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Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of liquid crystals under pressure


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1980

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Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of liquid crystals under pressure

G.P. Wallis, S.K. Roy

To cite this version:

G.P. Wallis, S.K. Roy. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of liquid crystals under pressure. Journal

de Physique, 1980, 41 (10), pp.1165-1172. �10.1051/jphys:0198000410100116500�. �jpa-00208943�


Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of liquid crystals under pressure

G. P. Wallis (*) and S. K. Roy

Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England (Reçu le 24


1980, accepté le 23 juin 1980)

Résumé. 2014 La largeur de raie (0394H) de la résonance du proton a été mesurée (en fonction de la température et de la pression) pour quatre homologues de la série alkyl cyanobiphenyl (5, 6, 7 et 8 CB) et aussi pour le methoxy- cyanobiphenyl, p-azoxyanisole (PAA) et le quinquephenyl. On peut obtenir les valeurs du paramètre de l’ordre nématique (S2 = P2(cos 03B8) >) en divisant les résultats par un facteur d’échelle (0394H/S2), qu’on peut déduire soit

théoriquement, soit par référence à des mesures de susceptibilité magnétique à la pression atmosphérique. On a

observé dans la forme de la résonance, et non dans sa largeur, des changements faibles qui donnent l’impression

que la conformation moyenne de la molécule n’a tendance à changer avec la température et la pression que dans les cas où elle est souple en fin de chaîne. En principe, dans de tels cas, le facteur d’échelle (0394H/S2) peut aussi changer

avec la température et la pression, mais en pratique, la variation semble être faible.

Nos résultats pour 5 CB et PAA sont, en général, en accord avec ceux de Horn et Faber, et McColl, respectivement.

A la transition nématique-isotropique, la valeur de S2(S2c) diminue quand on comprime 5 CB, 7 CB et 8 CB,

mais elle reste constante pour 6 CB et pour les autres substances que nous avons étudiées.



The line width (0394H) of the proton resonance has been measured as a function of temperature and pressure for four homologues of the alkyl cyanobiphenyl series (5, 6, 7 and 8 CB) and also for methoxy-cyano- biphenyl, p-azoxyanisole (PAA) and quinquephenyl. Values of the nematic order parameter (S2 = P2(cos 03B8)>)

may be obtained from the results by dividing them by a scaling factor (0394H/S2), which can in some cases be deduced theoretically and in other cases obtained by reference to magnetic susceptibility measurements at atmospheric

pressure. Slight changes which we have observed in the shape of the resonance line as opposed to its width suggest that the mean conformation of the molecule is liable to vary with temperature and pressure in cases where it has

a flexible end chain, though not otherwise. In principle the scaling factor (0394H/S2) may also vary with temperature and pressure in such cases, but the variation appears to be rather slight in practice.

Our results for 5 CB and PAA are in general agreement with those reported by Horn and Faber and McColl

respectively, who also used elevated pressures. The magnitude of S2 at the nematic-isotropic transition (S2c)

decreases on compression for 5 CB, 7 CB and 8 CB, but for 6 CB and the other substances we have investigated

it appears to remain constant.


Physics Abstracts

61.30 - 76.60 - 64.70E

1. Introduction.


When the investigations

described in this paper were begun, it was hoped that they would provide information concerning the

variation of the order parameter S2 (= P2(cos 0) »

with both temperature and pressure, for a parti- cularly simple nematic substance, namely p-quinque- phenyl. Horn [1] had obtained such information for 4-p-pentyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl (5 CB) by measuring

its optical birefringence inside a pressure vessel, but the 5 CB molecule includes a strongly polar-CN

group and a flexible end chain, and the failure of Horn’s results to conform to the predictions of mean

field theories [2] could perhaps be blamed on these

features. The p-quinquephenyl molecule, by contrast,

is non-polar and more or less rigid. At the high tem-

peratures at which p-quinquephenyl is nematic, how-

ever, the technique used by Hom would be difficult,

if not impossible, to apply. Of the other techniques

which have been used to measure nematic order parameters at atmospheric pressure, nuclear magnetic

resonance seemed to constitute the only feasible

alternative. It had been applied with apparent success

to nematic PAA under pressure by Deloche et al. [3]

and McColl and Shih [4].

In the event, we were unable to prevent our speci-

mens of p-quinquephenyl from becoming conta- minated, and our resultls for this substance are

incomplete in consequence. Much of this paper is, therefore, concemed with four members of the homo-

logous series of 4-n-alkyl-4’-cyanobiphenyls, namely 5 CB, 6 CB, 7 CB, and 8 CB, for which we have obtained results which confirm and extend those of Horn.

