜(sl(2,R))by Teschner et al.

[1,22,23]. Explicit construction of the positive representationsPλofUqq˜(gR)associated to a simple Lie algebraghas been obtained for the simply laced case in [11] and non- simply laced case in [12], where the generators of the quantum groups are realized by positive essentially self-adjoint operators. Furthermore, the so-calledtranscendental relationsof the (rescaled) generators:

˜ ei=e

1 b2 i

i , f˜i=f

1 b2 i

i , K˜i=K

1 b2 i

i (1.1)

give the self-duality between different parts of the modular double, while in the non- simply laced case, new explicit analytic relations between the quantum group and its Langland’s dual have been observed [12].

Motivated by the detailed study in the case of Uqq˜(sl(2,R)) by Teschner et al., a natural problem is to find the universal Rmatrix so that it gives a braiding of the positive representationsPλof the split real quantum groupsUqq˜(gR). Since positive rep- resentations are infinite-dimensional, instead of acting by a “matrix”, a natural setting will be realizingRas aunitary operatoracting onPλ1Pλ2 such that the usual proper- ties are satisfied:

(1) Braiding relation:

Δ(X)R:=Δ)(X)R=RΔ(X), σ(xy)=yx. (1.2)

(2) Quasi-triangularity:

⊗id)(R)=R13R23, (1.3)

(id⊗Δ)(R)=R13R12. (1.4)

Here the coproductΔacts on Rin a natural way on the generators, and we have also used the standard leg notation. These together imply the Yang–Baxter equation

R12R13R23=R23R13R12. (1.5)

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The expression of R in the case of Uqq˜(sl(2,R)) is particularly simple, and is given by

R=qH4Hgb(ef)qH4H, (1.6) where

E= i

qq1e, F = i

qq1f, K=qH (1.7)

are the usual generators, andgb(x)is the remarkable quantum dilogarithm function, central to the study of split real quantum groups. See also [1] for a discussion of the

“universal” aspect of this operator.

On the other hand, the universal Rmatrix in the compact case is given explicitly by products of the form



Expq−2((1−q2)EαFα)Q12, (1.8)

where Q=q(d·A−1)i jHiHj with dsuch that dAis the symmetrized Cartan matrix, and q corresponds to the short root. Here, Expq(x) is the quantum exponential function, and Eα are the root vectors of g, given by the Lusztig’s isomorphismTkon the simple root vectors, which can be written as certain composition ofq-commutators, and play a crucial role in the theory of Lusztig’s canonical basis [21].

Therefore, a natural proposal will be replacing the expression (1.8) by Q12


gb(eαfα)Q12, (1.9) thus generalizing both equations. More precisely, by absorbingdinto the definition of qi (cf. Definition 2.1), we have the following Main Theorem:

Main Theorem. LetgRbe the split real form of a simple Lie algebrag. Letw0=si1si2. . .siN be a reduced expression of the longest element of the Weyl group. Then the univer- salRoperator for the positive representations ofUqq˜(gR)acting onPλ1Pλ2L2(RN)L2(RN)is a unitary operator given by


i j



2(A−1)i jHiHj


N k=1


i j



2(A−1)i jHiHj

i , (1.10)

where eαk:=Ti1Ti2. . .Tik1eik are given by the Lusztig’s isomorphism in Theorem 4.9, similarly for fαk. The product is such that the term k=1 appears on the rightmost


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In particular, by the properties of the transcendental relations [11,12] as well as the self-duality ofgb(x), the universalRoperator simultaneously serves as anRoperator for the modular double counterpart.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that, in order for the expression (1.10) to be well-defined, we need botheα andfα to be positive essentially self-adjoint, so that we can apply functional calculus. Following the approach by Kirillov and Reshetikhin [16]

and Levendorski˘i and Soibelman [19], the main technical result is that these nonsim- ple basis can actually be obtained by conjugations on the generators by means of the quantum Weyl elementswi, which is unitary in the setting of positive representations (cf. Corollary 4.10).

Theorem 1.1. The operatorseαk andfαk corresponding to nonsimple roots are positive essentially self-adjoint under the positive representations, and satisfy the transcenden-

tal relations.

Because of the nice properties enjoyed by the rescaledgeneratorsei andfi, we find it instructive throughout the paper to stick with these variables rather than the originalEi andFi as defined in (1.7).

