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The Combined Complexity of Reasoning with Closed Predicates in Description Logics


Academic year: 2022

Partager "The Combined Complexity of Reasoning with Closed Predicates in Description Logics"


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The Combined Complexity of Reasoning with Closed Predicates in Description Logics

Nhung Ngo1, Magdalena Ortiz2, and Mantas ˇSimkus2

1 Free University of Bozen-Bolzano ngo@inf.unibz.it

2 Vienna University of Technology


Abstract. We investigate the computational cost of combining the open and closed world assumptions in Description Logics. Unlike previous works, which have considered data complexity and focused mostly on lightweight DLs, we study combined complexity for a wide range of DLs, from lightweight to very expressive ones. From existing results for the standard setting, where all predicates are interpreted under the open world assumption, and the well-known relationship between closed predicates and concept constructors like disjunction and nominals, we infer bounds on the combined complexity of reasoning in the presence of closed predicates. We show that standard reasoning requires exponential time even for weak logics likeEL, while answering conjunctive queries becomes hard at least for coNEXPTIME, and in most cases even for 2EXPTIME. An important stepping stone for our results, that is interesting on its own right, is to prove that conjunctive query answering in (plain)ALCOis hard for coNEXPTIME

in combined complexity. This singles out nominals as a previously unidentified source of additional complexity when answering queries over expressive DLs.

1 Introduction

As fragments of classical first-order predicate logic, description logics (DLs) have an open-world semantics. That is, knowledge bases (KBs) are interpreted as the set of allrelational structures that satisfy what is explicitly stated in the KB, and where any statement whose truth is not directly implied by the knowledge base can be interpreted in an arbitrary way. However, this open-world view of DLs is not the most adequate in all cases, and in particular, when DLs are used to describe domain-specific knowledge to be leveraged when querying data sources, but the sources stem from traditional (closed- world) databases that fully describe the instances that are to be included in a relation.

For example, when the students enrolled in some course are extracted from a database, this information should be considered complete, and query answering algorithms should exploit this to exclude irrelevant models and infer more query answers.

Combining open and closed world reasoning is not a new topic in DLs [3], but it has received renewed attention in recent years [20,19,7,30]. A prominent proposal for achieving partial closed world reasoning is to use DBoxes instead of ABoxes as the

This work has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) projects T515 and P25207.


assertional component of KBs [30]. Syntactically, a DBox looks just like an ABox, but semantically, it is interpreted like a database: the instances of the concepts and roles in the DBox are given exactly by the assertions it contains, and theunique name assumption is made for theactive domainof the individuals occurring in it. We follow a recent generalization of this setting, where instead of replacing ABoxes by DBoxes, we enrich the terminological component of KBs with a set of concepts and roles that are to be interpreted asclosed predicates[19]. In this way, some ABox assertions are interpreted under closed semantics, as in DBoxes, while others are considered open, as in ABoxes.

There are not many works studying the complexity of reasoning with closed pred- icates. For the DL-Lite family and forEL, thedata complexityofontology mediated query answeringhas been considered [7,19]. The authors of these works consider a conjunctive query together with a terminological component (a TBox and possibly a set of closed predicates), and study the complexity of answering such a query over an input data instance (an ABox or a DBox). Under the standard open-world semantics for all predicates, this is a central problem that has received great attention in the last decade in the DL community. Most research focuses on the cases where the problem is tractable, or even first-order rewritable. Unfortunately, the tractability of query answering is lost in the presence of DBoxes, even for the core fragments of DL-Lite andEL[7]. In a nutshell, closed predicates cause theconvexityproperty to be lost, allowing a KB to entail a disjunction of facts without entailing any of the disjuncts. An in-depth analysis of this and a careful classification of tractable cases can be found in [19].

In this paper, we take a closer look at the computational complexity of reasoning in the presence of closed predicates. Unlike previous works, we consider thecombined complexityof reasoning, that is, not only the data is considered as an input, but also the terminological information, and in the case of query answering, the query. Rather than focusing on a few lightweight DLs, we consider a range of logics including very expressive ones, and use existing results in the literature to infer many tight bounds on the computational complexity of query answering. It was shown already in [30] that closed predicates can be simulated, under the standard open world semantics, in any extension ofALCthat supports nominals, and conversely, nominals can be simulated by closed predicates (the latter does not depend on any of the availability of any the constructs ofALC). It is also easy to show that closed predicates suffice to easily express full disjunction and atomic negation in any logic supporting qualified existential restrictions, hence adding closed predicates to plainELalready results in the full expressiveness of ALCO, and makes standard reasoning require exponential time in the worst case.