The paper includes a brief report on some pre- (*) Present address : British Nuclear Fuels Limited, Chester,


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198000410100116500



liminary results for PAA and also for p-methoxy- cyanobiphenyl (1 OCB). Gray [5] has noted evidence

that the temperature (T,) at which the nematic and

isotropic liquid phases could co-exist is 84°C for the latter substance at atmospheric pressure, whereas the melting point of the solid phase (Tm) is 104 °C.

Since (dTc/dp) generally exceeds (dTm/dp), it was to

be expected that Tc would become greater than Tm

at a pressure of a few kilobars. This expectation

was confirmed, and in fact it proved possible to make

nmr measurements on a monotropic (i.e. metastable)

nematic phase of 1 OCB at pressures as low as 0.5 kbar.

Since the 1 OCB molecule, although polar, is probably

the shortest and most rigid nematogenic molecule

yet known, this substance should repay further

study. Our first specimen of 1 OCB was kindly supplied by Professor Gray, and he gave us some 1 CB also. The latter substance showed no sign of

nematic behaviour, however, even at 6 kbar.

2. Experimental détails.


The nmr lines studied

in this work were those of the proton resonance at

a frequency of 27 MHz. A home-made spectrometer incorporating a Robinson oscillator was used. The rf coil was enclosed in a capsule made of Be-Cu, topped with a collapsible bellows made of brass or

phosphor-bronze, which could be evacuated and then filled in vacuo with the substance of interest, using a specially designed syringe. Apart from the

1 OCB mentioned above, our samples were pur- chased from commercial suppliers and were used

without further purification. After filling and sealing,

the capsules were inserted into a pressure vessel made from a nickel-chromium alloy (N imonic 80 A),

which had an internal diameter of 9.5 mm, an external diameter of 3.8 cm, and a length of 12.5 cm. The

vessel was then filled with a suitable pressure trans-

mitting fluid, normally a 50 : 50 mixture of kerosene and motor oil, and connected by means of small

bore tubing to a pressure intensifier and a manganin

pressure gauge. The entire vessel (but not the inten- sifier and the gauge) could be heated by means of

a coil on its outside, to which the power input was regulated by a standard temperature controller. The temperature of the specimen itself was measured by means of a thermocouple inside the pressure vessel, with its junction embedded in the plug which capped the bellows. Temperatures up to 100 °C could be controlled and measured to within + 0.1 OC.

while at 400,OC the accuracy was probably ± 1 OC.

The manganin gauge, accurate to ± 5 bars had been calibrated against a deadweight tester at Imperial College. It was compared with the one used by Horn [ 1 ] and the two gave entirely consistent readings at room temperature. Our clearing curve for 5 CB, however.

is significantly different from Horn’s. We attributc the discrepancy to the fact that whereas our gauge

was in a separate vessel remote from the sample and

remained at room temperature throughout, Horn’s

gauge was close to his specimen and therefore varied in temperature. We suspect that on this account his pressure readings were affected by a zero error

which was a function of temperature only. In com- paring our results for 5 CB with Horn’s we have shifted his pressures downwards by the amounts required to bring our respective clearing curves into


At the high temperatures needed to make p-

quinquephenyl nematic we found it convenient to use a 30/70 eutectic mixture of biphenyl and o-terphenyl as the pressure transmitting fluid instead of the kerosene and motor oil mixture and we have

reason to believe that the contamination of our

p-quinquepehnyl samples was due in part to seepage of this mixture through pinholes in the bellows that gave no trouble at lower temperatures. It is probable, however, that the p-quinquephenyl was in any case

decomposing [7].

For each substance we recorded nmr spectra at various pressures along a limited number of isothermal lines. The clearing pressure (Pc) could be identified with precision, as could the width of the nematic line at this pressure, because small amounts of the

isotropic phase contribute a sharp and easily detec-

table peak at the line centre. Further details of the

experimental technique may be found elsewhere [8].

3. Transition curves.


The clearing curves which

we observed for the alkyl cyanobiphenyls could be accurately fitted by the polynomial expression

T,,:(p) = Tc(°) + A(pjkbar) - B(p/kbar)2 , (i) using the coefficients listed in table 1. The same

equation could be fitted to the smectic-nematic (Tsn)

transition curve which we were able to observe for 8 CB. Table 1 includes for comparison the coeffi- cients reported by Shashidhar and Venkatesh [9],

and there is fair agreement except in the case of 7 CB. Both sets of data for 8 CB are reasonably

consistent with the phase diagram for this substance

reported by Liebert and Daniels [10].