Another difficulty lies in the fact that since the representations are infinite- dimensional, we can no longer work with formal power series, and the usual Drinfeld’s double construction trick does not really work anymore. Instead, using hard tech- nical analysis, we discover explicitly certain (considerably new) functional relations (cf. Proposition 3.1–3.3) of the quantum dilogarithm functiongb(x), and prove directly the braiding relations and the quasi-triangular relations of theRoperator.

In order to compute the quantum Weyl elements, we have to compute the branch- ing rules forUqq˜(sl(2,R))⊂Uqq˜(gR). It turns out that the branching rules are particularly simple, and remarkably they resemble both the decomposition of the tensor product representationPαPβ (cf. [23]) and the Peter–Weyl-type decomposition ofL2(SL+q(2,R)) (cf. [10]) with exactly the same Plancherel measure. (cf. Theorem 4.7).

Theorem 1.2. Fix any positive representation PλL2(RN)of Uqq˜(gR). Restricting to a representation ofUqq˜(sl(2,R))⊂Uqq˜(gR)corresponding to the simple rootαi, we have the following unitary equivalence:



Pγdμ(γ ), (1.11)

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where Pγ is the positive representation of Uqq˜(sl(2,R)) with parameter γ∈R+, and

dμ(γ )= |Sbi(Qi+2γ )|2dγ.

Furthermore, we also encounter the calculation of the ribbon elementv, and the elementuwhich exists for any (regular) quasi-triangular Hopf algebra. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that there is an underlying algebraic structure enveloping all the calculations so far. In particular, the expression for the universal Roperator suggests that it is a canonical element of certain algebra with a “continuous basis”, very similar to the analysis that has been done for the quantum plane in our previous work [10].

Therefore, we proceed to construct the split real quantum group in the C-algebraic setting, and show that in fact the satisfactory answer lies in the language of amultiplier Hopf algebra, introduced by van Daele [26]. Consequently, all the calculations made so far are rigorously defined and simplified by the following (cf. Corollary 6.15):

Theorem 1.3. The universal Roperator from the Main Theorem can be considered as (the projection of) the canonical element of the Drinfeld’s double (cf. [3,4])D(Ub)of the multiplier Hopf algebraic version of the Borel subalgebraUb.

Finally, we remark that the ribbon elementvcalculated are also of certain inter- est, since the expression involves the number Q=b+b1, which implies that there is no classical limit asb→0. Hence, this ribbon element differs from the one usually con- sidered in compact quantum group, and it is well known that the ribbon structure of Hopf algebra is needed to construct quantum topological invariant by the Reshetikhin–

Turaev construction [24,25]. Therefore, this may serve as evidence for the possibility of constructing new classes of topological invariants.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 serves as the technical backbone of the paper. We fix the notation by recalling the definition ofUq(g)associated to simple Lie algebragof general type. Next, we recall the main properties and construction of the positive representations considered in [9,11,12], and write down explicitly a particular expression for the rank=2 case. Since the paper involves a lot of technical computations, we review in detail the definition and properties of the quantum dilogarithm function Gb and its variant gb, which summarizes old and new results from [1, 10, 12] that is needed in this paper. Finally, we recall the construction of the universal Rmatrices by [16,19] in the compact quantum group case, as well as the universalRoperator by [1] in the case ofUq(sl(2,R)).

In Section 3, we extend the quantum exponential relations and pentagon rela- tions ofgb(x)to more generalized setting involving certainq-commutators. These new

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functional relations are what we needed to prove the properties of the Roperator. In Section 4, we proceed to construct the quantum Weyl elements so that conjugations by them realize Lusztig’s isomorphism. It involves calculating the ribbon element, and the branching rules ofUqq˜(sl(2,R))⊂Uqq˜(gR). In Section 5, we state the main theorem about the universalRoperator, and prove the braiding relations and quasi-triangularity in the simply laced case, while we only give several remarks on the nonsimply laced case to avoid getting too technical. Finally, in Section 6, we introduce the notion of a multiplier Hopf algebra, and by finding certain Hopf pairing, we show that the universalRoperator can actually be regarded as the canonical element of a Drinfeld’s double construction of the Borel subalgebra as a multiplier Hopf algebra, and we introduce a ribbon structure in the extension of the split real quantum group.

2 Preliminaries

Throughout the paper, we will fix once and for allq=eπib2 withi=√

−1, 0<b2<1 and b2∈R\Q. We also denote byQ=b+b1.