For query answering, we build on the reduction fromALCtoELto show that the constructors that make query answering 2EXPTIME-hard in extensions ofALC(namely inverses [17], or transitive roles together with role hierarchies [6]), have the same effect in the analogous extensions ofELin the presence of closed predicates (i.e.,ELIand ELHtrans). However, since the precise complexity of query answering inALCOremains open, we cannot infer tight bounds for the extensions ofELwith closed predicates that do not support these additional constructs. This leads us to the main technical contribution of the paper: we show that conjunctive query answering overALCO(with the standard open-world semantics) is coNEXPTIME-hard. Hence the same holds in the presence of closed predicates forELand its extensions. Although we leave a matching upper


bound open for future work, we exhibit nominals (or closed predicates) as a previously unidentified source of increased complexity for query answering in expressive DLs.

2 Preliminaries

We assume the reader is familiar with DLs and, in particular, withELandALCO.

We useNCandNRfor concept names and roles, respectively. The notions of aTBox T, anABoxA, and aninterpretationI = (∆II)are defined in the usual way. The notions of satisfactionI |=T andI |=Aare also as usual. We make the standard name assumption (SNA), i.e.,aI =afor allIand individualsa. For combining the open- and closed-world semantics, we enrich KBs with a setΣofclosed predicates. That is, we considerknowledge bases (KBs)K= (T, Σ,A), whereT is a TBox,Σ⊆NC∪NR, andAis an ABox. We callΣthe set ofclosed predicatesinK. For such aKand an interpretationI, we writeI |=Kif

(a) I |=T andI |=A,

(b) for all concept namesA∈Σ, ife∈AI, thenA(e)∈ A, and (c) for all rolesr∈Σ, if(e, e0)∈rI, thenr(e, e0)∈ A.

In caseΣ=∅,Kis boils down to a usual DL KB andI |=Kcaptures the usual notion of satisfaction. In this case, we may simply writeK= (T,A).

Note that in this paper KBs with closed predicates have the semantics as in [19], which relies on the SNA. However, all complexity results of this paper can be recast for the semantics of [7] that employs a weaker form of unique name assumption.

3 Standard Reasoning

Interpreting some predicates as closed allows one to simulate negation, disjunction, and nominals in plainEL, making it as expressive as fullALCO.

Theorem 1. Assume a consistentALCOKBK= (T,A). For every nominal{a}that appears inK, letDabe a fresh concept name. Then we can construct in linear time an ELKBK0= (T0, Σ,A0)with closed predicates such that:

1. Every modelIofK0is a model ofK. Moreover,DaI={a}Ifor every{a}inK.

2. Every model I of K can be transformed into a model of K0 by modifying the interpretation of concept names and roles that do not appear inK.

Proof. The extension ofELwith atomic negation (i.e., negation is applied to concept names only), denotedEL¬, is known to be a notational variant ofALC[1]. Hence we simply show how to constructK0 = (T0, Σ,A0)for a givenELO¬KBK = (T,A).

We do this in two steps: first we eliminate nominals and obtain fromK= (T,A)an EL¬KBK1 = (T1, Σ1,A1). Then we transformK1 = (T1, Σ1,A1)into the desired K0= (T0, Σ,A0)inEL. Let

Σ1={Da| {a}appears inK}, A1=A ∪ {Da(a)| {a}appears inK}.

This ensures thatDIa ={a}Iin every model ofA1where the predicates inΣ1are interpreted as closed. Hence we can simply replace each concept{a}byDa inT to obtain the desiredT1. Next, for eliminating negation from(T1, Σ1,A1), we let


Σ=Σ1∪ {D, D1, D2, Du} A0=A1∪ {Du(a1), Du(a2), D1(a1), D2(a2)}

To obtainT0fromT1, we replace every negated concept name¬Aby a fresh concept nameA, and add the following axioms, where¯ rAis a fresh role name:

AuA¯vD (1)

> v ∃rA.Du (2)

∃rA.D1vA (3)