The results quoted in table 1 for p-methoxy- cyanobiphenyl (1 OCB) and p-quinquephenyl (5 Ph)

Table I. - Transition data.


Fig. 1.


Derivative line shapes of (a) 5 Ph (uncontaminated spécimen) ; (b) PAA and (c) 1 OCB.

are of uncertain accuracy because the specimens of

both these substances became contaminated during

use. We quote no results for PAA because our obser- vations on this substance were so limited (see below),

but transition data for it are available from the work of Spratte and Schneider [11].

4. Line shapes.


Of the substances investigated

in this work 5 Ph showed the simplest proton line

shape : a sharp central peak flanked by two wings

with little if any structure. A typical chart record of

the derivative of the line shown by an uncontamined

specimen is reproduced in figure la. The area under

the central peak was found by integration of such

traces to be about 1 /11 of the total area, so there is little doubt that the central peak is contributed almost entirely by the 2 protons which lie at the ends of the 5 Ph molecule, while the 20 protons which

lie along its sides contribute the wings. Because the

vectors joining each end proton to the adjacent

side protons make an angle of 600 with the axis of the molecule, the averaged dipolar coupling between

end and side protons is very weak.

It would require a lengthly calculation to explain

the line shape of 5 Ph in detail, because there are as many as 10 protons on each side of the molecule, forming a chain along which the nearest-neighbour coupling is relatively strong. The case of PAA is easier to handle theoretically, because the two C6 rings in the PAA molecule are separated by an azoxy

(-N20-) group, which greatly reduces the strength

of the coupling between the second and third members of each chain of side protons. In PAA the end protons of 5 Ph are of course replaced by methoxy (CH30-)

groups, but the oxygen atoms in these help to keep

the three protons away from the protons on the

rings. To a first approximation the contributions to

the line shape made by the methoxy protons and the

ring protons may be treated separately [12]. An acceptable fit to the line shape for PAA has been

achieved in this way by Rowell et al. [13]. We repro- duce a typical chart record for PAA in figure lb to

show that the line has appreciably more structure

in the wings than the 5 Ph line, and more, incidentally,

than McColi [6] appears to have detected.

The 1 OCB molecule resembles 5 Ph in that there is no azoxy group to separate the two C6 rings, but

it resembles PAA in having a methoxy group at one

end; the -CN group at the other end is irrelevant, except in so far as it may indirectly affect the angle f3 through which one ring is twisted with respect to the other, and thereby affect the strength of the coupling

between the second and third members of each chain of 4 side protons. The line shape to be expected

from each such chain has been discussed elsewhere

by Wallis [8]. He was able to achieve an acceptable

fit to the line shape of the 1 OCB molecule as a whole

by assuming fi to be 35( ± 3 y). As may be seen from



the typical chart record reproduced in figure 1 c

there is more structure in the wings for 1 OCB than

for 5 Ph, but less than for PAA.

Progressive contamination during use caused the central peak to get bigger for both 5 Ph and 1 OCB

but did not appear to affect the wings. Our obser-

vations strongly suggest, in fact, that the line shape (as opposed to the line width) for uncontaminated

specimens is independent of temperature and pressure

Fig. 2.


The change in line shape in 6 CB with change in pressure at 104.2 OC. (a) p


2.25 kbar; (b) p


3.25 kbar.

for all three of the substances so far discussed. That is not the case, however, for the alkylcyano-biphenyls.

For all four of the alkylcyano-biphenyls which we

have studied the lines have enough structure in the wings for two distinct maxima to be seen on the

derivative trace on each side of its centre, and the outer of these becomes more prominent when the

temperature is reduced at constant t pressure, or the pressure increased at constant temperature. The effect is illustrated by typical traces for 6 CB in figure 2 (only half of each trace being reproduced because they were both antisymmetric about the centre).

Since in these substances the alkyl protons and the ring protons are liable to couple strongly not only between themselves but with each other, we have little hope of being able to interpret the line shape in detail. But the fact that it changes, when no

such change is detectable for 5 Ph, PAA, or 1 OCB, is probably a sign, that the mean conformation of the molecule changes with temperature and volume.

Presumably a higher temperature, or a larger volume,

enables the flexible end chains to explore a greater number of configurations. As is now well-reco- gnized [14] the conformation of the end chains can

be investigated by nmr methods using selectively

deuterated compounds, but such compounds are

still rather too precious to be used inside a pressure vessel, where the risk of loss or contamination is

always appreciable.