2.1 Definition ofUq(g)

In order to fix the convention we use throughout the paper, we recall the definition of the quantum groupUq(gR), wheregis of general type [2]. Let I= {1,2, . . . ,n}denote the set of nodes of the Dynkin diagram ofgwheren=rank(g).

Definition 2.1. Let (−,−)be the inner product of the root lattice. Let αi, iI be the positive simple roots, and we define

ai j=2i, αj)

i, αi) , (2.1)

qi:=q12ii):=eπib2i, (2.2) where A=(ai j)is the Cartan matrix. We will letα1 be the short root in type Bnand the long root in typeCn,F4andG2.

We choose


2i, αi)=





1 iis long root or in the simply laced case,


2 iis short root in type B,C,F,


3 iis short root in typeG2,


andi, αj)= −1 wheni,jare adjacent in the Dynkin diagram.

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Therefore in the case when gis of type Bn, Cn and F4, if we define bl=b, and bs=b2we have the following normalization:



eπib2l =q iis long root, eπib2s =q12 iis short root.


In the case whengis of typeG2, we definebl=b, andbs=b3, and we have the following normalization:



eπib2l =q iis long root, eπib2s =q13 iis short root.

(2.5) Definition 2.2. Let A=(ai j)denote the Cartan matrix. ThenUq(g)with q=eπib2l is the algebra generated byEi,Fi andKi±1,iI subject to the following relations:

KiEj=qiai jEjKi, (2.6) KiFj=qiai jFjKi, (2.7) [Ei,Fj]=δi j


qiqi−1 , (2.8)

together with the Serre relations fori=j:

1ai j


(−1)k [1−ai j]qi!

[1−ai jk]qi![k]qi!EikEjEi1ai jk=0, (2.9)

1ai j


(−1)k [1−ai j]qi!

[1−ai jk]qi![k]qi!FikFjFi1ai jk=0, (2.10)

where [k]q=qqkqq1k.

To deal with operator representations, we also define Hi so that Ki=qiHi, and it will be convenient to adjoinK

1 2

i , such that the Hopf algebra structure ofUq(g)is given by Δ(Ei)=K

1 2


1 2

i , (2.11)


1 2


1 2

i , (2.12)

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Δ(Ki)=KiKi, (2.13)

(Ei)=(Fi)=0, (Ki)=1, (2.14)

S(Ei)= −qiEi, S(Fi)= −qi1Fi, S(Ki)=Ki1. (2.15)

We defineUq(gR)to be the real form ofUq(g)induced by the star structure Ei =Ei, Fi=Fi, Ki=Ki. (2.16)

Finally, according to the results of [11,12], we define the modular doubleUqq˜(gR)to be Uq(gR):=Uq(gR)Uq˜(gR) gis simply laced, (2.17) Uq(gR):=Uq(gR)Uq˜(LgR) otherwise, (2.18)

whereq˜=eπib−2s , andLgRis the Langland’s dual ofgRobtained by interchanging the long roots and short roots ofgR.

2.2 Positive representations ofUqq˜(gR)

In [9, 11, 12], a special class of representations for Uqq˜(gR), called the positive repre- sentation, is defined. The generators of the quantum groups are realized by positive essentially self-adjoint operators, and also satisfy the so-called transcendental rela- tions, relating the quantum group with its modular double counterpart. More precisely, we have

Theorem 2.3. Let

ei:=2 sin(πbi2)Ei, fi:=2 sin(πb2i)Fi. (2.19) Note that 2 sin(πb2i)=(q i

iqi−1)1>0. Then there exists a representation Pλ of Uqq˜(gR) parametrized by theR+-span of the cone of positive weightsλPR+, or equivalently by λ∈Rn+wheren=rank(g), such that

(1) The generators ei,fi, and Ki are represented by positive essentially self- adjoint operators acting onL2(Rl(w0)), wherel(w0)is the length of the longest elementw0Wof the Weyl group.

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(2) Define the transcendental generators:

˜ ei:=e

1 b2 i

i , f˜i:=f

1 b2 i

i , K˜i:=K

1 b2 i

i . (2.20)


(a) ifgis simply laced, the generatorse˜i,f˜i,andK˜i are obtained by replacingbwithb−1in the representations of the generatorsei,fi, andKi.