∃rA.D2vA¯ (4)

Note that, since there are no assertions of the formD(a)inA0, we haveDI=∅in every modelIofK0, and henceDbehaves as the special concept⊥. This and axiom (1) ensure disjointness ofAandA, while axioms (2) – (4) together with the assertions¯ for the closed predicatesDu,D1andD2ensure thate ∈AIore∈ ( ¯A)I for every e∈∆I. Indeed, letIbe a model ofK0and lete∈∆Ibe arbitrary. Then by axiom (2) there existse0 ∈∆Isuch that(e, e0)∈rIande0 ∈DIu. But sinceDuis closed, then e0 ∈ {a1, a2}. Ife0 =a1, thene0 ∈DI1, soe∈(∃rA.D1)Iande∈AI by axiom (3).

Analogously, ife0 =a2, we can use axiom (4) to infer thate∈( ¯A)I. This ensures that A¯has exactly the same extension as¬Ain every model ofK, and the claim follows.

This easy reduction allows us to extend toELhardness results known forALC. We can also infer upper bounds for logics with closed predicates, from known results under the standard open-world semantics, by exploiting the fact that in DLs that containALC, closed predicates can be simulated using nominals (see [26] and Prop. 1 in [30]):

Theorem 2. For every DL KB(T, Σ,A)there exists a logically equivalent KB of the form(T ∪ T0,∅,A), whereT0 is a set ofALCOaxioms whose size is polynomially bounded by the size ofA.

This already allows us to obtain an almost complete picture of the landscape for standard reasoning tasks. The following theorem is stated for KB satisfiability, but note that it also applies to other traditional reasoning tasks like subsumption and instance checking since they are mutually reducible to each other inALC, and hence also in any logic containingELwith closed predicates.

Corollary 1. The following bounds for deciding satisfiability of(T, Σ,A)hold:

1. EXPTIME-complete if T andAare in any DL containingELand contained in SHOQorSHOI.

2. NEXPTIME-complete ifT andAare in any DL containingELIFand contained in SHOIQ.

3. N2EXPTIME-complete ifT andAare inSRIQorSROIQ, and in 2EXPTIME

ifT andAare inSROQorSROI.

Proof. The lower bound of item (1) follows from Theorem 1 and the well known EXPTIME-hardness of KB satisfiability inALC[29]. Similarly, the hardness of items (2) and (3) follows from Theorem 1 together with theNEXPTIME-hardness ofALCOIF [31], and the N2EXPTIME-hardness ofSROIQ[13]. For the upper bounds, we use Theorem 2 and the fact that KB satisfiability is decidable in the mentioned bounds for the listed logics:SHOQandSHOIin EXPTIME,SROQandSROIin 2EXPTIME, SHOIQinNEXPTIME,SROIQin N2EXPTIME(see [4,13] and references therein).


4 Query Answering

In this section we consider the query answering problem over DL KBs. We cannot easily transfer complexity upper bounds from known KB satisfiability since, in general, queries are not naturally expressible in the syntax of DLs, and encoding them as part of a KB usually requires exponential space. We focus inconjunctive queries (CQs), whose syntax and semantics are defined in the usual way. In a nutshell, a CQ is a conjunction of atoms of the formsA(x)orr(x, y), for a concept nameAor a role namer, and variablesx, y.

In what follows, all queries areBoolean querieswith all variables existentially quantified.

The decision problem we consider isquery entailment: deciding whether a given query qis true in all the models of a given KB(T, Σ,A).

It is well known that, under the classical open-world semantics, CQ entailment is hard for 2EXPTIMEin most expressive DLs, but the complexity drops to EXPTIMEin Horn fragments that disallow disjunction. Unfortunately, since the presence of closed predicates causes disjunction to be expressible, 2EXPTIME-hardness extends to many ex- tensions ofEL. For CQs, 2EXPTIME-hardness can be shown whenever the DL supports inverse roles [17], or a single left-identity axiomr◦tvt, or a transitive super role of some role [6]. If we consider query languages that extend CQs, like positive queries or (fragments of) conjunctive (2-way) regular path queries (C(2)RPQs), the same hardness holds already for plainALC[25], and hence forELwith closed predicates.

Below we denote byELLI the extension ofELwith a single left-identity axiom r◦tvt, and byELHtransthe extension ofELwith role inclusions and a transitive role.