5. Line widths and the order parameter.


The line width may be conveniently characterized by the

distance AH (in gauss) between the two principal

maxima in the wings, i.e. between zeros on the deri-

vative trace as shown in figure 1. Provided that the

line shape, and hence the mean conformation of the molecule is fixed, dH should be proportional to S2.

According to McColl [6], who based his analysis

on the second moment calculations of Weber [12], (AHIS2) is 6.2 gauss for PAA. According to Wallis [7]

it is 4.8 ( ± 0.3) gauss for 1 OCB. For the other materials of interest here we are obliged to rely on independent

measurements of S2 to obtain the estimates of this

scaling factor which are listed in table II. Of course,

for the alkyl cyano-biphenyls, where the mean

conformation of the molecules may not be fixed, (AHjS2) is not necessarily constant. a point to which

we shall retum below.

Table II. - Scaling factors for line m-idths.

5.1 PAA. - Our line width measurements on

PAA were confined to various temperatures at

atmospheric pressure (where Tc is about 136 °C),

and to various pressures at a temperature of 146 °C


(where p, is about 0.2 kbar). We present both sets of data on a single diagram by plotting S2 (= AH/6.2) against (7c-r)p or (P-Pc)T as the case may be. If

the abscissa scales are adjusted, as in figure 3, so that

46 °C on one is equivalent to 1 kbar on the other,

then the two sets of points lie virtually on the same

curve. Previous authors [3, 4] have claimed that S2

is constant along the nematic-isotropic transition

curve for PAA, and our results are consistent with that claim over the small range we, have- explored.

Since 46 °C kbar-’ is close to the slope of the transi-

tion curve [11], it follows that contours of constant S2 (> S2,) on the T-p plane must be almost parallel

to the transition curve, and hence that the value of S2 at the solid-nematic transition must steadily

increase on compression. Here too we are in quali-

tative agreement with previous authors. But the

values of S2 which McColl [4, 6] has reported for atmospheric pressure, and for a variety of pressures at 146 °C, are not consistent with ours in détail ; they would lie near the broken curve in figure 3.

We attribute the discrepancy to whatever limitation in McColl’s apparatus such as inhomogeneity or

overmodulation, caused his resolution to be less

good than ours.

Fig. 3.


S2 plotted against (T,-T) and (p-p,,) for PAA. 0 Present

work at P


0; . Present work at T


146 OC. The broken


represents McColl’s data at 146 °C [4, 6]. The abscissa scales

are so

adjusted that 46 "C is equivalent to 1 kbar.

5.2 1 OCB. - Our preliminary measurements for 1 OCB indicate a pattern of behaviour very similar

to that for PAA. In particular, the values of S2, (= AH/4.8) which we have measured along the nematic-isotropic transition curve for pressures up to 5 kbars lie in the range 0.34 ± 0.01 and show no

systematic increase or decrease on compression.

5.3 5 Ph.


The curve in figure 4 for the order parameter versus (Tc-T) in nematic 5 Ph at atmosphe-

ric pressure represents an analytical expression which

Sherrell and Crellin [8] have used to represent their

measurements of the magnetic anisotropy A/,

Fig. 4. - S2 plotted against (Tc-T) for 5 Ph at atmospheric pressure.

The points


taken from the present work and the curve repre- sents S2 obtained from àX measurements (curve pl. of ref. 9).

scaled by their estimate of 2.83 x 106 gm for S2jX(m);

an estimate based on calculated values for the princi- pal components at the polarization tensor for the

5 Ph molecule; it corresponds to curve Pl rather

than P2 in Sherrell and Crellin’s figure 4, i.e. to the

first of their two runs. The points in figure 4 represent the line widths which we have measured for 5 Ph at atmospheric pressure, scaled so as to lie close

to the curve at the lower end of the temperature

range. To achieve this fit we needed to use the plau-

sible value of 4.6 G for (AHIS2) in 5 Ph. The fact that our points lie slightly above the curve for tem-

peratures close to 7c confirms the suspicion enter-

tained by Sherrell and Crellin that even during their

first run their specimen was becoming contaminated and that S2 was probably being depressed in conse-

quence, especially close to T,. For our atmospheric

pressure work on 5 Ph the specimen was, excep-

tionally, contained in a sealed glass ampoule rather

than in a metal capsule. We believe it to have stayed relatively pure, as Tc fell by only 12 OC after 3 days

at temperatures close to 400 °C.