(b) Ifgis of type B,C,F, andG, then the generators E˜i,F˜i, and K˜i with


ei:=2 sin(πbi2)E˜i, f˜i:=2 sin(πbi 2)F˜i (2.21) generateUq˜(LgR)defined in the previous section.

(3) The generatorsei,fi,Ki ande˜i,˜fi,K˜i commute weakly up to a sign.

The positive representations are constructed for each reduced expressionw0W of the longest element of the Weyl group, and representations corresponding to different reduced expressions are unitary equivalent.

Definition 2.4. Fix a reduced expression ofw0=si1. . .siN. Let the coordinates ofL2(RN) be denoted by{uki}so thatiis the corresponding root index, andkdenotes the sequence this root is appearing inw0from the right. Also denote by{vj}Nj=1the same set of coordi- nates counting from the left,v(i,k)the index such thatuki =vv(i,k), andr(k)the root index

corresponding tovk.

Example 2.5. The coordinates of L2(R6) for A3 corresponding to w0=s3s2s1s3s2s3 is given by

(u33,u22,u11,u23,u12,u13)=(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6).

Definition 2.6. Denote by

[us+ul]e(−pspl):=eπbs(−us−2ps)+πbl(−ul−2pl)+eπbs(us−2ps)+πbl(ul−2pl), (2.22) whereus(resp.ul) is a linear combination of the variables corresponding to short roots (resp. long roots). The parametersλiare also considered in both cases. Similarly ps(resp.

pl) are linear combinations of thepshifting of the short roots (resp. long roots) variables.

This applies to all simpleg, with the convention given in Definition 2.1.

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Theorem 2.7([11,12]). For a fixed reduced expression ofw0, the positive representation Pλis given by

fi= n k=1


v(i,k)−1 j=1

ai,r(j)vjuki −2λi

e(pik), (2.23)

Ki=e−π(l(w0)k=1 ai,r(k)br(k)vk+2biλi), (2.24)

and by takingw0=wsi so that the simple reflection for rootiappears on the right, the action ofei is given by

ei=[u1i]e(−p1i). (2.25) In this paper, it is instructive to recall the explicit expression in the case of ranks 1 and 2. For details of the construction and the other cases please refer to [11,12].

Proposition 2.8([1,23]). The positive representationPλofUq(sl(2,R))is given by e=[u−λ]e(−p)=eπb(−u+λ−2p)+eπb(u−λ−2p),

f=[−u−λ]e(p)=eπb(u+λ+2p)+eπb(−u−λ+2p), K=e−2πbu.

(Note that it is unitary equivalent to the canonical form (2.23)–(2.25) byuu+λ.) Proposition 2.9 ([11]). The positive representation Pλ of Uqq˜(sl(3,R)) with param- eters λ=1, λ2), corresponding to the reduced expression w0=s2s1s2, acting on

f(u, v, w)L2(R3), is given by

e1=[v−w]e(−pv)+[u]e(−pv+pwpu), e2=[w]e(−pw),


f2=[−2u+vw−2λ2]e(pw)+[−u−2λ2]e(pu), K1=e−πb(−u+2v−w+2λ1),


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Proposition 2.10 ([12]). The positive representation Pλ of Uqq˜(gR) with parameters λ=1, λ2), wheregRis of typeB2, corresponding to the reduced expressionw0=s1s2s1s2, acting on f(t,u, v, w)L2(R4), is given by

e1=[t]e(−ptpu+pw)+[u−v]e(−pupv+pw)+[v−w]e(−pv), e2=[w]e(−pw),


f2=[2λ2+2t−u]e(pu)+[2λ2+2t−2u+2vw]e(pw), K1=eπbs(2λ12t2v)eπb(u+w),


In this case (cf. Definition 2.6),us are linear combinations of {t, v}, while ul are linear

combinations of{u, w}. Similarly for psandpl.

We will omit the case of typeG2for simplicity.

2.3 Quantum dilogarithmGb(x)andgb(x)

First introduced by Faddeev [6,7], (See also [8]), the quantum dilogarithmGb(x)and its variantsgb(x)play a crucial role in the study of positive representations of split real quantum groups, and also appear in many other areas of mathematics and physics. In this subsection, let us recall the definition and some properties of the quantum diloga- rithm functions [1,10,23] that is needed in the calculations in this paper.

Definition 2.11. The quantum dilogarithm functionGb(x)is defined on 0≤Re(z)Qby Gb(x)= ¯ζbexp



(eπbt−1)(eπb−1t−1) dt


, (2.26)




6 +12), (2.27)

and the contour goes along R with a small semicircle going above the pole at t=0.