Note that both logics are sublogics ofEL++.

Theorem 3. Deciding(T, Σ,A)|=qis hard for 2EXPTIMEin all the following cases:

1. T andAare inELIandqis a CQ.

2. T andAare inELLIor inELHtrans, andqis a CQ.

3. T andAare inELandqis either a positive query, a∗-free CRPQ, or a∗-free C2RPQ with only two variables.

Proof. We have shown in Theorem 1 that for everyALC KBKthere is anELKB K0that has essentially the same models, and may only differ in the interpretation of symbols not occurring inK. Hence, for every queryq, we haveK |=qiffK0|=q. This translation can be applied to extensions ofALC, and results in a KB with the same properties in the analogous extension ofEL. In particular, anALCIKB is rewritten into aELIone, and anSHKB into anELHtransone. From this an existing results forALC and its extensions, we obtain the desired lower bounds: item 1 follows from [18], item 2 follows from [6], and item 3 follows from [25].

Matching upper bounds are known, even for significantly more expressive queries and logics: in the standard setting, with no closed predicates, entailment ofpositive two-way regular path queries (P2RPQs)is in 2EXPTIMEfor any DL contained inZIQ, ZOQ,ZOI,SHIQ,SHOQ, orSHOI [4]. From this and Theorem 2, we get the same upper bound forZOQ,ZOI,SHOQ,SHOIand their sublogics.


Corollary 2. Letqbe a P2RPQ. Then deciding(T, Σ,A)|=qis 2EXPTIMEcomplete forT andAin any DL containingELand contained inZOQ,ZOI,SHOQ,SHOI. The same holds forqa CQ ifT andAare in a DL containingELIorELLI.

Corollary 2 implies that query entailment in the presence of closed predicates is almost always 2EXPTIME-complete in combined complexity. But there are some excep- tions. On the one hand, the interaction of nominals, inverses, and counting makes query entailment very challenging. In the plain open-world setting, entailment of conjunctive queries is coN2EXPTIME-hard forALCOIF [10], and it has been shown to be decid- able [28], but no elementary upper bounds on its complexity are known. For its extension with transitive roles, and for the well knownSHOIQ, decidability remains open. Hence, in the presence of closed predicates, we do not get any interesting upper bounds for DLs that simultaneously support inverses and counting, likeALCIFandSHIQ. Moreover, obtaining such bounds seems very hard. We remark that the authors of [7] proved that query entailment inALCIF with closed predicates and query entailment under the standard open-world semantics inALCOIF are mutually reducible.

On the other hand, the mentioned 2EXPTIMElower bounds for CQs require the presence of either inverse roles, left identity axioms, or transitivity and role hierarchies.

ForEL(with closed predicates),ALC, and their extensions that have neither inverses nor left identities, we only have the EXPTIMElower bound from KB satisfiability, and the 2EXPTIMEupper bound of Corollary 2. Without closed predicates, CQ entailment for plainALC, and even forALCHQ, is feasible in single exponential time [18,24]. A natural question is whether nominals, or equivalently, closed predicates, can be added to ALCHQwithout increasing the worst-case complexity of CQ entailment. Unfortunately, the answer is negative (unless coNEXPTIME= EXPTIME), as we show next.

A coNEXPTIMElower bound for CQ entailment inALCO

In this section, we show that deciding whether(T,A) 6|= qfor a given CQqand a givenALCOKB(T,A)(with the standard open-world semantics), is hard for non- deterministic single exponential time. By Theorem 1, the same applies toELin the presence of closed predicates.

Before we start with the proof, we recall a useful property ofALCO: for query answering, it is enough to focus onforest-shaped models. Aforestis a setF of non- empty words such thatw·c∈Fwithwnon-empty impliesw∈F. An interpretationI isforest-shapedif there is a bijectionf from its domain to a forest, such that

– f(aI)has length one for every individuala, and

– (e, e0)∈rIimplies that eithere0=afor some individuala, orf(e0)is of the form f(e)·cfor some symbolc.

For many DLs and query languages, it has been shown that query entailment can be decided over forest shaped interpretations. This applies also to CQs overALCOKBs:

Lemma 1 ([9,4]).LetKbe a givenALCOKB and letqbe a CQ. ThenK 6|=qiff there is a forest shaped interpretationIsuch thatI |=KandI 6|=q.