Figure 4 implies that S2 at T, is less for 5 Ph than for either of the nematics discussed above, and less, indeed, than for any other nematic for which results

are available : S2, appears to be 0.28 instead of say 0.35 (1). If one attempts to dispose of this anomaly by arguing that Sherrell and Crellin’s value for

S2/A/ is too high, and hence that our value for (AHIS2) is too low, it merely reappears in another form elsewhere. For while working under pressure at points in the p- Tc plane not far from the solid- nematic transition we twice observed line widths of over 3 G. If (AHIS2) is 4.6 G, such line widths would correspond to values of over 0.65 for S2, which

would be normal enough. But if (AH/S2) is assumed to

be 4.6 x 0.28/0.35


3.7 G say, they would corres- pond to values of over 0.81, which would be excep-

tionally high.

(’) The value predicted for S2c by the well-known



theory of Maier and Saupe is, of course, 0.43.



The results we obtained for 5 Ph under pressure suggest that it might well be possible, for a pure

sample, to plot S2 versus (p-p e) at a succession of constant temperatures and thereby obtain points

on a single curve, which could then be made to match the curve in figure 4 by adjustment of the abscissa

scales, as in figure 3. But our results were too much

affected by contamination, and by consequent drift of the transition curve, to be worth presenting in


5.4 5 CB. - Horn [1] and Horn and Faber [2]

deduced their values for the order parameter in 5 CB from a quantity 1 (= (ne - n 2)/(& _ 1)), where ne

and no are refractive indices. If both 1 and AH are

indeed proportional to S2, then the ratio (AHIZ)

should of course be constant, and it appears to be

so along the clearing curve within the limits of experi-

mental error, as may be seen from figure 5. To compute

most of the points in this diagram we have used our

measurements of (AH),, and have taken Le from the polynomial expressions which Horn used to fit his

data, and the estimated error of ± 2 % comes largely

from the latter ; but to compute the point at T,


35 OC (i.e. for atmospheric pressure) we used for Le the

accurate data which Horn obtained directly with a

Chatelain wedge, and the estimated error in this case

is contributed largely by (AH),,, which, at atmospheric

pressure, we can deduce only by extrapolation.

In figure 6 we show values of (AHIZ) at pressures above the clearing curve for four different tempe-

ratures at which we made nmr measurements, again computed using Horn’s polynomials ; in this figure

the points are plotted against 1 (in effect against the

order parameter), this proving a convenient way to

spread them out. Figure 6 confirms the impression given by figure 5 that there is no significant variation

of (AHIZ) with temperature, for given 1. But it

looks as though as one moves away from the clearing

curve (AHIZ) falls slightly, from about 7.45 to 7.2 G.

The fall seems to occur over the range of I from 0.2 to 0.25, which would correspond to a temperature

range of about 3 OC at constant pressure.

The nmr line shape for 5 CB varies with tempe-

rature along lines of constant I in the p-T plane,

Fig. 5.




T along clearing curve in 5 CB.

Fig. 6.


(All/1) l’s. 2.’ in 5 CB at four temperatures : + 55.0 °C, 0 74.2 °C,


94.8 °C.. 117.0 °C.

and the fact that (AH/2:) does not do so suggests that this ratio is insensitive to changes in the mean conformation of the molecules. Since there is no reason why the effect of such changes on (AHIS2)

and (ZIS2) should be the same, we conclude that it is

probably negligible for both. To explain the apparent sensitivity of (AHIZ) to changes in ¿ near the clearing

curve we must therefore turn to other possibilities.

Errors in the procedure we have used to reconcile

Horn’s pressure readings to ours can scarcely be to blame, as these would be most significant at points

far from the clearing curve. It is conceivable that the customary assumption that nematic molecules rotate

freely enough about their long axes to be treated

ns axially symmetric breaks down in the case of 5 CB.

In that case 1 and dll should both be proportional

not to S2 but (see [2]) to (S2 +,c ( sin 20 cos 2 y )) and (S2 + e’ ( sin2 D cos 2 y )) respectively, where y is

an angle of rotation of the molecule about its long

axis with respect to the plane that contains the director and e, e’ are small numerical coefficients, and the variation of (All/1) could be interpreted by postu- lating that ( sin 2 0 cos 2 y )/ S2 is at its largest near

the clearing curve (see Luckhurst et al. [15]) and that

e and -’ are not the same. It is also conceivable, however, that (ZIS2), and hence (AIIII), is perturbed

close to the clearing curve by local field corrections [2].