This can be extended meromorphically to the whole complex plane with poles at x= −nbmb−1and zeros atx=Q+nb+mb−1, forn,m∈Z0.

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The quantum dilogarithmGb(x)satisfies the following properties:

Proposition 2.12. Self-duality:

Gb(x)=Gb−1(x); (2.28)

Functional equations:

Gb(x+b±1)=(1−e2πib±1x)Gb(x); (2.29)

Reflection property:

Gb(x)Gb(Qx)=eπix(xQ); (2.30)

Complex conjugation:

Gb(x)= 1

Gb(Q− ¯x), (2.31)

in particular


Q 2 +ix

=1 forx∈R. (2.32)

Asymptotic properties:



ζ¯b Im(x)→ +∞,

ζbeπix(xQ) Im(x)→ −∞. (2.33) Lemma 2.13 (q-binomial theorem). For positive self-adjoint variables U,V with U V=q2VU, we have:



it iτ


Uib−1(t−τ)Vib−1τdτ, (2.34)

where theq-beta function (orq-binomial coefficient) is given by t




Gb(−t) , (2.35)

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andC is the contour along Rthat goes above the pole at τ=0 and below the pole at


Lemma 2.14(tau-beta theorem). We have


e2πτβ Gb+iτ)


Gb+β) , (2.36)

where the contour C goes along R and goes above the poles of Gb(Q+iτ) and below those of Gb+iτ). By the asymptotic properties of Gb, the integral converges for

Re(β) >0,Re+β) <Q.

Generalizing the delta distribution results from [10, Corollary 3.13], we have the following proposition:

Proposition 2.15. For f(x) entirely analytic and rapidly decreasing (faster than any exponential) along the real direction, we have




Gb(Q+ix) f(x)dx (2.37)


kb+lb−1<mb+nb−1 k,l>0

rklf(−i(kb+lb−1)), (2.38)

where the constantsrkl is the residue of the integrand at−i(kb+lb1). Finally, we will need the new integral transformation obtained in [10]:

Proposition 2.16. The 3–2 relation is given by


Gb+iτ)Gbiτ)Gbiτ)e−2πi(β−iτ)(γ−iτ)dτ=Gb+γ )Gb+β), (2.39) where the contour goes alongRand separates the poles foriτand−iτ. By the asymptotic properties forGb, the integral converges for Reβγ ) < Q2.

We will also need another important variant of the quantum dilogarithm.

Definition 2.17. The functiongb(x)is defined by gb(x)= ζ¯b

Gb(Q2 +log2πibx), (2.40)

where log takes the principal branch ofx.

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Lemma 2.18([1, (3.31), (3.32)]). We have the following Fourier transformation formula:



Gb(Q+it)Xib−1tdt=gb(X), (2.41)



Gb(Q+it)Xib1tdt=gb(X), (2.42) whereXis a positive operator and the contour goes above the pole att=0.

We will need the following properties ofgb(x).

Lemma 2.19. By (2.32),|gb(x)| =1 whenx∈R+, hencegb(X)is a unitary operator for any positive operatorX. Furthermore, by (2.28) and Lemma 2.18, we have the self-duality of gb(x)given by

gb(X)=gb−1(Xb12). (2.43)

Lemma 2.20. IfU V=q2VU whereUandV are positive self-adjoint operators, then gb(U)gb(V)=gb(U+V), (2.44) gb(U)Vgb(U)=q1U V+V, (2.45) gb(V)U gb(V)=U+q1U V. (2.46) Note that (2.44) and (2.45) together imply the pentagon relation

gb(V)gb(U)=gb(U)gb(q1U V)gb(V). (2.47)

IfU V=q4VU, then we apply the lemma twice and obtain

gb(U)Vgb(U)=V+[2]qq2VU+q4VU2, (2.48) gb(V)U gb(V)=U+[2]qq2U V+q4U V2. (2.49) where [2]q=q+q−1.

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As a consequence of the above lemma, we also have the following:

Lemma 2.21([12,27]). IfU V=q2VUwhereUandVare positive essentially self-adjoint operators, thenU+Vis positive essentially self-adjoint, and

(U+V)b12 =Ub12 +Vb12. (2.50)

2.4 UniversalR matrices forUq(g)

For q:=eh/2, it is known [5, 13] that for the quantum group Uh(g) as a C[[h]]-algebra completed in theh-adic topology, one can associate certain canonical, invertible element Rin an appropriate completion of(Uh(g))2such that the braiding relation and quasi- triangularity (1.2)–(1.4) are satisfied.