Now we show our lower bound. The proof is by reduction from the following coNEXPTIME-complete variant of the tiling problem:


Definition 1 (Domino System). A domino system D is a triple (T, H, V), where T = {0, . . . , k−1}, k ≥ 0, is a finite set of tile types andH, V ⊆ T ×T rep- resent the horizontal and vertical matching conditions. Let D be a domino system and c = c0, . . . , cn−1 aninitial condition, i.e. ann-tuple of tile types. A mapping τ : {0, . . . ,2n+1−1} × {0, . . . ,2n+1−1} →T is asolutionforDandciff for all x, y <2n+1, the following holds (where⊕idenotes addition moduloi):

– ifτ(x, y) =tandτ(x⊕2n+11, y) =t0, then(t, t0)∈H – ifτ(x, y) =tandτ(x, y⊕2n+11) =t0, then(t, t0)∈V – τ(i,0) =cifori < n.

For the reduction, we do not need a fullALCOknowledge base, but a simple ABox with single concept assertionCD,c(a)for a complexALCOconceptCD,c. We show how to translate a given domino systemDand initial conditionc=c0· · ·cn−1into an assertionCD,c(a)and queryqD,csuch that each forest-shaped modelIofCD,c(a)that satisfiesI 6|=qD,cencodes a solution toDandc, and conversely each solution toDand cgives rise to a model ofCD,c(a)withI 6|=qD,c.

Our reduction is based on the proof of coNEXPTIME-hardness of rooted query entailment inALCI[17], and also resembles the similar proof forS[6]. In fact, the first part of the conceptCD,c, which generates forest models that encode a potential solutions, is essentially as in [17]. The second part and the query are quite different, since they exploit nominals to detect errors in potential solutions.

Constructing the ABox.We now define the complex conceptCD,c, and the desired ABox is{CD,c(a)}. We assume thatCD,cis a conjunction of the formCD,c1 uCD,c2 .

For convenience, letm= 2n+ 2. The purpose of the first conjunctCD,c1 is to enforce a binary tree of depthm, whose edges are labeled with a single roler, and whose leaves are labeled with the numbers0, . . . ,2m−1of a binary counterC, implemented using concept namesB0, . . . , Bm. Intuitively, each of these leaves`stores a position in the 2n+1×2n+1-grid to be tiled: the bitsB0, . . . Bnencode the horizontal positionx, and the bitsBn+1, . . . Bmencode the vertical positiony. We also use a concept nameDifor each tile typei∈T. Each leafgstoring a position(x, y)has asr-children three ‘grid nodes’gh,gright, andguplabeledG, which satisfy all the following conditions:

1. ghrepresents the grid node with position(x, y), and stores the same bit address asg (that is,ghandgcoincide on the interpretation of allBi).

2. grightandguprepresent the right- and up-neighbor ofg, and respectively store the addresses(x⊕2n+11, y)and(x, y⊕2n+11).

3. ghis labeledGh, whilegrightandgupare labeledGs.

4. gh(resp.,gright,gup) satisfies exactly one conceptDi, representing the assigned tile typeτ(x, y)(resp.,τ(x⊕2n+11, y),τ(x, y⊕2n+11)).

5. The tiling of thegh nodes respects the initial condition, that is, if `h stores the position(i,0), then it satisfiesDci.

6. The tiling ofgrightandguprespect the matching conditions, that is, ifghsatisfiesDi, grightsatisfiesDj, andgupsatisfiesDj0, then(Di, Dj)∈H and(Di, Dj0)∈V. The tree we have described almost describes a solution forD, except for the crucial fact that different copies of the same node in the grid may have different types assigned.


That is, for an address(x, y), thegright andgup nodes with address(x, y)need not satisfy the sameDias theghwith address(x, y). We call a modelIofCD,c1 (a)proper if it satisfies the following condition:

(?) For every pairg ∈GIh,g0 ∈GIs such thatg ∈Bi iffg0 ∈Bifor all0≤i≤m, there exists somei < ksuch that{g, g0} ⊆DIi.