Finally, Horn’s fitted surfaces for ne(T, p) and no(T, p)

may be slightly distorted in this region.

Horn and Faber [2] have reported that, along the clearing curve for 5 CB, S2, decreases on compres- sion, being about 15 % smaller at 150 °C than at

35 °C. The present work evidently confirms that result. If Sherrell and Crellin’s estimated value for

S2/AX(’) in 5 CB is correct [8] then (¿/S2) is about 15 % less than the value used by Horn and Faber,

i.e. 0.625 rather than 0.72. In that case (AIIIS2) is

about 4.6 G, as stated in table II.

5.5 6 CB, 7 CB AND 8 CB. - Our results for these

materials are shown in figure 7, where All is plotted

against pressure for a number of temperatures. The

lowest point on each isothermal represents a reading


Fig. 7.


The line width AH plotted against pressure tor (a) 6 CB, (b) 7 CB and (c) 8 CB, at different temperatures. The lowest point


each isothermal represents the reading taken


the clearing curve.



in figure (c) represent the S-N transition in 8 CB.

taken on the critical curve, i.e. (Al/),. The readings

were not extended upwards as far as the melting

curve for fear that crystallization might damage the

rf coil, but the nematic-smectic transition is detec- table for 8 CB ; it is indicated by arrows in figure 7.

The decrease of S2, on compression is if anything

more marked for 7 CB and 8 CB than for 5 CB, but no such decrease is apparent in the case of 6 CB.

6 CB also seems to be the odd one out where the

scaling factor (AIIIS2) is concerned. The estimates for this quantity shown for 6 CB. 7 CB and 8 CB in table II were obtained by extrapolating the curves

of (AIl), in figure 7 back to atmospheric pressure and making use of Sherrell and Crellin"s atmospheric

pressure values for S2, [8]. Relative to one another they ought not to be in error by more than 0.1 G.

We have no explanation to offer for the apparently

anomalous behaviour of 6 CB.

At present we do not know how the density varies

with p and T for any of the homologues of 5 CB,

so we are not in a position to use our data for AH

to discuss the temperature and volume dependence

of S2 in detail. To make such a discussion easier in the future, however, it seems worth recording

that for 6 CB and 7 CB our values for AII may be

accurately fitted by the polynomial expression

using the coefficients listed in table III. Here

where Te is taken to vary with pressure along each

isotherm in the manner described by equation (1).

The isothermal curves drawn through the points in figure 7 for 6 CB and 7 CB are based upon equation (2)

and illustrate the accuracy of the fit achieved. No such fit was possible for 8 CB, even in its nematic range, because of the anomalous rise in S2 and AH

which precedes the nematic-smectic transition.

Table 1I1.


Coefficients in equation (2).



The authors are very grateful

to Dr. T. E. Faber for guidance of the work and for

all of the help he has so generously offered.



References [1] HORN, R. G., J. Physique 39 (1978) 105 ; J. Physique 39 (1978)


[2] HORN, R. G. and FABER, T. E., Proc. R. Soc. London 368

(1979) 199.

[3] DELOCHE, B., CABANE, B. and JEROME, D., Mol. Cryst. Liq.

Cryst. 15 (1971) 197.

[4] McCOLL, J. R. and SHIH, C. S., Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 (1972) 85.

See also : McCOLL, J. R., Phys. Lett. 38A (1972) 55.

[5] GRAY, G. W., The molecular physics of liquid crystals, ed.

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[6] McCOLL, J. R., J. Chem. Phys. 62 (1975) 1593.

[7] SHERRELL, P. L. and CRELLIN, D. A., J. Physique Colloq.

40 (1979) C3-211.

[8] WALLIS, G. P., Ph. D. Thesis, Cambridge University (1978).

[9] SHASHIDHAR, R. and VENKATESH, G., J. Physique Colloq. 40 (1979) C3-396.

[10] LIEBERT, L. and DANIELS, W. B., J. Physique Lett. 38 (1977)


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[13] ROWELL, J. C., PHILLIPS, W. D., MELBY, L. R. and PANAR, M., J. Chem. Phys. 43 (1965) 3442.

[14] See e.g. : DELOCHE, B., CHARVOLIN, J., LIEBERT, L. and STRZE- LECKI, L., J. Physique Colloq. 36 (1975) C1-21.


Phys. 30 (1975) 1913.

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U., Mol. Phys. 30 (1975) 1345.


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