For the quantum groupsUh(g)associated to the simple Lie algebrag, an explicit multiplicative formula has been computed independently in [16,19], where the central ingredient involves the quantum Weyl group which induces Lusztig’s isomorphismTi. Explicitly, let

[U,V]q:=qU Vq−1VU (2.51) be theq-commutator.

Definition 2.22([16,20]). Define

Ti(Kj)=KjKiai j, Ti(Ei)= −FiKi1, Ti(Fi)= −KiEi, (2.52) Ti(Ej)=(−1)ai j 1

[−ai j]qi!

Ei, . . .[Ei,Ej]


aij i2


aij+2 2 i

· · ·


−aij−2 2 i

, (2.53)

Ti(Fj)= 1 [−ai j]qi!

Fi, . . .[Fi,Fj]


aij i2


aij+2 2 i

· · ·


−aij−2 2 i

. (2.54)

Note that we have slightly modified the notation and scaling used in [16].

Proposition 2.23([20,21]). The operatorsTi satisfy the Weyl group relations:

TiTjTi· · ·

ai j+2

=T jTiTj· · ·

ai j+2

, (2.55)

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where −ai j =max{−ai j,aji}. Furthermore, for αi, αj simple roots, and an element w=si1· · ·sikWsuch thatw(αi)=αj, we have

Ti1· · ·Tik(Xi)=Xj (2.56)


Definition 2.24([18]). Define the (upper) quantum exponential function as




kq!, (2.57)

wherekq=11−qqk, so that

kq2!=[k]q!qk(k−1)2 . (2.58)

Theorem 2.25([16,19]). Letw0=si1· · ·siN be a reduced expression of the longest element of the Weyl group. Then the universalRmatrix is given by

R=Q12R(iˆ N|si1· · ·siN1)· · · ˆR(i2|si1)R(iˆ 1)Q12, (2.59) where

Q:=qni,j=1(d·A−1)i jHiHj, (2.60)

dis such thatdiAi j is the symmetrized Cartan matrix,q=qs, and Rˆ(i):=Expq−2

i ((1−qi2)EiFi), (2.61) Rˆ(il|si1· · ·sil−1):=(Ti1


1 )· · ·(Ti1


l−1)Rˆ(i1). (2.62) In both studies [16, 19], the expression for the Rmatrix is obtained from the canonical element of the Drinfeld double of Uh(b+) generated by Ei’s and Hi’s. The Lusztig’s isomorphism gives the ordered basis of Uh(b+), and there exists a dual pair- ing betweenUh(b+)andUh(b)of this basis involving the quantum factorials [k]q!, hence the expression (2.61).

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2.5 UniversalR operator forUqq˜(sl(2,R))

In the case ofUqq˜(sl(2,R)), an expression of theRoperator is computed in [1]. It is given formally by

R=qH4Hgb(ef)qH4H, (2.63) where we recall

e:=2 sin(πb2)E, f:=2 sin(πb2)F, K:=qH. (2.64) The operatorRacts naturally onPλ1Pλ2by means of the positive representation. Note that the remarkable fact about this expression is the positivity of the argumentef inside the quantum dilogarithmgbwhich makes the expression a well-defined operator.

In fact it is clear that Racts as a unitary operator by Lemma 2.19 of the properties of gb(x). Furthermore, by the transcendental relations (2.20) and self-duality (2.43) of gb, the expression (2.63) is invariant under the change ofb←→b−1:

R= ˜R:= ˜qH˜⊗ ˜4Hgb−1e⊗ ˜f)q˜H˜⊗ ˜4H. (2.65)

Hence in fact it simultaneously serves as the R operator of the modular double Uqq˜(sl(2,R)).

The properties as anRoperator imply certain functional equations for the quan- tum dilogarithm gb. While the quasi-triangular relations (1.3)–(1.4) are equivalent to (2.44), the braiding relation


implies the following:

Lemma 2.26. We have

(eK1+1⊗e)gb(ef)=gb(ef)(eK+1⊗e), (2.66)

and similarly

(f⊗1+Kf)gb(ef)=gb(ef)(f⊗1+K1f). (2.67)

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