We can use anALCconceptCD,c1 to enforce a tree as above, such that deciding the existence of a solution forDandcreduces to finding a proper model ofCD,c1 . Such constructions exist in the literature, and in fact, the concept we described is just a minor modification of the conjunctionCD,c1 u · · · uCD,c6 given in [17], hence we omit its rather technical definition. Instead, we rely on the following claim:

Lemma 2 (implicit in [17]).LetDbe a domino system andcan initial condition. Then we can build anALCconceptCD,c1 such that there exists a solution forDandciff there exists a proper model ofCD,c1 (a). Moreover, the size ofCD,c1 and the time needed to construct it are polynomially bounded by the size ofD.

We construct below a queryqD,cthat doesnotmatch a forest model ofCD,c1 (a)iff (?) is satisfied. By Lemmas 2 and 1, this suffices to decide whether there exists a solution forDandc. But before definingqD,c, we define the second conjunctCD,c2 ofCD,c. Its purpose is to add nodes and labels to the forest models ofCD,c1 (a)that allow us to test for (?) using a CQ.

For definingCD,c2 , we use the following additional alphabet symbols:

– two individual namesaiand¯aiand one concept nameAifor each bitBi,0≤i≤m, – an individual nametjfor each tile typej < k,

– a conceptT stating that some individual stands for a tile type.

EachGnodegis linked viar-arcs to the individualsai,¯aithat encode its bit address.

We also linkgnodes to the individuals that stand for the tile types, but we do it differently for theGhnodes and theGsnodes, as follows:

– Ifgis aGh-node with tile typeDi, thenghas anr-arc toti.

– Ifgis aGs-node with tile typeDi, thenghas anr-arc to eachtjwithj6=i.

Finally, we make bothaiand¯aiinstances ofAi, for each biti, and we make all tile typestjinstances ofT. Formally, this is all ensured using the conjunctionC12uC22of the following two concepts:

C12=∀rm+1. l


Bi → ∃r.{ai} u ¬Bi→ ∃r.{¯ai} u



Di→ (Gh→ ∃r.{ti})u(Gs→( l



C22=∀rm+2. ( l


{ai,¯ai} →Ai

u {t0, . . . tk−1} →T


yA0 A0

yA1 A1

. . . yAm


yT T x1




Fig. 1: The queryqD,c

Now we are ready to define our ABox{CD,c(a)}, by takingCD,c2 =C12uC22as defined above,CD,c1 as in Lemma 2, andCD,c=CD,c1 uCD,c2 . Every model ofCD,c(a) is a model ofCD,c1 (a), and every forest model ofCD,c1 (a)can be extended to a model of CD,c(a)while preserving properness, hence from Lemma 2 we get:

Lemma 3. Dandchave a solution iff there exists a proper forest model ofCD,c(a).

It is only left to define a queryqD,cthat matches a forest model ofCD,c(a)if and only if it is not proper. We will rely on the following properties ensured byCD,c1 . First, the connections to the individuals representing the bit address ensure the following:

(†) Letg, g0be twoG-nodes. Thengandg0share anr-arc to a common individual from ai,¯aifor each0≤i≤miff they have the same bit address.

Since the links to the tile types for theGh-nodes and for theGs-nodes are inverted, we also have:

(‡) Letghbe aGh-node andgsbe aGs-node. Then there exists sometjsuch that both ghandgshave anr-arc totjiffghandgshave different tile types.

Hence, to establish non-properness it suffices to find aGh-node and aGs-node that share anr-arc to a common individual fromai,¯aifor each0≤i≤m(and hence share the same address), but also share a link to atjnode (and hence have different tile type).

This is done with the following query:

qD,c=∃x1, x2, yA0, , . . . , yAm, yT.Gh(x1), Gs(x2),

r(x1, yA0), A0(yA0), . . . , r(x1, yAm), Am(yAm), r(x1, yT), T(yT), r(x2, yA0), A0(yA0), . . . , r(x2, yAm), Am(yAm), r(x2, yT), T(yT).

The queryqD,cis illustrated in Figure 1. To see thatqD,chas a match iff (?) fails, we first note thatx1 can only be matched to aGh node andx2 to aGsnode. EachyAi must be matched to an instance ofAi, which is one ofaianda¯i. Sincex1andx2are connected to all theyAi, then they need to have eitheraior¯aias common successor, for eachi, in every model where the query has a match. By (†), this is the case exactly when they have the same bit address. The variableyT can match instances ofT, which are only the tile type individualstj, and sincex1andx2are both connected toyT, we have


thatx1andx2can only be matched to nodes sharing a link to a commontj. By (‡), and since the matches ofx1andx2are aGhnode and aGsnode, they must have a different tile type. Hence the query has a match iff there are aGhnodeghand aGsnodegsthat have the same bit address and different tile types, that is, there is a pair violating the condition of (?) and the model is not proper. Hence we get that there is a modelIof CD,c(a)where there is no match forqD,c, and iff there exist a proper model ofCD,c(a) iff there is a solution forDandc.

Lemma 4. CD,c(a)6|=qD,ciff there is a solution forDandc.

From this, the hardness of the given tiling problem, and Theorem 1, we get:

Theorem 4. The following problems are hard forcoNEXPTIME:

– deciding(∅,{C(a)})|=qforqa CQ andCanALCOconcept, and – deciding(T, Σ,A)|=qforqa CQ andT,AinEL.

Unfortunately, we do not have matching upper bounds. We believe that both problems are likely to be solvable in coNEXPTIME, but we are still working on a suitable algorithm.

5 Discussion and Outlook

In this paper we have given several bounds on the combined complexity of reasoning in various DLs in the presence of closed predicates, for standard reasoning problems like KB satisfiability, as well as for answering queries ranging from CQs to P2RPQs. Unlike the data-complexity, that is coNP-complete in practically all cases (from DL-Litecore[7,19]

to expressive DLs likeALCHOQandALCHOI[21]), the combined complexity offers a complex landscape. We summarize some results in Table 1, emphasizing the cases in which closed predicates have an interesting effect on the complexity.

Apart from establishing the precise complexity of query answering in DLs between ALCOandALCHOQ(without closed predicates), and in all DLs betweenELand ALCHOQwith closed predicates, other problems remain open. Notably, in this paper we have not considered the DL-Lite family. An algorithm for CQ entailment in DL-LiteF was developed in [7] to obtain a coNPupper bound in data complexity, but it only yields very high bounds on the combined complexity that are likely not to be optimal. That algorithm deals with the intricate interactions of inverse roles, functionality, and closed predicates, that behave as nominals, and it may be possible to use the characterization of countermodels given there as a starting point for a better combined complexity upper bound. In the DL-Lite variants that do not support functionality, countermodels are likely to have a simpler structure. However, even in these simpler languages, it is not apparent whether interesting upper bounds can be obtained by simple adaptations of existing techniques. In particular, it has been shown that singleton nominals do not increase neither the data nor the combined complexity of DL-Lite [11], but the effect of the combination of nominals and (restricted) disjunction that results from closed predicates remains to be studied for the DL-Lite family.

Finally, we have seen that in general, the disjunctive information encoded by closed predicates has a negative effect on the complexity of reasoning. In the light of this, it


Without closed predicates With closed predicates KB


CQ entailment

KB consistency

CQ entailment



NP [14,27]


(Cor. 1.1)

≥coNEXPTIME(Th. 4 )

≤2EXPTIME(Cor. 2)

ELHtrans P





(Cor. 1.1)


(Cor. 2)






(Cor. 1.1)


(Cor. 2)







(Cor. 1.1)


(Cor. 2)







(Cor. 1.2)


decidable [28] /≤open ELOIF,







(Cor. 1.2)


decidable [28] /≤open




(Th. 4)


(Cor. 1.1)

≥coNEXPTIME(Th. 4 )

≤2EXPTIME(Cor. 2)






(Cor. 1.1)


(Cor. 2)






(Cor. 1.2)



Table 1: Combined complexity of reasoning in description logics with/without closed predicates. By≥we indicate lower bounds, by≤upper bounds, and the rest are all completeness results. For the cells marked with, decidability if only simple roles occur in the query follows from [28], but no complexity upper bounds are known.

seems particularly interesting to study criteria that allow to identify instances of TBoxes and queries for which the complexity does not increase. Major contributions in this direction can be found in [19]. In particular, the authors proposesafetycriteria that ensure specific TBoxes have the convexity property, guaranteeing data tractability of queries. It seems that this criteria may also be useful for establishing the existence of auniversal modelfor query answering, and when a suitable representation of such a model can be built in single exponential time, query answering is likely to be feasible in single exponential time. This seems a promising direction for further investigation.



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